Unit 3: Genres of American Music

Unit 3 Lessons:

Genealogy of Influence Project:

Unit 3: Genres of American Music Assignments


Final Project: Genealogy of Influence Website Submission


  • Cn 11.1 Interrelate: Creating, performing and analyzing music deepens our knowledge of ideas, informs our understanding of cultures, and helps us envision the future.

  • Pr4.2: Analyze: Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate elements of music provides insight into their intent and informs performance.

  • Re7.2: Analyze: Response to music is informed by analyzing context (social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and performers manipulate the elements of music.

  • Re9.1: Evaluate: Support evaluations of musical works and performances, based on analysis, interpretation, and established criteria.

Essential Questions:

  • What are the essential characteristics of the blues, folk, jazz, gospel, r’n’b, country, and hip hop?

  • What are the origins of blues music?

  • How did the African-American experience shape the genres of American music?

  • What historical events lead to the invention of jazz? How did rock ‘n’ roll come about?

  • How did racial integration music propel each other?

  • Who are the key figures in blues, folk, jazz, gospel, r’n’b, country, and hip hop?

Enduring Understanding Questions:

  • How has contemporary music evolved from earlier forms and genres?

  • How do artists use the past to inspire and inform their work?

  • What role does struggle and hardship play in the evolution of American musical genres?

  • How is American music different from its ancestral forms in Europe and and Africa?

  • In what ways can sound/music evoke emotions?

Learning Objectives:

Students will be able to find the tempo of a piece and set a metronome, distinguish between minor and major modes, demonstrate knowledge of how instruments generate sound, name the sections of an orchestra with examples of instruments, remix a song using instruments of the orchestra, use a scale to create a melody, label the parts of a song, and read a time signature.

Sequence of Learning:

    1. The Blues / Folk Music

    2. Rock ‘n’ Roll

    3. Gospel

    4. Country

    5. Jazz

    6. Hip Hop

Key Texts:

“American Roots Music,” (PBS), “America Epic,” “History of the Blues,” “History of Gospel Music,” and “Ken Burns’ Jazz.”


  • Pre-assessment and post-assessments on genres, characteristics, and key figures.

  • Soundtrap genre projects.

  • Student reports on key figures that will be presented to the class as well as in web page formatted to be included in music history component of the MA website.

  • Weekly test on key terms and concepts.