Day 1

Welcome to Day 1 of the Sugar Glider pack!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 1 video

Duration: 1:06

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook or paper


a small ball

a container


ListeningInformation texts

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Think of places where you are given information.

  • Class rules give us information about how to behave in the classroom.

What are your class rules? Write or draw these rules.

Information texts

Duration: 3:45

WritingInformation texts: Insects

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activities.

  • What facts do you know about insects? Write or draw these facts.

  • Record two new facts that you learnt about insects from watching the video.

  • Finish this sentence:

My favourite insect is...

  • Draw your favourite insect in its habitat (where it lives).


Duration: 7:26


You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Icon: listening activity
Speaking activity
Icon: writing activity

Complete the activities with the teacher in the video.

Phonics Lesson 3: j, v, w, x

Duration: 11:31

Care and connect

Sensory sensations

Listen to the audio and join in the activity.

Sensory sensations
Duration: 1:27

Week F CC Early Stage 1 Stage 1 Tuesday Sensory Sensation.m4a


Number Sorting dominoes

You will need:

coloured pencils

a workbook or paper

dominoes (optional)

Watch video

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Hint! The instructions are also below if you need them.

Sorting dominoes

Duration: 13:11

Watch video
Icon: writing activity
  • Record what you notice about the way these dominoes are sorted.

  • Draw some pictures to show where you saw the hidden doubles in the dominoes in the video.

  • Find some dominoes, dice or other resources that show:

    • doubles

    • not doubles

    • near doubles.

Number Concentration: Doubles facts

Watch video
Hands-on activity
  • Play concentration, also known as memory or pairs.

  • Turn two cards over and try to find the matching pairs. There are 4 matching pairs to find.

Hint! The matching pairs are all about doubles facts. For example, double 3 (or 2 threes) is the same as 6.


Watch video
Hands-on activity
  • This time there are 6 pairs of cards to match!

  • Turn two cards over and try to find the matching pairs.

Hint! Try to find all of the matching pairs in the least number of card turns. The number of card turns is shown below the cards.

Brain break

Crazy tongs

You will need:


a small ball

a container

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Crazy tongs
Duration: 1:28

Let's keep learning!

History Present and past family life: Transport

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

The past means it’s already happened.

The present means what is happening right now.

The future is what might happen next week, next month, next year and beyond!

Hint! The transport pictures from the video are also below.

Transport in the past
Duration: 4:02


Icon: writing activity
  • Look at the photos and the drawings you have just created of the modern types of transport. Record 3 ways that transport has changed over time.

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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