Create your own Badges


Badge pins are a cool way to decorate and personalize clothing/bags etc.

Pin them anywhere you want.

With your own badge pin, you can be sure that no one else will have the same as you!


a badge or button press machine.

button casing in the correct size for your machine. Our machine uses 3.5 cm diameter

cut out images

Get your graphic.

You’ll need to create or get the image you intend to have on the button.

The first step is to find some artwork that you would like to turn into badges.

Print out a sheet of these images on regular printer paper or photo paper.

Make sure the image comes out the right size for the button diameter.

Cut out your image.

Cut them as evenly and cleanly as you can. The circle has to be bigger than the badge will end up.

You may also get a paper cutter designed for buttons, since this can make the process much faster. The cutter has a clear circle inside that shows you the area that will be visible on the badge.

Make sure to buy a cutter which is for the same size as your button machine

Insert the button components into the left die:

The badge press is made of two dies that mould the badge. The first die moulds the front of the badge, then the second one pushes it together with the back part of the badge.

The front of the badge consists of three layers that the badge maker presses them together for you. First, you need to load a metal front piece into the machine. Then, add the artwork and top with a clear cover that is made from a plastic called mylar.

The image should be face up and aligned how you wish it to appear.

Once you have loaded the materials, you have to put the chrome ring on top. Then you add the black plate. When you have done that, you swing the die round so it is under the handle. Then pull the handle down hard!

Insert the pin back into the right die

Once you have pressed down the first die, swing the die back round so you can get to it and remove the badge. It will be held inside the chrome ring. Next, you need to take a badge back and put the pin in it so that the pin and the lip around the edge face the same way.

The pin side should be facing down and the coil should be pointing to the right (and aligned horizontally).

Then you need to put the badge back into the second die, pin side down. Place the chrome ring with the badge front in, into the die as well, facing upwards. Then add the black plate back in, this time flat side up.

Once you have done that, swing the second die round so that it is under the handle and pull the handle down. Then you can swing it back round again, remove the plate and the chrome ring, and your badge is ready!

Summary of instructions

Step 1: Place the button components in the pickup die (Left) and the crimp die (Right).

Step 2: Rotate the pickup die clockwise until it is under the upper die.

Step 3: Pull the handle down, easily crimping the shell, graphic, and mylar in the upper die.

Step 4: The button components are now in the upper die. Raise the handle and rotate the crimp die counter-clockwise.

Step 5: With the pin back still in the crimp die Pull the handle a second time

Step 6: Rotate the die clockwise to see your finished button!

Video. One of our students explains how to make badges

4. How to make badges - Secuencia 01.mp4