Topic 3 : Prevention and treatment of organ abnormalities.

Internal and external organs are essential to the overall body functions and require specific care in order to maintain normal functions. If any one of the organs malfunctions or falls to disarray, the body system will fail to function normally. There are simple methods of looking after each organ:

Eye care

Eyes should be looked after as follow:

1. Avoid extensive use of the eyes. They should be rested by closing them or by focusing on an object a long distance away.

2. During reading or writing ensure that there is enough light. A book should be held at a distance of 1 foot from the eyes.

3. Avoid reading or writing whilst in a moving vehicle, e.g. a car or train.

4. Keep a distance of at least 3 times the size of the screen from a TV screen.

5. When dust particles or other debris fall into the eyes, do not rub the eyes, but clean the eyes with clean water or eye wash solution.

6. Do not share a handkerchief with other people because conjunctivitis can be transmitted in doing so.

7. Avoid staring at a very bright area and avoid going into dusty areas.

8. Exercise eye lids every day by pressing the eyelid from the eyebrow to the lateral can thus (the outer eye corner) with the index finger.

Ear care

It is important to maintain a normal function of the ears, because malfunction can affect activities in daily life. Thus the ears should be looked after at all times.

1. Avoid sources of loud noise, but if inevitable, the ears should be protected by wearing earplugs or earmuffs.

2. Do not use any foreign object to pick the ears, because it can cause irritation which can lead to infections.

3. If an insect enters the ear, drop olive oil or paraffin oil into the ear and leave it there for a while; the insect will die. Tilt the head to discard the insect.

4. During swimming or showering try not to let the water enter the ear. If water entered, tilt the head to discard the water.

5. While having a cold or flu, it is not recommended to blow the nose too hard, because bacteria can enter the ear tissue and cause inflammation and infection which lead to otorrhea. When there is any sign of abnormality of the ear, one should immediately seek medical advice.

Nose care

The nose is a vital organ that senses all the smells and is responsible for respiration. Therefore, it should be well looked after, so that all its functions perform normally. Here are some advices for maintaining the normal function of the nose:

1. Avoid any dusty area.

2. One should not pick the nose with a hard object, as it can damage nose tissue and cause inflammation.

3. The nose should not be blown too hard. If having chronic flu, it is recommended to stop persistently blowing the nose and seek a medical practitioner’s advice.

4. If there is any sign of abnormality of the nose one should seek advice from a doctor.

Teeth care

The teeth should be looked after in the correct manner to prevent tooth decay. Here are some tooth caring methods

1. Teeth should be brushed after every meal (ideally) or at least twice a day.

2. Avoid chewing very hard food such as shells and lollipops. It is important to visit the dentist every 6 months for a general check.

3. Exercise the gums in the morning and at night before going to sleep by massaging it. Rinse with salt water or a mixture of salt and alum powder for approximately 5 minutes and then continue to massage the gum.

4. Consume many fruits and vegetables and avoid eating lollipops, chocolates, and sweets.

Skin care

Here are some tips to skin care:

1. Shower at least twice a day and dry the body after the shower completely.

2. Wear clean and dry clothes, these clothes should not be larger than the required fitted size.

3. Eat a balanced diet of food and drink a lot of water. Also, consistently exercise, avoid the sun light in the afternoon, and be cautious on using the cosmetics.

4. If there is any sign of abnormalities on the skin consult the doctor.

Lung care

Here are ways of lung care:

1. Stay in an area where clean air circulates, avoid dusty areas.

2. Always breath thought the nose, because there are hair and mucous membranes to

filter dust, other debris, and bacteria before entering the lungs. Avoid breathing though the mouth.

3. Avoid sleeping with the face down, because this will put pressure onto the lungs and makes breathing difficult.

4. Avoid smoking, because it damages the lung tissue, putting the lungs at risk of lung cancer.

5. Always stand and sit up straight. Avoid wearing over fitting clothes, since it can be difficult for the lungs to expand.

6. Always keep the body warm to prevent catching the flu or a cold.

7. Exercise the lungs by taking a deep breath 5-6 times a day. This can help the lungs to fully expand.

8. Be cautious on any possible rough contact to the chest or the back, because it can damage the lungs.

9. Have enough rest and regular exercise or engage in other physical activities such as soccer and basket ball. However, it is important to avoid excessive exercise or engaging in other physical activities without rest, since it forces the lung to work its maximum capacity, and eventually exhausting the lungs.

10. Visit the doctor for a regular check or a lung X-ray at least once a year.

Heart care

Here are the following methods of heart care:

1. Have regular exercise that suits your current health and age. Do not excessively exercise, because it can exhaust and endanger the heart.

2. Avoid excessive drinking of tea, coffee, energy drinks, alcohols, and smoking,

because they contain heart stimulating substances which can increase the heart rate to dangerous levels.

3. Do not take any medicine associated with heart stimulation without prescription.

4. Avoid sleeping with the face downward for a long period of time; it can put pressure on the heart, which can distort the heart function.

5. Avoid sleeping in an unventilated area or wearing tight clothes; it can distort the heart function.

6. Be cautious on any possible force that can be exerted on the chest, which can potentially harm the heart.

7. Avoid feeling anxious, getting stressed, panic, and grievance; they can affect the heart’s function.

8. Avoid consuming high sugar and fat nutrients, because fat will accumulate around the artery wall causing inconvenience in blood flow, which is the primary cause of the coronary heart disease.

9. Seek medical advice if any abnormality is found.

Stomach and intestines care

Here are ways to take care of stomach and intestines:

1. Eat nutritious meals or snacks that are not very hard, sticky, difficult to digest, or overly seasoned as they can stress the stomach functionality and potentially harm the stomach.

2. Keep the body warm at all times; sufficient clothes and should be worn and a blanket used when going to sleep. This is to prevent potential stomach ache or diarrhea.

3. Keep control of one’s emotions because frustration and anxiety can lead to excessively secreted gastric acid in the stomach.

4. Chew food into fine pieces before swallowing them and avoid eating too fast, because it is harder to digest when the stomach is stressed out.

5. Avoid wearing tight clothes or an overly tightened belt; it can distort the digestion system.

6. Avoid constantly consuming food; the digestion system would end up working continuously without rest.

7. Keep consistent meal times and avoid having an empty stomach during meal times. Avoid overeating, since it can stress out the stomach’s functionality and cause indigestion and heartburn.

8. Avoid eating preserved foods; it can cause diarrhea.

9. Always follow sanitary practices by keeping hands and kitchenware clean to prevent harmful bacteria from entering the digestive system.

10. Take a vaccine when there is a local epidemic such as cholera, parasites, and diarrhea.

Kidney care

Here are some methods of kidney care:

1. Consume food, water, and minerals in the right ratio, depending on your body’s needs.

2. Avoid using medicine that poses a threat to the kidney such as sulfur, drugs, pain killers, and antibiotics for long periods of time.

3. Do not hold your bladder for a long time or use of a urinary catheter for long periods.

4. A person who is diagnosed with diabetes or high blood pressure should be under medical attention, because both can affect the kidney functionality.

5. If having any of the following symptoms, seek a doctor’s advices immediately: swollen foot, body or face, urine has dark color similar to sewerage water, or frequent urination.

6. Have regular clinical and urine examinations at least 1-2 times per year.