Assignment E: Add an Influence for Your Artist

View the sample website for Lil Nas X to see how sources are cited and to see an example of a primary source.

Now that you have researched and presented your primary artist, you need to find an artist who influenced them.

  • Research the musical artist who influenced your favorite band, singer, or rapper. You can find this out by searching the name of the artist and the word "influences."

  • Find a quote that proves that they have claimed this person as an influence.

  • Cite where you got the quote proving the influence. If you need help with citation, click here.

Primary Sources:

Provides a first-hand account from someone who was a direct witness to an event or relationship.

For your project you will find primary sources in:

  • Interviews (magazine, online zines, podcasts, videos, etc.).

  • Books by the artist where they write about their influences.

  • People who know or knew the artist and can speak about who they were listening to and looked up to.

Secondary Sources

Provides a second-hand account of an event or person from someone who wasn’t a witness but gathered their information from primary sources or from inferences they made about the person.

For your project you will find secondary sources in:

  • Books about the artist.

  • Reviews of albums where the critic claims an influence or similarity.

  • Online biography.

U3L3: Researching an Artist's Musical Influence (2021)