Day 2

Welcome to Day 2!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 2 video

Duration: 1:01

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook or paper

a familiar object from your house (e.g. shoes)


24 counters per player (or dried pasta, pegs or Lego)

2 six-sided dice (or playing cards or a number spinner 1-6)

2 coins

a tissue

paper towel


toilet paper

cleaning wipes

a plastic container with lid



Speaking – What is that object?

You will need:

a familiar object from your house

Icon: watch video
Speaking activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Select an object from your house.

  • Use adjectives (describing words) to describe what the object looks like – make sure you don't say what the object is though!

What is that object?
Duration: 3:52

Writing – Caring for the babies

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Listening activity

Read or listen to 'Owl Babies' by Martin Waddell.

'Owl babies' by Martin Waddell

Duration: 5:26

Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • How does the mother owl take care of her babies?

Write or draw your answer.

  • What dangers might owls face in the woods?

Write or draw your answer.

  • Why did Sarah think all three owls should sit on her branch?

Caring for the babies

Duration: 5:36

Handwriting – Focus: h, w

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in.

Explicit handwriting instruction – Focus: h, w

Duration: 12:43

Writing activity

Have a go at the activity sheet.

Hint! You can do these activities on plain paper or in your workbook if you prefer.

Handwriting practice sheet – Stage 1


Care and connect


Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Duration: 3:11


Number – Subtraction stacks

You will need:


a workbook or paper


24 counters per player (or dried pasta, pegs or Lego)

2 six-sided dice (or use playing cards or a number spinner 1-6)

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Hint! The instructions are also below if you need them.

Subtraction stacks
Duration: 8:32

From J Bay-Williams and G Kling, 2019

Icon: hands-on activity

Instructions (select arrow)

  • Each player places their 10 counters on their subtraction stack game board. More than one counter can be placed on each number.

  • Take turns by rolling the dice and finding the difference between the two numbers rolled.

  • If a counter is on the number, the player removes it from the game board.

  • If there are no counters to remove, miss a turn.

  • The winner is the player who removes all counters from their game board first.

Example game board

A piece of a paper with 6 vertical folds. Each fold is numbered from 0 through to 5.


Icon: hands-on activity
  • Extend the subtraction stack gameboard to 9 or 11 and use a 12 or 10-sided dice. Each player will need 20 counters or items to play.

Icon: writing activity


  • What was one of your strategies for working out the difference between the numbers you rolled?

  • Is the strategy the same or different to your opponent (the person you were playing against)?

  • Will you place your stacks of counters differently next time you play? Why?

Number – Subtraction concentration 2

Watch video
Hands-on activity
  • Yesterday we played 'Subtraction concentration'.

  • Let's play again using some different cards. There are 6 pairs to match.

  • Turn two cards over and try to find the matching pairs.

Hint! Try to find all of the matching pairs in the least number of card turns. The number of card turns is shown below the cards.


Watch video
Hands-on activity
  • This time there are 10 pairs of cards to match!

  • Turn two cards over and try to find the matching pairs.

Hint! Try to find all of the matching pairs in the least number of card turns. The number of card turns is shown below the cards.


Icon: hands-on activity
  • Make your own version of 'Subtraction concentration' using paper and pencils.

  • Play with a family member, friend or yourself!

Brain break

Coin challenge – Rugby

You will need:

2 coins

Note: You also need someone to play with.

Icon: hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Australia's Coin Sports – Rugby
Duration: 0:59

Let's keep learning!

Science and Technology – Tissue testing times

You will need:

pencils and a texta

a workbook or paper

a tissue

a piece of paper towel

a piece of cardboard

a square of toilet paper

a disposable cleaning wipe (optional)

a container with a lid


Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activities.

Hint! The instructions are also below if you need them.

Tissue testing times
Duration: 17:06

Watch video
Icon: writing activity


Record your predictions in your workbook or on paper.

  • Draw a picture of what each time of paper material looks like BEFORE it is wet.

Hint! Copy the example table into your workbook to help you set out your work.

A table showing 3 columns and 6 rows. Down the leftare listed each of the paper types 9paper, cardboard, Kitchen towel, Toilet paper, Disposable wipes). Next to each there is a column labled 'Before water' and one labled 'After water' into which observations are recorded. The Before water column has small drawings recorded of each of the paper types.
Hands-on activity


Test each material.

  • Place 1 piece of the paper material in the container with water.

  • Close the lid tightly.

  • Shake the container for 1 minute and place it on the bench.

  • Open the container and look inside.

Watch video
Icon: writing activity


Record your observations in your table.

  • Draw a picture of what each type of paper material looks like AFTER it is wet.

  • Did the paper material change or did it stay the same?


Icon: writing activity
  • How do you use the different types of paper materials when they are dry?

  • Can you still use these paper materials in the same way when they are wet?

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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