Liceo Chiabrera Martini

Liceo Chiabrera Martini

Via Giovanni Caboto, 2, 17100 Savona SV, Italia

The Liceo Chiabrera Martini is a high secondary school in Savona. There are 1106 students in our Liceo this year and 124 members of staff. Our Liceo hosts 3 different courses of studies: the Liceo Artistico, where the students specialise in figurative and decorative arts, the Liceo Linguistico, where the students specialise in foreign languages, and the Liceo Classico, where the main subjects are ancient Greek, Latin and humanities. Our students are 14 to 19.

The Liceo Chiabrera Martini has just started a much needed process of internationalisation. In fact,” Art Matters” will be the very first European project in which the school takes part. The objective is evidently opening up the cultural horizons of the students at a European level and strengthening their communication in foreign languages. Apart from the school teachers there will be external experts for the workshops.

Liceo Artistico offers the following programmes: figurative arts, architecture and the environment, design. The first two years are the same for all branches. The National Guidelines also include the student's Educational, cultural and professional profile (Pecup) representing what a student should know and should be able to do at the end of each branch of general upper secondary education.The curriculum includes the teaching of 'Citizenship

and Constitution' and schools are required to include it in their three-year educational offer plan (PTOF). It is not a separate subject and its contents are developed by individual schools through teaching projects included in the history and geography subject areas. CLIL is compulsory in the fifth year.