Achievement    |    Diversity   |    Respect

12 January 2024

Parent and Carer Weekly Mailing

Keep us posted  - It would be great if parents/carers could let the school know of any student achievements outside of school. We would like to find out what students are doing in their own time and celebrate their achievements. Email us: 

Week commencing Monday 15 January 2024 is Week A


Standing Items are now located at the bottom of the mailing. 

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers

Please find our weekly mailing which I hope you will find both useful and informative.  

With very best wishes for a relaxing weekend.

Kindest regards

Ms Jo Butler, Headteacher

Headteachers Welcome 12-01-2024.mp4

Positive feedback of the week 👍

Email sent to Year 10 Learning Coordinator 

"Thanks for all your hard work !"

Parent of Year 10 student 

"Your SELT students were amazing; they spoke eloquently of the hopes and dreams for the future and listened with intent to our visitors' advice and guidance.  It was a wonderful exchange of ideas and funny anecdotes."

Message received from Alumni Cotham Students

Thank you

New Announcements

First Aid Training - Exciting News!

The Red Cross is returning to Cotham for the next few weeks to deliver First Aid training to all students in Years 7 and 8. Following last year's incredibly successful sessions we are excited to welcome Kathryn back to teach our young people how to treat common injuries and perform CPR". 

Year 8 Vaccination Reminder

Year 8 HPV vaccination session is scheduled on Wednesday 17th January 2024. It will take place in the Main Hall from 09:00-15:00.

Parents and career have been asked to complete the consent form at by 09:00 on Monday 15th January 2024. 

 Year 9 Parents' Evening - Wednesday 24 January 2024

The event will take place between 3:45 pm and 6:45pm and will be a live event.  

Parents and carers will have the opportunity to meet their child’s teachers for a 5 minute appointment. 
All appointments will take place in A Block and all parents should enter the school via our Visitor Reception Entrance on Cotham Lawn Road. 

Please visit to book your appointments. Bookings will close on Tuesday 23 January 2024 at 6pm.

PQA Bristol Wicked the Musical - February Half Term Workshop

Monday 12 February - Wednesday 14 February

 10am - 4pm | Cotham School.


 Booking Form -

Year 9 MFL Trip, to the Black Forest, Germany Trip Updates

Thank you to all parents and carers who have sent me a copy of their child's passport. If you have not done so, please can this be shared soon as possible so I can check expiry dates. Some October payments are still outstanding, please can these be paid. I will be sending out forms and more information at a later stage and we will have a parent information evening during term 5. Transport, accommodation and activities are now booked. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me via email:

Vielen Dank. 

Anna Bingham

Faculty Leader for MFL

Extra -Curricular Participation

Extra-curricular activities boost young people’s confidence to interact socially with others; extend their social networks; and provide them with new skills and abilities. Above all, they offer an important space to have fun and relax away from the pressures of school work.'  

Quote taken from An Unequal Playing Field Report

As Mock exams draw nearer and the need for detachment and relaxation becomes evermore important for our KS4 students, why not encourage your child to take advantage of our generous Extra-Curricular offer?

Word of the Week

Key Stage 3 Word for Next Week

Key Stage  4 Word for Next Week

Is your child looking for their next read?

If your child is struggling to choose the next book they are going to read, this website provides a useful list of recommended books that you could look through with your child. Remind your child to visit the school library and to let the librarian, Ms Payne, know if there are any books your child would like her to order that we don't currently have.

Readathon Closing soon!

Readathon closing screenshot.docx

The Year 7s have taken part in a Library Treasure Hunt and Quiz. This is a fun lesson which helps them learn how to get the most out of our brilliant library.

2023 Treasure hunt and quiz photos (4).docx

House Update

The end of year whole school House assembly was a wonderful success on the last Friday of the term. Each Head of House shared the successes of their students across the previous term including charity fundraisers, festive activities and house point achievement. We then had our mid year trophy event where Faculty leaders gave their trophies to the House who had achieved the most House Points across the year so far. House Captains and Prefects were extremely excited to collect their well earned trophies which are displayed in visitor reception.  

