
Sesiwn dal lan yr wythnos / This week's catch up session:

Bydd sesiwn dal lan byw y dosbarth yn digwydd am 11am ar ddydd Iau. Bydd y sesiwn hon yn digwydd ar Google Classroom. Dylech fynd mewn i’ch dosbarth ar Google Classroom am 11am a chlicio ar y ddolen. (Efallai na fydd y ddolen yn gweithio os ydych chi’n ei thrio cyn yr amser dechrau.) Cofiwch ddarllen y canllawiau a’r rheolau isod cyn eich sesiwn os gwelwch yn dda.

Our live catch up session will take place at 11am on Thursday. The session will take place on Google Classroom. You should go into your class on Google Classroom at 11am and click on the link. (If you click on the link before this time, it might not work.) Remember to read the instructions and the rules below before your session please.


Canllawiau rhieni - Google Classroom.pdf
Rheolau Sesiynau Byw.pdf

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh language Charter

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh language Charter

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Dydd Llun 25.1.2021/ Monday 25.1.2021:

Gwaith Iaith/ Language work:

Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen

Mae heddiw yn ddiwrnod Santes Dwynwen, sef nawddsant cariadon Cymru. Dewch i wrando ar wasanaeth gan Miss Williams yn sôn am ystyr cariad ac yn adrodd stori Santes Dwynwen./ Today is Santes Dwynwen's day, who is the patron saint of Welsh sweethearts. Come and listen to Miss Williams' assembly in which she tells the story of Santes Dwynwen and the meaning of love

Gwasanaeth Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen.mp4

Wedi gwrando ar wasanaeth Miss Williams, dewch nawr i wrando ar stori am griw o blant ysgol yn actio hanes Santes Dwynwen./ Having listened to Miss Williams' assembly let's listen now to a different story about Santes Dwynwen in which a group of school children act the story of Santes Dwynwen.

21.01.24 Santes Dwynwen.mp4

Mae stori arall isod am gariad, am ddwy sgwarnog sydd yn ffrindiau mawr ac yn caru'i gilydd./ There is another story below about love. There are two hares who are best friends and love each other very much.

21'-1.24 Dyfala Faint Rydw i'n dy garu.mp4

Gwaith llythrennau./ Letter work.

Ydych chi'n gallu dod o hyd i'r geiriau sydd yn dechrau gyda 'c' yn y geiriau sydd o gwmpas y galon? Ysgrifennwch y geiriau 'c' yn y galon. Mae'r geiriau sydd ddim yn eiriau 'c' yn rhai Tric a Chlic felly ceisiwch eu darllen wrth wneud y dasg./ Can you find the words which begin with the 'c' letter sound and write them in the heart? The words which don't begin with the 'c' soundare Tric a Chlic words so try and read them alpid as you complete the task.

Gwaith geiriau./ Word work:

Ar y daflen ar y chwith mae angen i chi dynnu lluniau'r gwrthrychau gwahanol. Ar y daflen ar y dde mae angen i chi gyfatebu'r gair i'r llun cywir. Mae cyfieithiad i'r Saesneg i'ch helpu. Cofnodwch yn eich llyfr gwaith./ On the sheet on the left you need to draw the items listed and on the sheet on the right you need to draw a line from the word to the correct picture. There are English words to help you complete the task.

siocled-chocolate, rhosyn-rose, blodau-flowers, calon-heart, cusan-kiss, cerdyn-card, anrheg-present

Gwaith Llythrennau (Tric a Chlic)/ Letter work (Tric a Chlic)- Glas/ Blue:

Ein llythyren newydd Tric a Chlic ar gyfer yr wythnos hon yw 'n'. Byddwn yn gwneud gwaith ar y llythyren 'n' yn ystod yr wythnos. Gwrandewch ar y gân./ Our new Tric a Chlic letter for this week is 'n'. We will be doing work on the letter 'n' during the week. Come and listen to the song.

Ydych chi'n gallu dod o hyd i'r llythrennau 'n' ar y daflen? Lliwich pob un ohonynt gyda'ch hoff liw. Gallwch chi greu yr un dasg yn eich llyfr gwaith./ Can you find each letter sound 'n' on the sheet? Colour each one with your favourite colour. You can do the same task in your work book.

Gwaith Mathemateg/ Mathematics work:

Dewch i gyfri gyda Twts!/ Come and count with Twts.

