Topic 8: Principles and methods of exercising for a goodhealth

The exercise should create durability of lungs, heart and the circulatory system, as well as the fitness of muscles and flexibility of the joints. This will cause the body to be healthy, dignified and also improve mental health. The exercise for good health should follow these principles:

1. Warming up and relaxing

Exercise for good health can be done by exercising regularly with the right techniques. Before the exercise, all parts of the body have to warm up to prevent the muscles to get hurt. Warming up and relaxation can be done in many ways, such as running around the field, spinning the neck, spinning the arms, spinning the hip, folding legs, jumping and clapping, tapping and switching hands, sitting down and standing up etc.

2. Duration of the exercise.

An exercise should take at least 20-30 minutes per day.

3. Frequency per week

Exercise for a good health should be done regularly everyday but at least 3 times a week at the same time of day. It will help to increase the fitness of the heart, the lungs, and strengthen the muscles of heart and lungs.

4. Intensity of exercise.

A person should workout hard to increase the heart rate to a maximum of 70%, or exercise until sweating or become to exhausted to talk while exercising. Any exercise should not be overdone because it could be hazardous.

The principles of body movement and exercise are as follows

1. Select activities and exercises appropriate to physical condition and age.

2. Choose a costume that suits the activity, movement and form of exercise.

3. Movement and exercise have to begin with a warm up of the body and then continue from light to heavy and easy to difficult exercises.

4. Let every part of the body move. Exercises should not be limited to certain body parts.

5. Exercise should be done regularly at least 3 days a week and should last 20 -30 minutes.

6. Should learn how to move and exercise properly to get the best benefit for health and prevent accidents that may occur.

7. Learn to use the equipment for movement and exercise in the proper way.