Congratulations to Omega and Mr Burfield who were the highest winnersof trophies!

Art Work of the Week

The year 11 students have been working on their 'All you can eat' projects. Looking at the work of Lucy Sparrow, they have created these food items all made from felt!

WOTW Y11 Lucy Sparrow.pdf

Language of the Month

Some Interesting Facts

Famous People who Speak Arabic

Famous People who Speak Arabic

Some Key Words

Year 7 News

Year 7 Bake Off will take place on Wednesday 17 January 2024. Selected students will compete to make the best cakes. This is part of a series of competitions starting in Year 7 that will include everything from sport to poetry, photography and a raft of other things as well. We are really looking forward to seeing the talents of our Year 7 students.

Basketball and Football clubs have been really well attended in Year 7. Please have a look at the website and speak to your child about joining one of the many clubs available and helping them discover their passion.

Thanks from all of Year 7 to Mrs Arnold and her Year 10 leadership team for the fantastic events they helped to run for Year 7 before Christmas. The disco especially was a big hit. 

Lots of teachers also want to give shout outs to Year 7 students.

Mme Kennedy would like to say a huge well done to the students in 7LH who learnt songs in French, they were absolutely amazing.

Mr Sebana would like like to give a huge congratulations to the Year 7 Rugby Team. He reported that there was a lot of courage and perseverance shown when it really mattered so a huge Well done.

Miss Power would like to mention 7AVA who produced some amazing work on the nuances of good and evil characters in their Princess Mononoke work.

Mr O Knight

Year 7 Learning Coordinator


Year 8 News

Welcome back to all of year 8! I hope you all had an enjoyable break and have come back raring to go for the new term!

Although it is quite a short term, we have got a lot packed in. We have started the Year 8 assessments, these happen for two weeks. This is just to see how you are doing within your lessons, please do not worry about them, just do the best you can!

I am really hoping we can keep reducing our number of after school detentions by students really engaging with their lessons- teachers and students have all become used to the new classes and are saying they work well which is enabling all students to enjoy their lessons.

I am trying to organise an after school trip which I will send out when I get more information about it. Students who are showing myself that they are trying very hard to engage with school in a positive way, students who attend all of their lessons, students who follow instructions for the first time and wear the correct uniform all of the time, will be on the top of my list to go.

Parents should have received a letter regarding uniforms, we are having a new incentive on uniforms and our expectations remain high. Students need to be wearing their lanyards everyday and all day in school, with their school jumpers and polo tops on, black trousers, not leggings, skirts which are knee length and shoes which are black and leather look. If a student wears a hoodie (zip up jackets are included) they will be confiscated, and they are not allowed to wear hats inside any school building and no baseball caps at all.

Let's all have a great term 3!

Briony Buckley

Year 8 Learning Coordinator

Year 8 Shouts Outs

Shout out to the following Year 8 students from Ms Séverine Kennedy who went above and beyond for their French Christmas homework:

Charlie - Rahaf  - Maryam 

And an even more special mention to Ella who not only sang her French song beautifully but also completed her Seneca assignment to great standards.

Year 9 News

Year 9 have had a very positive start to the new term! It has been wonderful to see so many students enter 2024 with a great attitude towards their learning. Keep up the great work!  

Subject Spotlight - Geography 

Mr Cook (Geography Teacher)  

This term Year 9 pupils are investigating some of the issues that arise in Urban areas and some of the solutions to these challenges. We will be investigating questions such as: Why have towns and cities grown? Why do people move to urban areas? What is life like in informal settlements? And finally, What might a city of the future look like?" 

