8. Using the Loop Tool in Soundtrap

When working on a section of a song, it is useful to have it repeat on its own in order to free you up to focus on creating.

In Soundtrap, as well as other recording software, the is a tool called a loop bar that allows you to repeat a part of the project, even a very small part.

When you open up your project you will see a grey or purple bar just below the measure markings:

You can make this bar longer or shorter by clicking and dragging the arrows in the front or back of the bar.

When the bar is grey, it will not loop.

If you click on the grey bar, it will turn purple. This means that looping is enabled.

Uses for the Loop Bar:

  • Repeat a section to make up motifs for a melody
  • Find mistakes in the recording
  • Recording vocals over and over until you get them just right
  • Recording a lot of different versions of a performance.