Class 2: Pre-Test

Today, you will be taking a pre-test so we can see what you know about music's history, theory, and genres.

Things to know and keep in mind:

  • Don't worry! If you don't know anything yet, that's ok. Just guess on the questions you don't know.

  • The test grade will be used to chart your growth in the class as we'll take a similar test at the end of the year.

  • Your pre-test grade will not affect your grade in the class so there is no point in cheating or worrying if you get a low score.

  • You will receive a participation grade if you complete the pre-test.

How to take the test:

  • From the Google Classroom assignment there should be a link.

  • Click on the link

  • Enter the requested information in Section 1 (name, pronoun, something you want to learn in this class).

  • Once you have entered the information hit the "Next" tab at the bottom.

Section II

  • This section is all multiple choice.

  • Take your best guess on questions you don't know for sure.

  • I am not expecting you to know everything in the section but I would like to find out where you are at with this knowledge.

  • Please just make an honest guess.

  • If you look up the answers, I will think you know more than you do and assign you more challenging work.

Section III

  • For this section, you will listen to various recordings and answer questions about what you hear.

  • To hear the audio click on blue link.

  • This will open up another tab where you should be able to play the sample.

  • Click the play icon to hear the recording.

  • In some browsers, you will need to download the file to hear it.

  • You can click the blue box that says "Download."

  • If that doesn't work, go up to the right hand corner and click the downward facing arrow.

  • Once you have completed the last section, click "Submit."

  • You can view your score but don't worry if you didn't do well. It's a pre-test and you aren't expected to know any of the content.