21.01.24 Llyfr Rhifo Gyda Twts.mp4

Wedi gwrando ar y llyfr atebwch y cwestiynau isod./ Having listened to the book, answer the questions below.

  • Gyda beth Mae Twts yn chwarae yn y bath? Faint ohonynt sydd?/ With what does twts play with in the bath? How many of them are there?

  • Pa fath o gagen ydych chi'n meddwl sydd gan Twts? Beth sydd ar ben y gagen?/What type of cake is it you think that Twts has? What is on top of the cake?

  • Ydych chi'n cofio fi'n dweud ar y fideo beth yw'r enw cywir ar gyfer y ddau floc?/Do you remember me saying on the video the correct name for the shape of the blocks? (Ciwb/Cube).

  • Ydych chi'n gallu disgrifio y patrymau a'r lliwiau ar sanau Twts?/ Can you describe the patterns and nae the colours on Twts' socks?

  • Ydych chi'n gallu disgrifio beth mae tedis Twt yn gwisgo?/ Can you describe what Twts' teddies are wearing?

Dewch i gyfri'r gwrthrychau gwahanol sydd yn gysylltiedig gyda diwrnod Santes Dwynwen a chofnodwch y rhifau yn y bocsys./ Come and count the various objects associated with Santes Dwynwen day and write the numbers in the boxes..

Mae gweithgareddau mathemateg ychwanegol isod yn seiliedig ar ddiwrnod Santes Dwynwen, os hoffech chi eu gwneud. Mae un yn gêm rholio dîs i chwarae gyda pherson arall (mae angen rholio dîs a lliwio'r rhif ateb/cywir. Pwy sydd yn mynd i ennill?). Mae anen gosod y rhifau coll yn y daflen yn y canol, ac ar y daflen olaf mae angen dilyn y patrwm./ There are additional mathematics tasks below based on Santes Dwynwen day for you to complete if you wish. The first is a roll the dice game to play with another person (you need to roll dice add the total and colour the correct answer. Who will win?). You will need to insert the missing numbers on the middle sheet and complete the pattern on the final sheet.

Gwaith Thema/ Topic work:

Peintio Calon - Santes Dwynwen:

Ar ddiwrnod Santes Dwynwen, beth am beintio calon? Mae gwahanol ffyrdd o wneud hyn e.e. gallwch ddefnyddio eich dwylo i greu calon, neu gallwch beintio un gyda brwsh a phaent. Sut wnewch chi greu calon? Cofiwch rannu eich gwaith gyda ni.

Painting a Heart - Santes Dwynwen:

On Saint Dwynwen's day, why not paint a heart? There are different ways of doing this e.e. you could use your hands to create a heart, or you could paint one with a brush and paint. How will you create a heart? Please share your work with us.

Dydd Mawrth 26.1.2021/ Tuesday 26.1.2021:

Gwaith Iaith/ Language work:

Gwaith gwrando a deall./ Listening and understanding work.

Ein llyfr ar gyfer yr wythnos yw 'Smot ar y Fferm'. Dewch i wrando ar y stori cyn symud ymlaen i wneud y dasg./ Our book for this week is 'Smot ar y Fferm' (Smot on the Farm). Come and listen to the story before moving on to complete the task.

21.1.26 Smot ar y Fferm

Gwelodd Smot a'i Dad nifer o anifeiliaid gwahanol yn y stori. Pa mor astud oeddech chi'n gwrando tybed? Ydych chi'n gallu cofio ym mha drefn welodd Smot a'i Dad yr anifeiliaid? Ar y daflen mae lluniau o'r holl anifeiliaid gwahanol. Ydychi'n gallu eu gosod yn y drefn cywir? Os nad oes argraffwr gyda chi, beth am geisio tynnu lluniau'r anifeiliaid gwahanol yn eich llyfr gwaith./ Smot and his Dad saw a lot of different animals in the story. I wonder how carefully you were listening? On this sheet are pictures of all of the animals which Smot and his Dad saw? Can you remember in which order they were seen? Your task is to place tha animals in to the correct order. If you don't have a printer, why not draw the pictures in your work book?

Gwaith Tric a Chlic/ Tric a Chlic work.

