Achievement    |    Diversity   |    Respect

23 May 2024

Parent and Carer Weekly Mailing

Keep us posted  - It would be great if parents/carers could let the school know of any student achievements outside of school. We would like to find out what students are doing in their own time and celebrate their achievements. 

Email us: 

Week commencing Monday 3 June 2024 is Week A


Standing Items are located at the bottom of the mailing

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find our weekly mailing which I hope you will find both useful and engaging!  

With very best wishes for a relaxing half term.

Kindest regards,  

Ms Jo Butler, Headteacher

Positive Feedback of the Week 👍

Email sent to Mrs L Arnold

"I would just like to take this opportunity to say what a pleasure it was to host both Gwendolen and Delilah from your school for their Work Experience from Monday 13 May 2024.  It was lovely to see them both interact with the children in a calm and confident manner.  They have represented both their school but more importantly themselves in such a positive way.

Please pass on my best wishes to both girls and I wish them both all the best for the future."

Kind regards,

Ms Dei Smith

Higher level teaching assistant

Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Email sent to School Reception

"We thought you’d like to know about Lena’s recent performance at circomedia last week. Lena has been attending the youth circus for many years and excels at the aerial hoop. "

Year 10 Parent

Thank you

Announcements and Reminders

Bantham Sands Assembly  - Tuesday 21 May 2024

On Tuesday the School commemorated the 100 year anniversary of the Bantham Sands tragedy.  This assembly was dedicated to four students and one member of staff who drowned in the sea on 30 July 1924.  We would like to thank Mr John Anderson, whose family was involved in this event for attending the assembly, talking to our students and sharing copies of the old Cotham school photos.

Year 7-11  End of Term Arrangements and Reminders

Enjoy eBooks and Audio books during Half Term

Just another reminder to log into our online library (ePlatform) to enjoy eBooks and Audiobooks throughout the half term break.  You can read books on your phone or any device.  You have over 2000 books to choose from.  It is really easy to register and it is FREE.  Please see the attached for more information.

weekly mailing EBOOKS ADVERTISEMENT - Della Payne.docx

Meet the author of The Sad Ghost Club!

Did you read and enjoy the fantastic series of books called The Sad Ghost Club by Bristol Teen Book Award Winner 2023 Lize Meddings?  Would you like to meet her in the library next term?  If so, ask for a postcard in the library and enter the competition.  

Full details attached.

SAD GHOST CLUB weekly mailing - Della Payne.docx

School of Sanctuary - Cooking Club

Thank you so much to Miss Iqbal and Miss Rios for holding a very successful cooking club with our Asylum Seekers students currently living in hotels.  Thank you for all the staff helping, Miss Power, Miss Jama, Miss Anthony, Mr Woodward and for all the donations from staff.  All of you made it such a heartwarming event and the students left happy with some delicious well needed home cooked food. 

XiaoYing_Video_1715978003861_HD (1) - Aurelie Andouard.mp4

Gold Duke of Edinburgh Expedition

The Gold Duke of Edinburgh Team had an amazing 4 days in Bannau brycheiniog (Brecon Beacons) on their practice expedition.  This included one very cold night wild camping up in the mountains that they did brilliantly.

Weather was amazing and all managed the hike.  They were impressively accurate on their navigation, including navigating off paths to find the wreck of a WW2 plane.

Sports Days 2024

Please save the date!

Year 9 / 10 - Thursday 18 July 2024

Year 7 / 8 - Friday 19 July 2024

Year Group News

Year 7

Enrichment Week - Monday 15 July 2024 to Wednesday 17 July 2024

The Year 7 trip on the Tuesday 16 July to Legoland is now completely full!

There is still availability for the Tree Top activities at Adventure Bristol on the Monday 15 July. 

If students have any questions about Adventure Bristol, please speak to Mr Arnold. 

Subject Spotlight Term 6

In term 6 Dance Year 7 will be exploring the dynamic energy of Natural Phenomena as a starting point for their work.  They will learn short sequences based upon the contrasting energy of volcanoes, waves and shooting stars and then see what creative ideas these physical events can inspire to create amazing group work, including lifts, balances and supports.  We will end the term with a dance titled "Mission getaway!" to be revealed later!

Ms Phillips

Year 7 Exams

Over the last two weeks Year 7 have been taking exams across the majority of their subjects.  It has been fantastic to see the effort and commitment shown by students preparing for their exams as well as having positive conversations about how they went. 

Multiple members of staff have been in touch to share their shout outs: Mx Heaton - 7RBI did AMAZING in their exam today!!  Such such hard work and amazing artworks made!

Mr Dutton: 

"Dear 7RBI, 7DS, and 7CBR,

I wanted to say a massive 'enhorabuena' (congratulations) to all of you for your hard work and focus on your Spanish assessment last Thursday!  Assessment windows can be stressful, so well done for coming in and doing your best - we as a school are all proud of you all."


Señor Dutton

Year 8

Year 8 Update

Mr Lawrence would like to congratulate the following for receiving their Triple A Awards:

Jamila, Ziham, Iman, Nasser, Lois, Ezra, Caitlin, Zane, Evie, Marianna, Marvin, Amelie, Isla, Bobby, Ned, Bella, Yumna, Ahmed, Anaas, Florence, Fatima, Cora, Cerys, Bushra, Mia, Sharaz, Reuben, Isabella, Jana, Kaziah, Aly, Alice, Waleed, Nada, Charlie, Olivia, Ella, Jude, George, Alex, Imani, Dilshaan, Harry, Edie, Thomas, Aidan, Thomas, Ula, Mattie, Chloe, Ilektra.

