Achievement    ~    Diversity   ~   Respect

14 December 2023

Parent and Carer Weekly Mailing

Keep us posted  - It would be great if parents/carers could let the school know of any student achievements outside of school. We would like to find out what students are doing in their own time and celebrate their achievements. Email us: 

Week commencing Monday 1 January 2024 is Week A :

Term 3 begins on Tuesday 2 January 2024


Standing Items are located at the bottom of the mailing

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find our weekly mailing which I hope you will find both useful and interesting!  

With very best wishes for a relaxing weekend and a wonderful Christmas break and New Year celebrations.

Kindest regards,  

Ms Jo Butler, Headteacher

Headteachers Welcome 14/12/2023.mp4

Positive feedback of the week 👍

'I've been very pleased with the recent positive messages I have received from the Humanities department on three separate occasions this term. Mr Lloyd has kept me informed, by email and phone, of my child's achievements; Philosopher, Geographer and Historian of the Term!  He was also named as one of this terms 'Star Bakers' by Miss Burt and was rewarded with making a Puff Pastry Christmas Chocolate Tree to take home in an extra practical Food lesson . Thank you to all Cotham Staff for their support and efforts. May you all have a restful winter break.' - Year 9 Parent

Comments from Year 10 parents regarding supporting the Year 7 Disco on Wednesday:

We were glad to hear from a parent of Year 10 that her child is enjoying being part of the Student Executive Leadership Team (the SELT). Year 10 Learning Coordinator also added that it is great having this student as part of the team and each of them are showing their own skill set. The student is great with the camera and is always happy to help during lunch and break time. Well done! 

Thank you


End of Term 2 Arrangements for Friday 15 December 2023

Please see the below points regarding the End of Term Arrangements for Friday 15 December 2023:

Term 3 begins on Tuesday 2 January 2024

Investors in Careers Award News

We are proud to announce Cotham School has successfully achieved the Investors in Careers Award. The Gatsby Benchmarks are fully incorporated across the school curriculum. This is an excellent achievement that identifies our Careers provision in Cotham School is meeting the expected standards. 

House Update

Lots of festive Inter-house activities are up and running across the school which have been absolutely fantastic! A quick summary is below...

STEAM - News

Over the last 2 weeks we have had the Christmas spirit in our Food Science Lessons with Year 7 making Mince Pies, Year 8 making White Choc Chip & Raspberry Muffins and Year 9 making the very technical Choux Pastry filled with cream and drizzled with chocolate, all whilst a few Christmas songs played in the background.

Also last week, our chosen 15 Star Bakers from Terms 1 and 2 were rewarded by Miss Burt with an extra practical lesson for their exemplary behaviour in our Food Science Lessons. They were rewarded with making a Puff Pastry Christmas Chocolate Tree to take home for themselves. A huge well done to all students who have taken part in all of our lessons. 

If you would like to give the Puff Pastry Christmas Chocolate Tree, a simple but effective treat a go then please watch this short video via the link

December Free School Meal Voucher

Please note that Free School Meal vouchers to cover December break were sent out to parents and carers on Thursday 7 December 2023. If you have any questions about redeeming the voucher, please contact the Hawk Select (‘Select Essentials’) telephone helpline, on: 03446 939901 (Monday to Sunday, 8am to 8pm). 

Lost Property at Student Reception

If your child has lost an item they should go to Student Reception and look in the lost property cupboard by Friday 15 December 12.30.  Any items not collected by then will be donated to charity.  Please ensure that your child's items are clearly labelled to assist with returning any lost property.

Wonderful Initiative

Please spread the word and offer help if you can.

Free Seasonal VegBox to those who need it, via The Plough.

Application deadline 4pm on 18 Dec via form here -

To be delivered on the 19 December. 

Festive Fun Ideas for Family

Things to do in Bristol this festive season and explore all the fun!

Please  cllck here to Copy and Paste the link to the Bristol Rocks Newsletter 

Diverse Images for Healthcare

A project aiming to transform healthcare images.  

