Course Outline

Music Appreciation

Tyler Burba, instructor

The purpose ofr this course is to enable you to understand music on a deeper level and beyond the music that is familiar. We will begin by learning how music works, starting at the foundational level, and work outwards toward the stylistic differences that mark different genres, time periods, and cultural expressions. The key to getting the most out of this class is keeping an open mind and remaining curious. While we learn about the music of others, we will make music ourselves, applying the techniques we have learned.

Unit I: Foundation of Music

    • Pulse/Tempo/BPMs

    • Time Signatures and Rhythm

    • Instrumentation/Texture

    • Harmony and Chords

    • Scales and Melody

Unit II: Structure

    • Verses

    • Choruses

    • Bridges

    • Pre-Choruses

    • Transposition

    • Introductions

    • Looping

    • Quantization

    • Song Organization

Unit III: Genres of American Music

    • Blues

    • Folk

    • Jazz

    • Soul

    • Rock 'n' Roll

    • Rap / Hip Hop

Unit IV: History of Western Music

    • Ancient

    • Medieval (Monophonic)

    • Renaissance (Polyphony)

    • Baroque

    • Classical

    • Romantic

    • 20th Century

Unit V: World Music

    • Music of Asia

    • Music of Africa

    • Music of Latin America

    • Music of Native People


  • Regular Tests on material covered in class. There will be review sheets available on this website.

  • Audio Production assignments, assigned through Soundtrap or Google Forms.

  • Classwork on various content and skills.

  • Discussion questions.

  • Class presentations given on an artist, a song, or a World Music genre.

Cumulative Assessments:

  • Unit Tests

  • Final Song Projects through Soundtrap

  • “Genealogy of Influence” Music History Website

  • Podcast on Cultural Background and Music


  • 20% Exams

  • 30% Projects

  • 30% Classwork / Soundtrap Assignments

  • 20% Participation in Discussions / Responses

    1. You can earn extra participation points by

    2. Sharing responses to the “Do Now” (5 points)

    3. Asking the person who shared a question about their response or their argument (5 points)

    4. Sharing responses to mid-lesson questions (5 points)

    5. Asking a clarification question about the lesson (5 points)

  • These points will be added to your points for the “Do Now”

You can earn extra points for being a computer cart monitor

  1. Check in and check out computers for students

  2. Organizing the computer carts

  3. Wrapping headphones

  • These points are added to your final grade for the semester (5 points)

Ways to lose points:

-10 for being late without a pass

-10 for sitting in the wrong seat

-10 for using a cell phone in class without permission.

-10 for talking out of turn.

-20 for copying answers.

-20 for answering questions without watching the videos.

Remote Learning Expectations:

  • Students are to attend online classes on time and stay for the duration of the class. Attendance will be taken and will affect participation grades.

  • Always be respectful and courteous to other students and teachers during Google Meets. Inappropriate, offensive or threatening comments; misrepresentation of identity, and/or disruptive behavior by any participants during Google Meet sessions will not be tolerated.

  • Students must use their email address and password to login in to Google Classroom and attend Google Meet classes.

  • Your microphone should always be muted except when called upon. Please raise your virtual hand if you have a question or comment or type it in the chat window.

  • Do not use the chat space to have personal or distracting conversations. You can, however, post questions you have there. If you violate this rule, participation points will be deducted from your daily grade.

  • Login credentials must not be shared. Sharing of login information violates other students’ and teachers’ rights to confidentiality, and could allow class participation by unauthorized persons and/or lead to disruptive behaviors that detract from a productive and positive learning environment.

  • Students who are disruptive and/or “trespass” Google Meet sessions will receive appropriate consequences in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.

  • Do not video record, audio record, photograph, live stream, or transmit in any other way any part of a Google Meet, including not posting on any social media platform.