Achievement    |    Diversity   |    Respect

3 May 2024

Parent and Carer Weekly Mailing

Keep us posted  - It would be great if parents/carers could let the school know of any student achievements outside of school. We would like to find out what students are doing in their own time and celebrate their achievements. 

Email us: 

Week commencing Monday 5 May 2024 is Week B


Standing Items are located at the bottom of the mailing

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find our weekly mailing which I hope you will find both useful and interesting!  

With very best wishes for an amazing bank holiday weekend.

Kindest regards,  

Ms Jo Butler, Headteacher

Positive Feedback of the Week 👍

Message from ex-student to Ms Swayne, Teacher of Spanish & French

" Hola Señora Swayne!

I hope you're well!

This is a very random email... but I've spoken a lot of Spanish this week and it's made me think back to my (worryingly distant...) A Level Spanish days, and made me very grateful to have a teacher that taught it so well!

As a very brief summary, I've been working in the football industry for a little while (doing data analysis for teams - very much not playing) and having Spanish has been so so useful!  Even though I work for an Italian club now, 90% of the coaching staff are Spanish, and being able to just drop into meetings and follow what's going on has been enormously helpful!

I'm sure with a different teacher, I would have just come up with a system to cram for the exams and then promptly forgotten everything, but I think all of the different films/plays/exchanges/so much else that we did really made it stick which I'm very grateful for :)

Anyway, just wanted to say thank you - I guess you never realise when you're 18 that you really should!"

Best wishes,


Thank you

Announcements and Reminders

Competition Results!

The winner of the ‘Design the Front Cover of The School Planner’ Competition is Amia. Congratulations! 

Get to know the Film industry Online Session

The Bottle Yard Studios are running another Get to know the Industry zoom webinar on Thursday 9 May from 2.00pm to 3.00pm for local educators and their learners.  The webinar which will be suitable for Year 10 and above will also mark the launch of Round Two of their new West of England Workforce Development Programme.

The session will give an overview of what goes on at The Bottle Yard Studios, provide an introduction to scripted Film and High-End TV production in the West of England and offer the chance to hear from a local runner currently working in the region.  To register your interest or to ask any questions please email

Extra-curricular Spotlight

Now that we are in Term 5, we have an exciting range of Extra-curricular activities for your children to get involved with.  This week we are shining a spotlight on the Performing Arts Faculty and the activity 'Year7-11 Jazz Band' 2.45pm-3.45pm,  room E201.  Please see the Extra-curricular Portal on our website to view the full range of Term 5 Extra-curricular activities.

Creative Carnegie Competition - All Years

Are you CREATIVE?  Do you enjoy reading?  WHY NOT COMBINE THE TWO and enter the Creative Carnegie Competition 2024.  You and a group of friends need to choose your favourite Carnegie nominated book (in the library now) and then get CREATIVE - Prizes to be won! See the attached for more information.

2024 CREATIVE CARNEGIE COMPETITION weekly mailing - Della Payne.docx

Bristol Smartphone Free Childhood Community

Bristol Smartphone Free Childhood Community is hoping to gather as much data as possible about parents/carer and their young or teenage child relating to phone use.  This is a non judgemental survey and not a one size fits all.

The link to the Microsoft survey is here.  The aim is to reach as many parents as possible to get a more rounded view.

Uniform Information

Dear Parents and Carers (on behalf of Harris Sports Ltd)

Please see attached new price list starting Saturday 1 June 2024.

For the month of May, you can save 10% when ordering on line with us, when you spend £25.00 or more.  All you need to do is put MAY10 at checkout.

Kind regards

Cotham School 

Please help  Prom Fundraising!

It's the most important night of a pupil's high school career and the event many teenagers spend years looking forward to!

