Day 2

Welcome to Day 2!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 2 video

Duration: 1:01

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook or paper

playing cards (Ace to 10)

a drinking straw


a comb

a piece of baking paper

3-5 containers of the same size which have narrow openings


Speaking Describe the setting

You will need:


pencils or a recording device


a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Speaking activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Look at the picture of the jungle treehouse.​

  • Describe what you can see.

Describe the setting
Duration: 2:28

Writing together Planning for writing

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Listen to the story 'Alexander’s Outing' by Pamela Allen and complete the activities with the teacher in the video.

'Alexander's Outing' by Pamela Allen (Planning for writing)
Duration: 16:37

Handwriting The letter 's'

You will need:




a workbook or paper


Handwriting activity sheets - letter Ss (PDF file, 81KB)


Icon: watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in.

Explicit handwriting instruction Focus: S

Duration: 12:39

Writing activity

Have a go at the activity sheet.

Hint! You can do these activities on plain paper or in your workbook if you prefer.

Handwriting activity sheets – Ss


Care and connect

Butterfly breathing

Icon: hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Butterfly breathing
Duration: 0:55


Number – Subitising 6 One less than

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Subitising 6 – one less than
Duration: 6:00

Icon: hands-on activity

Where can you find examples of 'one less than' around your house?

For example:

  • Do you have one less spoon in your kitchen compared to how many forks there are?

  • Do you have one less pair of socks than someone else in your house?

  • Is there one less cow in the top paddock compared to the bottom paddock?

Icon: writing activity

Draw or write down where you found examples of ‘one less than’.

Number – Go fish! relationships

You will need:

playing cards (Ace to 10)

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Hint! The instructions are also below if you need them.

Go fish! relationships
Duration: 7:27

Icon: hands-on activity

Instructions (select arrow)

  • Each player gets 7 cards. The rest of the cards are placed in a pile in the middle.

  • Players try to make pairs that are 1 more, 1 less, 2 more or 2 less.

  • Once they can't make any more pairs, they can take turns to ask their opponent.

  • If their opponent has a card of that number they must give it to the asking player.

  • If they don't, they say 'Go Fish' and the player gets a card from the central pile of cards.

  • Play continues until one player has no more cards left in their hand. They are the winner!


Icon: hands-on activity

Another way to play:

  • Play until there are no cards left. The player with the most pairs is the winner.

Brain break

I spy!

Watch video

Watch the video and join in the activity.

I spy!

Duration: 1:14

Let's keep learning!

Science and Technology Make some noise

You will need:

drinking straw

a drinking straw




a comb

Baking paper

a piece of baking paper

3-5 containers of the same size with a small opening

3-5 containers of the same size and that have narrow openings

Hands-on activity
Listening activity

Watch the video and join in the activities.

Important! Make sure you ask an adult to help you cut the drinking straw.

Make some noise
Duration: 6:19

Hands-on activity
Listening activity

Explore the sounds made through the straw.

  • Change the sound by blowing softly and then with force.

  • What did you notice when you blew softly?

  • Explain how the sound is being produced.

Hands-on activity
Listening activity

Explore the sounds made through the comb.

  • What shakes to make the noise on the comb?

  • How does your voice change the sound?

  • What happens when you hold the paper firmly on the comb?

  • What did you notice about the sound?

  • What else can you change so that the sound changes?

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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