Topic 8 : Varieties of sexual misunderstanding

Masturbating frequently will cause mental abnormalities and mental disorder.

Masturbation a way of managing sexual feelings and desires which occur naturally and everybody can do this, both men and women. If you are about to begin a relationship and considering having sexual relation with another, then masturbation is not a bad thing. Many teenagers are told incorrect information about masturbation. They are told that masturbation is bad, a sin, it can cause being short, foolish or will cause mental abnormalities, mental disorder or corporal imbecility etc. These beliefs will cause many girls to be shy to talk about it. For boys, they worry that if they usually masturbate, what will do to them. This is simply one technique to satisfy your sexual desires by yourself. Masturbation can help you make good decisions more or less depending on your readiness, satisfaction and the health of each person.

Men have sexual desire more than women.

Sexual desire is a natural desire that both men and women have equally. Sexual desire will be more or less dependent on each person; it is not about whether they are men or women .But social expectation and Thai traditions create different sexual expectations for men and women. For instance it is normal if a man has already had experience with sex. It is normal if a man goes to a brothel. If a man has many wives, it means that he is smart. But for a woman, she should not express any sexual desire. A good woman should be innocent about sex. A woman masturbating is not proper. A woman has to preserve her purity and be faithful. Therefore, when a man has sexual emotion or desire, he can blow off stream normally.

But a woman has to keep her feelings hidden, so it seems that men have more sexual desire than women.

Women’s pleasure depends on the size of the man’s genitals.

Genital size does not affect sexual satisfaction. That is only a belief which causes a man to lose self-confidence. Many people have sexual problems because of this; they think the size of his genitals is too small. Sexual happiness is more dependent on the communication between couples and how they help each other for their happiness.

Beliefs of size cause some men to want to have surgery on their genitals (inserting pearls) because they believe that inserting pearls under the skin of their genitals will cause their genital surface to be rough which can increase a woman’s pleasure while having sex. But inserting artificial pearls or small marbles under genital surface can cause infections and injuries.

Oral sex is abnormal

Oral sex is having sex using the mouth. Both women and men may use the mouth to lick and kiss genitals in order to stimulate sexual feelings. This is perfectly natural and is one of the sexual postures.

But oral sex should be voluntary between couples Some persons may not enjoy oral sex, perhaps because they feel that it is dirty and disgusting. Other persons may like it because they understand that the genitals are cleaned just like any other part of the body.. It all depends on the attitude of each person.

Oral sex is safe sex; both from pregnancy and a very low risk of HIV infection.

The risk of HIV infection by oral sex is very low. Only one instance is known and this involved oral sex to a man who was infected with HIV of ejaculating into the mouth where there was an injury and blood was present in the mouth. But it is very rare that a person can be infected by having oral sex.

There are ways to know which woman had never had sexual relations.

The many men want to be the first person to have sex with a woman, so they try to find some techniques which come from word of mouth about how to know that woman is a “Virgin”. They look for a polite woman, who walks with pinching legs, erect breasts, a hip that is not flabby etc. But the medical records assure you that it is not possible to know which woman has never had sex without medical examination or if she does not say so herself.

This belief causes a man to ignore a woman if he believes that this woman is not a virgin. Meanwhile, a woman, who has had sex already, will hide the truth from her current partner because she worries that the man will not accept her.

Ejaculation will cause a loss of power

There is no proof that ejaculation, either by masturbation or refraining from sex will cause a loss of power. Normally after an ejaculation from either sex or masturbation, if you for a moment, your body will recover.

Semen contains many sperm which are produced in the testicles and seminal fluid which is produced from various tubes and glands that are along the path of the sperm to ejaculation. As you age, these organs begin to deteriorate which causes the quantity of semen to decrease, the number of sperm to decrease, sexual desire and sexual reflection decrease and ejaculation has a lower quantity. . Even if penis is quite hard it may be impossible to ejaculate. As a result of the factors some people think that each man will has a limit of semen. If he ejaculates often, then he will lose ability of ejaculation early. This is not true. On the other hand, it is found that both men and women who consistently have sex retain their sexual ability longer than people who seldom have sexual relations.

Woman should use cleanser to clean the vagina.

The vagina has natural bacteria which take care of vagina’s balance. If you use a cleanser that contains too much acid or alkali, it will damage the natural bacteria which will cause an imbalance. Cleanser that contains perfume will cause irritation at the vagina, can cause a rash and can be infected easily. It is unnecessarily more expensive to buy cleanser when a normal shower with soap and pure water and dry with a soft towel are more than enough.

Teenage females will have pink nipples

It is natural that each woman will have breast in a variety of shape, size and color. They may be small or large. Breasts may be erect or flabby and may be soft or hard. Similarly, the color of the nipple also varies and may correspond to the natural skin tone of each person e.g. dark or pale etc. This is normal; it is not about teenagers having pink nipples.