
Cofnodi eich gwaith/ Recording your work:

Cofiwch i ddangos eich gwaith drwy ei uwchlwytho ar 'Seesaw'. Gweler y llythyr yn eich llyfr gwaith cartref am ragor o fanylion.

Remember you can show your work by uploading it on 'Seesaw'. Please see the letter in your homework book for more information

Y Siarter Iaith:

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh language Charter

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Wythnos 8.2.2021-12.2.2021/Week 8.2.2021-12.2.2021

Sesiwn dal lan yr wythnos/ This week's catch up session:

Bydd sesiwn dal lan byw y dosbarth yn digwydd am 11am ar ddydd Iau. Bydd y sesiwn hon yn digwydd ar Google Classroom. Dylech fynd mewn i’ch dosbarth ar Google Classroom am 11am a chlicio ar y ddolen. (Efallai na fydd y ddolen yn gweithio os ydych chi’n ei thrio cyn yr amser dechrau.) Cofiwch ddarllen y canllawiau a’r rheolau isod cyn eich sesiwn os gwelwch yn dda.

Our live catch up session will take place at 11am on Thursday. The session will take place on Google Classroom. You should go into your class on Google Classroom at 11am and click on the link. (If you click on the link before this time, it might not work.) Remember to read the instructions and the rules below before your session please.


Rheolau Sesiynau Byw.pdf
Canllawiau rhieni - Google Classroom.pdf
gwasanaeth gwneud ein gorau glas.mp4

Dewch i wrando ar wasanaeth Miss Williams ar y thema 'gwneud ein gorau glas'./ Listen to Miss Williams' assembly on the theme 'trying our hardest'.

Dydd Llun 8.2.21/ Monday 8.2.21:

Gwaith Iaith/ Language work:

Yn dilyn 'mlaen o'n gwaith yr wythnos ddiwethaf, dewch i wrando ar gân Cyw 'Teimladau'./ Following on from last week's work, come and listen to Cyw's song about 'feelings'.

Gwaith gwranado a deall/ Listening and understanding work:

  1. Beth am i ni adolygu enwau anifeiliaid bach y fferm wrth wrando ar y stori hwyl hon am Nel a Guto? Mae'r ddau wedi dod o hyd i wy, ond pam fod yr wy ar ben ei hun ar y llawr? Mae Nel a Guto angen chwilio am fam yr wy a thra'n gwneud yn dod ar draws holl anifeiliaid bach y fferm.

Why don't we look again at the names of the baby farm animals by listening to this fun story about Nel and Guto? They have found an egg on the floor, but why is the egg on its own? Nel and Guto need to search the farm for the mother of the egg and whist doing so they come across lots of baby animals.

21.02.08 Llyfr Anifeiliaid Bach.MOV

2. Ym mhle mae anifeiliaid gwahanol y fferm yn byw? / Where do the different farm animals live?

Gwrandewch ar y fideo'n ofalus cyn cwblhau'r dasg sydd yn dilyn. Ydych chi'n gallu labelu'r cartrefi hefyd?/ Listen carefully to the video before completing the task which follows. Can you label the homes also?

cwt ieir/ chicken coop, stabl/stable, twlc mochyn/ pig sty, pwll/ pond, cae/field

21.02.08 Cartrefi anifeiliaid.mp4

Gwaith Tric a Chlic/ Tric a Chlic work: lythyren yr wythnos 'g'/ Letter of the week 'g':

Ein llythyren Tric a Chlic yr wythnos hon yw 'g'. Dyma wybodaeth ar sut i ynganu'r sain 'g'. Gwrandewch ar y gân hefyd./ Our Tric a Chlic letter this week is 'g'. Look below at how to pronounce 'g'. Listen to the song also.

Gwrandewch ar y fideo isod er mwyn adolygu'r llythrennau blaenorol a darllen rhai geiriau Tric a Chlic. Wedi gwrando ar y fideo, cwblhewch y dasg./ Listen to the video below in order to revise previous Tric a Chlic letters and read some Tric a Chlic words. Having listened to the video, complete the task.

