Genealogy of Influence Website Submission

Use the form below to submit your published website.

Congratulations on finishing your genealogy of influence website!

I know it was a lot of work but I hope you learned a lot about music and gained an appreciation for a new artist and/or genre of music in the process.

Please take a moment to review the rubric and checklist for the assignment before you submit. That way you can insure that you will receive the most points possible.

It is very important that you hit the publish button before turning in your website. It is a large blue button on the top of your website creation page. (Don't worry! Your name will not be visible and it will only be viewable by students and staff at HPHS.)

1. Title your website

You must title your project. Otherwise the following steps won't work and you won't be able to submit your assignment.

Look in the upper left-hand corner of Google Sites and if you see "Untitled site" you need to double click on "Untitled site" and type in a name for your site (artist name is good).

2. Publish your site

3. Get your sites published link

Go to the top bar on your Google Sites page and click on the image below. It is called "Copy Published Site Link".

A pop-up window will appear. Click "Copy Link" and then paste it in the answer field at the end of the form.

4. Fill out the Submission Form