Achievement    |    Diversity   |    Respect

10 May 2024

Parent and Carer Weekly Mailing

Keep us posted  - It would be great if parents/carers could let the school know of any student achievements outside of school. We would like to find out what students are doing in their own time and celebrate their achievements. 

Email us: 

Week commencing Monday 13 May 2024 is Week A


Standing Items are located at the bottom of the mailing

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find our weekly mailing which I hope you will find both useful and interesting!  

With very best wishes for a relaxing weekend.

Kindest regards,  

Ms Jo Butler, Headteacher

Positive Feedback of the Week 👍

Letter sent to Heads PA

Dear Cotham School,

"I am writing to pass on thanks from the whole team at Henleaze Junior School Association for your generous donation, for placing an advert at our May Fair.  The support from Cotham School has been really valuable and is gratefully appreciated by the parents and staff.  Your contribution has helped us raise much needed funds for the school which will be used to enhance the experience of pupils at the school.  In previous years funds raised by Henleaze Junior School Association have been used to provide theatre and artistic experiences, provide new playground equipment and supply the school library with a range of new books.

Thanks once again for your contribution."

Henleaze Junior School Association

Thank you

Announcements and Reminders

Writing Competition Success

Congratulations to Arfa and Nur in Year 11 who have been chosen to have their poetry printed in a book called 'Through Their Eyes - The Other Side'.  Copies of their work will remain in the National Archives of the British Library forever.  Congratulations to both Arfa and Nur for their brilliant poetry!  Here's Arfa's poem: 'Once More'.

Changing Minds Conference

Nilaari is a well respected organisation which provides mental health support for Black and Minoritised communities in the South West.

Nilaari are a BAME- led charity offering culturally appropriate and sensitive support, including talking therapies, direct support, and support groups.  Specific projects target women generally, BAME migrant women specifically, and men with complex needs, including those with a history of offending.

Nilaari Agency, Raymond Veria and E5  Church have partnered to put on this free conference that aims to equip parents, young people, and practitioners with real solutions to the youth violence currently affecting our City.

Please join the conversation on Saturday 11 May 2024 from  9.30am to 1.30pm.

Changing Minds Flyer .pdf

Attention Murder Mystery Readers !

Cotham Library is showcasing some amazing Young Adult Crime Novels in the library this month.  This coincides with Crimefest coming to Bristol.  This is an event that awards the best Crime Authors in the World.  Did you know that MURDER MYSTERY BOOKS are the most popular books in the library at the moment?  So if you think you are brilliant at guessing WHODUNNIT or if you get it wrong every time!!  Check out the new Crimefest book display and read one today.  See the attached for more info.

crimefest 24 weekly mailing - Della Payne.docx

Equality for All - New LGBTQ + Youth Club

Creative Youth Network is England's only Organisation to be awarded 'Outstanding' Status by the National Youth Agency.

 You can find a supportive community of other young people who are LGBTQ+, questioning, or allies.  It's more than just a club.  It is a safe place where anybody can be themselves free of judgment and feel equal in a place of acceptance and understanding.  You can partake in several activities.

Deatails : 

Venue: The Station, Silver Street, BS1 2AG

Time: Every other Monday 4.30pm to 6.15pm, starting Monday 17 June 2024

Age: 11-19 

Year 10 SELT Preloved Clothing Sale

Year 10 SELT team are organising their own preloved clothing sale. We need donations of clothing and accessories of all sizes and ages. Please support us and drop off any donations at school reception.

All money raised will go to St Peters Hospice.

Parent Online Event for Co-parenting Relationship Support - Student Support

Bristol City Council have some upcoming online events to support healthy co-parenting communication. 

Being a parent can be stressful and challenging at the best of times.  These free online sessions are designed to offer support and guidance to parents in managing stress and communicate in ways that are helpful for a healthy co-parenting relationship.

Learn how to manage stress and communicate in ways that are helpful for a healthy co-parenting relationship.