21.02.08 Tric a Chlic g.MOV

Ydych chi'n gallu tynnu lluniau o wrthrychau sydd yn dechrau gyda'r sain cychwynol 'g' ar y daflen neu yn eich llyfrau gwaith? Ydych chi'n gallu labelu nhw hefyd? Defnyddiwch eiriadur neu edrychwch o gwmpas eich cartref am syniadau. Mae nifer fawr o bethau'n dechrau gyda'r sain 'g' ac mae rhai syniadau isod i'ch helpu./ Are you able to draw objects beginning with the letter sound 'g' on the sheet/ straight in to your book? Are you able to label them also? You can use a dictionary to help you or look for ideas around your home. A lot of objects begin with the 'g' sound. There are some ideas below to help you.

Gwaith Mathemateg/ Mathematics work:

Gwaith rhif/ Number work- Tynnu i ffwrdd/ Subtraction.

Ein ffocws gwaith mathemateg yr wythnos hon yw gwaith tynnu i ffwrdd. Fel cyflwyniad i waith heddiw gwrandewch ar y fideo/stori am y 'Deg Plentyn Bychan'. Mae 10 plentyn yn chwarae ar ddechrau'r stori ond mae'r nifer yn mynd 1 yn llai bob tro!/ Our mathematics focus this week is subtraction work. As an introduction to today's work, listen to the video/story of the 'Deg Plentyn Bychan' (Ten Small Children). There are 10 playing at the beginning of the story but there is 1 less as the story progresses!

21.02.08 Deg Plentyn Bychan.mp4

Cyn symud ymlaen at symiau ysgrifenedig, beth an ymarfer eich sgiliau tynnu i ffwrdd yn ymarferol? Casglwch set o wrthrychau e.e. botymau, cownteri ayb a thynnwch nifer i ffwrdd er mwyn gweld 'faint sydd ar ol'. Edrychwch ar y lluniau isod am esiamplau/syniadau./ Before moving on to written sums why not practise subtraction sums using objects? Collect a set of any objects e.g. buttons, counters etc and take away a number in order to give a number for 'how many are left'. Look at the pictures below for ideas.

Ydych chi'n cofio o'r fideo sut i gwblhau'r gwaith tynnu i ffwrdd isod? /Can you remember from the video how to complete the below subtraction work?

1.Sawl un sydd yn y bocs cyntaf? 2. Sawl un sydd wedi mynd? 3. Sawl un sydd ar ôl?/ 1.How many objects in the first box? 2. How many have gone? 3. How many are left?

Gwaith Themau/ Topic work:

Plannu hadau

Mae Mis Chwefror yn adeg dda i ddechrau hadu rhai planhigion. Beth am i chi blannu rhywbeth? A gallwch eu gwylio yn tyfu o fewn dim.

Tynnwch lun o beth ydych yn ei wneud fel cofnod o’ch gwaith.

Gwyliwch Wibli Sochyn yn plannu er mwyn cael ychydig o gymorth.

Planting seeds

February is a good time to start sowing some plants. How about you plant something? and you can watch them grow in no time.

Draw what you are doing as a record of your work.

Watch Wibli Sochyn planting, it might give you some tips.

Dydd Mawrth 9.2.2021/ Tuesday 9.2.2021

Gwaith Iaith/ Language work:

Gwaith darllen, deall ac ysgrifennu/ Listening, understanding and writing work:

Dewch i wrando ar y stori 'Fferm'. Mae gwaith ysgrifenedig a gwaith llafar i'w wneud felly gwrandewch yn astud./ Come and listen to the story 'Fferm'. There is written and oral work to complete therefore, listen carefully.

21.02.09 Llyfr Fferm.mp4

Patrwm iaith y llyfr 'Fferm' ydy 'Mae___________ gyda fi'. Ydych chi'n gallu cwblhau'r brawddegau gydag enwau'r anifeiliaid fferm gwahanol. Mae sain cychwynol pob un ohonynt yn llythyren Tric a Chlic rydyn ni eisoes wedi dysgu./ The language pattern in the book 'Fferm' is 'Mae__________ gyda fi.' (I have a ____________ ). Can you complete the following sentences with the names of some of the farm animals in the book. Each initial letter sound is one we have previously learnt


buwch- cow

ci- dog


Gwaith llafar/ Oral work:

Ydych chi'n gallu ymarfer y gystrawen 'Mae________________ gyda fi'? Edrychwch ar y lluniau ar y daflen isod a dweud e.e. 'Mae car gyda fi' ayb. Ydych chi wedyn yn gallu mynd o gwmpas eich cartref neu pan allan am dro ac yarfer 'Mae____gyda fi', drosodd a throsodd./ Can you practise the sentence structure 'Mae______ gyda fi', as in the book? Look at the pictures on the sheet and say 'Mae car gyda fi' (I have a car etc). You can then choose objects from around your home, garden etc and practise the sentence over and over.

