Achievement    |    Diversity   |    Respect

6 October 2023

Parent and Carer Weekly Mailing

Keep us posted  - It would be great if parents/carers could let the school know of any student achievements outside of school. We would like to find out what students are doing in their own time and celebrate their achievements. Email us: 

Week commencing Monday 9 October 2023 is Week B


Standing Items are now located at the bottom of the mailing. 

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers

Please find our weekly mailing for the week beginning 2 October.  Unfortunately, I've been unable to record my usual video due to some technical glitches but hopefully they'll be resolved for next week.

I wish you all a relaxing weekend.

Kindest regards,  

Ms Jo Butler, Headteacher

Positive feedback of the week 👍

A big thank you for the great parents' evening.  It ran so smoothly, and the staff showed that they really know my child and their learning needs. Very reassuring at this point in Y11.

(Parent of a Y11 student)

Thank you

Word of the Week








New Announcements

Black History Month at Cotham

Last week saw the launch of our Black History Month celebrations at Cotham, with a range of exciting activities for our students to get involved with.

Coming up next week:


Black History Month at Cotham

BHM subject posters final copy to print.pdf

Y11 Family Consultation Day

Booking for Year 11 FCD is now open. Parents and carers will have the opportunity to meet your child’s tutor for a 15 minute appointment to discuss your child’s engagement and well-being, participation in the wider life of the school, and to set targets for the remainder of the year. This event is in addition to our Year 11 Parents Evening last night  (Thursday 5 October) when you will have the opportunity to meet your child’s subject teachers. Your child’s Learning Coordinator Mr Thomas will also be available to meet with you if that is needed. Mrs Begum, our Attendance Officer, will also be on hand to discuss any concerns you may have regarding attendance.

Cotham School Open Mornings for prospective Parent/Carers and Students

We held our First Open Morning for Year 6 Students and their Parent/Carers yesterday.  All of our 7 Open Mornings for September 2024 Year 7 entry have been very popular and are fully booked.  Yesterday was no exception with over 40 people attending.

Our Open Mornings are a chance for Parent/Carers and their Children to have a look at our wonderful facilities and enter some of the classrooms and see a ‘live’ lesson taking place.  Mr Farmer, Year 9 Learning Co-ordinator headed the Tour and we are fortunate to have our Year 8 students accompanying him, they are fantastic Ambassadors for the School and are keen to impart their knowledge of the School and can answer the many questions that both Parent/Carers and their Children ask.  Everyone that came away from the Tour commented on their very positive impression of Cotham and our Students and how much they enjoyed the morning.  If you or anyone you know has a Child that is starting Secondary School in September 2024, please ask them to visit our ‘Admissions’ page on our Website as we are releasing 2 more Open Mornings shortly.   Dates before Tuesday 31 October when Applications for Secondary School places have to be submitted.

Junk Food Ban - A Reminder!

As you will be aware, the bringing in and consumption of junk food is completely banned at Cotham. We have become increasingly concerned about students bringing ‘junk’ food and drinks into school. The cheapness of large ‘family size’ bags of crisps, sweets and bars/ 4 packs of chocolate and large bottles/ cartons of sugary and fizzy drinks, energy drinks has led to an increase in such items being brought into school. The impact on children’s long term health is considerable. In addition the additional litter created is phenomenal and represents a huge burden on our site team.

In order to help your children please provide a packed lunch or pre- pay their cards via WisePay and please try not to give them cash! All junk food is bought on the way to or from school in large supermarkets or corner shops.

Please can we also ask you to remind your children that they should be drinking plenty of water during the day. There are water fountains across the school site. Hainvg a water bottle on them to to fill and refill throughout the day would be a good idea so that your children remain hydrated. 

Maths Homework Club

The Maths Homework Club is now running twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:45pm to 3:45pm in room A209. Students can drop in for 5 minutes to ask a question or stay for the full hour. Computers are available. The club is run by Year 13 Mathematicians with teachers also supporting when they are available. Students often work well when they bring a friend!


STEAM Faculty Year 7 Food Science

Students in Year 7 have been partaking in their first practical lesson of boiled egg and toast. In this lesson students are introduced to the safe use of the oven and the principles of heat transference conduction and radiation.  The teacher will demonstrate and students will then make their own boiled egg and toast.  Most importantly Year 7 get to sit and enjoy their brunch together.  Students like their boiled eggs served in many ways! How do you like your eggs? Perhaps these Year 7 students have inspired you to cook an egg or two!