We are thrilled to invite you to join the Cotham Parents Network: a vibrant community dedicated to fostering connection, support, and collaboration among parents of our students.  Our first meeting will be on Wednesday 15 May 2024 and will happen twice on this day to cater for different parent schedules.  You can either attend:

1. The Coffee and Cake morning from 10.00am to 11.00am


2. Cake and Tea from 5.30pm to 6.30pm. 

Please email Ms van der Berg to express your interest! Can't wait to see you there!

email :

Cotham Parent Network

Headteacher's Detention for Lateness

Students arriving to school after 8.30am on 3 or more mornings in a week will receive a HTD the following Friday. Parents/ carers will be notified by letter.  Refusal to attend a late detention may result in an internal or fixed term suspension. 

Year Group News

Year 7

Year 7 - Subject Spotlight - Drama

Physical Theatre: Physical Theatre is anything that puts the human body at the centre of the storytelling process.  As a result it’s often abstract in style, using movement in a stylised and representational way.

With ideas usually expressed through movement and action, this usually means that performers use very little or no dialogue at all.

Aims for this term:

Shout Out to the students

From Ms Buckley to Lola, Carminho and Liv

I went to a dance competition on Saturday which my daughter was in and they were volunteering and spent all of Saturday and Sunday checking people in being at Trinity School.

From Ms Howfield : 

At the end of last term, Lorinc gave a presentation to the tutor group about his hobby which is collecting Roman and other ancient coins.  He had prepared a slide show and brought in coins to show the group.  They listened intently and he spoke so eloquently and intelligently - it was a true delight to witness his passion for it! The students had lots of questions at the end too.  I learned a lot as well!

So a big shout out to Lorinc for his effort and for all of 7LH for their respect!

Year 7 Exams

Year 7 exams will be taking place on Monday 13 May to Friday 24 May.

Please find attached an examination timetable which provides details of which exams are happening when.

Also, please find attached a Year 7 Exam Preparation Booklet which provides details of all the exams with useful links to revision resources.

Year 7 Exam Timetable

Year 7 Exam Preparation Booklet

Year 8

To help your child encourage the love for Reading

In Year 8 we have been dedicating two morning registration periods each week to reading. These are Tuesday and Thursdays. In today's digital age, where much time is spent on screens, we believe it's essential to provide students with opportunities to engage with traditional reading. This initiative allows students to develop a love for reading and improve their literacy skills.

As part of our uniform and equipment requirements, all students should bring a reading book to school. Your support in helping your child find a book they enjoy would be greatly appreciated. If your child needs assistance in selecting a book, they can always turn to our librarian, Ms. Payne, who is excellent at guiding students in their reading choices.

Thank you for your continued support in fostering a positive learning environment for your child.

Year 9

Assemblies, Student Reports and Envision Programme

This week Year 9 students will have received there monitoring reports from there recent assessments.  A great opportunity for  students and parents to celebrate some successes but also look at areas students can improve.  This ties in well with this weeks teaching and learning assembly about building positive habits and good revision techniques linking meaning to memory. 

Further to this a group of Year 9 students visited JLL and Bristol business as part of an ongoing careers program at Cotham.  

Year 10

Year 10 Drama Exam

Last week I had the privilege to watch some of the Year 10 Drama Exam performances.

So many stand out moments for me, including…

Well done to everyone!  

Year 10 Mock Exams

Year 10 mock exams continue next week.

Year 10 have made a good start to the mock exams and have shown that they are taking this all very seriously.

Please find attached a Year 10 Examination Timetable which will provide you with full details of which exams are taking place and when. All exams will be taking place in classrooms during lesson time.  Please also find attached an Exam Preparation Booklet which provides details about each examination as well links to resources.

Year 10 Exams are taking place from Monday 29 April to Friday 10 May . Please find attached the Year 10 Exam Timetable and Exam Preparation Booklet to support students in preparing for exams.

Year 10 Exam Timetable

Year 10 Exam Preparation Booklet

Good luck Year 10 !