Cofiwch ein llythyren Tric a Chlic newydd yr wythnos hon yw 'n' (neidio). Dewch i wrando ar y fideo isod cyn cwblhau'r tasgau./ Remember, our new Tric a Chlic letter this week is 'n' (neidio- refer again to the pronunciation sheet below). Listen to the video before completing the tasks.

21.1.26 Tric a Chcli n th
  1. Edrychwch ar y daflen isod a chwiliwch am yr holl eiriau sydd yn dechrau gyda'r sain 'n', a'u lliwio/ uwcholeuo. Mae'r geiriau sydd ddim yn dechrau gyda 'n' yn rhai Tric a Chlic felly ceisiwch eu darllen wrth wneud y dasg./ Look at the work sheet below and search for all the words beginning with the ''n' letter sound and colour/highlight them. The words which are not 'n' words are all Tric a Chlic words so try and read them as you complete the task.

  2. Dewch i ddarllen y llyfr Tric a Chlic 'Yn y car' gyda fi. Defnyddiwch eich bys i ddilyn y geiriau. Mae'r patrwnm brawddeg ar bob dudalen yr un fath. Ceisiwch gofio'r geiriau 'Mae' ac 'yn'. Read the Tric a Chlic book 'Yn y car' with me. Use your finger to follow the words. The sentence pattern on each page is the same. Try and remember the words, 'Mae' and 'yn'.

Gwaith ysgrifennu./ Writing work.

Rydw i wedi sylwi o'ch lluniau ar Drydar a Seesaw bod nifer ohonoch chi wei bod yn ymarfer ysgrifennu eich enw, sydd yn wych! Beth am amrywio'r ffordd o ymarfer eich enw fel yn rhai o'r syniadau yma?/ Gallwch chi greu dyn eira gan ddefnyddio un cylch i bob llythyren wich enw tra'n ymarfer eich sgiliau siswrn. Gallwch chi greu enfys wrth ddefnyddio liwiau amrywiol i ysgrifennu, neu hyd yn oed Duplo/ blociau i greu eich enw neu llythyren cyntaf eich enw!/ I have noticed from you pictures on Twitter and Seesaw that a nukber of you have beenpractising writhing your name which is excellent. Why not vary the way in which you practise like in some of the examples below? You could create a snowman using a circle for each letter of your name which will also help your scissor skills. You could create a rainbow name using different coloured pencils or even use lego to create you name or the first letter of your name.

Sgiliau Mudol Mân./ Fine motor skills:

Dewch i ymarfer eich sgiliau pensil wrth ddilyn llwybrau gwahanol yr anifeiliaid fferm./ Come and practise your pencil skills whilst following the paths of the various farm animals.

Gwaith Mathemateg/ Mathematics work:

Gwaith cyfri (rhif)/ Counting work (number).

Gwrandewch ar y fideo a chyfrwch gyda fi./ Listen to the video and count with me.

21.1.26 Cyfri fesul 1 hyd 20.mp4

Mae'n rhaid i chi ganolbwyntio'n galed iawn ar gyfer y dasg yma. Mae llawer o wahanol gwrthrychau fferm i'w cyfri!/ You will need to concentrate on this task as there are many different farm items to count.

Cyfrwch yr holl wrthrychau'n ofalus a chofnodwch y rhif cywir yn y bocs cywir gan ganolbwyntio ar ffurfio./ Count all of the objects carefully and write the correct number in the correct box trying your hardest to form the numbers correctly.

Dewch i liwio'r llun fferm yma gan ddilyn y cyfarwyddiadau ar ba liwiwau i'w defnyddio. Dwedwch enwau'r rhifau gwahanol wrth gwblhau'r dasg./ Come and colour this farm picture following the instructions on which colours to use. Try and name each of the different numbers as you complete the task.

Gwaith Thema/ Topic work:

Ciwbiau perlysiau wedi'u rhewi.

Dewiswch egin iachaf a mwyaf ffres y perlysiau (mae perlysiau sych yn gweithio hefyd) o'ch dewis a thorri'r dail i ffwrdd o'r coesau. Golchwch y dail, yna torrwch nhw yn ddarnau bach gan ddefnyddio cyllell (byddwch yn ofalus wrth ddefnyddio cyllell, gwell cael goruchwyliaeth oedolyn) neu bâr o siswrn cegin.

