Achievement    |    Diversity   |    Respect

20 July 2023

Parent and Carer Weekly Mailing

Keep us posted  - It would be great if parents/carers could let the school know of any student achievements outside of school. We would like to find out what students are doing in their own time and celebrate their achievements. Email us: 

Week commencing Monday 4 September 2023 is Week A


Standing Items are now located at the bottom of the mailing. 

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers

Please find the final mailing of the academic year with important information for parents/carers and students as well as updates on school events, activities and opportunities for your reference below.  

I wish you all a very restful weekend. and whatever your plans for the summer I hope you are able to spend time doing what you love with the people you love.

Thank you all for your support of the school and see you all again in September.

Kindest regards,  

Ms Jo Butler, Headteacher

Positive feedback of the week 👍

Dear Ms Butler

I just wanted to send an email to express my thanks for the great year my child has had. I know it must have been a challenging year with the teachers strikes and all the horrid situation with Stoke Lodge but I have really been so impressed with Cotham this year. The quality of the teaching, the extra curricular opportunities that Sasha has had such as silver arts. The icing on the cake has been the performance of Matilda. Mr Geoghegan really has gone beyond this year putting on the year 9 performance of Macbeth and then the incredible performance of Matilda which was fantastic to see so many children singing and dancing their hearts out.

My youngest daughter starts in year 7. The welcome has also been brilliant, well organised and great communication. Whilst she is very nervous she is also really looking forward to it.

Thanks so much to you and all of your team.

Have a great summer

From a parent

Thank you

We thought the Matilda production was excellent and we really enjoyed it. It was filled with amazing songs and lots of energy and laughter.

Many thanks to all the teachers involved in the rehearsals.

Isobel really enjoyed being part of the production. And thank you for organising the reserved seats so Isobel’s Grandparents could come.  

From a parent

Word of the Week








New Announcements

Student Leadership

This week student leaders in Year 7 met with Ms Madge to share Student feedback which was extremely useful. One of the main issues discussed was how we will move forward next academic year with a new model for Student Leadership which will be known as Executive Committees. Year 8 have currently been trialing this system which has worked fantastically. As of September the model will have some new exciting features:

Year 8 Shallowford Farm Trip

30 students from Year 8 had the opportunity of trialing a new residential trip to a working farm in Dartmoor. This Department of Education approved organisation focuses on connecting young people with nature. Upon arrival the staff take all mobile phones for the week and replace it with various activities including caring for farm animals including pigs, calves, piglets, chickens and ponies as well as tending to the vegetable patch. Outside of the daily farming responsibilities students learnt about conservation, food waste and Ecology. There were also team building exercises such as sheep herding. One of the highlights was wading through the local stream and analysing the insects as well as a 8km hike to one of the highest points in Dartmoor. East Shallowford is an organisation we will continue to work with in the future so more of our students can benefit from this experience.

Year 8 Shallowford Farm Trip (message from a parent)

'Hello to the Shallowford Farm team - Julia, David, Ellie, Arthur and Sarah!

My son has returned this evening from a week long adventure in your company, and he is absolutely THRILLED!  He came along with Cotham School, Bristol, and he really had the best time.  He loved everything about it - the animals, the countryside, the food (very complimentary!), the clothing (!), the staff, the camaraderie.....  What a fabulous opportunity for him, and other children.  He has talked so much about his week with you.  Happy days indeed.

Thank you so VERY much.  I didn't know you existed, but next time we are in Devon we will make a trip to come and see you. I think you are doing an amazing job.  Thank you.

I will also be dropping a note to his school to encourage future trips, I cannot even begin to quantify the benefits'

Year 7, 8 and 9 Star Baker Brunch

On Wednesday 19 July, Miss Burt held a Star Baker Brunch in our Food Science rooms for 20 chosen Students in Year 7, 8 and 9 for being recognised this year for going the extra mile in our Food Science Lessons.

Students were chosen by our Food Technician for either following tasks and recipes with little or no help, working as part of a team, maintaining high levels of cleanliness and showing enthusiasm and respect within our Food Rooms whilst creating their recipe dishes.  There were so many to choose from so a huge congratulations to this year's Star Bakers.

Also a huge thank you to a very generous donation of 40 freshly baked croissants from Riccardo at our local Italian Coffee shop "Mocha Mocha '' situated on St.Michaels Hill to go towards our Star Bakers Brunch.  Please do try and visit to support our local coffee shop when you can.  