Gwaith Tric a Chlic/ Tric a Chlic work:

Cofiwch, ein llythyren Tric a Chlic yr wythnos hon yw 'g'./ Remember that our Tric a Chlic letter this week is 'g'.

Mae rhai gweithgareddau ymarferol isod i'ch helpu gyda'ch gwaith llythrennau. / There are some practical activities below to help with your Tric a Chlic letter work.

Gallwch chi adeiladu geiriau Tric a Chlic gan defnyddio blociau fel yn y llun. /You can build Tric a Chlic words using blocks like in the picture.

Beth am ymarfer tros ysgrifennu geriau Tric a Chlic fel yn y llun? Neu gallwch chi ymarfer gyda brws a dŵr y tu allan.

Why not practise over writing Tric a Chlic words as in the picture? If you don't have an easel you could practise outside using a brush and water.

Lliwiwch y llythrennau ar y grid i gyfateb gyda'r lliwiau uwchben. Pob tro rydych chi'n lliwio llythyren, dwedwch y sain./ Colour the letters on the grid to math with the colours above. Each time you colour a letter, say the sound to remind yourself.

Gwaith Mathemateg/ Mathematics work:

Rydyn ni'n mynd i barhau gyda gwaith mathemateg tynnu i ffwrdd yr wythnos hon. Mae fideo isod i chi wylio ac hefyd symiadau ar gyfer rhai gweithgareddau ymarferol cyn symud 'mlaen at waith ysgrifenedig./ We are going to continue with mathematics subtraction work this week. There is a video for you to watch below and practical subtraction ideas to help your understanding.

21.02.09 Tynnu syml.mp4

Tasg 1/ Task 1- tynnu i ffwrdd ymarferol/ practical subtraction.

Beth am greu gêm syml iawn fel yr un yma. I gyd sydd angen arnoch chi yw Lego a dis. Mae angen chwarae gyda rhywun arall. Dechreuwch gyda thŵr o lego. Rhowliwch y dis, cyfrwch y smotiau a thynnwch y nifer hynny o ddarnau lego i ffwrdd. Y person cyntaf i gyrraedd 0 sydd n ennill. Pob lwc!

Why not play a simple game like this one. All you need is Lego and a dice. You play with another player. Build a tower (how many pieces is up to you). Roll the dice and remove that number of blocks from the tower. The game is over when someone's Lego pieces have all been removed. Good luck!

HER- ysgrifennwch y symiau i lawr ar bapur wrth chwarae e.e. os yn dechrau gyda 10 bloc ac yn rholio 3, ysgrifennwch 10-3=7 ayb./ CHALLENGE- write out the numbers as you play the game as sums e.g. if you start with 10 blocks and roll 3, write 10-3=7 etc.

Os oes toes gyda chi beth am chwarae 'sblat'! Yn yr esiampl yn y llun mae angen 5 pelen o does ac yna 'sblatio' 4 i weld faint sydd ar ôl. Amrywiwch y symiau wrth chwarae ac ysgrifennwch yr atebion i lawr!/ If you have playdough available why not play 'splat' as in the picture? In the example in the picture you need to roll 5 balls then splat 4 of them. How many are left? Can you write the answer down?

Gêm bowlio. Defnyddiwch unrhywbeth yn debyg i'r llun e.e. potiau/cwpanau plastig ayb. Wedi bowlio, ysgrifennwch y swm/y nifer sydd ar ôl./ Bowling game. Use anything similar to the tubes in the picture to create a game similar to this one. Having bowled write down the sum/ remaining number.

Tasg 2/ Task 2:

Cwblhewch y daflen tynnu i ffwrdd. Fel yn y fideo gallwch chi groesi i ffwrdd yr anifeiliaid i ddod o hyd i'r nifer sydd ar ôl. Ceisiwch ffurfio'r rhifau'n daclus./ Complete the subtraction sheet. As in the video you can cross of the animal pictures in order to find the remaining number.