These will be distributed to students in morning registration before the end of term.

Year 9

Year 9 Update

This week in Year 9 the cricket team had their first match against Oasis brightstowe.  The Year 9 opening bowler from 9AWA took 4 wickets in a resounding victory.  All parents and carers will have received their options for their students.  Furthermore the Year 9 Envision cohort created a project based around supporting EAL students this project was met with fantastic support and they were programme winning team.  An award we are very proud of!

Year 10

Year 10 Shout outs

Ms Ingham gives a shout out to: Anas, Saad and Shuaib for their engagement in their lesson today.  They were brave enough to ask the questions.  I'm sure many were thinking and used accurate terminology.

Shout out from Ms Ingham to Leo for his maturity in today's lesson and his engagement with the topic. 

Year 10 Bake Off 

We held out 5th Bake Off this week and it proved to be a huge success.  9 bakers took on the challenge of a swiss roll.  We had a few mishaps but they battled on and all produced a bake that met the brief, making it a tough decision for our judges!  Congratulations to Layla who was the over winner and Waad who was the star baker.  Congratulations to everyone who took part. 

End of Term Message

Year 10 have had another busy term.  They showed exceptional behaviour during their mock exams.  WEX week saw over 160 students go off to do their work placement and we have received lovely feedback from a number of companies.  Prefect applications opened and we had a large amount of students apply.  I wish you all a lovely half term holiday and look forward to term 6. 

Year 11

Year 11 Update

Tomorrow all students need to continue to be in full school uniform for all exams and exam prep sessions.

Year 11 students have made a great start to the summer examinations this term. I have been really impressed with their maturity and self-discipline. All students have been in school uniform and most students are wearing lanyards or collecting a sticker from reception. Thank you fo your continued support with this.

Key Dates:

Monday 27 May 2024  - Half term starts

Monday 3 June 2024 - Term 6 starts

Monday 3 June 2024 - Maths Paper 2 8.30am

Wishing you all a restful half term break.

North Bristol Post 16


Interested in studying Medicine?

 As part of the Bristol Education Partnership, Clifton College and the BEP Student Partnership Board have planned an online careers talk on different careers in medicine and the varying routes in.

The Eventbrite booking link which is here and the QR code and flyer is below for Tuesday 4 June, 2 weeks today.

It would be helpful if you could do this asap as places are limited.

Many thanks and best wishes


A reminder that the foodbank is stocked and ready if students need anything for the holidays.  This includes hygiene items.  Student should come and see a member of the Post 16 team to let them into G202.

Subject Announcements


Sparx Reading Homework

We have launched Sparx Reader for KS3.  Students are set a weekly homework to gain 300 Sparx Reader Points (roughly 30 mins of careful reading).  The platform tailors reading to each student to build crucial academic reading skills.  A range of interesting texts are available for students to select.  Reading can be completed on devices with internet access.  All are expected to complete this homework in line with the school's homework policy and to support their progress in reading.


Work of the Week

Year 12 Photography students have taken advantage of the lovely weather by making turmeric prints.  This is a photographic process where a photosensitive chemical is extracted from the turmeric root and used to make a print.  This chemical is called curcumin, which, when we combine with alcohol, creates an ink that fades when exposed to the sun.  The students took a photograph of an image, printed it onto acetate then placed the print over the turmeric stained paper then left them in the sun.


From Wednesday  8 May to Friday 10 May the Year 12 Geographers were out on a field study visit to Slapton Sands in South Devon.  Students were down there to learn about the coastal processes, geologies and management strategies at play down on the south coast as well as gathering vital data to help them write their NEAs as part of the Geography A-Level.  With the help of our amazing tutor from the Field Studies Council, Grace, students were then able to start presenting and analysing their data.  The weather was incredible and all of the students represented themselves and Cotham School incredibly well.  A massive thank you to Slapton FSC, Grace, the students and their parents for their part in the organisation of this trip and to all the staff who made this possible!

House Announcement

Delta Bake Sale for Ukraine

Delta are running a bake sale on the last day of this term to raise money for Ukraine, helping to supply vital relief for the area.  Students and staff felt very passionately about this cause and were very keen to do a an event celebrating Ukraine whilst also raising money.  Please encourage students to bring in money for the bake sale so we can raise a large amount for this wonderful fund. 



Word of the Week




A punishment for not allowing a rule or law (noun).


His sanction for running in the corridor is an ASD20.

The sanction for her crime was a large fine.


Punishment, penalty, deterrent....


Word of the Week




Happening after something else (adjective).


Subsequent events proved her wrong.

The theory was disproved by subsequent research.


Following, later, future.........

Digital Literacy Corner

Our latest: Seneca Learning and GCSE Pod Usage

Seneca offers high-quality free online learning courses for students to study from a computer, tablet or phone. The courses are suitable for students aged 13 and above and cover KS3, KS4 GCSE and KS5 A Level subjects.

We are Premium subscribers to this service which unlocks further features of the platform.

Learn more about Seneca Learning Here

Total Seneca Learning Assignments Set for Term 5


Total Seneca Learning 

Study Time for Term 5

1242 Hours

Total Seneca  Learning Study Time for this Academic Year

8758 Hours

Welcome! GCSEPod is the perfect resource to help your child learn, retain and recall all the information they need to achieve their GCSE goals. 

Learn more about GCSEPod Here

Pods Watched this Academic Year


Number of Pods Watched so far in Term 5


Most Watched Subject This Week


Standing Items