Uniting people, healthcare professionals and providers, the mission is to create a diverse image library that represents the communities for healthcare. The focus is on capturing a comprehensive range of medical photographs of people from different backgrounds, and creating more inclusive healthcare images. 

This resource will be instrumental for healthcare professionals and educators in their efforts to address health inequalities.

Diverse Images for Healthcare_Poster (1).pdf

Building better family lives together

If you need any support or advice please click here to read the Family Lives Newsletter.

Self care plan

Anna Freud Self Care Plan for a good Christmas holiday break

Anna Freud Self Care Plan for a good Christmas holiday break.

My self-care plan: secondary and FE | Anna Freud

Word of the Week

Christmas Word of the Week.pdf

Cotham School Christmas break reading and Vocabulary Challenge

It is everyone's last chance to grab a Readathon Sponsor Form and Bookmark from the library before we break up.

Come to the library and take some books out for the holidays. Have fun whilst raising money for a brilliant cause. 

Fancy some snowy and cosy Christmas holiday reading? Check out our Christmas book display this week.

Happy Reading!

Please encourage your child to take part in the ‘Cotham School Christmas Break Reading and Vocabulary Challenge. There are a variety of activities for your child to complete for each day of the break (16 December - 1 January). 

Enjoy a book over the holidays!

Borrow books online using our E-Library Platform. Download onto your phone or laptop and enjoy the library from the comfort of your home. Full details here (see doc).

If you are taking part in the READATHON, please remember that ebooks and audiobooks can be included on your sponsor form!

E platform info.pdf

Year 8 HPV Vaccination Consent Form

FAO Parents and Carers of Year 8 - message from Sirona

Please read the attached HPV consent letter for parents and carers and complete the consent form.  Year 8 HPV Vaccination is scheduled at school for 17 January 2024.

HPV econsent letter for Yr 8 Parents 2023-24.doc

Flu Vaccination catch-up Clinics

Please see the below message from Sirona team:

Children’s Flu vaccination (nasal and injection) catch-up clinics are available for Year 7-11 students who did not receive their vaccinations at school. Please book an appointment at  If you have any queries please contact the Immunisation Team directly on 0300 124 5515 or email

Whole School Production 2024

Mr Dunkley, Mrs Buckley and Mrs Bunka are looking forward to encouraging as many of our Year 8s as possible to audition for the Whole school production 2024 which will get underway in Term 3. After the resounding success of Matilda the Year 8 team are hoping that our Year 8 students will have been inspired and are now confident enough to audition for the show. This year's Whole school production is still a carefully guarded secret…please keep an eye on the Weekly Mailing in Term 3 to discover what the 2024 Cotham  Whole school production will be.

Subject Specific Focus in Year 8: History 

Term 3 will see our Year 8 students exploring the topic of the English Civil War (What were the Causes and Consequences of the English civil war) 

Mr Lloyd, Faculty leader for Humanities and History teacher, discusses this unit below. 

"On August 22, 1642 a war started in the British Isles. The country was divided as people who supported the king fought against those who supported Parliament. After almost ten years, when the fighting finally stopped, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and regular people had lost their lives. The parliamentarians, led by Oliver Cromwell, then worked to change many things in English society. The actions of Cromwell had a big impact and altered the politics of England permanently."

Year 8 Students Showcasing Cotham School

Well done to an enthusiastic group of Year 8 students who had the pleasure of leading a parent tour around the school site last week, one of the parents on the tour commented that 'the tour was very useful and informative, the students who were leading the tour were passionate about the school and their learning'. Mrs Buckley Learning coordinator for Year 8 stated after the tour 'The Year 8 tour guides were really happy to be involved and enjoyed showing the parents and two prospective students around'. 

Well done to Joel for getting the most amount of achievement points so far in Year 8, he has managed to get an amazing 193!! 

Students have done really well settling into their new classes and teaching staff have explained how useful the changes have been to the lessons. 

In Year 8 students have the opportunity to help out in the Main Reception for a morning or afternoon. Mrs Ryan, our receptionist, has spoken so highly of these students, saying they have been polite and helpful but also looking very smart in their school uniform and a good figure for people outside of the school to see when they enter the building. Well done to those students as well.