Gwaith Themau/ Topic work:

Diwrnod Defnyddio'r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel

QUIK_Ditectif Digihwyaden.mp4

Ditectif Digihwyaden

Mae Diwrnod Defnyddio'r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel yn cael ei ddathlu’n fyd-eang ym mis Chwefror bob blwyddyn, i hyrwyddo defnydd diogel a chadarnhaol o dechnoleg ddigidol gan blant a phobl ifanc.

Gwrandewch ar stori Ditectif Digihwyaden sydd yn defnyddio’r we i ymchwilio am wybodaeth.

Safer Internet Day

Detective Digiduck

Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year, to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology by children and young people.

Listen to the story of Detective Digiduck who uses the web to search for information.

Poster Diwrnod Defnyddio'r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel

Beth am liwio'r poster gyferbyn i gofio am Digihwyaden yn dysgu am ddefnyddio'r rhyngrwyd yn fwy diogel.

Safer Internet Day Poster

Why not color the poster opposite to remind us how Digiduck learnt about using the internet more safely.

Dydd Mercher 10.02.21/ Wednesday 10.02.21

Gwaith Iaith/ Language work:

Gwaith gwrando a deall/ Listening and understnding work:

Gwrandewch unwaith eto ar y stori 'Fferm' ac yna atebwch y cwestiynau sydd yn dilyn/ Listen again to the story 'Fferm' and then answer the questions:

21.02.10 Llyfr Fferm 2.

Gwaith Tric a Chlic/ Tric a Chlic work:

Ydych chi'n cofio ni'n darllen y llyfr 'Yn y car'?. Dyma stribedi brawddegau i chi dorri ac ail-drefnu (brawddegu o'r llyfr). Cofiwch mae pob un frawddeg yn dechrau gyda'r gair 'Mae...'.. Gludwch y geriau yn eich llyfr darllen neu i herio'ch hun beth am ysgrifennu'r brawddegau cyfan yn eich llyfrau?/ Can you remember reading the Tric a Chlic book 'Yn y car'? Here are sentence strips from the book for you to cut and rearrange. Remember that each sentence begins with the word 'Mae..' You can glue the words to form the sentences in your book or to challenge yourself you could write the entire sentence in your book.

Geiriau glas, Tric a Chlic / Blue, Tric a Chlic words.

O diar, mae llythrennau'r geiriau yma wedi cymysgu i fyny! Ydych chi'n gallu'u hail-drefnu i sillafu'r geiriau'n gywir? / Oh dear, the letters in these words are all jumbled. Can you re-arrange them in order to spell the words correctly?

Y geiriau / The words:






Gwaith Mathemateg/ Mathematics work:

21.02.10 Cyfri gyda Gryffalo

Sawl aderyn sydd yna?/ How many birds are there?

Sawl pili-pala sydd yna?/ How many butterflies are there?

Sawl Gryffalo sydd yna?/ How many Gryffalos are there?

Sawl madarchen sydd yna?/ How many mushrooms are there?

Sawl gwiwer sydd yna?/ How many squirrels are there?

Trefnu rhifau/ Ordering numbers.

Mae 5 aderyn, 3 phili-pala, 1 Gryffalo, 4 madarchen, 2 wiwer./ There are 5 birds, 3 butterflies, 1 Gryffalo, 4 mushrooms, 2 squirrels.

Gosodwch y rhifau yn y drefn gywir./Place the numbers in to their correct order.

5, 3, 1, 4, 2.

Gwaith 'dod o hyd i wybodaeth'/ 'Finding information' work:

Gan ddefnyddio'r llyfr 'Fferm' edrychwch yn ofalus yno er mwyn cwblhau'r dafeln. Mae angen i chi ddod o hyd i'r anifail cywir yn y llyfr, nodi ar ba dudalen yn y llyfr mae'r anifail/ anifeiliaid ac yna yn y golofn olaf ysgrifennu sawl anifail sydd ar y dudalen yna./ Look carefully at the book 'Fferm' in order to complete this sheet (or complete in your book). You will need to find the relevant animal, make a note of the page on which the animal appears and then in the last column write down how many of that animal are on the page.

Gwaith rhif/ Number work (Tynnu i ffwrdd/Subtraction).