Year 10 Lovely Feedback from Mr Woodward

"Dear Mrs Arnold

This is just a quick email to let you know that I was incredibly impressed with all of the students in 10a/ma6 in our lesson today.  They were all really engaged, completed all of the work I set them and completed some really challenging maths (solving 2 step equations with brackets).

The students are: Haddi, Louisha, Elijah, Warren, Demario."

Well done Year10, I am extremely proud of you all, Mrs Arnold 

Year 11

Year 11 Attendance

We are becoming increasingly concerned about the decline in Year 11 attendance since the start of the new term.  Most lessons now are focused on exam preparation with a particular focus on exam paper practice and exam technique. In addition, teachers will be revisiting content and doing revision of key aspects of the curriculum for their subjects which are likely to be the focus in exams.  When your child is not in school, they are missing out on this guidance.  Please ensure that your child attends school regularly until study leave starts on Friday 10 May.

Year 11 Revision Resources

I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the resources that are available on google classroom to support your child's revision. They are also attached. The revision to do sheets provide your child with revision activities for each subject.  The Walking Talking Mocks provide your child with videos showing students how to answer exam-style questions.

We hope you find these useful. 

Term 2 Revision To Do Sheets

Term 4 revision To Do Sheets

October walking Talking Mocks

December Walking Talking Mocks

February Walking Talking Mocks

April Walking Talking Mocks

Student Wellbeing

It is really important that your child takes good care of their health and mental wellbeing in the run up to summer examinations.  Keeping your mind, body healthy and your environment positive while you prepare for your assessments is a vital component in achieving the best possible outcomes in your assessments.

Here is a link to our website on how to look after yourself in preparation for exams.

Year 11 Prom

Save the date - Wednesday 26 June for the Year 11 Prom taking place at

Many thanks for your help and support.

Year 11 Team

Attendance and Punctuality for Summer Exams

Please can you ensure that your child attends school on time every day.  Teachers are focusing on exam technique and past paper questions during revision lessons to ensure that all our students have the best possible chance of achieving their full potential. 

During the exam period, if your child is unwell or likely to be late due to unforeseen circumstances, please contact the school as early as possible on the day and leave a message for Mrs Khan or Mr Reed.

TESCO Retail Apprenticeship Programme


Join webinars with Tesco on Tuesday 14 May from 4.00pm to 5.00pm or 6.00pm to 7.00pm to learn more about their exciting new Stronger Starts Retail Apprenticeship programme, which offers an excellent salary, amazing benefits and the opportunity to gain a Level 2 apprenticeship in a supportive environment. 

North Bristol Post 16

Year 12

Y12 Mock Results

Students will start to receive their mock results from Monday 6 May.  Parents and carers will receive mock results along with predicted results shortly.  Any students who gained a U grade in a mock exam will have a resit opportunity, this will likely take place after the break but subject areas will confirm specific dates directly with students 

Foundation Celebration

Thursday 9 May, will be the last day of school for Year12 Foundation Business and Science students. For this occasion, we will be hosting a small lunchtime celebration at Charnwood to celebrate the hard work and dedication of our students throughout the year, complete with food and refreshments.

Year 13

Year 13 Leavers Assembly

We are looking forward to the Year 13 leavers assembly next week (Friday - 10 May).  Students should attend P3 and P4 lessons as normal, their teacher will bring them to the canteen for refreshments at 12:30. If students do not have lessons, the should arrive in Charnwood from 12.30pm.

Subject Announcements


Sparxs Reading Homework

We have launched Sparx Reader for KS3.  Students are set a weekly homework to gain 300 Sparx Reader Points (roughly 30 mins of careful reading).  The platform tailors reading to each student to build crucial academic reading skills.  A range of interesting texts are available for students to select.  Reading can be completed on devices with internet access.  All are expected to complete this homework in line with the school's homework policy and to support their progress in reading.


Year 7 Language Preferences

Year 7 students are required to complete a google form to state their language preferences for Year 8 onwards.  1st and 2nd preference from the following: German, French and Spanish.

