Achievement    |    Diversity   |    Respect

23 June 2023

Parent and Carer Weekly Mailing

Keep us posted  - It would be great if parents/carers could let the school know of any student achievements outside of school. We would like to find out what students are doing in their own time and celebrate their achievements. Email us: 

Week commencing Monday 26 June  2023 is Week B


Standing Items are now located at the bottom of the mailing. 

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers

Please also find this week’s mailing with important information for parents/carers and students as well as updates on school events, activities and opportunities for your reference below.  

I wish you all a restful weekend.

Kindest regards,  

Ms Jo Butler, Headteacher

Positive feedback of the week 👍

A message from Year 9 Parent to our Year 9 Learning Coordinator, Ms  Arnold

I would like to express my gratitude for the exceptional support over this academic year. I am truly grateful for your thoughtfulness in taking the time to check in with me and have always provided detailed explanations. Your support has significantly alleviated my anxieties as a parent, so thanks so much.

Thank you

Well done to our students!  

A few days ago Micael and Arun  found a Passport outside of school.  They showed great initiative and rang the emergency contact number in the passport, to inform the person that the passport was at Student Reception awaiting collection.

The passport holder was not only relieved but extremely grateful to Micael and Arun.  Well done boys!!!

Do you know our three school values?

Word of the Week


Source: ‘Saws’ 


Cease: ‘see-s’ 


Week 4 T6: KS4 Word of the Week

New Announcements

House News

It is a very exciting time within the House system at the moment as we transition from saying goodbye to our wonderful Year 11 Prefects and begin interviewing and announcing our current Year 10 prefects. Students across Year 10 have been able to submit applications for this prestigious role online, their Heads of Houses have then invited students for a formal interview in order to be appointed for the role. The successful candidates were announced in their House assemblies and congratulated in front of their whole house whilst also being awarded their badge.

Gamma and Delta prefects are still to be announced as the process is happening currently however we are thrilled to announce the following Student Leader Prefects in Year 10 for Sigma and Omega:


Inez  - House Captain 





Abdiwahaab - House Captain




Prefect responsibilities are as follows: 

> Develop the House identity for your house. Including contributing regularly to the Google Classroom feed and social media presence

> You will need to model good manners and habits expected from all Cotham School learners

> Support Head of House at House Assembly, leading at least one House assembly during the year.

> Organise inter-house competitions

> Carry out a community duty every fortnight

> Help promote the school during open evenings

> Make regular contributions to the weekly mailing home to parents / carers

> Helping during whole school assemblies.

> Taking an active role in Student Voice

> Working with the Head of House and House Charity Ambassadors to raise awareness and develop House Charity events

> House Captain will lead on communication between Prefects and Head of House and collect awards and trophies on House Day

Oracy Pioneers Workshop at Cotham

Last week a group of our Year 7s took part in an Oracy workshop run by a combination of Year 9 Cotham and Clifton College students. Our Year 9s did a fantastic job of designing and delivering the workshop, encouraging the Year 7 students to think about how they present themselves and express their ideas to an audience. The Year 7 students who attended were fantastic - full of ideas and opinions. We all had a great time and are looking forward to Tuesday 27 June when Cotham will be hosting an event on behalf of Bristol Educational Partnership and their collaborative project, Oracy Pioneers. The project has involved Year 9 students from all the participating schools attending oracy workshops run by Unique Voice, and then designing and delivering their own oracy workshops to younger students. The aim of the project is to raise the profile of oracy in schools, and provide our students with more opportunities to develop their oracy skills. On the day we will be taking feedback and ideas from all the brilliant Year 9 students who participated, so that they can have their say in how we move forward with teaching high quality oracy skills across all our schools. 

TED Talks

Seven of our Year 9 students have competed in a public speaking competition run by Bristol Educational Partnership. They have all written and practised their own TED Talk style presentation on a topic that they care about. The students competed in the first heat at Cotham School on Wednesday 21 June 2023 and the two winners will go forward to the final where students from schools across Bristol deliver their talks on the theatre stage of Bristol Grammar School. This is part of Bristol’s bid to establish a TEDYouth programme in the city. Our students have worked incredibly hard on their presentations, and have already shown impressive public speaking skills. Well done to all of them.

TED Talks

Seven of our Year 9 students have competed in a public speaking competition run by Bristol Educational Partnership. They have all written and practised their own TED Talk style presentation on a topic that they care about. The students competed in the first heat at Cotham School on Wednesday 21 June 2023 and the two winners will go forward to the final where students from schools across Bristol deliver their talks on the theatre stage of Bristol Grammar School. This is part of Bristol’s bid to establish a TEDYouth programme in the city. Our students have worked incredibly hard on their presentations, and have already shown impressive public speaking skills. Well done to all of them.

TED Talk - Congratulations 

My wife and I were very pleased to be invited to today's event and want to thank the school and the staff we met for being so welcoming and hospitable. The morning was a delight - and the students, impressive.