We do encourage to shop local as much as we can in our lessons from ordering ingredients from our local butcher to purchasing from our local Fruit Market.

We wish you all a lovely summer break.

Food Science Department.  


Year 9 500 Words Competition

Thank you to all who entered the Year 9 500 words competition.

Congratulations to......

Winner:  Ava 

Runner up: Alyssa

Year 9 Bake Off - Round 3

Congratulations to the students who took part in the Bake Off.  Once again the students produced outstanding cakes.

Winner: Luca 9SME

Runner up: Sooniya 9TS

Star Baker: Ridwan 9CG

Thank you to everyone who took part and to our wonderful judges.


Year 9 Inter Tutor Football 

Year 9 Tutor Football was fantastic this year. All 9 tutor groups and 4 girls teams played each week from January - July in our football league. We celebrated in an end of season style assembly with awards for Players’ player, Referee’s player and of course the overall winners. Congratulations to all the students who participated and played. Thank you to Mr Brock who referred all the games and awarded the prizes.

The winning tutor group was 9SME -Oscar, Ned, Ilya, Luca, Husam, Nassim and Joe 

The winning Girls team was Team A - Agnes, Martha S, Flo and Lily.


Year 9 Round Up of the Year

Please follow the link for a roundup of the year - Year 9 Round up 

Year 10 STEAM: GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition

 Year 10 Students Food Presentation Lesson -  The lesson encourages students to look at how to present dishes to enhance the food product made. In Year 11 as part of the NEA 2 students must demonstrate good presentation of their dishes.  This lesson has been adopted by many food teachers across the country and has developed a reputation as the 'Tunnocks Tea Cake challenge.  Please click here for images.

Year 10 GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition 

Students have been learning the nutritional benefits of fish, the range of fish available linked to sustainability, and how to store, prepare, cook fish safely. This then linked to a lesson filleting fresh Mackerel purchased from the Gloucester Road Fish Shop. Students made a dish with this Mackerel which was ‘Pan fried Mackerel fillets on Toasted Sourdough with Peperonata’. This recipe will be taken and adapted from the ‘Cornwall Good Seafood Guide’ please see here. The photos from this lesson can be viewed here.

Year 10 GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition 

Students have been learning the nutritional benefits of fish, the range of fish available linked to sustainability, and how to store, prepare, cook fish safely. This then linked to a lesson filleting fresh Mackerel purchased from the Gloucester Road Fish Shop. Students made a dish with this Mackerel which was ‘Pan fried Mackerel fillets on Toasted Sourdough with Peperonata’. This recipe will be taken and adapted from the ‘Cornwall Good Seafood Guide’ please see here. The photos from this lesson can be viewed here.

Sportsday Results 2023

Well done to everyone who took part in the Year 7 & 8 and Year 9 & 10 sportsdays last week. There were some fantastic and courageous individual performances and some lovely acts of sportsmanship to help others complete their races. Below are the year group results. 

Year 7 

1st Delta

2nd Sigma

3rd Omega

4th Gamma

Year 8 

1st Gamma

2nd Delta

3rd Sigma

4th Omega

Year 9 

1st Gamma

2nd Omega

3rd Delta 

4th Sigma

Year 10 

1st Gamma

2nd Omega

3rd Delta 

4th Sigma

Congratulations to all the winning houses and a brilliant effort by all to make both days an amazing occasion. Looking forward to next year's sportsday already! 

KS3 Art

This week, Year 8 have been looking at the work of Andy Council, the illustrator and graffiti artist from Bristol.  Inspired by the common theme of his work of combining architecture and animals. Year 8 have taken their chosen animal and filled them with drawings of Bristol themed landmarks and architecture. 

WOTW KS3 Bristol animal.pdf

Giulio of Year 11 has achieved a Distinction on his Grade 8 piano exam (while studying for GCSEs!). 

We are very proud of him!

Futures Bulletin

Here is the final Futures Bulletin for this academic year.  I think you will agree the opportunities have been varied and in abundance.  Let's hope next year is even more fruitful.  Best wishes for a fabulous summertime.

Boots for All initiative by Avon and Somerset Police

After two years hiatus, our local police force is again collecting donations of no longer needed football boots that can be dropped off at five police stations around the city. This time around, to maximise the life of the boots, the donations will be provided to a selection of local schools serving disadvantaged communities so that each has a ‘pool’ of boots available to borrow for the new school year. Any donated boots need to be weatherproof, in good condition and in Sizes 4 – 11.  Follow the link to find out more.