Arllwyswch ddŵr ffres yn gyfartal i hambwrdd ciwb iâ, gan lenwi pob sgwâr i oddeutu chwarter llawn.

Llenwch bob un o'r ciwbiau gyda'r perlysiau, gan sicrhau bod cymaint o ddeilen â phosib wedi'i gorchuddio â dŵr.

Pan fydd yr holl berlysiau wedi'u hychwanegu, ychwanegwch ddŵr at yr hambwrdd a'i roi yn y rhewgell, gan ei gadw'n wastad.

Mae hwn yn gyfle da i arsylwi ar y dŵr yn symud o gyflwr hylifol ar ddechrau'r prosiect i gyflwr solid (iâ) erbyn y diwedd.

Tynnwch y ciwbiau wedi'u rhewi o'r hambwrdd pan fo angen, eu hychwanegu at fwyd neu at ddiodydd.

Frozen herb cubes.

Select the healthiest and freshest shoots (dried herbs also work) of your chosen herb and cut the leaves away from the stems. Wash the leaves, then chop them up into small pieces using a knife (be careful when using a knife, better adult supervision) or a pair of kitchen scissors.Pour fresh water evenly into an ice cube tray, filling each square to approximately a quarter full.Fill each of the cubes with the herbs, ensuring that as much leaf as possible is covered by water.When all the herbs have been added, top up the tray with water and place it in the freezer, keeping it level.This is a good opportunity to observe the water moving from a liquid state at the beginning of the project to a solid state (ice) by the end.Remove the frozen cubes from the tray when needed, add them to food or to drinks.

Dydd Mercher 27.1.2021/ Wednesday 27.1.2021:

Gwaith Iaith/ Language work:

Gwaith gwrando a deall/ Listening and understanding work:

Ydych chi'n cofio pa anifeiliad bach y fferm gwelodd Smot a'i Dad ar eu taith? Edrychwch ar y lluniau isod o'r llyfr i'ch hatgoffa./ Do you remember what baby animals Smot and his Dad saw on the farm? Look at the pictures below to remind yourselves.

  • Sawl Mami gath sydd?/ How many Mami cats are there ? (1).

  • Sawl cath fach sydd?/ How many kittens are there? (3).

  • Sawl cath sydd i gyd?/ How many cats are there in total? (4).

  • Sawl Mami fochyn (hwch) sydd?/ How many Mami pigs (sow/s) are there? (1).

  • Sawl porchell sydd?/ How many piglets are there? (2).

  • Sawl mochyn sydd i gyd?/ How many pigs are there in total? (3).

Gwaith gwrando a deall./ Listening and understanding work.

Dewch i wrando ar y fideo am anifeiliaid bach y fferm. Gwrandewch yn astud er mwyn ceisio cofio'r termau gwahanol ar gyfer y mamau a'r babanod gwahanol. Bydd mwy o waith i'w wneud ar hyn yfory./ Come and listen to this video about the different baby farm animals. Listen carefully in order to try and learn the names of the different mothers and babies. There will be more work to do on this tomorrow.

Eich tasg yw i gyfatebu lluniau'r anifeiliaid bach i'w mamau. Naill ai argraffwch y taflenni isod neu dynnwch luniau yn eich llyfr gwaith yn debyg os gallech chi i'r rhai ar y taflenni./ Your task is to match the mother and baby animals on the sheets below. If you are unable to print why not draw pictures similar to these in you book?

21.1.27 Anifei;iaid Bach y fferm.mp4

Amser stori/ Story time.

21.1.27 Babanod Fferm.mp4

Dewch i wrando ar y stori Babanod Fferm, yna ewch ati i gwblhau'r dasg cyfri yn y Gwaith Mathemateg isod./ Come and listen to the story Babanod Fferm and then complete the counting task in the Mathematics work below.

Gwaith Tric a Chlic/ Tric a Chlic work.

Ar y daflen isod mae geiriau a lluniau (pob un yn dechrau gyda sain Tric a Chlic yr wythnos, sef 'n'). Mae geirfa isod i'ch helpu a'ch tasg yw i matsio'r llun gyda'r gair. Gallwch chi naill ai dynnu llinell o'r llun i'r gair neu dewisiwch pensiliau lliw gwahanol a gosod gylch yr un lliw o gwmpas y llun a'r gair./ On the sheet below are words and pictures (each one beginning with the Tric a Chlic letter, 'n'). There is vocabulary below is to help you march re words with the pictures. You can either draw a line from the word to the picture or chosse coloured pencils and circle the matching picture and word with the same coloured pencil.

naw-nine, nofio-swim, neidio-jump, neidr-snake, nyth-nest.