The performances of the competitors demands unstinted praise! It was wonderful to see young people engage with sensitive, difficult topics so maturely. Their commitment to the chosen topic shone through even the quietest delivery. They developed coherent lines of argument and each contribution had a sure sense of wanting to shape their text to sway the audience. The language, also, showed a confident capacity to express complicated thoughts clearly and effectively - both to us adults and to Year 7. The attention awarded by the young audience stands as testimony to how well each speaker performed their task.

The Year 9 competitors are a credit to the school. The Year 7 audience were too!

Please accept our thanks. There is no better way to spend a morning than watching young people relishing school, wanting to articulate their feelings and thoughts on their place in the world and rising to the considerable challenge of doing that before an audience. Please, therefore pass on our congratulations to all the staff involved - in arranging the event, and in the education of all the students.

Best wishes to the school.

Received from a Grandparent from a Year 9 student

Year 8 news

This Tuesday 20 June, 100 Year 8 students with some of the highest house points in the year, travelled to Thorpe park. It was a great day out and the students enjoyed themselves immensely. The students were fantastic ambassadors for the school meaning even the staff got to go on some rides! 

This week in Year 8 we also saw the culmination of the Year 8 Chess tournament with representatives from 8AWA and 8LBR going head to head. With the 8AWA student coming out on top. Looking forward to next week we will be resuming the 3v3 basketball tournament which has been very popular with twelve teams signing up.  

Year 9 news: Bake off!

Due to the tremendous success of the Year 9 Bake Off we now have two more Bake Offs planned.

Friday 30 June and Friday 14 July.

Year 9 news: Inter Tutor Quiz Masters

Wednesday 28 June - Each tutor group will enter a team of four to compete against each other for the overall winner of Quiz masters!

Oxford University Spanish Flash Fiction Competition Winner: Congratulations Ava!

A massive congratulations to Ava in Year 9 who was announced as the winner of the National Spanish Flash Fiction Competition run by Oxford University.  There were over 1600 entries across Spanish and French!  We are very proud of you Ava.


Year 11

Congratulations to all of the Year 11s who have finally finished their exams! Enjoy yourselves! 

Year 11 - Leavers Assembly

Thank you to all the students in year 11 who made the leavers assembly as fun and emotional as it was! You all behaved in such a mature way, it was a really fun last coming together of us. I hope you enjoyed the tutor videos, the awards and the speeches, you all have amazing tutors who worked really hard to make the videos the best they could be! Thank you all again for being such amazing students and wonderful young people.


KS3 Art

This week KS3 have been looking at literacy heroes from their childhood, looking at the crossover of art and literacy and the role of an illustrator to bring words to life!rds to life! 

WOTW KS3 Book Art.pdf

Pride Month Assemblies and Workshops

June is Pride Month and this week we have been celebrating with assemblies that focus on identity and being proud of who you are.  As a school we are very proud of our diversity and the opportunity this provides to learn about people who are different to us.  Celebrating Pride month is all about showing respect and kindness to everyone and acknowledging that we do not yet live in a society where all people are equally valued and respected.  As a school we are committed to creating a school community where we are ALL valued and celebrated and where our different identities can co-exist and compliment each other.  Next week there are PRIDE month Workshops being run with external presenters.  This is open to all students in year 8, 9, 10 and 12 and you can sign up on the links in Google Classroom or speak to your tutors.


Green Week - Avon Wildlife Trust

Well done to all staff and students for raising a very commendable £249.52 during Green Week, which has been donated to the Avon Wildlife Trust.

What a great effort by everyone to put the environment at the top of our agenda.

Rounders Match Updates 

Monday 12 June
Year 7 Rounders match vs St Bedes

Lost 3.5 - 7

Year 8 Rounders match vs St Bedes

won 14.5 - 6.5

Year 9/10 Rounders match vs ST Bedes

Lost 11 - 11.5

Monday 19 June
Year 8 Rounders match vs Blaise 

won 19.5 - 8.5

The Year 8 Rounders team have made it into the Quarterfinals of the Bristol Schools Rounders Competition. After a tight first innings against Blasie they sharpened up the fielding and managed to reduce their score to 1.5 in the second innings which meant that they went into Bat already winning.

Some great hitting saw the score double and they won the match 19.5 to 8.5. It was a great second innings and really positive to see the girls take on board some comments and make the necessary changes.

Players of the Day were Luana for Batting and Evie for Fielding.

Tuesday 20 June

Year 7 Rounders match vs Blaise 

won 14 - 7.5

Year 9/10 Rounders match vs Blaise 

won 14 - 7

Player of match; Batting (Sofia) & Fielder (Emily). 

Year 9/10 team are now through to Quarter Finals of Bristol Rounders Competition - Well done..

World Refugee Week

As part of World Refugee Week a cake sale will take place on Thursday 29 June at break time in the hub from 10.45 to 11.04 to raise money for World Vision.   Students will be asked to pay £1 for a cake and alternatively, parents, carers, students, and staff can also donate directly to World Vision. 

