Adv Robotics Legacy Projects - How To

Your Legacy

One definition of "legacy" is : something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier time.

The legacy you leave behind in Advanced STEM-Robotics will be a gift to future students. As many of you have received and benefited from the legacies of those before you. 

As the focus of your legacy project, you will choose a project you have done or an aspect of a project you have done. You will create a presentation that describes how to do the project or how to do the particular part of the project on which you are focusing. You may also describe how to use a particular tool or technology in the classroom. 

The topic of your legacy project may be assigned to you or you may be able to choose your own topic. Either way, it must be approved by Ms. Vogel.

You will receive a handout, like the one below to help you keep track of your project.

Legacy Project.docx
Vogel copy of How to Make a Legacy Project

Videos in Google Slides

This video shows you how to insert a video into Google Slides. You can insert videos either from YouTube OR videos from your Google Drive.

If you have a video that is not in either of those places, for instance a "Vimeo" video. You can screen record it on a computer and then save it to your Google Drive. This is a bit labor intensive, but it is possible if it is a video you really want to use.