Gwaith Mathemateg/ Mathematics work:

Gwaith cyfri/ Counting work:

Edrychwch nawr ar y llyfr Babanod Fferm unwaith eto. Cyfrwch y nifer o fabanod y fferm a chofnodwch ar y daflen./ Look again at the book Babanod Fferm (above). Count the various baby animals and make a note of the number in the sheet below (or make a note straight in to your book).

Gerifa/ Vocabulary.

cwningen fach- baby rabbit

ci bach- puppy

cyw- chick

llo- calf

hwyaden fach- duckling

porchell- piglet

oen- lamb

Gwaith cyfri hyd at 20/ Counting work up to 20.

Rydyn ni wedi dechrau ymarfer cyfri hyd at 20 yn ddiweddar. Rydyn ni'n mynd i ymarfer eto heddiw a cheisio cofnodi rhai o'r rhifau. Gwrandewch ar y fideo cyn cwblhau'r dasg./ We have recently been practising counting to 20. We will practise again today and also practise some of the numbers. Listen to the video before completing the task.

21.1.27 Cyfri hyd 20.mp4

Cyfrwch a chofnodwch y rhifau cywir.

Count and make a note of the correct numbers.

Gwaith Thema/ Topic work:

Helpwch yr anifeiliaid

Dydd Iau 28.1.2021/ Thursday 28.1.2021:

Gwaith Iaith/ Language work:

Gwaith llafar ac ysgrifennu/ Oral and written work.

Rydyn ni'n canolbwyntio eto heddiw ar ddod i adnabod enwau anifeiliaid bach (babanod) y fferm. Gwyliwch y fideo/cwis isod./ We are concentrating again today on learning the names of the different baby farm animals. Watch the video/quiz below.

28.1.21 Cwis babanod fferm beth ydw i.mp4

Gwrandewch ar y fideo isod sydd yn eich hatgoffa beth yw enwau'r anifeiliaid gwahanol a sut i ynganu'r enwau hynny. Eich tasgau:/ Listen to the video below to help remind yourself of the different animal names and how to pronounce them. Your tasks:

  • Llafar- ymarferwch y gystrawen '_____________________ ydw i' gan ddefnyddio enwau'r anifeiliaid bach ar y fideo ac unrhyw deganau ayb sydd gyda chi e.e. 'Tedi ydw i, 'Doli ydw i'./ Oral- practise the sentence '_____________ ydw i' (I am _________') using the names of the animals in the video and the names of any toys at home e.e. 'Tedi ydw i' (I am a teddy), 'Doli ydw i' (I am a dolly).

  • Ysgrifennu- Beth am ymarfer ysgrifennu'r brawddegau 'Oen ydw i' ayb yn eich llyfrau gwaith gan ddilyn y patrwm brawddeg ar y daflen isod?/ Writing- Why not practise writing sentences 'Oen ydw i' (I am a lamb) etc in your work books following the sentence pattern on the sheet below.

Gwaith Tric a Chlic- n/ Tric a Chlic work-n:

Beth am chwilio mewn cylchgronau am luniau o wrthrychau sydd yn dechrau gyda 'n' a chreu collage o luniau fel yn y collage 'b' yma? Neu gallwch chi chwilio an lythrennau 'n' a'u torri allan. Chwiliwch am rai o feintiau, lliwiau gwahanol er mwyn gwneud y collage yn ddiddorol!/ Why not search in magazines for pictures of objects beginning with 'n' and then create a collage similar to this 'b' collage? Or, you can search for 'n' letters and create a collage of letters only. Search for different sizes and colours in order to make the collage interesting.

Dyma ychydig o eiriau sydd yn dechrau gyda 'n'. /Here are some words beginning with 'n'.

neidr/snake, naw/nine, nyth/nest nenfwd/ceiling, neidio/jump, nofio/swim, nain/ nanna

Dydyn ni heb ymarfer ffurfio 'n' fel tasg eto. Yn lle defnyddio pensil a phapur i ddechrau beth am feddwl am ffordd ymarferol o wneud e.e. mewn toes, gyda sialc, creu gyda reis, mewn gliter ayb. Pan yn ymarfer ar bapur beth am greu stribedi fel y rhain?/ We haven't practised forming 'n' as a task yet. Instead of using pencil and paper to begin with why not use salt dough, chalk, rice , glitter etc? Then, when practising on paper why not create letter strips like these? You could use them as book marks!