NHS Work Experience

NHS still have spaces available at the Pathways to Medicine Conference on Saturday 1 July at Southmead Hospital for Year 11 and 12 students that are interested in medicine. Please note the deadline for completion of this form is today  If you would like to attend this event, please follow this link to complete the form. NHS will email you back directly if you have secured a space.  This will be a very interactive, informative and fun day and you will meet many doctors from across the medical profession and get tips and advice for your university applications.  

Helen O'Grady Drama Academy, Bristol

Please come and join the Summer Productions at the Redgrave Theatre on Saturday 8 July and Sunday 9 July. We have performances from Lower Primary, Upper Primary, Youth Theatre.

Redgrave show advert 23.docx

Post 16 

National Citizenship Service

Year 12 watched a virtual assembly this week about all the residential experiences NCS has to offer over the summer. Watch the video here. Bursary students should contact Ms Dutton for more information about how the school can contribute towards this.

Pride Month

As part of celebrating Pride Month at Cotham, we have an external speaker coming to run a workshop around queer history. The workshop will be on Thursday 29 June, period 5. There are 25 spaces in total. To sign up, students must complete this Google Form

Futures conference

We are in the process of rearranging our Futures events that were due to take place on 5 July as a result of strike action. More information to follow ASAP. 


Please see our NBP16 Summer exams FAQ page which should answer any questions you may have.

Welcome to this week's edition of the Post 16 Futures Bulletin please take a look.

Coming Up Soon...

Performing Arts Summer Sharing

An evening hosted by the Performing Arts Department on Thursday 29 June in the Main Hall at 6.30pm featuring drama, dance and music performances . Tickets are available on Wisepay at £3 Adult, £1 Open concession and £5 pay it forward. 

Steel Pans

Our Summer Steel Pans Concert will be held in the outdoor amphitheatre featuring groups from Years 7-10. Tickets are available on Wisepay at £3 Adult, £1 Open concession and £5 pay it forward. Concert starts at 6.30pm.

Steel Pans Feb 2023.jpg


Wednesday 12 July - Friday 14 July 2023

Tickets for Cotham’s Production of Matilda are now on sale via wisepay. We’d like everyone who wants to see Matilda to be able to. To help with this, we are pricing the school show slightly differently this year by introducing a flexible Pay What You Choose pricing for the event.

How does it work?

On Pay What You Choose events, when you checkout, you’ll be given a choice of 3 different prices:

£5 - Open Concession – If this is what you can afford; book this rate and let us welcome you with open arms.

£8 - Standard – If you can afford to, please book this rate; the extra money you give will support the continued existence of the variety of extra-curricular performances put on at Cotham School.

£15 - Pay It Forward – If you’re feeling generous and you have the means, please consider choosing this rate. Each Pay It Forward ticket subsidises two concession tickets, and helps more people experience the delight of watching live theatre.

All you have to do is select the price bracket that best suits your budget and continue to checkout.

And don't forget from last time....


Talking to Children about Youth Violence and Knife Crime

After the tragic killing of a 16-year old Bristol boy in Bath last weekend, and the subsequent letter from the police that all schools in Bristol and Bath sent out to parents and carers on Thursday, we feel this is a good time to share some resources with our parents and carers should you wish to talk about this issue further with your child.

We will also do some work with our students over the next two weeks on this issue and how to ensure that they are keeping themselves safe at all times through the tutor programme.

A really useful website for parents and carers is this one from Avon and Somerset Police containing many resources that you can use with your children and/or for yourself. Key highlights are:

In addition, here is a useful guide for parents and carers to help you feel more confident to talk to your child about this issue. 

Furthermore, The Ben Kinsella Trust are running free online workshops on Tuesday 20 June & Tuesday 27 June specifically for parents and carers on 'Exploitation, Gangs and Knife Crime Awareness'. You will learn more about what is regular teenager behaviour or what might be signs that a young person in your care is being groomed or exploited. You can find out more and sign up for one of these workshops here.

End of Term 6 Arrangements for Students

All students, including Post 16 students will finish school for the summer on Thursday 20 July at 12pm.  This will also be a non-uniform day. 

Digital Literacy Corner

Latest Parent Online Safety Cheat Sheet

What Parents and Carers Need to Know About



Mental Health

Inappropriate Content and Behaviour

Trolls and Toxicity

Possible Exploitation

Physical Effects

Parents - Esports.pdf

Welcome! GCSEPod is the perfect resource to help your child learn, retain and recall all the information they need to achieve their GCSE goals. 

Learn more about GCSEPod Here

Pods watched this academic year


Number of Pods watched so far in Term 5


Most watched subject this week


Our latest Seneca Learning Usage

Seneca offers high-quality free online learning courses for students to study from a computer, tablet or phone. The courses are suitable for students aged 13 and above and cover KS3, KS4 GCSE and KS5 A Level subjects.

We are Premium subscribers to this service which unlocks further features of the platform.

Learn more about Seneca Learning Here

Seneca Learning sessions  completed this academic year


Total Seneca Learning study time for Term 5

1363 hours

Total Seneca Learning study time for this academic year

30,346 hours

Staff Vacancies

Cotham School are currently recruiting for the following positions:

For more information and to apply please click here

Standing Items