Year 8
We are super excited to announce that our football tournament will be starting next week! So many year 8s signed up that I needed to add an extra 2 teams. Those students that didn't get a chance this time, will get a chance next time, so everyone will get an opportunity. Good luck to all of the students involved.

Ms Buckley - Learning Coordinator

Year 9 

The year 9 5-aside has been going this week with the end of round 1. Congratulations to Suhaybs dream team with the performance of the round winning 7-0. It has been great to have over 70 students involved in this year's tournament. 

To launch Black History Month a group of Year 9 and 10 students welcomed some of the elders of the Black and Caribbean community in Bristol to Cotham on Wednesday afternoon. The students baked and prepared an afternoon tea which they enjoyed with the elders whilst they asked questions and discussed how things have changed over the years in Bristol. The students behaved excellently and the event was a big success. 

Finally congratulations to 9RS for this week's tutor prize for the best behavior across the year group. 

Mr Farmer - Learning Co-ordinator

Year 10 

Teachers, tutors and parents are united in their opinion that Cotham Year 10 students have made a great start to life in Year 10. With Mock exams around the corner and the first year of GCSEs underway, you could forgive this year group if they had a little wobble at the start of term "Not my year group says Mrs Arnold and Ms Williams (Year 10 Learning Coordinator and Year 10 Team Assistant), these guys have worked incredibly hard since the start of Year 9 to get into positive learning routines and to build progressive relationships with their peers, teacher's and members of the wider community, they really are an exceptional year group"


Year 10 GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition

Year 10 GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition students have been using the Chef knife rolls to perfect their knife skills, from recapping the basics from KS3 of Bridge Hold and Claw Grip to learning new vegetable cuts such as Baton, Julienne, Paysanne, Macedoine  and Chiffonade.  To then practise these skills students made their own stir fry with adaptations, as you can we the from the video here the knife skills have improved! The food rooms were smelling fragrant from the fresh ginger, lime and coriander, we are sure that you will agree that these meals look delicious!

Year 10
ear 10

Year 10 students have had some amazing shout outs this week. 

Trudi in 10FRA and Iyannah in 10KD for great contributions in English

 Lucia 10JWO and Gwen 10SME who lead a Year 8 dance company every Monday after school - amazing role models and leaders:

Martha 10KBO, Darcie 10LN, Hana 10FRA and Sasha 10FRA  who led and supported the Year 7s throughout Open Evening. Amazing work! Energy, teaching, leadership, enthusiasm! 

Ms Bentham’s English class, 10bEN4, for such a fantastic start to Year 10.  I always look forward to our lessons - keep it up!

10Y have made the best start to any GCSE class Miss Madge has ever taught at Cotham. They are hard working, dedicated and well behaved. They are all going to do brilliantly in their History GCSE

10CG - Mx Heaton has been overly impressed with your behaviour this year, with so many of you including Saboor, Selena, Zoya & Vismaya getting involved with open evening.  You’ve been on time and ready every tutor and we've had some valuable discussions during the news tutor time 

A huge shout out to my Year 10 class for a fantastic effort all round in their first writing assessment. They have really pulled it together in the last few weeks and are making great contributions - Miss Howfield

Muniira 10KBO received a Mrs Arnold Super LC bar of chocolate in the Year 10 assembly this week. Muniira went above and beyond to support her friend. 

Congratulations Year 10 on being so amazing.  

Mrs Arnold - Learning Co-ordinator

Bristol Youth TED Talks 

This week two of our Year 10s attended a dress rehearsal for the Bristol Youth TED Talks competition, in which they are finalists. The dress rehearsal was hosted by Clifton College in the Mackinnon Theatre, and was attended by all the participating schools. It was an excellent opportunity for our students to practise their talks on a proper stage, with feedback from a public speaking expert (Barney Grenfell from Ignited Presenting). Our students both put in very strong performances, and are now busy preparing for the final competition on Tuesday 10 October. Best of luck to both of them!  

Year 11

The Year 11 lunchtime football tournament has started. Students have made a positive start to Period 6 upgrade lessons. Year 11 PES was great and it was amazing to see/ meet so many families. 