Student Feedback 

"I'm looking forward to learning about this interesting subject. I have been really enjoying Geography and I would like to take it for GCSE"

Twelfth Night

Students involved in the Year 9 production of Twelfth Night are excited to return to rehearsals ahead of their performance in February. More details for tickets sales and performance date to follow. "

"Year 9 Football Club - Monday's 

Student feedback:

"I really enjoyed Monday's football club session after school. The coaching we received was of a very high standard and I will definitely go again."

Mr J Moody - PE Faculty Leader: 

"We had 30 students attending the football club on Monday which was a huge success" 

Year 9 Girls Sports Hall Athletics 

Congratulations to the Year 9 team of Sports Hall Athletics who have made it through to the Bristol Inter Schools Sports Hall Athletics final! The final will take place on Thursday 11 January at Redland Green. Good luck Year 9!  

Henry Arnold

Year Team assistant

Year 9 - KS4 Pathways Event 17 January 05:30pm

This is an in-person event for the Year 9 students and their families. The event will explain the KS4 pathways process. This process will allow Year 9 students to select their subject preferences for the subjects they would like to study in Year 9 and Year 10. 

There will be two presentations from the senior leadership team of the school, one at 5.45pm and the same presentation again at 6.45pm. 

Each presentation will last 30 minutes and cover how the KS4 Pathways process works and how students will be able to make their subject preferences for their KS4 courses in the following weeks. 

Parents will also have the opportunity to visit each faculty area to meet the teachers of the KS4 courses and to learn more about the courses that we are offering at KS4. The online KS4 Pathways Portal will also open on this date. The portal will include videos for each of the courses that are available at KS4. The videos are recorded by our faculty leadership teams and are designed to provide you with an overview and introduction to each of the courses available at KS4. The videos are a great way to learn about the courses and can be watched by students and parents and carers in their own time.  

When you arrive on Wednesday 17 January please enter via Visitors Reception on Cotham Lawn Road.  Please either make your way to the main hall for the presentation or visit the different subject locations.

If you have further questions please submit them to the KS4 Pathways email (

We look forward to meeting you.

Mrs Khan 

Assistant Headteacher

Year 10 - News

The Year 10 Senior Executive Leadership Team (SELT) Rosie, Gen, Lila, Vismaya, Karina and Zoya ended last term with a very successful Charity Christmas Raffle and Year 7 Disco. 

On Wednesday 13 December the HUB was full of excitement at break time as the raffle tickets were called out and staff and students collected their prizes. Photos attached :

Later that evening, over 80 Year 7 students came along to the Disco and danced the night away. We had prizes for best dressed and best dancer. The students had an opportunity to request their favourite songs. Taylor Swift was a favourite along with some good oldies, Blur, Neil Diamond and Rick Astley.

The SELT team worked incredibly hard setting up the hall and making it magical with fairy lights, lights on tables and a fantastic balloon arch. The tuck shop was a great success with lots of lovely treats for the students. Glow sticks were also very popular and the students enjoyed themselves.

A grand total of £400 was raised over the two events for St Peters Hospice.

Thank you to everyone who supported us by buying a raffle ticket and coming along to the Disco.

The amazing Year 10 SELT team met this week to discuss more exciting charity events they would like to put in place over the next two terms, these include a Pancake sale and pancake flipping competition, Valentine cookie sale, Swimathon and Easter Raffle.

Details of dates to follow.

Year 10 - Shout Outs

We have had some amazing shout outs for Year 10. Well done Year 10. 

Mr Sebanna gave a huge shout out to 10DSE:  For their extraordinary performance during their inter-house games and winning all their matches.

Mrs Brock gave a shout out to the Year 10 students who took part in the recent STRIDE: A Great bunch of students, all positive and very honest!

Year 10 Drama Star of the Week is Lila for a fantastic 'Metamorphosis' performance and Iris for clarity of performance.

Miss Power gave a shout out to her English group 10BeN1. They worked really hard during our study of the poem Ozymandias despite it being a period 5 lesson on a Friday!