Dewch i wrando ar y fideo a helpu Mrs Sennitt i ateb y cwestiynau tynnu i ffwrdd sydd yma./ Come and listen to the video and help Mrs Sennitt to answer the subtraction questions which are here:

21.02.10 Tynnu'r Gaeaf.mp4

Cwblhewch y daflen tynnu i ffwrdd yn seiliedig ar y gaeaf. Gallwch chi groesi i ffwrdd y gwrthrychau i ddod o hyd i'r nifer sydd ar ôl. Ceisiwch ffurfio'r rhifau'n daclus./ Complete the subtraction sheet. You can cross of the pictures in order to find the remaining number.

Gwaith Themau/ Topic work:

Cynlluniwch eich Fferm

Heddiw beth am i chi gynllunio eich fferm eich hunain?

Ble fydd y ty fferm?

Faint mor fawr fydd y ty fferm?

Pa liw fydd yr awyr?

Ble fydd y sied anifeiliaid?

Sawl cae fydd gennych?

Pa anifail fydd ar eich fferm chi?

Sawl anifail fydd ar eich fferm chi?

Oes coed yn tyfu ar y fferm?

Design your own Farm

Today why not design your own farm?
Where will the farmhouse be?
How big will the farmhouse be?
What colour will the sky be?

Where will the animal shed be?
How many fields will you have?
What animals will be on your farm?
How many animals will be on your farm?
Are there trees growing on the farm?

My Farm Cut-Outs.pdf

Dyma ychydig o daflenni i roi cymorth i chi gyda'r dasg os oes angen.

Here we have some worksheets that could help with completing the task if needed.

Dydd Iau 11.2.21/Thursday 11.2.21:

Gwaith Iaith/ Language work:

Gwrando a deall- llafar/ Listening and understanding-oral:

Gwrandewch ar y stori an Cadi a Jac ar y fferm. Teitl y llyfr yw 'Y Storm Eira'. Gallwch chi wasgu'r botwm i stopio'r fideo ar unrhyw adeg oherwydd mae cwestiynau i'w hateb. Cofiwch hefyd i chwilio am yr hwyaden fach ar bob tudalen!/ Listen to the story about Cadi and Jac. The title of the story is 'Y Storm Eira' (Snow Storm). You can pause the video at any time as ther are some questions to answer and of course don't forget to look for the little yellow duck on each page!

21.02.11 Llyfr Storm Eira.mp4

Gwaith Tric a Chlic/ Tric a Chlic work:

Gwaith darllen/ Reading work:

Fel eich gwaith darllen ddoe yn seiliedig ar y llyfr 'Yn y car', darllenwch y stribedi brawddegau isod. Wedi gwneud hyn, torrwch ac ail-drefnwch y brawddegau yn eich llyfr gwaith. Cofiwch mae pob un frawddeg yn dechrau gyda'r gair 'Mae...'.. Gludwch y geriau yn eich llyfr darllen neu i herio'ch hun beth am ysgrifennu'r brawddegau cyfan yn eich llyfrau?/ As with your reading work yesterday based on the book 'Yn y car' here are sentence strips from the book for you to cut and rearrange. Remember that each sentence begins with the word 'Mae..' You can glue the words to form the sentences in your book or to challenge yourself you could write the entire sentence in your book.

Gwaith llythrennau/ Letter work:

Rydyn ni'n adeiladu geiriau glas heddiw. Dwedwch beth yw'r llun, yna lliwiwch y llythrennau sydd yn y gair ac yn olaf ysgrifennwch y gair yn daclus ar y llinellau./ We are building blue words today.Firstly say what the object is in the picture, then colour the letters in the word and lastly, write the word carefully on the lines.

Gwaith Mathemateg/ Mathematics work:

Gwaith rhif/ Number work:

Dewch i wrando ar y fideo er mwyn adolygu rhifau a gwneud ychydig o waith ymarferol tynnu i ffwrdd. / Come and listen to this video in order to revise numbers and do some practical subtraction work.

21.02.11 Cyfri Gyda Morlais.mp4

Ymarfer ffurio rhifau/Number formation practise.

Gallwch chi greu 'trac' ar rifau fel rhain ac yna 'gyrru' car ar hyd y llinell. / You can create a 'track' on numbers and 'drive' a car along the lines.

Tynnu i ffwrdd ymarferol/ Practical take away.

Dyma ffordd hwyl, ymarferol i ymarfer gwaith tynnu i ffwrdd o fewn 10. Defnyddiwch menig o ryw fath fel yn y llun./ Here is a practical, fun way to practise subtraction sums within 10 . Use gloves of any kind as in the picture.