Mr Thomas - Learning Co-ordinator

Year 11 Passport to Success

This week we launched our first careers workshop, Passport to Success for our Year 11 students. Our students were lucky enough to experience a range of workshops from different employers, apprenticeship providers and educational institutions such as Bristol Rovers, the Bristol School of Acting, St Brendans Sixth Form and Next Level Apprenticeships. The behaviour of the Year 11 students was impeccable and  they were really engaged with the workshops.

Assessment Calendars

Assessment calendars for all year groups will be available on the school website and the weekly mailing for you to see when your child has an upcoming assessment. The links in the assessment calendars will provide you with valuable information and resources on how to support your child at home. You will receive both a text and an email when these go live.

Year 11 Parent GCSE Information Event (Online)

This resource will be live on Thursday 19 October and can be accessed via the school website. You will receive an email and a text to inform you when this is available for you to view. This resource will give valuable insight into the resources that are available to you and your child, revision techniques and how you can support your child in preparation for their upcoming examinations.

Artwork of the Week

This week Year 8 have been looking at the work of the painter, printmaker and sculptor Charlotte Caron, who blends photography and painting to create compositions that merge human and animal elements.  Looking at these characteristics will lead the class onto working on their portraiture skills.

WOTW Y8 Charlotte Caron.pdf

Linguists of The Month - September 

Congratulations to our September Linguists of the Month! 

The MFL department award the Linguist of the Month certificates to students who have shown tremendous effort in their French, Spanish, or German lessons.

Year 7

Saanvi 7DS

Lawand 7LH

Shuaiyb 7AVA

Reda 7RBI

Year 8

Petra 8SR

Annas 8JBA

Siham 8MI

Year 9

Ali 9GC

Jessica 9CF

Nicole 9AD

Red 9LBR

Year 10

Alyssa 10LN

Rosie 10JWO

Emily 10DSE

Year 11

Ameer 11MAH

Sirad 11FA

Ankit 11RD

pasted image 0.png

Library Stationery Shop 

Here is a poster with information regarding the items available in the library stationery shop.  

The library will also be closing at 2pm until further notice. We hope to have it up and running again soon.


Cotham Futures
The Black Apprentice Network Webinar - Tuesday 17 October at 6pm.

The webinar will include:

Follow the link above to sign up for the free webinar.

Black Apprenticeships Network

The Black Apprentice Network and Amazing Apprenticeships are proud to share this collection of apprentice stories and experiences, showcasing some of the inspirational current and past apprentices who are members of the Black Apprentice Network.

Watch this short film to hear from two of the BAN founders, Kwesi Bimpong and Rubin Aboagye-Poku, as they introduce the partnership between The Black Apprentice Network and Amazing Apprenticeships, before exploring the stories below.  Watch the short video

The Great British Bake Off
The Great British Bake Off are excited to announce that the applications are now open and are looking for talented amateur bakers!  As always, we are keen to spread the word about applications being open and hear from anyone who might be interested in applying. Follow the link if you know someone who you think has what it takes to bake in the tent.  Applications close at 1pm on Tuesday 2 January 2024!  If you would like any more information or help in applying, please do get in touch and give us a call on 0117 456 8530.

The Great British Bake Off Team



Bristol Education Partnership *(BEP) - ADHD and Homework Support Workshop:  Tuesday 17 October at Bristol Grammar School 


BEP are holding an evening in the 1532 Theatre helping to support your child with their homework – particularly focussing on those pupils with ADHD but everyone is very welcome – parents, pupils and professionals.  You don’t need a diagnosis of ADHD to attend.  Please email Ivy Fackayan: to express your interest and advise how many tickets you would like.  Arrival from 5.45pm to start at 6.15pm.  This event is aimed at pupils from Year 7 – 13.


Should you have any questions/queries please do not hesitate to contact the Head of Learning Support – Mrs Corinne Kempt

BEP - Student Leadership Training

Congratulations to Isabelle (Y11), Ankit (Y11), Chantelle (Y10) and Vismaya (Y10) for being selected to participate in this year's Student Leadership Programme, run by the Bristol Education Partnership.  There were several applications and some great interviews so well done to everyone involved.

The 4 students attended their first session at Bristol Free School this week with Mr Buchanan. They look forward to the next 6 months of training at other schools before their social action project in the summer term. You may remember last year students planned a Green Day to raise environmental awareness so do watch out for what this year's project will be.  Students select the focus themselves!