Chat to Relationship Practitioners Gina and Katie and take away FREE relationship support resources

Free online sessions:

Wednesday 22 May at 7.00pm to 8.15pm,  or;

Wednesday 5 June at 12.30pm to 1.15pm

Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Strengthening Parental Relationships ONLINE DATES 1 (3).pdf

We are thrilled to invite you to join the Cotham Parents Network: a vibrant community dedicated to fostering connection, support, and collaboration among parents of our students.  Our first meeting will be on Wednesday 15 May 2024 and will happen twice on this day to cater for different parent schedules.  You can either attend:

1. The Coffee and Cake morning from 10.00am to 11.00am


2. Cake and Tea from 5.30pm to 6.30pm. 

Please email Ms van der Berg to express your interest! Can't wait to see you there!

email :

Cotham Parent Network

Teacher Appreciation Week

Quick video from our student socials team on national teacher appreciation week!

"Thanks to all the teachers that help and move us forward in life ❤️happy teacher appreciation week"

May Half-Term Ideas for Families

 Please find the May Half-Term Guide  here.  This has a round up of everything going on around Bristol over half-term (Saturday 24 May to Sunday 2 June).  Enjoy and have fun!

Year Group News

Year 7

Year 7 - Subject Spotlight - English

This term Year 7 will be studying a unit called The Time Traveller.  The unit take students through the history of the English language, starting in Ancient Greece via Beowulf and the Anglo Saxons, then on to the arrival of the printing press and Shakespeare's London, before landing in 20th and 21st century Britain to consider the impact of the Windrush on English and the range of accents and dialects from across the UK. 

The unit will use this history to teach students the basics of a range of non fiction article writing skills, including headlines and entertaining travel writing.  They will be assessed on their ability to use the features of written forms, a range of engaging language techniques and their ability to structure their writing accurately and effectively.  

Year 7 Exams

Year 7 exams will be taking place on Monday 13 May to Friday 24 May.

Please find attached an examination timetable which provides details of which exams are happening when.

Also, please find attached a Year 7 Exam Preparation Booklet which provides details of all the exams with useful links to revision resources.

Year 7 Exam Timetable

Year 7 Exam Preparation Booklet

Year 8

Year 8 Update

These five ways to wellbeing provide simple daily steps to enhance overall mental health.  Throughout the week, we will equip Year 8 students with ideas and activities related to these themes.

Thank you for your support in promoting your child’s wellbeing.

Year 9

Year 9 Update

Year 9 SELT team have begun planning upcoming rounders and dodgeball tournaments for term 6.  Year 9 have always engaged brilliantly with these tournaments so as long as the weather is good we should have a great term 6. 

Further to this year 9 will be holding a charity toy drive, so if there are any unused toys at home please hold onto them!  More information to come shortly.  Big shout out Y9B Sp1 Spanish who have shown great cooperation, ambition and positive attitude to their learning. 

Year 10

Year 10 Triple A Award 

Well done Year 10 on the Mock Exams

Year 10 have finished their mock exams.  They worked worked incredibly hard and showed resilience.  Their commitment to arriving on time to the exam and having the correct equipment showed Year 10 took the mock exams seriously.  Well done year 10!!!

Year 10 WEX week 

Good luck to those students who are going out on work experience next week Monday 13 May.

For those students who remain on site, we will have action packed week of activities relating to the world of work. 

Year 11

Year 11 Prom Raffle and Fundraising

The Year 11 Prom Raffle has been extended from  Wednesday 8 May until Wednesday 15 of May. 

Best wishes

Year 11 Prom Committee

Study Leave - Library is open to Year 11

The Summer exam period is nearly here and Cotham Library is here to support Year 11 students during this crucial time.

Starting from Friday 10 May until Friday 14 June, we will be making the library available to Year 11 students during periods 2 to 4 every day.  This initiative aims to provide them with a quiet environment for study and preparation for their exams.  See Library Study Leave information attached.

YEAR 11 STUDY LEAVE weekly mailing info - Della Payne.docx

Year 11 - We need your library books back!

As your time at Cotham draws to an end, please remember to bring back your library books.  Both textbooks and library books are needed so that other students can use them too.

Look under your bed! in the hallway cupboard or check the bottom of your bag.  WE DO NOT CHARGE YOU FOR LATE RETURNED BOOKS.  Please drop them into the BOOK RETURN BINS outside student reception and the library.  Thank you in advance - More info attached.

