Day 4

Welcome back to Day 4!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 4 video

Duration: 0:51

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook or paper

a toy


2 coins

a bottle cap

a washing basket


SpeakingAdult or baby?

Watch video
Speaking activity
  • Look at the photo of the owls.

  • Do you think these are baby owls or adult owls? Explain why you think this.


Two small owls which have fluffy white feathers, a small pointy beak and large brown eyes,

Grey Fisher, Taronga Zoo

Writing Mother owl

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Listening activity

Read or listen to 'Owl Babies' by Martin Waddell.

'Owl babies' by Martin Waddell

Duration: 5:26

Watch video
Listening activity
Writing activity

Listen to the instructions.

  • Draw the mother owl or an adult owl.

Hint! Use the photo of the owl or the pictures in the story to help you.

  • Write 3 sentences that describe the mother or adult owl.

Mother owl

Duration: 0:54

Quokka - S1 - Day 3 - Act 2 - instructions.mp3

A female barn owl

A female barn owl standing next to the base of a tree,

Grey Fisher, Taronga Zoo

Word study

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Speaking activity
Icon: listening task
Writing activity

Complete the activities with the teacher in the video.

Word study focus: prefix -in

Duration: 10:46

Care and connect

Connect with a pet

Watch video

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Connect with a pet

Duration: 2:16


PositionLeft and right

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Hands-on activity

Let's practise our left and right.

A helpful way to remember your left and right is that your left hand can look like a capital 'L' for left!

Making the letter 'L' with your hands

two hands with the pointer finger and thumb at right-angles. A capital L is shown matching the fingers on the left hand
Hands-on activity
Writing activity
  • Make the letter 'L' with your pointer finger and thumb on your left hand.

  • Trace around your left hand and right hand on a piece of paper.
    Hint! Make sure you stretch out your thumb to make the letter 'L'.

  • Label your left and right hands.

Example of tracing and labelling your left and right hands

Hands traced, and labelled as left and right.
Hands-on activity

Practise your left and right by doing 'The Cha Cha Slide Dance'. Watch the video and join in!

Important! You will need a clear and safe space to move.

The Cha Cha Slide Dance
Duration: 3:39

PositionGiving directions

You will need:


a workbook or paper

a toy

Hands-on activity
Writing activity

Let's practise giving directions!

  • Hide your toy in a safe and easy to reach place.

  • Choose a starting point (e.g. the closest door).

  • Work out the directions.

  • Record the directions.

  • See if your friend or family member can follow your directions to find the toy!

Hint! Try to use the words:

  • left

  • right

  • full turn

  • half turn.

You can also use other words that describe direction, such as:

  • forward

  • backward

  • between

  • above

  • below.

Example of a toy hiding

A small fabric toy fish hiding beside a pot plant

Example of directions

Example directions e.g. 'Start at door, take 4 steps forward, half turn to your left' etc.

Brain break

Coin challengeHockey

You will need:



2 coins

a bottle cap

Note: You also need someone to play with.

Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Australia's Coin Sports – Hockey
Duration: 0:59

Let's keep learning!

Taronga ZooBuild your own shell

You will need:


a workbook or paper

a washing basket

Watch video

Look at the images below of tortoises.

Aldabra tortoises

Two tortoise with large hard dark shells. The tortoises shell covers their backs,

Photo by Paul Fahy, Taronga Zoo

Aldabra tortoise

Tortoise standing, its think hard shell is covering its back, joined by its skin..

Photo by Paul Fahy, Taronga Zoo

Writing activity

Draw a tortoise shell.

  • Write words to describe the shell.

  • What does it look like?

  • What do you think the shell would feel like?

Example of how you might draw and label a shell

Drawing of a tortoise shell with the words labeling the shell such as heavy, brown, rough, hard, large.
Icon: watch video

Watch the video about Aldabra tortoises and their shells.

Aldabra tortoises and their shells
Duration: 3:06

Hands-on activity

It is your turn to build your own shell!

  • What could you use?

Hint! Look around your home for an item that might make a good shell. Make sure you ask an adult first.

  • Carefully move around your home wearing your shell.

Example of how you might make a shell

Person on knees and elbows with a washing basket on their back,

Example of how you might move with around with a shell

 Person on knees and hands with a washing basket on their back,
Writing activity
  • How did it feel to move around with a shell on your back?

  • Did you move slower?

  • Is it harder to move?

  • Would you like to move around with a shell on your back all the time?

Writing activity

Draw a picture of your own shell.

  • Write words to describe your shell.

  • What does it look like?


Drawing of a washing basket, words labeling the basket such as; hard, smooth, rectangle, small, white, plastic


Writing activity

Write 2 sentences about how it felt to move with a shell. Use these sentence starters:

  • When I moved around with my shell it felt...

  • If I was a tortoise I think moving around would be...

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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