BEP - Bristol Youth Talks Final

Next week is the final of  the BEP Bristol Youth Talks at the McKinnon Theatre at Bristol Grammar School. On Tuesday 10 October, two of our Year 10 students, Asma and Sooniya, will take to the stage to compete.   Huge thank you to Miss Wyles (Oracy Lead at Cotham)  who has worked tirelessly in coordinating the heats for this event and in preparing both students for the final, following some excellent training last year by TedX trainer Barney Grenfell himself. Look out for an update next week to see how both students have done and wish them luck!

BEP - Student Partnership Board

Congratulations to Isabella and Martha in Year 12 who were successful in their applications to be the BEP Students Partnership Board Representatives for Cotham this year. There were a number of  well written letters of application: well done to all who applied for this role.

Both reps attended their first meeting at City Hall this week and look forward to working with Mr Buchanan further to publicise BEP opportunities to students.

On Line Safety Newsletter

Online Safety Newsletter Secondary October 2023_SECONDARY_PDF_Cotham.pdf

October Events

Bristol Parent Carers is an organisation run by parents who understand the challenges of raising a child with special educational needs or a disability because they've been there too and they have children just like yours. Bristol Parent Carers are a charity run by parents, for parents. Join them at one of their free events and find the support your family deserves.  Follow the link to find out more. 

October Events.jpg

Friends of Alalay Autumn 2023 Newsletter 

2023 newsletter autumn.pdf

Imperial Juniors Netball Club Development Training 

Are you looking to improve your Netball skills?  Imperial Juniors hold weekly sessions each Monday from 6.00pm - 7:30pm at City Academy for individuals who are wishing to advance their basic netball skills and knowledge of the game, helping children build confidence, social skills and make new friends, as well as getting them active.

Imperial Netball Poster.pdf

Post 16 

Student Leadership

The centre has been buzzing with students campaigning to be elected into this year’s Student Leadership Team. Hustings was brilliantly attended and the votes are currently being counted by the P16 team. Please check back next week when we will be proudly announcing our Student Leadership Team for 2023/24.


Next week is Punc(tuality) Week. If students are late to lessons, their teacher will send them to Charnwood Reception to see a member of the Post 16 team to collect a late slip; if this happens multiple times students will be placed on a stage one contract. This is to support our students to avoid bad habits like lateness.

Student Ambassadors

We are looking for a team of enthusiastic students who would like to volunteer their time to help out as Student Ambassadors at our upcoming P16 Open Evening on Thursday 12 October 6pm-8.30pm. Ambassadors will be greeting parents/students, showing them where things are and answering questions. This is a great opportunity to show off our amazing P16 centre and share real experiences. Being a Student Ambassador looks great on UCAS applications and CVs, there will also be free drinks and snacks provided! Please encourage students to email Ms Morris if they are interested in helping out. 


A reminder that the deadline for P16 bursary applications is Friday 20 October. Please direct any questions to Ms Dutton.

Year 12


Some students will now find Upgrade+ on their timetable. They are compulsory sessions (approx. 4-5 hours per fortnight) of directed study where students will work in G101 with an Academic Mentor to improve their study skills through workshops and guided study.

Access to Bristol

Applications for Access to Bristol are now live. You can apply online here. Applications will close on Sunday 8 October at 11:45pm. The Access to Bristol scheme is for local students taking A-levels, BTECs, Access to HE courses or equivalents. Taking part shows a commitment to further study that will strengthen your application when you apply to university. On completion, you will be guaranteed a contextual offer/interview from Bristol, a top ten UK university (QS World University Rankings 2023).You will get an idea of what it is like to study at the University of Bristol, working with academics and current students who can offer advice and guidance about higher education and their subject area. 

Year 13

Please share information about ‘Next Step Bristol is a programme run by University of Bristol for Black, Asian or of mixed background young people. They will provide advice, and support to students through a series of webinars. Students will be guaranteed a contextual offer to study at UoB. (more information linked above).

Coming Up Soon...

Sudafest: Sunday 22 October 2023

An inspirational and exciting initiative for young people and families to get involved in, dedicated to celebrating Sudanese arts and culture through various events and programs, as part of the Platforma festival programming curated by Counterpoints Arts.

