Achievement    |    Diversity   |    Respect

5 July 2024

Parent and Carer Weekly Mailing

Keep us posted  - It would be great if parents/carers could let the school know of any student achievements outside of school. We would like to find out what students are doing in their own time and celebrate their achievements. 

Email us: 

Week commencing Monday 8 July 2024 is Week B


Standing Items are located at the bottom of the mailing

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find our weekly mailing which I hope you will find both useful and interesting!  

With very best wishes for a relaxing weekend.

Kindest regards,  

Ms Jo Butler, Headteacher

Positive Feedback of the Week 👍

Email sent to Mrs Arnold

"Thank you. You have been a great champion and mentor for my daughter.  I don’t quite know how it would’ve been without you.

She has definitely found a new energy and focus that I’m hoping will carry her through Year 11."

Best wishes 


Thank you

Announcements and Reminders

New Year 7 Parents Afternoon - Thursday 4 July 2024

On Thursday afternoon we welcomed our new Year 7 Students starting in September followed by their Parents/Carers.  Information presentations were held for Parents/Carers and they then had the opportunity to purchase uniforms from Harris', our uniform suppliers, and we held a pre-loved uniform sale, raising almost £200 for Main School Funds.

We welcome donations of pre-loved uniforms at any time of the year and these can be dropped off at our Student or Visitor Reception.  If you wish to purchase items of pre-loved uniform please call our Visitor Reception to see what we have in stock.  All items are £1.00 each, trousers and skirts are free and we accept cash only thank-you.

Cotham Parents Network Meeting

We would like to invite you to our final Cotham Parents Network meeting for 2023/2024 on Monday 15 July 2024.  There will be 2 identical meetings to attend:

Coffee and Cake Morning session: 11.15am to12.15am


Tea and Cake Afternoon session: 4.00pm to 5.00pm

There was a fantastic turn out to our first meeting and it would be wonderful to see as many parents and carers at this meeting.  We will be discussing plans for the new academic year and the exciting events that we are hoping to facilitate.

Please save these dates in your diary!

We warmly invite prospective parents and carers to our Open Evenings.  Please keep an eye on our website for the timings to be published.

Learning Hero Finalist

One of our Year 9 students has been nominated for the Bristol learning hero awards.  They will be attending a prestigious event in the Harbour Hotel Bristol this Friday.  His nomination is summarised below:

M is an EAL student at Cotham School,  an incredibly resilient and enthusiastic learner who has made remarkable progress despite facing significant challenges.  Arriving with little English and limited formal education, he now excels in his education, particularly in English and Maths, where he frequently volunteers and participates actively.  His dedication extends beyond the classroom, as he diligently practices at home and assists peers, especially other EAL students.  M's positive attitude, politeness, and eagerness to help others, whether through holding doors or organizing lunchtime cricket, have made him a loved and inspirational figure among both students and staff.  As a role model at Cotham it is a testament to his hard work and perseverance, making everyone around him proud.  

Another of our students Z in Year 8 is part of the Easton Girls Basketball Team and they have been nominated for team of the yearGood luck for tonight!!

The live stream of the event is here.   Awards will be streamed from 8.15pm and it would be great to have many of the Cotham Community watching tonight.

Monkhouse School wear In-Store Appointments Now Available!

This is to let you know that in-store appointments are now available and can be booked one month in advance, stores also attend  walk-in appointments.  Expert staff will show you around the store where you can find all the necessary uniforms and accessories for Back to School.  

If you can’t attend your local store or a 1:1 appointment, you can still shop online 24/7.

Book your appointment on your school page at Find out more here .

The Chaotic World of Youthful Things

Six amazing young people from different schools or pupil referral units joined RWA this June for the annual work experience week. Please click here for more information.  You can view their exhibition until Sunday 14 July on the Lower Ground Floor.

Please click here to book.

For more information please visit the RWA website.

Sports Days 2024

Sports Day 2024 - For Pupils of All Houses

Can all parents/careers complete this form,  if they wish for their child to have the opportunity of face painting at our upcoming Sports Day.  An online letter has been shared with all parents/careers with details of the events. 

Year 10 Drama Stars

FOR EXCELLENT WORK IN PROGRESS (last week): Agnes, Lila, Flo, Bonita, Warren, Pablo, Callum


Author visit Lize Meddings - The Sad Ghost Club

Lize Meddings came to talk to our 18 lucky competition winners.

She created The Sad Ghost Club book series to promote knowledge and compassion around the different sides of mental health.

Lize talked about her illustration journey and explained the process of how to create a graphic novel.  She also divulged her own mental health struggles which helped form the basis of her loveable Sad Ghost characters.

The talk was inspirational, funny and informative. For photos and info, click on the LINK.