Uni Taster Days

Parents Guide to University provided by "Uni Taster days".  You can find all the open events, taster sessions and webinars for your interests.  Build your experience and broaden your horizons and choices.  Here 

England Lionesses

England Lionesses kick off their World Cup campaign on Saturday, after their Arnold Cup win at Ashton Gate Stadium in February.  This August, free girls football camp will help find future Lionesses – Register now.

Post 16 

Please look out for the NBP16 Termly Update email this week, with a full round up of information about Futures and the step up to Year 13. 

Coming Up Soon...

Bristol City Council 

Please follow the link for free Summer activities to find a holiday activity in your area.

Summer family activities with Bristol Museums

Bristol Museums have a whole host of activities for families this summer! There is storytelling and crafts every Thursday at Blaise Estate, Puppets and Lego workshops at M Shed and why not learn about Dinosaurs or Romans in our hands-on sessions at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery.

In addition to these special events there are also opportunities to visit the Roman Villa in Kings Weston where you can play Roman board games and handle artefacts. As ever, our working exhibits, the train, crane and John King boat tug will be open on weekends over the summer to visit and have a go on!

With most of these being free, there is sure to be something to suit all families.

Summer Holiday Self Care Plan For Young People

As we look after our physical health, it is important to look after our mental health. In fact, the two are closely connected.   Summer holiday self care plan for young people was co-written with young people, who shared their ideas on self-care strategies that work for them. Follow the link above to read more.

Bristol Rocks Newsletter, a guide for families in the summer holidays 

Bristol Rocks is a what’s on guide for families in Bristol, helping them find local community events, parks, walks and places to visit.  Please follow the link to the Summer Schools Newsletter showing summer events for families to help them find fun things to do over the holiday. 

Bristol School Newsletter Jul23.pdf

Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities

Strengtening Families Strengthening Communities are a Parenting group ran by experienced Parenting Practioners taking place from September at the Wellspring Settlement, Barton Hill, Bristol from Wednesday 20 September 2023.  Please follow the link to find out more information.

SFSC flyer Sept 23 update (2).pdf

And don't forget from last time....

Start of Term Arrangements Letter to all Parents and Carers 2023/24

Please follow the link to refer to a letter forwarded to Parents and Carers on Thursday 6 July  regarding Start of Term Arrangements for 2023/2024.

Letter from Avon and Somerset Police about the use of e-scooters by children under the age of 18.

Please follow the link to Letter from Avon and Somerset Police about the use of e-scooters by children under the age of 18. 

Escooter Letter Schools.pdf

Catering Changes: September 2023 

From September 2023 our outsourced catering provision will be changing from Caterlink to ABM Catering. The school made the decision to switch to ABM Catering following a competitive tender process in which several companies expressed their interest to provide our catering provision. A panel of students and staff were involved in the process who all unanimously agreed to appoint ABM Catering. New menus will be available at the start of the new term.


Open Evening at Cotham School Wednesday 27 September 2023 

Please see the attached banner print for Cotham School. We would very much appreciate it if you could share it around with your friends and family especially to those who have children in the current Year 4 and 5!

Don't forget that as well as our Open Evening we also have a significant amount of Open Mornings throughout the year too.

Landscape Banner Print.pdf

Digital Literacy Corner

Latest Parent Online Safety Cheat Sheet

What Parents and Carers Need to Know About:


In-App Purchases

Repeat Subscriptions

Competitive Community

Possibility of Scams

User-Controlled Content

Parents - Fortnite.pdf

Our latest GCSE Pod Usage

Welcome! GCSEPod is the perfect resource to help your child learn, retain and recall all the information they need to achieve their GCSE goals. 

Learn more about GCSEPod Here

Pods watched this academic year


Number of Pods watched so far in Term 6


Most watched subject this week


Our latest Seneca Learning Usage

Seneca offers high-quality free online learning courses for students to study from a computer, tablet or phone. The courses are suitable for students aged 13 and above and cover KS3, KS4 GCSE and KS5 A Level subjects.

We are Premium subscribers to this service which unlocks further features of the platform.

Learn more about Seneca Learning Here

Seneca Learning sessions  completed this academic year


Total Seneca Learning study time for Term 6

2157 hours

Total Seneca Learning study time for this academic year

31,308 hours

Staff Vacancies

Cotham School are currently recruiting for the following positions:

For more information and to apply please click here

Standing Items