Parent Support and Information

Free School Meals

To apply or check if your child is eligible for Free School Meals please click on this link  If you have any questions or need assistance please contact Student Reception. 

How to get Cost of Living Support

The rising cost of living is impacting people across Bristol in different ways. To help support people most impacted, including those who have not faced financial challenges before, the council has a cost of living support webpage: It provides advice and guidance on topics including housing, benefits and financial help, employment and skills, mental health and wellbeing, and provides links to useful websites and community organisations. 

Bristol's Welcoming Spaces

The first of Bristol's Welcoming Spaces are now open. As the cost of fuel and food continues to rise, a network of warm, Welcoming Spaces has been set up for people to go to, to alleviate cost of living pressures this autumn and winter. Each venue will be responding to community priorities which means what happens in each space will vary, but is likely to include Wi-Fi, access to electrical charging points, activities and community meals. There will also be support and practical advice provided by city-wide organisations.

Help for Households

To help with the cost of living crisis the government has launched a website detailing a range of support for households. This is available from the link below: Help for Households - Get government cost of living support.

VitaMinds NHS Talking Therapies

VitaMinds provide the NHS Talking Therapies Service in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. This service provides free and confidential therapeutic support for anyone 16 and over who is feeling anxious, low, or depressed. We have a range of treatments available, including group work, 1:1, online programmes and telephone support. 

As a parent / carer / guardian, you want to do the best you can for the children you look after. This isn’t always an easy task and can leave little time to look after yourself. Anxieties and worries can play on your mind and stop you from getting things done or even feeling happy. If you find yourself worrying more than normal, feeling less motivated or just generally struggling with your mental health, VitaMinds can help.

Everything we do is based around Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, giving you tools and techniques you can use to overcome feelings of anxiety, low mood or depression amongst other things. For more information, either see our website including our self-referral form or give us a call on 0333 200 1893.

Quotes from previous service users:

“The worry management webinar gave me lots of tools that I can now go away and use to help myself keep on top of my anxiety.”

“My therapist was amazing, so kind and reassuring. She really helped me overcome my low moods and I’m forever grateful for the helpful tools I have learnt and continue to use”

Family Lives - Support for Parents and Carers

Family Lives are a free service offering a confidential helpline, online chat, parenting videos and more to help support families.

Helpline service - 0808 800 2222

Email - 

Online chat - Live Chat service

You can also visit the online forum community to share dilemmas, experiences and issues with others who understand.

Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities Parenting Programme (SFSC) 

SFSC is a popular 13 week evidence-based parenting programme for anyone raising children. Starting weekly from Wednesday 19 April 2023 - 9.30 - 12pm at Wellspring Settlement, 43 Ducie Road, Bristol, BS5 0AX.

SFSC welcome parents and carers from all backgrounds who would like to work on their parenting skills and build positive relationships with their children and can help parents to recognise and respond to the challenges of being a parent and the risks and concerns facing our children. Whether you want to help your child do well at school, deal with bullying, avoid online grooming or getting in with the ‘wrong crowd’, or just feel more confident: SFSC can provide parents with strategies to help them feel equipped as a parent and help them to keep children safe. 

The course will help parents to:

•  Build positive family relationships 

•  Manage anger and stress 

• Implement effective discipline strategies 

• Gain confidence and communication skills 

• Understand child’s development 

• Recognise and value family and cultural traditions 

• Meet others and share ideas. 

Follow the link to a video with more information about the programme

Please follow the links for a Professional Referral Form and Parent Self Referral  If you would like further information or would like to discuss a referral please phone 0117 955 6971  ext 161 or 07492 870 557.

Parent/Carer Support

Please follow the link to find support available to parents and carers regarding resilient parenting.