On Wednesday some of the Year 8s were involved in STRIDE which is where students can speak to their teachers about what works well in their learning, but also gives them a chance to say what might work well. Well done to those students involved.

Well done to Olivia, Annabelle, Chloe, Caitlin, Cora, Cora, Florence, Ava, Esther, Zoe, Maud, Hanna, Alice, Alice, Yana, Elsa, Elias and Monty for your Cue Performance!

Year 8  Exams

Year 8 exams will take place from 8 January to 19 January 2024. The Year 8 Exam Preparation Booklet provides information on the format of each subject’s exam, its content, as well as suggested sources of revision.  This document is now live and up to date.

Year 8 Exam Timetable - this provides students with a 2 week schedule of when their exams are taking place in normal lessons

Preparing for Assessments Portal

The Preparing for Assessments Portal has been created to reduce the stress of assessments by showing students the most effective ways to prepare for an assessment and how they can look after their mental wellbeing during their assessment preparations.

 Year 9 Spotlight-Geography

For the past term Year 9 students have been focussing on social geography, specifically on issues that arise in an urban setting with particular focus on megacities such as Mumbai and the residential area of Dharavi. 

Next term students will be looking at how weather is formed.

Year 9 Exciting News

Students with 100% attendance and less than 5 behaviour points will enjoy a movie experience this Wednesday 13th in the main hall. 

The winners of the Year 9 5 a-side football tournament will enjoy a lunch with the head of year and assistant head. 

This Tuesday 12th 4 students from each year 9 tutor group will go head to head in a 50 question general knowledge quiz!

 Year 9 Spotlight-Art

"Year 9 students are studying slogan art this term, with focus on typography design. 

Students are developing oracy skills and team work as they develop slogans and campaigns that they are passionate about. 

It is a pleasure to see students using their voice, sharing their ideas and working collaboratively."

Ms Laura Bridgeman

Art Teacher

Student Feedback

"In Art this term I enjoyed the subject of Slogan Art, the teaching allowed me to learn how to draw 3D text. This was something I was not able to do before."

"Learning about Slogan Art has been really interesting, I have enjoyed learning about how artists have used typography in their campaigns."

100% Attendance and below 5 Behaviour Points Reward

Congratulations to 143 Year 9 students who are being rewarded with a film experience in the main hall on Wednesday afternoon! Students will be enjoying a film with some snacks and popcorn. 100% attendance and below 5 behaviour points is a huge achievement and something students should be incredibly proud of! Keep up the hard work!

Year 9 Performing Arts Achievements  

In the past week multiple Year 9 students have performed excellently in both the Winter Sharing and CUE winter show. A huge well done to all who took part! It was brilliant to see Year 9 students expressing themselves and performing to such a high standard across the two shows! 

Year 9 Tutor Quiz 

This week four students from each tutor group took part in the Tutor Quiz in the main hall with snacks and drinks provided. Students answered questions on a variety of subjects from sports, history, music and more. Congratulations to team 9AWA who won the quiz by just one point! It was a close result with 9RS picking up 46 points in second place. Behaviour throughout the quiz was excellent and set a great expectation for another quiz to run next year.

Year 10 News

Year 10 celebrated the end of term with their Christmas awards assembly where students were awarded LC awards, Tutor awards and Attendance awards.

The following students were awarded the Learning Coordinator award in recognition of their kindness and good manners, top house points achieved and showing strength and resilience. Naz, Mubarak and Warren each received a £10 cinema voucher.  

Tutors had the opportunity to recognise tutees who have really stood out this year in terms of progress, achievement or contribution to the tutor group. The students were awarded a selection box each. Congratulations to:

Maida, Steven, Imran, Isobel, Hadi, Hafizah, Tanaka, Joe, Reye, Isabella, Jayron, Aden, Asma, Aaron, Vismaya, Shyam, Lena, Tristan 

The House point raffle, each time a student earns a house point, they are entered into the termly draw to win a £5 cinema voucher.