SAD GHOST LIZE final weekly mail - Della Payne.docx

Library News - Summer Reading Postcard Competition

Please encourage your child to take part in the SUMMER READING POSTCARD COMPETITION.  Do they enjoy reading, writing and/or designing?  If so, they can pick up a blank postcard from the library or art room and get creative!  £10 amazon vouchers are available for the best entries.  Deadline is October 2024 so they have lots of time to enter.  For more information please click on the LINK.


Cotham Climate Committee success! 

The Cotham School Climate Committee delivered an active travel campaign aimed at Year 7s called 'Movement Matters'.  It started with the pupils presenting to Bristol City Council.  They were brilliant in their pitch and received £400 from the Council, double what they asked for!  They then went on to deliver an amazing competition, which saw a 5.1% increase in year 7s travelling actively to school!   Because of this, Cotham is on their way to achieving a nationally accredited 'good' Travel Plan!

Language of the Month

Final language of the month video of the year.  Our Bengali speaking students have made this amazing video on famous Bengali speakers. 

Year Group News

Year 8

Year 8 Update

With Year 9 approaching, the Year 8 team has been diligently working on organising the Learning Groups for next year.  The current Learning Groups for Year 8 students will be completely restructured.  The aim behind this change is to create more balanced classes, promoting social integration and inclusion, reducing negative interactions, encouraging adaptability, and ultimately boosting overall academic performance.

We will aim to get the final groups to students before the summer so they are aware of changes before returning in September. 

Year 9

Year 9 Oracy Day at Bristol Free School 

Last week Cotham’s four Year 9 Oracy Pioneers - Elaf, Salma, Willow and Ivy - attended an Oracy day at Bristol Free School run by Bristol Educational Partnership and Unique Voice.  Along with staff and students from other Bristol schools, our students reflected on what they had learnt and how oracy could be better taught in schools, both inside and outside the classroom.  Their presentation was excellent and they did a brilliant  job of representing Cotham School.


This week 42 of our Year 9 students returned from a 4 day trip to the Black Forest in Germany!  The students had an incredible time sampling the local cuisine as well as enjoying  theme parks, mini golf and amazing views and of course putting their language skills to the test. 

Work Experience

This term we launched our "work experience" offer to current Year 9 students.  We have planned lots of activities to give help and support to finding a placement ready for the deadline of Wednesday 1 January 2025.  Our designated work experience week is Tuesday 6 May to Friday 9 May 2025 inclusive.  If you have any connections with organisations that may be able to offer a work experience placement for our students please get in touch via this email address 

Year 10

Year 10 Shout Outs

Ms Power would love to give a shout out to  Oscar MW  who delivered the best speaking and listening GCSE speech of any student I've taught.  He delivered his speech on 'The Dangers of Fake News' with such confidence, wonderful intonation and responded to questions really thoughtfully.  Well done Oscar!!

Year 10 Euros 

Year 10 have been following the Euros, each tutor group has 2 teams.  We had our first winners of the tournament - First team to win on penalties, Portugal won 3-0 on penalties.  Congratulations to 10CG who have Portugal, trophy and sweets delivered to tutor base. 

Year 10 Steel Pans 

On Wednesday evening, I attended the the Steel Pans Summer concert.  It was lovely to watch Year 10 perform and it has been a privilege to see their talent grow over the years.  Well done  to all the year groups who performed in the concert.  It was an amazing evening. 

North Bristol Post 16

Post 16


We have really enjoyed hosting the Futures Conference this week. Students had talks from a range of industry professionals, universities, apprenticeship providers, ex-students and more!  We hope this has got them thinking about the many exciting opportunities available to them after their studies with us. 

Bristol YouthTalks Competition Finalists

On Monday, seven of our Year 12s took part in the in-school heat of the Bristol YouthTalks competition.  The quality was extremely high and they delivered a fascinating range of talks with energy and confidence.  Big congratulations to Djanu and Mariama who have been selected to go forward to the final in October, where they will compete against students from schools across Bristol.

Subject Announcements


Cotham School General Election

On Tuesday 2 July 2024 our students cast their votes in our mock election!  This election gave students the opportunity to share their voice as well as an experience of voting with realistic ballot slips and voting booths.  Students were really engaged and enthusiastic and seemed to really enjoy the opportunity.  A massive shout out to the Year 10 Prefects and our A-Level Politics students who helped on the day!  The results are in the slides below.

Mock Election Results 2024 - pptx


Sparx Reading Homework

We have launched Sparx Reader for KS3.  Students are set a weekly homework to gain 300 Sparx Reader Points (roughly 30 mins of careful reading).  The platform tailors reading to each student to build crucial academic reading skills.  A range of interesting texts are available for students to select.  Reading can be completed on devices with internet access.  All are expected to complete this homework in line with the school's homework policy and to support their progress in reading.

