Day 1

Welcome to Day 1 of the Cockatoo pack!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 1 video

Duration: 1:06

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook or paper

a collection of objects (e.g. blocks or dried pasta)

a small bouncy ball (e.g. a ping pong or tennis ball)

a plastic bucket, cup or container


Writing – What's outside your window?

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Writing activity
Speaking activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Look outside a window.

  • Describe what you see.

  • Think about:

    • colours (adjectives)

    • shapes (adjectives)

    • sizes (adjectives)

    • action words (verbs).

Hint! You can record what you see in your workbook or on a device.

What's out your window?

Duration: 1:38

Reading and writing – Describing words

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Listening activity

Watch and listen to the story 'Ginger' by Charlotte Voake.


Duration: 5:41

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Complete the sentences about 'Ginger' and the kitten by adding a describing word.

Hint! Remember, describing words are called adjectives.

Describing words – 'Ginger'

Duration: 7:35


You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Listening activity
Speaking activity
Writing activity

Complete the activities with the teacher in the video.

Phonics – Lesson 1: oi, oy

Duration: 9:29

Care and connect

Square breathing

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Square breathing
Duration: 0:55


Number – Let's talk 4

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Speaking activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Hint! There are 2 parts to this activity. This is part 1.

Let's talk 4 – part 1

Duration: 11:54

Watch video
Speaking activity

Watch the next video and join in the activity.

Let's talk 4 – part 2

Duration: 4:37

Writing activity
  • What other quantities can you find that are equivalent (the same) in value to 8 + 8 + 6?

Number – Let's explore patterns!

You will need:


a workbook or paper

a collection of objects (e.g. blocks or dried pasta)

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Sorting patterns 1
Duration: 7:36

Writing activity
  • What are some different ways to sort your collection? Record as many ideas as you can think of.

Writing activity
Hands-on activity
  • Look at the picture of the yellow and green blocks.

  • Describe the pattern.

  • How do you know it is a pattern?

  • How would you describe the part that repeats?

Hands-on activity
Writing activity
  • Make your own AB pattern.

Use the interactive blocks below. If you have blocks or Lego, you can use those.

Hint! Click and drag the blocks to move them around the board.

Writing activity
  • Look at the picture of the two patterns.

  • How are these patterns the same?

  • How are these patterns different?


Watch video
  • Look at the picture of the ABB pattern.

Hint! The pattern in the picture is ABB because it has one colour and then two of the next colour (yellow, green, green).

Hands-on activity
  • Make, copy or extend an ABB pattern.

Use the interactive blocks below. If you have blocks or Lego, you can use those instead.

Hint! Click and drag the blocks to move them around the board.

Brain break

Ball bounce

You will need:

a small bouncy ball (e.g. a ping pong or tennis ball)

a plastic bucket, cup or container

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Ball bounce
Duration: 0:52

Let's keep learning!

History – Present and past family life: Communication

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Look at the photographs in the video of different forms of communication. For each photograph:

  • name the form of communication

  • decide whether it is from the past or the present.

Hint! The photographs shown in the video are also below if you need them.

The past in the present
Duration: 7:43

Writing activity

Compare a form of communication from the past with one from the present. You can choose either telephones or letters and emails.

  • Identify the similarities.

  • Identify the differences.

  • Explain how your chosen form of communication has changed over time.

Hint! You can present your work in a list, a table or a Venn diagram.


Writing activity
  • Write a postcard or a letter to a friend and post it to them. Ask them to write back to you for fun!

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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