Ms Knight gives a shout out to Adriel. I just wanted to say how well Adriel has done in EAL on Friday and today! He's made a real effort, well done Adriel.

Miss Madge gives a shout out to Humza who did really well on his end of unit History assessment. 

Mr Denby gives a shout out to the following students for always working hard and persevering in lessons.

Faysal, Tristan, Connor, Umer, Numa, Bella and Maria.

Mr Cony gives a shout out to  All of my Maths group 10B Ma5 are working well at present. Qasim, Hafisa, Amira, Imad, Immy, Nadra and Naima always put a lot of effort into their Maths lessons, but I am pleased that of late Adriel and Leo have also been working well.

Ms Ingham gave a shout out to 10B3 who listened to instructions really well in their PSHE DIRT lesson today. Well done.

Mr Worster gives a huge shout out to Nadra and Immy who volunteered to take a new student to see Miss Arnold and then to her English class. Very kind and polite!

Year 10 Tutor Football

A huge thank you to Luca H and Oscar MW  who have taken on the role of referees for the Year 10 Football league. They are doing a great job and are taking the role very seriously. 

Look out for Year 10 Reward activities coming up this term include, Bingo, Bake off and an Inter Tutor Quiz.

A massive thankyou to Moataz who kindly stayed on the all weather pitch to support another Year 10 student who had injured themself.  Moataz took on the role of 1st aid assistant and did a great job!

Spotlight on KS4 GCSE History 

Mr Lloyd: Students have recently been looking at the Nazis and the Holocaust.

When we study the Holocaust, we're dealing with fundamental questions about what's right and wrong. Learning about it makes us think about how people should behave in society. The Holocaust teaches us awareness about genocide. It helps explore important moral questions effectively. Learning about the Holocaust makes us think about the dangers of staying silent or being indifferent to others' suffering. It motivates young people to consider making a positive impact through individual and group efforts. It gives learners a chance to appreciate the importance of diversity in a diverse society and encourages sensitivity towards minority perspectives.

Edie is studying GCSE History: 

I chose History as one of my GCSE subjects since I’ve always had a fascination with the past and how different it was to our modern day society. We’ve recently been learning about WW2 in Germany, about the persecution of Jews and how the Nazis rose to power. The content contains lots of interesting insights about what was happening at the time and who were involved (which I quite like to learn about as I’m curious about the peoples’ lives at that time and the choices that they made). Overall I find it to be a very engaging subject - one I would recommend taking for those in younger years who enjoy history.

Pablo is studying GCSE History

I am in year 10 and I am studying GCSE History. I chose this subject because I found the content in year 9 to be interesting, fun and important. This has continued into year 10. I find History really engaging, recently we have been learning about Hitler and the Nazis and I find this to be fascinating because it sheds light on the problems of the past and extremism as well as how it affected those in and out of Germany at the time. This is useful due to the fact that we can learn important lessons in History and apply them to our modern age and ages to come. I find studying History to be challenging in a good way.

Year 11 Revision Workshops

Next week we will be running Revision Workshops during the school day for all Year 11 students. These will run on Monday 15 January, Tuesday 16 January and Thursday 18 January during Periods 1 and 2. All students will attend one workshop. These workshops are designed to support students in using revision strategies that will help them to retain information into their long term memory when revising. We will also be showing students how to manage their revision time effectively through the creation of a revision/study timetable.  This is a student only event but please do support your child in implementing the strategies that they will be introduced to.

If you have further questions or queries please email Mrs Khan on 

Kind Regards

Mrs Khan

Assistant Headteacher

Year 11 Shout Outs

Geography - Mr Burfield, Great work in Mock retakes! - George 

Mr Burfield 11CB  - Good, focussed learning during D.E.A.R in tutor time - Tabitha, Bayan, Amogh, Oscar, Marcel, Iram, Maryam, Khairia, Verity, Ayesha

Mrs Brock - Food - Superb start to NEA 2 in Food - Khairia , Maya , Tamsin 

Mr Cony - Maths - Zabiullah , For doing a magnificent job with Simultaneous Equations last week. Well done!