The google form has been posted on their Year 7 google classroom.  The deadline for this is Friday 10 May.  Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this. 

Danke, merci, gracias. Mrs Bingham

Linguist of the Month - April

The MFL department award the Linguist of the Month certificates to students who have shown tremendous effort in their French, Spanish, or German lessons.  They will receive a lolly and a certificate in their next MFL lesson

Any questions please email Mr Dutton at


Work of the Week

This week, Year 8 have been doing observational drawings and paintings of bugs, and have begun to design their own hybrid versions in preparation to make their 3D bug models.


Year 12 Visit to Auschwitz 

In February, Martha had the opportunity to go to Poland to visit the Auschwitz memorial and museum

with Lessons From Auschwitz, a project run by the Holocaust Educational Trust. This was an

incredible experience that was both deeply emotional and harrowing.  Please read to hear more about Martha's experience:

Next Steps Project Martha - Jamie Lloyd.docx


Year 10 Football

This remarkable group of footballers reached the Bristol finals after beating Bridge Learning Campus 1-0 in the semi-final.  In the final, the journey came to an end, losing 2-1 to a strong Fairfield side.

This season has seen some incredible achievements such as:

From everyone at Cotham, well done!

Western Storm vs South East Stars

Members of the PE department rewarded the girls cricket team with a trip to The County Ground in Taunton to watch Western Storm vs South East Stars.  The girls spent time deepening their knowledge of the game, gathering autographs and cheering Western Storm over the line as they won by 8 runs in an incredibly close and tense game.  

House Announcement

New Head of Sigma

My name is Mr Vohra and I'm a Mathematics teacher here at Cotham. I'm extremely looking forward to all the upcoming events we have planned!  I'm also looking forward to working with both staff and students to facilitate opportunities for student leadership and celebrate the achievements of our House members.  I intend to create a community within which students are able to excel both personally and socially, and in turn, achieve their potential. I look forward to meeting you all!



Word of the Week




At an angle of 90° to a line or surface (noun).


The teacher asked the students to draw a perpendicular line.

Perpendicular lines intersect at a 90° angle.


At right angles, at 90°


Word of the Week




Lasting for a very short time (adjective).


I saw the shadow for a fleeting moment.

His success was fleeting.


Momentary, short lived, transitory...

Digital Literacy Corner


Parent/Carer Information Session

Wednesday 8th May 2024 – 4pm – 4.45pm

Please find the link here  to access the parent/carer session scheduled for Wednesday 8 May 2024 from 4.00pm – 4.45pm.  Please share as required.  This session is a repeat session (last delivered Jan 2024) so, if parents/carers attended that session, then they don’t need to attend again.

Attendees do not need to register, they simply click on the link at the above time to access the session.  Cameras and voice/audio will be switched off for all attendees.  Attendees can ask questions by typing in the Q&A box, but this will be explained during the session.

The event will be streamed using Teams.  Attendees can watch the live event in:

As a reminder, this session (and all our virtual sessions) will be recorded and will be subsequently shared so if somebody can’t make the live session then they can watch it back at a time that is convenient to them.

Our latest: Seneca Learning and GCSE Pod Usage

Seneca offers high-quality free online learning courses for students to study from a computer, tablet or phone. The courses are suitable for students aged 13 and above and cover KS3, KS4 GCSE and KS5 A Level subjects.

We are Premium subscribers to this service which unlocks further features of the platform.

Learn more about Seneca Learning Here

Total Seneca Learning Assignments Set for Term 5


Total Seneca Learning 

Study Time for Term 5

1186 Hours

Total Seneca  Learning Study Time for this Academic Year

8141 Hours

Welcome! GCSEPod is the perfect resource to help your child learn, retain and recall all the information they need to achieve their GCSE goals. 

Learn more about GCSEPod Here

Pods Watched this Academic Year


Number of Pods Watched so far in Term 5


Most Watched Subject This Week


Standing Items