Gêm trac tynnu i ffwrdd./ Subtraction track game.

Dewch i chwarae'r gêm trac tynnu i ffwrdd hwyl yma! Mae angen oleiaf 2 berson i chwarae a dîs. Mae angen rholio'r dîs a symud y nifer cywir o gamau 'mlaen ar y trac. Mae gan bob sgwâr cwestiwn tynnu i ffwrdd arno. Defnyddiwch cownteri, bysedd, dotiau ar bapur neu unrhyw adnodd arall i'ch helpu ateb y cwestiwn yn gywir. Os yn ateb yn gywir rydych chi'n aros ar y sgwâr yna. Os yn anghywir rydych chi angen symud yn ôl i'r sgwâr blaenorol. Pwy sydd yn mynd i ennill? Pob lwc!/ Come and play this subtraction track game! At least 2 players and a dice are required. You will need to roll the dice and move forward that number of squares on the track. Each square has a subtraction question on it. You can use counters, fingers, dots on paper or whatever resource you wish to work out the answer. If you answer correctly, you stay on that square. If you answer incorrectly, you go back to your previous square. Who will win? Good luck!

Tynnu i ffwrdd anifeiliaid y fferm./ Farm animal subtraction.

Gan ddefnyddio eich sgiliau tynnu i ffwrdd cwblhewch y gwiath tynnu i ffwrdd isod. Cyfrwch yr anifeiliaid ar y daflen gyntaf ac ysgrifennwch y swm ar yr ail daflen fel yn yr esiampl. Cofiwch i ganolbwyntio ar eich ffurfio. Mae llinell rif i'ch helpu gyda hynny./ Complete this subtraction work using your subtraction skills! Count the animals on the first sheet and write the sum on the second sheet as in the example shown. Remember to concentrate on your formation. There's a number line to help with that.

Gwaith Themau/ Topic work:


Chwilio am anifeiliaid fferm

Eich tasg heddiw yw mynd am dro gydag oedolyn i chwilota am anifeiliaid fferm. A allwch chi weld pob anifail sydd ar y daflen hon? Ewch a'r daflen gyda chi a medrwch dicio'r anifeiliaid ffwrdd fel yr ydych yn mynd.

Farm animal search

Your task today is to go for a walk with an adult to look for farm animals. Can you see all the animals on this leaflet? Take the leaflet with you and you can tick the animals off as you go.

Dydd Gwener 12.2.2021 / Friday 12.2.2021

Diwrnod di-sgrin / Screen-free day

Rydych chi wedi gweithio mor galed dros yr hanner tymor diwethaf – da iawn i chi gyd. Heddiw, rydyn ni’n trio annog diwrnod di-sgrîn felly mae gweithgareddau a thasgau gwahanol i chi eu cyflawni. Beth am drio cael diwrnod heb unrhyw fath o sgrîn?

Faint o’r tasgau gallwch chi eu cyflawni mewn diwrnod?

Pob lwc!

You’ve worked so hard over the last half term – well done to you all. Today, we’re trying to encourage a screen free day so there are different activities and tasks for you to complete. How about trying to have a day without any type of screen?

How many of the tasks can you complete in a day?

Good luck!

Mwynhewch yr hanner tymor!

Enjoy the half term break!

Os ydych chi’n edrych am rywbeth i’w wneud dros hanner tymor, beth am fynd trwy’r pecyn gwych hwn sydd wedi’i roi at ei gilydd gan Ymddiriedolaeth EEL – Gemau’r Gaeaf? (‘EFL Trust and Ferrero UK Joy of Moving Winter Games’.) Mae’r gemau a gweithgareddau hyn yn canolbwyntio ar iechyd a lles.

Os ydych yn cwblhau rhai o’r gweithgareddau, cofiwch bostio lluniau ar ein cyfrif Twitter a defnyddiwch yr hashnodau, #JOMWinterGames a #JoyofMoving.

Pob lwc!

If you’re looking for something to do over half term, why not work your way through this excellent pack from the EFL Trust and Ferrero UK Joy of Moving Winter Games? These games and activities focus on health and well-being.

If you complete any of the activities, please post some photos on our Twitter account and use the hashtags #JOMWinterGames and #JoyofMoving.

Good luck!

Joy of Moving Winter Games Pack_Final.pdf