Mr Saunders - PSHE

Bethanie - Excellent independent work in PSHE and impeccable work ethic.

Ash - Excellent independent work in PSHE and impeccable work ethic

Mr Cook - Geography - Amazing effort and work in Geography - Iman, Orsolya, Orson 

Mr Bates - Business

For showing his potential in business studies and a new determination in class - Rayshawn 

Ongoing excellent work and commitment -  Iram

Miss Bridgeman - Art - Meeting deadlines in art- commitment to course - Ayesha, Anoush , Lois 

Working really hard, seeking out feedback and ways to improve and generally making great progress in English - Ashley and Ismail 

Miss Power - English, Working really hard in preparation for his mocks in English

Soban  and Yahya 

Miss Knight - EAL, Works so hard in EAL- Sadam

Mme Kennedy - Always working hard and going the extra mile - Ellie, Orsolya and Inez 

Mme Kennedy - Great attitude to learning - Aidan

Mme Kennedy - Great pronunciation in reading aloud - Muzon

Mr Burfield - Helpful in tutor, as always - Amogh, Marcel and Nafay 

Miss Boys- Science, Brilliant turn around in science - Jiyan

Miss Boys - Science, Works incredibly hard inside and outside school on her science knowledge - Zaynab

Miss Boys - Science, Excellent contributions in science - George

Miss Boys - Science - Excellent contributions in science and working incredibly hard inside and outside of school on his science knowledge - Sameer

Miss Boys - Science - Working incredibly hard in science with some brilliant written practice answers in class - Marcel

Miss Boys - Science - Attempts every challenge given and excelling in science - Anous

Year 11 Bath Ice Skating Trip

30 year 11 students were invited to go Ice Skating in Bath CityCentre. All students had a great time and enjoyed the reward. Well done to all students who attended!

Year 11 - Period 6

Period 6 runs every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 2.45pm-3.45pm. If your child has been selected for Period 6 then their attendance is compulsory. Your child will have a sticker on the back of their lanyard detailing which days they have period 6. Please can you support us by ensuring your child attends. You receive a message the next day if your child has failed to attend Period 6. Non-attendance to Period 6 will be classed as truancy and maybe sanctioned accordingly. 

If your child needs another timetable this can be collected from Mr Thomas (Year 11 Learning Coordinator). If you have any queries about period 6, please email Mrs Khan on

Managing study Time with the Study Buddy


Following on from the successful webinar for parents of students at BEP schools on How to Help Your Child Manage their Study Time we are able to provide the link to the online session here

The session for students can be accessed here

Free Textbooks for Oxbridge Medicine and Law Applicants

MedicMind are offering free textbooks for UK schools regarding Oxbridge medicine and law applications. There is just a form to fill in here.

Online Safety - January Newsletter 

Follow the link to read the Newsletter.

Online Safety Newsletter Secondary January 2024_SECONDARY_PDF_Cotham.pdf

Careers Futures

NHS – Healthcare Careers Event in Cotham School

Date: Wednesday 24 January 2024

Proposed timings: P4 & P5

As part of our partnership with the NHS, we are excited to be delivering a free in-person careers session themed arounds careers in healthcare: Healthcare professionals are visiting Cotham School to meet our Year 7 and Year 8 students to inspire and inform them about careers in the NHS. The NHS provides a diverse array of clinical and allied health professional roles from midwives and doctors to radiographers and dietitians. Students will have the opportunity to:

Cotham Futures

Weston College are currently working in partnership with the Luke Wheaton Legacy Trust to organise a careers evening to be held at the North Bristol Rugby & Football Club on 24 January 2024 (4-7pm).  Luke Wheaton sadly lost his life in the tragic Avonmouth accident in 2020, whilst completing an apprenticeship. The Luke Wheaton Legacy Trust was set up by his parents and brother to celebrate his memory, and aims to support and encourage young people on their journey through life, through furthering their education outside the classroom, and developing skills. 