Year 10 EFM A Level Recruitment


Year 10 will have the exciting opportunity to attend an A level taster lesson in our English, Film and Media subjects.  All students have watched our A LEVEL RECRUITMENT SLIDE SHOW and will choose a subject from our selection.  Hopefully, the taster session will give them some insight into which A level to choose!

A LEVEL ENGLISH RECRUITMENT 24 - Sally Papworth.pptx


Year 9 Trip to Germany

Recently 42 Year 9 students took part in a languages trip to the Black Forest, Germany.  It was a fantastic experience for all.  Students experienced a range of activities such as swimming, mini golf, supermarket shopping, walks, a cable car ride, dry slope tobogganing, an epic football game & visits to Freiburg and Europa Park Theme park.  It was a pleasure to take many students from our Year 9 cohort and to explore this beautiful region of Germany.  A huge thanks to all the staff involved.  

May Linguist of the Month

The MFL department award the Linguist of the Month certificates to students who have shown tremendous effort in their French, Spanish, or German lessons. They will receive a lolly and a certificate in their next MFL lesson.

Any questions please email Mr Dutton at:


Work of the Week

This week,  Year 9 have been continuing their Micro world projects by looking at the work of Klari Reis, whose paintings resemble cell cultures in petri dishes. She uses the tools and techniques of science in her creative process, constantly experimenting with new ways to apply materials and methods. The students have used the art of quilling, using strips of paper that are rolled, shaped and glued together to create these designs.

Food Science

Leading up to our final Food Science Practicals of the school year. Year 7 - Pizza, Year 8 - Dutch Apple Cake, Year 9 - Katsu Curry and Mock Practical for our Year 10 GCSE Students.

Miss Burt will be announcing her Star Bakers shortly via Tutor Slides.

For now, here are two of our very happy chefs during their Fajita Wrap Practical last week who were very lucky to eat them in class too. The smiles say it all! 

Performing Arts

Legally Blonde Tickets

Please save these dates in your diaries!  Doors open at 7:00pm. The show will be starting at 7:30pm and the duration of the show is 70 minutes.

Tickets are now on sale via Wisepay for the whole school show - Legally Blonde. The pricing structure is explained below:

All you have to do is select the price bracket that best suits your budget and continue to checkout. Further information about the pricing structure is here.

House Announcement

House Captain Introduction 

My name is Genevieve and I am Gamma's House Captain! This role means the world to me and it's a role I have worked very hard for. I feel a responsibility to show off the very best that Cotham School and especially Gamma has to offer. I aim to be someone the younger years can talk to. My interests include running, cooking and reading, by working with the others I will explore new interests & get to know new people. One of the opportunities I am most excited to support is Gamma's charity work.



Word of the Week




To explain what something means in a very specific and clear way (verb).


Define what the word ‘expand’ means.

Can you define what a stereotype is?


Explain, describe, clarify…


Word of the Week




If you symbolise something, you create an image or gesture to represent it (verb).


What does the colour red symbolise to you?

The blood in ‘Macbeth’ symbolises guilt.


Represent, signify, express…

Digital Literacy Corner

Topic: Does your child use a web cam or a device to video chat?

Video calls are a very popular way in which people connect with each other, this could be using Facetime on an iPhone, video calling in WhatsApp or perhaps livestreaming on social media as an example.

You should talk to your child about who they chat with and what they are sharing when they do. As with all apps and websites that your child accesses, make sure they know how to use any reporting tools and they know how to block other users if necessary.

It is important that your child is aware that what they say and do whilst video chatting can be recorded and shared later without their knowledge. Additionally, ensure your child understands that they must say no if they are asked to do anything that makes them feel uncomfortable and they should speak to a trusted adult when they have any concerns.

Childnet have written this blog to help you learn more about video chat and webcams. It also contains tips on how to manage risks whilst online:

Link to the full article: Link

Our latest: Seneca Learning and GCSE Pod Usage

Seneca offers high-quality free online learning courses for students to study from a computer, tablet or phone. The courses are suitable for students aged 13 and above and cover KS3, KS4 GCSE and KS5 A Level subjects.

We are Premium subscribers to this service which unlocks further features of the platform.

Learn more about Seneca Learning Here

Total Seneca Learning Assignments Set for Term 6


Total Seneca Learning 

Study Time for Term 6

510 Hours

Total Seneca  Learning Study Time for this Academic Year

9442 Hours

Welcome! GCSEPod is the perfect resource to help your child learn, retain and recall all the information they need to achieve their GCSE goals. 

Learn more about GCSEPod Here

Pods Watched this Academic Year


Number of Pods Watched so far in Term 6


Most Watched Subject This Week


Standing Items