Day 2

Welcome to Day 2!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 2 video

Duration: 1:01

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook or paper

0-9 spinner

(PDF file, 139 KB)

doubles fill gameboard

(PDF file, 321 KB)

2 paper clips for spinners

playing cards 1-10

plants, flowers or leaves


2 stacks of books

weights (e.g. pebbles or bolts)

a ruler


Listening Information texts: Elephants

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Listening activity
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • What information do you know about elephants from this video? Draw or write what you know.

Duration: 6:31


Watch video

Watch Taronga Zoo's live elephant web cam.

  • What other information do you now know about elephants? Record this information.

Live elephant web cam
Duration: streaming

Viewing and writing Zoo information: Videos and signs

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Write or draw 3 things that a zoo sign needs to have.

Videos and signs

Duration: 1:30

Handwriting – Focus: on, do, how

You will need:


a workbook or paper


Handwriting practice sheet – Stage 1 (PDF file, 30 KB)


Icon: watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in.

Explicit handwriting instruction Focus: on, do, how
Duration: 15:29

Writing activity

Have a go at the activity sheet.

Hint! You can do these activities on plain paper or in your workbook if you prefer.

Handwriting practice sheet – Stage 1


Care and connect

Tap and wink

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Tap and wink
Duration: 1:03


Number – Doubles fill

You will need:


a workbook or paper

0-9 spinner (PDF file, 139KB)

a game board (PDF file, 321KB)

2 paperclips

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity,

Hint! The instructions are also below if you need them.

Doubles fill
Duration: 8:03

Hands-on activity

Instructions (select arrow)

  • Players take turns to spin the 9 spinner (or roll dice) and spin the doubles fill spinner.

  • If a player spins a 6 and spins ‘double’, they would need to double 6 (to make 12). Players must always explain their thinking to their partner who records the number sentence.

  • The player then colours in a corresponding array.

  • Players then swap roles.

  • If there is no space on the grid, players miss a turn.

  • Play continues until no one is able to add another array.

  • Players then calculate the number of squares they covered and the person with the largest area is the winner.


Icon: hands-on activity

Other ways to play:

  • Use materials to work out double facts.

  • Make up ‘codes’ to show the order in which they made the arrays (see video).

  • Students can rotate and rename the array to use the commutative property, e.g. change 5 twos into 2 fives and colour the corresponding array.

  • Change the spinner to include repeated doubling.

Number – Go fish: Collecting and solving doubles

You will need:

playing cards 1-10

Note: You will also need someone to play with.

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Hint! The instructions are also below if you need them.

Go fish – collecting and solving doubles
Duration: 6:40

Hands-on activity

Instructions (select arrow)

  • Each player gets 7 cards. The rest of the cards are placed in a pile in the middle – this is called the 'draw pile'.

  • Players try to make matches (pairs of cards that are the same).

  • Once players can't make any more matches using their own cards, they can take turns to ask their opponent for a card.

    • If their opponent has a card of that number they must give it to the asking player.

    • If they don't, they say 'go fish' and the player gets a card from the draw pile.

  • For the player to keep the match they must solve the doubles fact. For example, if a player collected a double 9, they must solve and say ‘double 9 is 18’ to their opponent.

  • If at any point a player has no cards left, they can pick up another 7 cards from the draw pile.

  • Play continues until there are no cards left in the draw pile and/or all matches have been made.

  • The player with the most matches at the end is the winner!

Hands-on activity

Example of making matches

Example of a game where each player has made a few doubles (e.g. two 4's).

Example of a finished game

Example of cards all matched into pairs/doubles.
Speaking activity


  • How many pairs did you collect?

  • Is this more than, less than or the same as your opponent (the person you were playing against)?

  • What’s the difference between how many pairs you collected and how many pairs your opponent collected?

  • What strategies did you use to solve the doubles?

  • If you played the game again tomorrow, what’s an adaptation (change) you could make?

Brain break

Garden shadows

You will need:


a workbook or paper

plants, flowers or leaves

Activity: watch video
Activity: hands-on activity
Icon: writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Garden shadows
Duration: 1:41

Let's keep learning!

STEM Build a bridge challenge

You will need:


2 stacks of books to act as bridge piers at the ends of the bridge

weights (e.g. pebbles or bolts)

a ruler

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

Today's STEM challenge is to design and build a paper bridge.

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Hint! You can download the instructions for this challenge:

(PDF, 2MB)

Build a bridge challenge
Duration: 3:09

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity


  • The bridge must span (go across) a gap between 2 stacks of books.

  • The gap must be at least 15cm.

  • The bridge must be able to hold weights. Start small and see how much your bridge can hold.

  • The paper can be folded or twisted.

  • The ruler cannot be used in the bridge structure.

Materials needed

aterials needed including paper, 2 stacks of books, weights and a ruler

Hint: Try different shapes and folds

Paper bridge supported by 2 stacks of books

Example bridge design

Folded piece of paper supported by 2 stacks of books


Icon: hands-on activity
  • Build an even stronger bridge out of straws.

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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