As a response to this,  we are inviting a select number of employers to attend the event in order to meet learners and their parents to discuss ‘live’  apprenticeship opportunities for 2024.  The evening will also have a rolling presentation about apprenticeships from our teaching faculty and participants and will be centred around Engineering, Construction and Digital. There will also be a presence from team who will be offering Information, Advice and Guidance to those needing support with applications, CV’s etc. 


The link below will take you to the booking page – where students are able to book a slot at 4pm, 5pm, 6pm and each slot will have a presentation and a chance to engage with the employers.

Careers Apprenticeship and Careers Fair

At the moment, 50 confirmed employers and businesses for students to talk to and learn about their industries!  This year, the event will be on the 14th March 2024 between 10:00-14:00 at Apex Hotel in Bath.

Please register your interest by the 29 February by clicking this link.  You must register to ensure entry. 

Courses for Aspiring Medical Students 

For your students aged 14-18 who may be considering careers in medicine, we've 2 courses coming up that may interest them.



Post 16 

BTEC Examinations

BTEC exams are taking place from 9 January. These are external examinations. Students should arrive promptly and prepared with a clear pencil case, calculator (if required) and their lanyard.

University of Bristol Summer School 

Summer schools are an excellent opportunity for students to learn about a particular degree topic and gain specialised information, advice and guidance on applying to and thriving in Higher Education. UoB offers three different summer schools, more details below. Completing any one of the summer schools entitles students to a guaranteed contextual offer or interview from the University of Bristol. Contextual offers are typically set two grades below the standard offer level. 

Virtual Summer School: Tuesday 28  May 2024 - Thursday 30 May 2024

Overview: This Summer School offers many of the benefits of an in-person programme but is accessed through a virtual system. The 3-day event comprises of; academic and social sessions as well as information, advice and guidance to help students make informed choices about their future options in Higher Education.

Eligibility: We invite applications from students who would enjoy the opportunity to engage with the University of Bristol via a virtual programme. Please note, if you would prefer to attend our in-person Summer Schools (Sutton Trust and Insight Into Bristol) you should apply for these directly INSTEAD of this virtual activity. 

Applications open: Wednesday 3 January 2024 – Apply here.

Insight Into Bristol Summer School: Tuesday 16 July 2024 - Friday 19 July 2024

Overview: The free summer school offers Year 12 students the opportunity to experience student life in the vibrant city of Bristol. Participants will stay in university accommodation and take part in academic seminars and social activities, supported by current undergraduate students. They will meet student societies and learn more about what university life is really like. This programme combines a mixture of virtual and in-person activities to maximise opportunities.

Eligibility: For students who identify as Asian, Black, or Mixed (featuring one or more of these groups). Open to students studying in Year 12 in England or Wales, Year 13 in Northern Ireland, or S5 in Scotland (or equivalent). Students must also attend, and have always attended, a state-funded school or college (non-fee paying) in the UK.

Applications open: Tuesday 9 January 2024 - Apply here

Sutton Trust Summer School: Tuesday 23 July 2024 - Friday 26 July 2024

Overview: The Sutton Trust’s flagship UK Summer School offers students the chance to attend a residential summer school at a leading university and truly experience student life. All costs are covered by the Sutton Trust and the University of Bristol, so it is free for students to attend.

All students accepted onto a Sutton Trust Summer School, along with any students who meet our grade threshold and one other criteria, will be offered a place on the Sutton Trust Online Core programme delivered on Sutton Trust Online. This 18-month structured programme will provide support and exclusive content over their last two years of school and helps them explore future options, apply to, prepare for and succeed at leading universities.

