Our Digital Platforms

Seneca Learning

All students and teachers now have free access to Seneca - a revision and homework platform making studying more fun. Seneca is an interactive way to learn official course content. Their web app covers 150+ exam board specific courses condensing what students need to know for their exams. The software is able to identify gaps in learning. For instance, when you get a question wrong, the platform will repeat the topic in different formats and their smart algorithm has proven to make students remember topics 2x faster. Seneca is totally free for students, teachers and parents. You can sign up via senecalearning.com

Free GCSE Pod Parent Webinar

We have invested in the award winning GCSEPod, a resource that helps your child achieve their goals and supports you on their GCSE journey.

Visit our GCSE parent page on our Digital Learning portal to find out how to use GCSEPod with your child.  

Home Learning - Google Classroom email summaries

Summaries will be sent to parents and carers on either a daily or weekly basis depending on the option that you selected when you signed up. You can check and amend the frequency of your emails by visiting https://classroom.google.com/gs. If no work has been set for your child since your last email, you will not receive an email until the next piece of homework is set.  Google has written a comprehensive user guide which can be found here.

If you have misplaced the invitation link, please email us at GCSupport@cotham.bristol.sch.uk with the name of your child and their tutor group and we will resend the invitation to you.