Schoology Course Rollover

At the end of each grading period such as Half Marking Periods, Marking Periods, or Semesters, you should make sure to save all of your course content so that you can use it for future courses. Once you have saved your Schoology course, it will:

  • Save the structure of your course, all assignments/discussions/pages, etc.

  • Allow you to copy it all to your new course without you having to set up your course from scratch.

If you are using the Schoology gradebook to sync with PowerSchool, you can also copy over your gradebook settings!

Check out the steps below!

① Save your ENTIRE course in Schoology

On any of your Schoology courses, you have the option to save your entire course to "Resources". You only need to do this for one course if you have multiple courses that are the same.

  • 🚦 Go to one of your “Courses”

  • ✅ Click “Options”

  • 💾 “Save Course to Resources”

*Stay organized with your content in Resources with "collections"

② Sending course content back to your NEW Schoology courses

Now that your course is saved in your resources, you can now add it to your new courses listed in Schoology.

  • 🚦 Go to your “Resources” where you already saved your entire course

  • 📁 Click on the course folder

  • ✅ Check the top box to select all items or individual items from your course

  • 🎯 Select “Edit” and “Add to Course”

*You can also go to "Add Materials" inside your new course and "Import from Resources". Either way works!*

③ Unpublish Items you don't want students to see!

Once your new course has all of the course content transferred, everything is ready to go, you will just need to unpublished anything that you don't want your students to see.

👍🏻 Tip: It is best to unpublish an entire folder so that everything inside it is also unpublished

④ Redo the Setup Schoology Gradebook Syncing
(if you are using the gradebook)

If you are using the Schoology gradebook, you will need to redo the setup/category alignment of your Schoology gradebook to sync with PowerSchool

OR you can "copy gradebook settings" so that all of your categories, rubrics, etc. would be copied to any of your new courses (see next step below)

⑤ Copy Grade Settings and Rubrics (if applicable)

In a new course, you can also import rubrics that you may have utilized previously as well as copy over gradebook settings that you have setup so that you don't have to start from scratch! Check out the links below to the left to find out more!

⑥ Archiving Student Work

Staying organized after each class, we want to archive student work submitted throughout your course so that it does not mix with other courses in the future. It is also a great way to model student work!

Course Rollover FAQ

What is all included when I'm saving my course?

It will include all of your folders, files, links, discussions, assignments, assessments, etc. but will not bring include any of the student submission when it is sent to one of your NEW courses.

I teach AP, will my students still have access to my course?

Yes! It will display for them under their "Archived" courses