Congratulations to the following Students

Students were also awarded selection boxes and certificates for 100% attendance at school, congratulations to the following Students 

The top 3 tutor groups were awarded a tub of chocolates to share were:

10JWO has the best attendance

10SME has the least amount of behaviour points

10KBO is always friendly and very welcoming in their tutor base. 

We're delighted to have such hard-working, kind and caring students as part of our Cotham community. 

So many wonderful shout outs for Year 10 students, well done Year 10. 

Shout out from Mr Burfield to:

Vismaya  - Consistent excellence in geography

Dylan - Consistent excellence in geography

Marli  - Consistent excellence in geography

Oscar MW- Consistent excellence in geography

Gwen - Consistent excellence in geography

Aaron  - Amazing work and effort in geography

Demario - Amazing work and effort in geography lessons

Imad  - Amazing work and effort in geography lessons

Elijah  - Amazing work and effort in geography lessons

Warren  - Amazing work and effort in geography

Maida  - Amazing work and effort in geography

Shout out from Mr Buchanan to: 

Isabella  -  commitment to improving in Philosophy & Religion, and always focused/engaged

Tusem  - commitment to improving in Philosophy & Religion, and always focused/engaged

Lena  -  continued excellent focus in Philosophy & Religion

Hemant  -   continued excellent focus in Philosophy & Religion

James -   continued excellent focus in Philosophy & Religion

Shout out from Mr Vega to:

Year 10 Spanish (as a group), for responding excellently to the "turn and talk in Spanish" in pairs throughout these 2 first terms

Shout out from Mx Heaton to:

I would love to shout out Warren for being so friendly & polite and Vismaya for being so involved & kind & for her creativity in every subject! 

Shout out from Mr Cony to:

I have enjoyed teaching Maths to both 10B Ma5 and 10X XX1A this term. Both groups are jam-packed full of hardworking students.

Shout out form Ms Ingham to:

10A3 did an excellent job in class. They responded to some feedback incredibly maturely and all produced excellent letters of application!

Year 10 The Sparx Maths tutor awards!!

It was so close! But congratulations to 10DSE, you’ve won the first Sparx tutor prize!

Mathematician of the fortnight 

Congratulations to Kiranjeet

Wishing you all a restful and wonderful break and look forward to seeing you all next term.

Mrs Arnold 

Year 10 Learning Coordinator

Year 11 Formal Mock Examinations 

Monday 29 January - Friday 9 February

These examinations will take place in the exam hall under examination conditions so students are familiar with expectations around sitting formal examinations.

We hope that you will support your child with preparing a revision timetable in preparation for these upcoming mock examinations. Below are links to a blank timetable and access to our preparing for assessments portal which has links to evidence-based revision strategies. There is also a link to walking talking mocks where teachers have provided videos to show students how to answer examination questions. I am also including a link to the Year 11 Parent Information Site which will give you advice on how to support your child through their upcoming examinations. Please take the time to look at these with your child.

Blank revision timetable

Preparing for assessments portal

Walking talking mocks

Year 11 parent information site

Year 11 Mock Examination Timetable

Year 11 Term 2 Report Letter

You will have received your child's monitoring report and accompanying letter before the end of this term. Here is a link to a short video which explains all the information contained in the letter as well as your child's report.

Year 11 Trip to Bath on Ice and Christmas Shopping - Tuesday 12 December and Y11 Cinema Experience - Thursday 14 December

Students who have been rewarded for good behaviour and attendance the above events this week on our exciting last week of Term 2.

Year 11  Shout Outs 

The following students received a shout out from members of staff this week. 

Mr Cony - 11CC - Excellent Tutees

Mohamed , Idrees, Mohamed, Anas, Mosaab

Mr Burfield - Geography - Great Work in Mock Retakes

Yasmin, Mustafe, George

Shout Out from Art Team

Last week, 11X went to the RWA during their double art lesson. 

For some this was their first time on a trip or even in an art gallery. 

