Day 3

Let's get started with Day 3!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 3 video

Duration: 0:53

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook or paper

sticky notes

dry pasta, blocks or counters

a mirror or a photo of yourself


Vocabulary – Word chain

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing task

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Look at the image of the beach in the video.​

  • Complete a word chain for ‘beach’.​

  • Look at the image of the farm in the video.​

  • Complete a word chain for ‘farm’.

Word chain

Duration: 4:45


Writing activity
  • Complete a word chain for a different setting. For example, a zoo or a rainforest.

Writing together – Beginning of a story

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Icon: listening task
Icon: writing task

Listen to 'Alexander’s Outing' by Pamela Allen and complete the activities with the teacher in the video.

'Alexander's Outing' by Pamela Allen (Beginning of a story)

Duration: 14:56

Sight words

You will need:




a workbook or paper

sticky notes

sticky notes

Icon: watch video
Icon: listening task
Icon: speaking activity
Icon: writing task

Complete the activities with the teacher in the video.

Today's sight words are:

  • when

  • how.

Sight words – Lesson 1: when, how
Duration: 10:42

Care and connect

Try not to think about penguins

Listening task
Icon: hands-on task

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Try not to think about penguins

Duration: 2:16


Number Imagining dots

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Watch video

Watch the video to see what to do.

Imagining dots – part 1
Duration: 2:05

Adapted from Kazemi and Hintz

Writing activity
  • Use your imagination to draw a picture of how you saw the dots in the video.

Hint! Draw a few pictures to show some of the different ways you saw the dots.

Example of how you might draw the dots

Dots grouped together in different amounts.
Watch video

Watch the next video to see what to do next.

Imagining dots – part 2
Duration: 8:55

Writing activity
Icon: speaking activity
  • Draw some other ways to see the dots.

  • In the video, Michael saw chunks of 6 and Penny saw chunks of 4 when they looked at the dots. Do you see any other chunks hidden in the dots?

  • Ask someone else to describe how they saw the dots. Draw a picture of their way of seeing the dots.

  • Draw a different collection of dots. Show them to someone and see if they can close their eyes and imagine the dots.

Number – Handfuls

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Pasta shapes

dry pasta, blocks or counters

Watch video

Watch the video to learn how to play.

Hint! The instructions are also below if you need them.

Duration: 3:26

Icon: hands-on task

Instructions (select arrow)

  • Take a handful of pasta (or blocks or counters).

  • Hold the objects in your hand and imagine how many you have.

  • Write down your estimate.

  • Describe what that collection might look like by visualising and imagining.

  • Organise your collection so that someone can determine how many items there are by looking and thinking.

An example for the number 18

Examples of 18 in different groups.
Icon: speaking activity
Writing activity
  • How many did you have altogether? How do you know?

  • How have you organised your collection?

  • Did you have more or less than your estimation (what you guessed)?

  • Can you organise them differently?

  • How many ways can you arrange your collection so that you can see how many there are by looking and thinking?

  • What do you think is the best way to organise your collection?

Brain break

Scavenger hunt

Hands-on task

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Scavenger hunt

Duration: 1:21

Let's keep learning!

Creative Arts Little Miss Muffet

Icon: listening activity
Icon: speaking activity
Hands-on task

Watch the video and join in the activities.

As you sing the nursery rhyme:

  • keep the beat on your knees or by patting the floor

  • find another way to play along with the song, such as repeating some spoken words like 'Little Miss Muffett'

  • add some body movements or actions.

Little Miss Muffet

Duration: 16:15

Creative Arts Self-portrait

You will need:


a pencil


a workbook or paper

mirror or photo of yourself

a mirror or photo of yourself

Hands-on task

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Hint! The main steps for drawing a face are also below.

Continuous line self-portrait

Duration: 1:49

Hands-on task

These are the main steps for drawing a face.

Step 1 – Draw the outline of the face.

A pencil drawing of an oval with lines to show it divided into quarters.

Step 2 – Draw a triangle for the nose.

Building on the previous image, a triangle is in the centre of the oval as the nose.

Step 3Add two circles for eyes.

Building on the previous image, two circles have been drawn above the triangle nose for two eyes.

Step 4 – Add two ears and a smile.

Building on the previous image, two ears have been added as well as a smile.

Step 5 – Add hair (you can style this!)

Building on the previous image, short hair has been drawn.

Step 6Add eyelashes.

Building on the previous image, long hair and eyelashes have been added.
Watch video

Does your self-portrait look like you?

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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