Day 4

Welcome back to Day 4!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 4 video

Duration: 0:51

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook or paper

Lego or coloured blocks

a ruler

a dice


Listening – Listening to animal information

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Listening activity

Watch the video.

Listening to animal information

Duration: 1:07

Watch video
Listening activity
Writing activity

Watch 'Fun Facts About Marsupials'.

As you are watching the video, record:

  • 2 facts about kangaroos

  • 2 facts about koalas

  • 2 facts about wombats. 

Hint! You can write and/or draw the facts.

Fun Facts About Marsupials

Duration: 2:37

Reading together – Your favourite toy

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Listening activity

Listen to the story 'Let's Go, Little Roo.'

Let's Go, Little Roo
Duration: 12:00

Watch video
Listening activity
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Draw your favourite toy.

  • What are some things you can do with your toy?

  • Draw these activities around the toy.

Your favourite toy
Duration: 1:59

Handwriting – Focus: th, ch

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in.

Explicit handwriting instruction – Focus: th, ch

Duration: 7:22

Writing activity

Have a go at the activity sheet.

Hint! You can do these activities on plain paper or in your workbook if you prefer.

Handwriting practice sheet – Stage 1


Care and connect

Sitting meditation

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Sitting meditation

Duration: 0:42


Data – Lego data

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Lego or coloured blocks 

a ruler

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video to see what to do.

Hint! The instructions are also below if you need them.

Lego data

Duration: 9:42

Hands-on activity


Step 1:

  • Grab 2 or 3 big handfuls of Lego that are the same size. 

Assorted LEGO scattered on top of blue cardboard.

Step 2:

  • Sort the Lego into colours. 

Lego sorted into piles of block of similar colours on top of blue cardboard.

Step 3:

  • Use a ruler to draw a baseline on your piece of paper.

  • Line your Lego bricks up in columns along the baseline.

  • What do you notice? 

LEGO being sorted into columns to form a graph on top of blue cardboard.

Step 4:

  • Describe or write what you can see in your graph.  

  • What colour do you have the most of?  

  • Do you have any columns with the same amount?

LEGO sorted into columns on top of blue cardboard.
Icon: writing activity
  • Draw a picture of your Lego graph. 

  • Why is it important to line up your Lego bricks?

  • What did you notice when the bricks were not lined up evenly? 


Icon: writing activity
  • Take a handful of Lego bricks with different sized pieces. How does that change the way you can sort your bricks?

Brain break

Roll the dice

You will need:

a dice

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Roll the dice
Duration: 1:24

Let's keep learning!

Taronga Zoo – Life cycles

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Writing activity

Copy the KWLH chart into your workbook.

  • Fill in the 'What I know' (yellow) column with everything you know about insects and their life cycle.

  • Fill in the 'What I want to know' (pink) column with some questions you have about insects and their life cycle.

Hint! Leave the last 2 columns empty. You will fill these in later.

Example of a KWLH chart to copy into your workbook.

Table with 2 rows and four columns. The third column is titled' What I learned and the last column is title' How I learn more'.
Watch video

Watch the video to learn about the life cycle of a spiny stick insect.

Life cycle of a spiny stick insect
Duration: 5:30

Read information

Information about the life cycle of a spiny stick insect.

  • Their eggs are small, round and brown.

  • A nymph is a young or baby spiny stick insect.

  • Nymphs look like ants.

  • Nymphs have curled tails.

  • An adult spiny stick insect looks like a dry leaf.

  • Adult spiny stick insects are usually light brown.

Hands-on activity
  • Drag and drop the labels and pictures to show the life cycle of a spiny leaf insect.

  • Select the blue 'Submit' button when you have matched the images and labels to the correct stages.

Hint! Watch the video again to help you find the correct order.

Writing activity

Go back to your KWLH chart.

  • In the 'What I learned' (blue) column write or draw what you have learnt about the life cycle of an insect.

  • In the 'How I learn more' (purple) column write or draw how you could learn more about the life cycle of an insect.

Example of a KWLH chart to copy into your workbook.

Table with 2 rows and four columns. The third column is titled' What I learned and the last column is title' How I learn more'.


Writing activity

Write a short description of each stage of the life cycle of a spiny stick insect.

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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