Firstly, a member of staff stopped me and told me how wonderful the students' discussions were regarding the art and that the school should be incredibly proud of them. A member of the public then joined into the same conversation, explaining how the students had been so positive and engaged in the gallery. 

As we left the RWA another member of the public stopped me to tell me how polite and behaved they all were, calling them "fantastic".

They have made us proud today so wanted to share. 

Tobby, Jenson, Bayan, Ankit , Ash, Giovanna, Tuva, Lois, Zaynab, Louis, Ilwad, Hanna, Anoush, Nivien, Kaylee, Mae, Zabiullah, Arfa

Laura Bridgeman

Art Teacher

Art of the Week
This week year 10  have been looking at the work of Australian contemporary artist Ben Frost, who is best known for his bold Pop Art. The students have created their own response to Frost's 'Food Packaging' art by painting onto a recycled piece of food packaging or litter. 

WOTW Y10 Ben Frost.pdf

Post 16 

Leadership Team

We would like to wish all of our P16 students well deserved, restful break and Merry Christmas to those celebrating. We look forward to welcoming you back in the new year. Please see our Director's termly bulletin 'This term at NBP16' to see the achievements and student celebrations of this term.

End of Term Arrangements

P16 lessons will finish at breaktime on Friday 15 December 2023.

And Don't Forget From Last Time

Student Absence - Reminder

Notifying the school of student absence - all info can be found on the  School website.

Parents and carers can report student absence in 3 ways, either:

Free NHS app helps parents care for their poorly child

As winter sets in and common childhood illnesses become more frequent, parents are being encouraged to use a free NHS app to help them decide how best to care for their child. 

 The HANDi app, which has been developed by a team of specialist children’s doctors, is quick and easy to use and gives parents and carers expert advice on a range of 4 childhood illnesses. These include diarrhoea and vomiting, high temperature, tummy pain, chestiness, head injuries and common problems experienced by newborn babies. 

 The app takes parents through a series of questions about their child’s symptoms and then advises on the best course of action, whether that’s to treat at home, to make a GP appointment, call NHS 111 or call 999. 

The HANDi App is available to download for Apple phones from the app store or iTunes and for Android phones at Google Play. Alternatively, please use the following QR code: 

Year 11 Prom

The Year 11 Prom is a lovely event held every year.  It is always organised by our parents/ carers (with the school's support).  As is usual, this year's Prom will be held after exams in Summer 2024.  We would like to start organising it but we need a group of parents/carers to help!!!

If you think you can help please contact Jane Manley-Jackson, one of our lovely parents, on if you would like to get involved. 

Monkhouse - BATCH Delivery Christmas Period

All school deliveries will be held and delivered into school when the weekly delivery resumes week commencing Monday  8 January 2024.

All home deliveries will continue throughout the Christmas holidays.

Staff Vacancies

Cotham School are currently recruiting for the following positions:

For more information and to apply please click here.

Please click the link here to find out information regarding Online safety Level  Information.

Online Safety Newsletter - December 2023

Online Safety Newsletter Secondary December 2023_SECONDARY_PDF_Cotham.pdf

Digital Literacy Corner

As parents we need to be mindful of Replika

What are the risks:

Advice for Parents and Carers:

Parents - Replika.pdf

Our latest: Seneca Learning and GCSE Pod Usage

Seneca offers high-quality free online learning courses for students to study from a computer, tablet or phone. The courses are suitable for students aged 13 and above and cover KS3, KS4 GCSE and KS5 A Level subjects.

We are Premium subscribers to this service which unlocks further features of the platform.

Learn more about Seneca Learning Here

Total Seneca Learning Assignments Set for Term 2


Total Seneca Learning 

Study Time for Term 2

1754 Hours

Total Seneca  Learning Study Time for this Academic Year

4134 Hours

Welcome! GCSEPod is the perfect resource to help your child learn, retain and recall all the information they need to achieve their GCSE goals. 

Learn more about GCSEPod Here

Pods Watched this Academic Year


Number of Pods Watched so far in Term 2


Most Watched Subject This Week


Standing Items