Cosimo il Vecchio

In 1389, Cosimo De Medici was born in Florence. He was an extremely important man because thanks to the teachings of his father (Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici) he was able to expand the popularity and the patrimony of the family became so well known that he was given the nickname of Pater Patriae; at the time he was the richest man of all and had also inherited a great commercial experience and became a subspecies of financier for all Florentine artists. If it had not been for him today, Florence would not be as we all know it. One of his great endeavors was, for example, that of commissioning Michelozzo Michelozzi to build the Palazzo Medici, work with many important people, including giving an example: Fra Angelico, Fra Filippo and Donatello. And it is thanks to his competence that Filippo Brunelleschi realizes the self-supporting dome of the Florence cathedral that we know today and also decides to build the first library in the city, and thanks to his great works that the De Medici are named Grand Dukes of Tuscany. A picture dedicated to him fifty years after his death; the painting represents a portrait of Cosimo in profile painted with oil on board by Pontormo and today this portrait is now in the Uffizi gallery, naturally, in Florence.