Sgiliau mudol mȃn/ Fine motor skills:

Beth am ymarfer eich sgiliau mudol mȃn/siswrn? Gallwch chi ymarfer torri ar hyd linellau igam ogam, neu dorri o gwmpas siapau 2D fel isod gan emwu'r siapaiu wrth wneud./ Why not now practise you fine motor/scissor skills? You can practise cutting along bendy lines, or practise cutting around 2D shapes as below, naming the shapes as you complete the task.

Gwaith Mathemateg/ Mathematics work:

Gwaith rhif/ Number work (Adio/Addition).

Rydyn ni eisoes yn y dosbrth wedi bod yn gweithio ar ein sgiliau adio ymarferol gan ganolbwyntio ar gyfuno dau set o wrthrychau i greu cyfanswm e.e. y tedis bach a'r blociau bach. Mae rhai syniadau ymarferol isod. Does dim angen i chi ddefnyddio rhifau i ddechrau, dim ond cyfri'r ddau set, eu cyfuno a chyfri'r cyfanswm. Gallwch chi ddefnyddio pasta, botymau ayb./ We have previously in class been practising our addition skills in practical ways by combining two sets of objects to create a total e.g. the small teddies and blocks. There are some practical ideas below. You don't have to use numbers to begin with, simply create two sets, combine them and find the total.

Beth am nawr symud ymlaen at greu symiau/brawddegau rhif. Gwrandewch ar y fideo i'ch helpu gyda deall y gwaith adio cyn symud ymlaen at y dasg adio isod./ Why not now move on to creating sums/ number sentences. Listen to the video belwo to help you with addition work.

28.1.21 Adio y fferm.mp4

Cyfrwch y nifer o ddefaid yn y ddau gae ac ysgrifennwch y cyfanswm/ateb/rhif yn y bocs ar y dde. Wedi gwneud hynny ysgrifennwch y swm/ y frawddeg rhif yn y bocsys uwchben./ Count the number of sheep in each field/ both fields combined and write the total/answer/number in the box on the right. Having done this write the sum/ number sentence in the boxes above.

Ydych chi'n gallu gofyn i oedolyn i greu mwy o symiau i chi?/ Can you ask an adult to create more sums for you?

Gwaith Thema/ Topic work:


Ydych chi’n cofio pa anifeiliaid oedd ar y fferm? Wel, heddiw, rydw i eisiau i chi ganolbwyntio ar yr Iâr.

Gwyliwch y rhaglen sigldigwt sydd yn mynd i weld Lola sydd yn cadw ieir yn ei gardd. Sawl wy ydych chi’n ei gyfri yn ei chwt ieir?

Rydym nawr yn mynd i dynnu llun o iâr drwy ddefnyddio ein dwylo. Dyma fideo i’ch helpu i’w wneud. Pa liw fydd eich iâr chi? A wnewch chi rannu eich iâr gyda ni ar ôl ei orffen? Diolch, a phob lwc.


Do you remember what animals were on the farm? Well, today, I want you to focus on the Chicken.

Watch the Sigldigwt program that goes to see Lola who keeps chickens in her garden. How many eggs do you count in her hen house?

We are now going to draw a chicken using our hands. The second video will guide you through thr process. What colour will your chicken be? Will you share your chicken with us when it's finished? Thanks, and good luck.

Dydd Gwener29.1.21/ Friday 29/1/21:

Gwaith Iaith/ Language work:

Gwaith gwrando a deall/ Listening and understanding work:

Gwrandewch ar y stori am fferm ble mae un o'r anifeiliaid yn ddiog iawn; yr un sydd angen codi pawb peth cyntaf yn y bore. O ganlyniad mae llanast mawr yn digwydd ar y fferm. Mae cwestiynau i ddilyn./ Listen to this story about a farm where one of the animals is very lazy; the one who needs to wake everyone else first thing in the morning. There are questions to follow.

