A simple, efficient, and FREE screencasting tool with no limitations on time and features. Check out why we're supporting Loom as a district and how you can start screencasting today!

Getting Started: Signing Up & Installing Loom

① Sign Up

Go to www.loom.com and sign in with Google using your East Penn Google Account. This will give you the premium version for free.

> Get Loom

② Get the Extension

Go to the Chrome Web Store and Add the Loom Extension. To Pin it to your Chrome, click on the Puzzle Piece & then the Pin Icon.

> Get the Extension

③ Install the Mac App

Download the Mac Desktop App to have even more control, functionality and options at the click of a button.

> Get the Desktop App

Using Loom: The Basics of Recording in Loom

Using the Extension

Using the Desktop App

Navigating the Website

Sharing Loom: You've Recorded, Now What?

Sharing Loom

Learn the basics of sharing and downloading your screencast to share. Also, take a quick look at the settings and options you have.

Using Schoology

Ready to share to Schoology? Check out these awesome tips to make your video really stand out.

Using Google Classroom

You can share your video to Google Classroom a bunch of different ways. Here are three ways to do it!