Topic 1 : Adolescent sexual development

Adolescence: Age range between 8-18 years old. It is the time that their bodies start to

change from children to adults. It is the time when children reach reproductive age. There are many

changes in both body and mind that are caused by the stimulation of hormones. It is hard to tell

exactly when boys and the girls reach adolescence because they don't mature all at the same time.

Even within the same sex, they may become adolescent at different times. Commonly girls will

become adolescent when they are 13-15 years old and boys will become adolescent when they are 15

years old. Girls' generally mature about 1 to 2 years earlier than boys. However, it depends on

individual growth patterns.

Sexual Hormones: For both female and male, when they reach adolescence, the

Hypothalamus gland will become active. This is a small gland in the brain will sends signals through

the pituitary gland. It is the most important endocrine gland of our body because together they

produce different hormones to stimulate and regulate the functioning of various organs including

sexual hormones. It stimulates the ovaries in females to produce Estrogen and the testicles in males to

produce Testosterone.

Estrogen and Testosterone cause the adolescent's body to grow very fast. Fat and muscle

increase rapidly and height increases. Hair begins to appear at the genitals, armpits and other parts of

the body. Body odor and acne become noticeable. Females’ hips, thighs, buttocks and breasts will

enlarge. Then female will begin menstruation. Males will have often had a “cracked” voice and

experience wet dreams. After that, both of male and females will experience the beginnings of sexual


In addition to the physical changes, young men and women will have psychological and

emotional changes caused by an interest in sexual matters.

Adolescence is the age when the body is begins to produce sex cells for reproduction. Most

people judge that when you become adolescence by the first time that girls menstruate (about 13 years

old) and males are capable of ejaculation. But these indicators are not absolute since ejaculation may

occur later than other body changes. The same is true for menstruation of girls. Maturation of the egg

in a woman may not directly correspond to menstruation.

The first menstruation

When a girl is born, her ovaries will contain more than 1000 ovum that aren't mature yet. But when they reach adolescence, 1 ovum matures every 28 days and falls into the fallopian tube. It is called "Spawn". At the same time, many blood vessels will begin to feed the endometrial to prepare to receive the ovum that will be mixed with sperm. If sperm doesn’t reach the ovum, endometrial will peel off pieces of tissue and blood which will flow out from the vagina. That is called "Menstruation". Girls have their first menstruations at different ages. Most of them will be 12-13 years old. Some of them will begin at 10 years old. Someone will be late and not until 16 years old. This is not uncommon.

The wet dream

Ejaculation will occur when most boys are about 11 years old. However, it may occur earlier or later than this. It depends on each person. Wet dreams are natural for boys who reach the age of puberty. When the body produces sperms and stores them, they become over abundant, and the body will excrete them by nature. It often happens when they have an erotic dream. When they wake up, they find that their crotch pajamas or bed is wet. It is called "wet dream". Or in other cases, when they play fighting with their friends these may excite and stimulate the genitals and then semen leakage is natural. It is called "Involuntary Ejaculation". Each boy varies in the frequency of wet dreams from have never have up to many times a week. So it is not uncommon for young men to feel sexual. Semen is a milky white liquid which contains sperm and secretions from the prostate and sperm storage. These will be ejected together through the vas deferens. Only one drop of semen contains about 1,500 sperms. When a male has an orgasm, he will ejaculate about a teaspoon of semen that contains over 300 million sperms, but only 1 sperm can mix with the ovum when their sexual intercourse with penetration. Young men generally have mature sperm when they are 13-14 years old.

Managing auto-eroticism or masturbation

Adolescent girls and boys begin to feel a rise in sexual or erotic feelings. (Adolescence is the age of the highest eroticism) Masturbation is a way to manage and relax this erotic mood that is a common for both males and females. It can be done by stroking the penis until orgasm but each person will have different techniques.


Pregnancy is caused by sexual intercourse between men and women. When a man ejaculates inside the vagina, sperm will swim into the uterus to the fallopian tube and find Ovum. Then the mix between sperm and ovum is called "Fertilization". However, if there is not an ovum, the sperm will die within 2-3 days.