Eligibility: Open to students studying in Year 12 in England or Wales, Year 13 in Northern Ireland, or S5 in Scotland (or equivalent). Students must also attend, and have always attended, a state-funded school or college (non-fee paying) in the UK.

Applications open: From Tuesday 9 January 2024 until Wednesday 6 March 2024 - How to apply - Sutton Trust

P16 Food Bank
We have a food bank operating in G204 and the library. Just pop and see a member of the P16 team and we can give you access to this. There is a wide number of food items available, there are also hygiene products. Breakfast is also available in the Library with Mr Davies.  This is available to students in receipt of the P16 Bursary, free school meals and Young Carers. If you do not fall into one of these categories but would like access to the food bank, please speak to a member of the P16 team who will be able to support you. 

Community Languages

Among our Cotham students there are 54 different languages spoken! And for some of them that means an extra qualification. Ms Swayne delivered an assembly this week about the community language qualifications offered at P16. Students have been invited to complete this form to show their interest. Language qualifications offered are deatied in these slides  

Coming Up Soon...

Year 13 mocks

Y13 Mock examinations will take place 22-26 January. Students will be off timetable for the week with the exception of BTEC, Art and Photography. Students will be delivered an assembly with more details next week.

Exciting News - Free Cinema Session!

Free Cinema Session on Thursday 15 February for families with disabled / SEND children - the whole family can come ((Max 6 tickets per family) and enjoy a film. Ms Nicola Beaumont will be on hand to support any families that may need support and answer any questions they may have about Out and About – Please find the flyer attached with details of the services offered.


The film will be announced on 1 February when the cinema releases the films can be watched, it will be a family film starting at 11am in the Showcase cinema in Avonmeads.  But families can apply for tickets now.


They must live in Bristol (the event is funded by Bristol City Council) and have a disabled child or child with additional needs.

Nicola Beaumont 

She / Her

Outreach Worker

Phone Number: 07835611651

OAA Leaflet 2023.pdf

And Don't Forget From Last Time

Student Absence - Reminder

Notifying the school of student absence - all info can be found on the  School website

Parents and carers can report student absence in 3 ways.

Parents and carers can either:

- complete the absence form on school website

- email the attendance absence email at (Year 7-11) or (Year 12 and 13)

- telephone the attendance absence line on 0117 919 8000

NHS Guidance

As winter sets in and common childhood illnesses become more frequent, parents are being are encouraged to use a free NHS app to help them decide how best to care for their child.

The HANDi app, which has been developed by a team of specialist children’s doctors, is quick and easy to use and gives parents and carers expert advice on a range of childhood illnesses. These include diarrhoea and vomiting, high temperature, tummy pain, chestiness, head injuries and common problems experienced by newborn babies.

The app takes parents through a series of questions about their child’s symptoms and then advises on the best course of action, whether that's to treat at home, to make a GP appointment, call NHS 111 or call 999.

Please see link below on NHS guidance for parents/carers

Staff Vacancies

Cotham School are currently recruiting for the following positions:

For more information and to apply please click here.

Digital Literacy Corner

All - 12 Ways to Champion Equality Online.pdf

Striving to be the best we can be - Nurturing learners for life

Our latest: Seneca Learning and GCSE Pod Usage

Seneca offers high-quality free online learning courses for students to study from a computer, tablet or phone. The courses are suitable for students aged 13 and above and cover KS3, KS4 GCSE and KS5 A Level subjects.

We are Premium subscribers to this service which unlocks further features of the platform.

Learn more about Seneca Learning Here

Total Seneca Learning Assignments Set for Term 3


Total Seneca Learning 

Study Time for Term 3

379 Hours

Total Seneca  Learning Study Time for this Academic Year

5090 Hours

Welcome! GCSEPod is the perfect resource to help your child learn, retain and recall all the information they need to achieve their GCSE goals. 

Learn more about GCSEPod Here

Pods Watched this Academic Year


Number of Pods Watched so far in Term 3


Most Watched Subject This Week


Standing Items