Day 4

Welcome back to Day 4!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 4 video

Duration: 0:51

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook or paper


assorted objects to make a mandala (e.g. pegs, leaves)


Speaking and writing – Interview time!

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Speaking activity
Icon: listening task
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activities.

  • If possible, interview someone you know.

Hint! You could do this in person if they live in your house or maybe over the phone. If you can't interview a person, ask your favourite toy some questions.

Interview time!

Duration: 3:45

Reading and writing – Beginning, middle and end

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Icon: listening task

Watch and listen to the story 'Too many pears' by Jackie French.

'Too many pears' by Jackie French

Duration: 4:30

Icon: watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Draw and write what happened in the story:

    • in the beginning

    • in the middle

    • at the end.

  • Complete the sentence describing the character, Pamela.

Pamela was a cow who...

  • Write some sentences describing the character, Amy.

Beginning, middle and end

Duration: 3:46

Word study

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Speaking activity
Icon: listening task
Writing activity

Complete the activities with the teacher in the video.

Word study focus: -ly suffix

Duration: 14:05

Care and connect

Mindful posing

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Mindful posing
Duration: 1:11


Geometry – Making mandalas

You will need:


a workbook or paper


assorted object to make the mandala (e.g. pegs, leaves, beads, rocks, small stones)

Icon: watch video

Watch and listen to the video.

MathXplosion – Fly a kite!
Duration: 3:00

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

Watch the video then join in the activity.

Hint! The instructions are also below if you need them.

Important! Make sure you ask for permission before using materials around your home.

Making mandalas
Duration: 9:03

Icon: hands-on activity


Step 1:

  • Collect objects from around your house. You will need to collect a pair of each object (two objects that are the same colour, size and shape).

  • Remember to ask permission before using natural materials.

A piece of ribbon and collections of objects from around the house, including leaves, pegs, beads, rocks.

Step 2:

  • Select a pair of objects (same colour, size and shape) and place one object down as your starting point.

  • Place the second object down so it's symmetrical. You will need to flip, slide or turn the object.

A piece of ribbon with one yellow peg sitting above the ribbon facing up and one yellow peg sitting below the ribbon facing down.

Step 3:

  • Continue creating your own mandala using the objects you have collected by flipping, sliding and turning the objects.

  • You can check the lines of symmetry using a ribbon to see if each side is a mirror image.

A completed mandala made from red, blue and yellow pegs, 2 leaves and 4 pebbles
Icon: hands-on activity
Icon: writing activity
  • What is a line of symmetry?

  • How many lines of symmetry can you see in your Mandala? Draw these in your workbook.

  • Show how you could make more lines of symmetry by moving or adding other objects.

Brain break


Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Duration: 0:52

Let's keep learning!

Taronga Zoo – Glider crossing

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video

Watch the video about Gliders.

Glider video
Duration: 8:01

Watch video

Interesting facts about gliders:

  • Gliders are small possums with skin membranes, stretching between their front and hind legs, that enable them to glide through the air.

  • Squirrel Gliders are often mistaken for the more common Sugar Glider.

  • The Squirrel Glider is larger and has a long, pointed face. Their fur is usually a brown-grey colour, with a darker stripe on their head and down their back.

  • Squirrel Gliders also have a broad, bushy tail which is similar in colour to their upper body and has a distinctive dark tip.

Hands-on activity

Drag the characteristics to the correct glider.

Select the blue 'Submit' button when you have matched the characteristics to the correct pictures.

Hint! Some characteristics are shared by both animals.

Watch video

Watch the video about designing a wildlife crossing for gliders.

Hint! The instructions are also below if you need them.

Design a wildlife crossing


Writing activity
Speaking activity
  • In your workbook or on a piece of paper, draw a wildlife crossing for possums and gliders to use that helps them to cross busy roads.

  • Use coloured pencils to add some leaves and native flowers to your design to make it more appealing to the animals.

  • Label the crossing with what you have included (e.g. leaves, Bottlebrush, rope, wooden poles).

  • Explain your design to a family member, your teacher or even a toy.

Hint! Look at the picture of the wildlife crossing to help you get started.

Example of a wildlife crossing

A wildlife crossing stretched between two tall telegraph poles over a road. There are lots of trees on either side of the road.

Ashley Mulcahy | Taronga Zoo


Hands-on activity

Build a model of your wildlife crossing using materials from in or around your home (e.g. cardboard tubes, straws, leaves, string, wool).

Important! Make sure you check with an adult first before using any materials or equipment.

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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