Common Banners: Artistic Reflections of Northfield
20. Memorial Park Baseball Field
by William Kolb
For this project, I chose Memorial Park, and more specifically the baseball field out there. Having just moved here, this is one of the few places for me that holds any sort of personal connection for me. The slight bit that I know about Northfield tells me that Memorial used to be a very important thing for some people as I have heard a whole lot of good memories about Memorial. The main thing it is for me is just a fun place to play basketball, soccer, workout for football, and probably watch a sunset. If I’m gonna be completely honest with you, there was no thought process as to what elements I wanted to focus on and highlight in my banner. I never really look at that in projects like this, I just try to find a photo I like and paint everything as well as I can, whether or not it turns out well honestly doesn’t become my concern.
I learned a lot from the photography of Knox, mainly figuring out how to work in the background and foreground, but honestly, I don’t really think that I used any of that to help my photo/banner. The foreground and background really never impacted my opinion of something and I never really thought through what I was doing, I just found something I liked and ran with it. One of the things that hurt me the most was that I wasn’t able to do a construction paper mockup of my photo so I didn’t really get a Sabra Field inspired work. The goal of this project was to create a banner in a Sabra Field type painting, but for a multitude of reasons, that never came to be. Personally, this style of painting just isn’t a style that I really vibe with, so trying to get the motivation to even try and finish whatever step in the process I was on was difficult for me. Overall, the finished project isn’t what I imagined it to be at the beginning of the project, but in some ways it’s better but in some ways it’s like, a lot worse. I’m not great at painting so this was an internal and external struggle for me. Between school being almost over and having to force myself to work on this project, my work became a lot less than what it could have been, but honestly, since I’m done with the project and done for the year, all's well that ends well.