21.01.29 Stori I lawr ar y fferm.mp4
  • Pa anifail sydd yn gysglyd?/ What animal is sleepy? (Y ceiliog/ The cockerel).

  • Beth yw enw y ffarmwraig?/ What is the name of the farmer? (Sali).

  • Beth mae'r afr yn ei fwyta? What does the goat eat? (Rhuban las y ddafad/ The sheep's blue ribbon).

  • Pa anifail sydd yn neidio i mewn i'r pwll?/ What animal jumps in to the pool? (Y gwydd/ The goose).

  • Sawl mochyn bach (porchell) sydd?/ How many piglets are there? (3)

  • Beth sydd wedi arllwys dros y fuwch yn yr ysbubor?/ What has spilt all over the cow in the barn? (Llaeth/milk).

Gwaith ysgrifennu (llythrennau)/ Writing work (letters): Smot ar y FFerm.

Dyma rai o'r anifeilaid gwelodd Smot ar y fferm. Mae'r sain cychwynol i bob un ar goll. Ysgrifennwch y llythyren cywir i mewn yn y bwlch (mae geirfa i'ch helpu)./ Here are some of the animals which Smot saw on the farm. The initial letter sound for each is missing. Write the correct letter in each space- you can also do this in your book without printing (there is vocabulary to help you).



buwch-cow (dydyn ni heb wneud y sain 'b' eto/ we have not learnt the letter sound 'b' yet)


mochyn- pig


Gan ddefnyddio'r daflen uchod i'ch helpu ydych chi'n gallu cwblhau enwau'r anifeiliaid gwahanol. Cofiwch mae 'th', 'ch' a 'ff' yn un sain./ Using the above sheet to help you can you complete the animal names? Remember that 'th', 'ch' and 'ff' are one sound.

Gwaith Llafar/ Oral work:

Edrychwch yn ofalus ar lun y fferm isod. Wedi arsylwi'n ofalus gwrandewch ar y fideo isod er mwyn ateb y cwestiynau am y llun./ Look carefully at the picture of the farm below. Having looked carefully at the picture, listen to the video below and answer the questions which follow.

Cofiwch i geisio ateb y cwestiynau mewn brawddegau llawn yn hytrach na mewn geiriau unigol./ Remember to try and answer the questions in full sentences rather than single words.

Gwaith Mathemateg/Mathematics work:

Dewch i ganu 'Cyfri ar y bws' gyda Cyw!/ come and sing Cyw's Counting song.

Gwaith rhif/ Number work (Adio/Addition):

Rydyn ni'n parhau gyda gwaith adio heddiw. Byddwn yn adio/cyfuno 2 set o wrthrychau yna ysgrifennu'r ateb a chreu swm/brawdegau rhif. Gwrandewch ar y fideo./ We are continuing with addition work today. We will be adding/combining 2 sets of objects then writing the answer and creating a sum/ number sentence. Listen to this video.

21.01.29 Adio estroniaid.mp4

Tasg/ Task:

  • Cyfunwch/adiwch y ddau set o anifeiliaid fferm yn y daflen ar y dde at eu gilydd ac ysgrifennwch yr ateb/rhif/cyfanswm yn y bocs felyn yr esiampl./ Combine/add together the two sets of farm animalsin the sheet on thr right and write the answer/number/total in the box as in the example.

  • HER- ydych chi'n gallu cwblhau'r daflen ar y dde. Gosodwch rhif y nifer o anifeiliaid o'r daflen gyntaf i greu swm/brawddeg rhif. Pob lwc!/ CHALLENGE-can you complete the sheet on the right as in the example given? Write the number of animals from the first sheet on to the second in order to create a sum/number sentence. Good luck!

Gwaith Thema/ Topic work:

Cadw'n heini fel anifail

Gwyliwch y rhaglen cadw’n heini gydag Anna a Rhys. A allwch chi symud fel yr anifeiliaid sydd yn y rhaglen?

Efallai allwch chi fynd am dro i wneud eich 2km gan edrych am anifeiliaid, ydych chi’n medru copïo symudiadau’r anifeiliaid yr ydych yn ei weld?

Keep fit as an animal

Watch the fitness program with Anna and Rhys. Can you move like the animals in the program?

Maybe you can go for a 2km walk looking for animals, can you copy the movements of the animals you see?

2k Rhithiol