Day 3

Let's get started with Day 3!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 3 video

Duration: 0:53

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook or paper

sticky notes

2 counters or objects (e.g pegs, dried pasta)

2 paper clips

0-9 spinner

(PDF, 98KB)

20-70 spinner

(PDF, 21KB)


2 coins

a bottle cap

a variety of art and craft materials


SpeakingThe day in the life of a pet

Icon: watch video
Speaking activity

Watch the video and join in the activities.

  • Pretend you are a pet animal (e.g. dog, cat, mouse, fish).

  • Think about what that animal would do each day. 

Think about what it:

    • feels

    • smells

    • sees

    • hears

    • tastes.

The day in the life of a pet

Duration: 1:53

Writing – Describing owl babies

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Icon: listening task

Read or listen to 'Owl Babies' by Martin Waddell.

'Owl babies' by Martin Waddell

Duration: 5:26

Icon: writing task
  • Write some words to describe the owl babies.

  • Choose two of these words and write them in a sentence to describe the owl babies.

Sight words

You will need:


a workbook or paper

sticky notes

Icon: watch video
Icon: listening task
Icon: speaking activity
Icon: writing task

Complete the activities with the teacher in the video.

Today's sight word is:

  • would.

Sight words – Lesson 1: would
Duration: 5:36

Care and connect

My favourite place

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Icon: writing task

Watch the video and join in the activity.

My favourite place
Duration: 2:07


Number Subtraction skills

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Icon: writing task
  • Copy the questions below into your workbook or onto a piece of paper. You can choose:

    • Set 1 – Subtracting from 10


    • Set 2 – Subtracting from numbers up to 20.

  • Solve each question. Make sure you show your thinking.

Hint! Use the virtual Ten frame and Renenrek below to help you.

  • Check that your answers match the ones in the boxes below and then drag the answer to the matching question.

Hint! If you have different answers, go back and check your work.

  • Select the blue 'Submit' button.

Set 1 Subtracting from 10

Set 2 – Subtracting from numbers up to 20

Icon: hands-on activity

Ten frame

Use the ten frame to help you solve the subtraction questions.

Icon: hands-on activity


Use the Rekenrek to help you solve the subtraction questions.


Icon: writing task
  • Copy the questions below into your workbook or onto a piece of paper. You can choose:

    • Set 3 – Subtracting from numbers up to 30


    • Set 4 – Subtracting from numbers up to 100.

  • Solve each question. Make sure you show your thinking.

Hint! Use the virtual MABs (Base 10 blocks) to help you.

  • Check that your answers match the ones in the boxes below and then drag the answer to the matching question.

Hint! If you have different answers, go back and check your work.

  • Select the blue 'Submit' button.

Set 3 Subtracting from numbers up to 30

Set 4 Subtracting from numbers up to 100

Hands-on activity

MABs (Base 10 blocks)

Use the blocks to help you solve the subtraction questions.

Number – Race to zero

You will need:


a workbook or paper

2 counters

2 paper clips

0-119 hundreds chart (PDF file, 121 KB)

(or you can draw your own chart)

0-9 spinner (PDF file, 98 KB)

20-70 spinner (PDF file, 21 KB)

(or you can make your own spinners)

Watch video
Icon: hands-on task

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Hint! The instructions are also below if you need them.

Race to zero
Duration: 8:16

Icon: hands-on task

Instructions (select arrow)

  • Players place their counters at the end of 119.

  • The person whose birthday is closest to February 29 goes first.

  • Players take turns to spin both spinners and decide which to use, subtracting the amount from their current position. For example, a player rolled 60 and 4. He or she can choose to subtract 60 or 4. Players explain where they need to move their counter to and explain their thinking. If their partner agrees, they move the counter to the corresponding position.

  • Players take turns until someone has been able to land exactly on zero.

  • Players miss a turn if they can not move. If a roll means they would move into negative numbers, they have to move their counter back to 25.

0-119 hundreds chart

Week G - S1 - Maths - Fri - Race to zero 0-119 hundreds chart.pdf

0-119 hundreds chart (PDF file, 121 KB)

(or you can draw your own chart)

20-70 spinner

Week G - S1 - Maths - Fri - 20-70 spinner.pdf

20-70 spinner (PDF file, 21 KB)

(or you can draw your own spinner)

0-9 spinner

Week G - S1 - Maths - Fri - 0-9 spinner.pdf

0-9 spinner (PDF file, 98 KB)

(or you can draw your own spinner)

Brain break

Coin challengeVolleyball

You will need:



2 coins

a bottle cap

Note: You also need someone to play with.

Icon: hands-on task

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Australia's Coin Sports – Volleyball
Duration: 1:02

Let's keep learning!

Creative Arts Puppets

You will need:

Please note: Materials required for this activity will depend on which puppet option you choose to make.

Watch video
Icon: listening task
Activity: speaking activity
Icon: hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activities.

Hint! The instructions are also below if you need them.

Duration: 17:02

Icon: hands-on activity

Let's create a mouse puppet to run up the clock!

Look at the pictures and videos below to help you to decide which puppet you are going to make.

1. Hand sock puppet

You will need:

  • an old, clean sock

  • materials to give it a face and body

  • glue.

2. Spoon puppet

You will need:

  • a wooden spoon

  • textas

  • fabric for an outfit

  • glue.

3. Paper bag puppet

You will need:

  • a paper bag

  • textas

  • scrap paper to decorate

  • glue.

4. Foil puppet

You will need:

  • aluminium foil

Hint! You can shape the aluminium foil by rolling, squeezing and pinching it.

5. Paper plate puppet

You will need:

  • a paper plate and cardboard

  • textas

  • sticky tape.

Watch the video below to help you to make a paper plate puppet.

Paper plate puppet video

Duration: 1:31

6. Newspaper puppet

You will need:

  • newspaper

  • sticky tape.

Watch the video below to help you to make a newspaper puppet.

Newspaper puppet video

Duration: 1:18

7. 3D sculpture sock puppet

You will need:

  • a sock

  • newspaper

  • string

  • scissors

  • sticky tape.

Watch the video below to help you to make a sculpture puppet.

3D sculpture sock puppet video

Duration: 2:19

Icon: hands-on activity
Activity: speaking activity

Let's mime!

  • Use your puppet to mime and move to ‘Hickory Dickory Dock’ while you sing it.

Hint! If you made an animal other than a mouse, think about how you could change the words in the song. For example:

    • ‘Hickory, Dickory Dock; the snake slid up the clock’

    • ‘Hickory Dickory Dock; the frog jumped up the clock’.

  • Think about the way your animal moves as it goes up and down the clock. This may also change the tempo (speed), dynamics (volume) and tone colour (the way it sounds) when you perform the song. For example, the snake may be slow, soft and perhaps have a hiss.

Icon: hands-on activity
  • Create a short scene about getting your puppet ready for a day in your life.

Hint! Think about your current morning routine and move the puppet at the same time.

For example, the puppet is lying down asleep to begin, then it slowly wakes up. Suddenly it realises it is late and jumps out of bed. It walks into the bathroom and washes its face before peering in the mirror at itself.


Icon: hands-on activity
  • Make a clock using a paper plate and some boxes.

Hint! Look at the picture as an example.

  • How tall can you make your clock by stacking boxes?

  • Create a movement sequence, rhythm or vocal sounds pattern, rather than a single sound, for each number on the clock as they are called out.

Example of a cardboard box clock

cardboard box clock

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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