2024 PLEASE RETURN BOOKS weekly mailing - Della Payne.docx

Year 11 - GCSE Examinations

Please find attached the letter that was sent to all Year 11 parents today about GCSE Exams.

Year 11 study leave letter 23/24

North Bristol Post 16

Year 12

Y12 Mocks

Year 12 started to receive their mock results this week in lessons.  You will shortly receive a progress review with attendance data, mock results and precited grades.  Students received an assembly last week with top tips for responding to feedback and maximising their progress following results.  Any students who gained a U grade will be given the opportunity to resit following the break, subject specific resit dates have been shared directly with students. 

Subject Announcements


In preparation for their maths GCSE exams, Year 11 students have been given a past paper to complete as homework this week.  This paper has video solutions so will be excellent revision for all students.  Papers and video solutions are attached here, and have also been posted to google classroom for students to access.  We strongly recommend that all students try this paper before the first maths exam on Thursday 16 May.

Please find the guide to use the Walking Talking Mocks here.

GCSE Maths Exams - Essential Equipment

A reminder that it is essential that Year11 students have the correct equipment for their GCSE Maths exams (starting 16/05/24).  They will need a pen, pencil, ruler, protractor, compass and (for Papers 2 and 3) a scientific calculator.  These can be bought from larger supermarkets or stationary shops.  Students should NOT expect to borrow equipment on the day.


Sparx Reading Homework

We have launched Sparx Reader for KS3.  Students are set a weekly homework to gain 300 Sparx Reader Points (roughly 30 mins of careful reading).  The platform tailors reading to each student to build crucial academic reading skills.  A range of interesting texts are available for students to select.  Reading can be completed on devices with internet access.  All are expected to complete this homework in line with the school's homework policy and to support their progress in reading.


Work of the week

Year 12 Photographers have been experimenting with types of photograms; creating photos without a camera.  This week we made Cyanotypes.  To make these we used linen, we first coated it with light sensitive chemicals, which, once dried, objects or negative acetate prints are placed on top.  The light sensitive surface is then exposed to the sun to develop the images and as it develops, a lovely cyan colour emerges.

House Announcement

House Update - Prefect Applications

We have had lots of wonderful prefect applications so far for our new Student Leaders from Year 10.  We encourage any Year 10s who want to take advantage of this opportunity to put in their forms as soon as possible as the deadline is Thursday 16 May.  For those of you who are unsure of our current system.  We have 4 prefects per house, with one of these taking the lead as a House Captain. 

It is an excellent opportunity for our students to grow in confidence by taking a lead role in our school community.  Prefect responsibilities include:

Applications are on google classroom and paper versions are also available from the Humanities office.

Bristol Education Partnership

BEP Update

Upcoming BEP events include a Science trip at the University of Bristol, two week professional development events for our staff, as well as our in-school Culture  Day:  More details to follow!



Word of the Week




Something that stops an object or person from being perfect (noun).


There was a serious flaw in his plan.

The choclate teapot had a terrible design flaw.

Imperfection, defect, failing.....


Word of the Week




Continuing for a long time or returning often (adjective).


He has chronic back pain.

The drought sparked chronic food shortages.


Long-term, persistent, recurring

Digital Literacy Corner


Parent/Carer Information Session

Catch-Up Resources

Here is a link to the parent online safety session which ran last week. We hope the parents that did join found it useful.  Here is the link to the recording for anyone that could not attend.

Our latest: Seneca Learning and GCSE Pod Usage

Seneca offers high-quality free online learning courses for students to study from a computer, tablet or phone. The courses are suitable for students aged 13 and above and cover KS3, KS4 GCSE and KS5 A Level subjects.

We are Premium subscribers to this service which unlocks further features of the platform.

Learn more about Seneca Learning Here

Total Seneca Learning Assignments Set for Term 5


Total Seneca Learning 

Study Time for Term 5

1186 Hours

Total Seneca  Learning Study Time for this Academic Year

8141 Hours

Welcome! GCSEPod is the perfect resource to help your child learn, retain and recall all the information they need to achieve their GCSE goals. 

Learn more about GCSEPod Here

Pods Watched this Academic Year


Number of Pods Watched so far in Term 5


Most Watched Subject This Week


Standing Items