Drumming and storytelling workshop for young people and families leading up to Sudafest

Young people and families will also be able to participate in a drumming and storytelling workshop leading up to the event. These workshops (named Sounds and Stories of Sudan) are designed to engage young participants with Sudanese arts, culture, and current issues, all through the mediums of drumming and storytelling.

During these workshops, participants will have the opportunity to collaborate with Mustafa Khogali, a Sudanese drummer and creative writer. Together, they will create a performance that will be showcased to the audience at the "Hope and Healing" event.

Here are some key details about the workshops:

To express interest, please send an email to with the subject line "Sounds and Stories of Sudan."

Sudafest Hope and Healing edited-4.jpg
Storytelling & Drumming final.jpg

Concert - Friday 27 October, 7pm - 9pm in Memory of Eddie King Kinuthia   

Elim Bristol Church is a Pentecostal community church based in Bristol, Stokes Croft and in response to the recent tragic passing of Eddie King Kinuthia, would like to dedicate their concert in October to honour Eddie's memory and raise awareness around knife crime. 

Eddie's death is a catalyst for people in the community to wake up, go back to the drawing boards and ask what can be done to help the individuals involved in this lifestyle. 

Precious lives are being lost amongst young people and it is becoming more evident that our community needs to respond in order to see change. Violence is not the answer as there is a choice for peace. We want to fuel that message to the community to stop this cycle so it does not happen again. This concert is not the final answer but it will be a step closer to ensuring young people know they can Put it Down For Peace. 

What the concert will include:

Please follow the link to book tickets.  Concert to be held at:

E5 BRISTOL, 3-15 Jamaica Street, Bristol, BS2 8JP

Ages 16-21 (separate seating area for ages 13-15)

£8 online or £10 at the door 

100 free tickets are available 

For groups with 10+ people tickets are £5 each. (Please contact E5 CHURCH for a separate link to book this deal).


October Holiday Club 

At Kingsdown Sports Centre

Ages 5-12 , 9am - 3pm

Activities include Halloween themed sports 

and arts and crafts, soft play.

Halloween fancy dress and other halloween activities.

£16 per day or £70 for the week

halloween hoilday club.jpg

And Don't Forget From Last Time

After School Detentions (ASDs)

Recently we have received a number of enquiries regarding the notification process behind the issuing of After School Detentions (ASDs).

For clarity I wanted to communicate our position on this matter.


If a student receives a 20 minutes After School Detention (ASD20) throughout the school day the expectation is that they will sit this detention on the same day, an exception to this is if a student receives a detention during period 5 before the end of the day in some cases this will not have been recorded on the daily detention sheet (due to the set time that detention notification text messages are sent out) and therefore the Parents/Carers/Guardians will not have received a notification.

The students will always know if they have a detention and are therefore required to remain in school for 20 minutes at the end of the day as this is an automatic consequence for being sent out of the classroom. 

The statutory guidance states 'School's do not have to give notice to parents for after-school detentions so long as the pupil can get home safely' 

Student Absence - Reminder

Notifying the school of student absence - all info can be found on the  School website 

Parents and carers can report student absence in 3 ways.

Parents and carers can either:

- complete the absence form on school website

- email the attendance absence email at (Year 7-11) or (Year 12 and 13)

- telephone the attendance absence line on 0117 919 8000

Welcome to Dance at Cotham: Frequently asked questions:

It has been lovely meeting all the new Year 7's in dance, and welcoming back Years,8, 9 and 10, who have all had a great start to the term.

I wanted to take the opportunity to go through the do's and dont's regarding kit, as well as help explain why we need kit and no socks so that you can support your child in their learning and keeping them safe in lessons.

The kit for Dance is:

Black Dance T shirt (red masks logo). You may wear a black long sleeve plain t shirt under with black shorts or black leggings, or black cycle shorts or black track trousers

If you have yet to order the dance t shirt it is acceptable for you to provide a plain t shirt alternative, ideally black and no logo. Please provide a note to explain this.

The dance T shirts are available to order from: harris sports or monkhouse

Please contact your head of year if you require assistance regarding uniform.

No socks:

In addition to this, your child will be aware of the no shoes and no socks policy for dance. This includes no air hop/grippy socks and no "half socks" (where students cover toes/half foot only). This is for their safety and effective movement in dance.  If your child is particularly sensitive about their feet, please can we ask that you discuss the safety reasons, in support of the school policy and remind them that they can use foot wipes and plasters. When the weather gets colder the policy will remain, so please wear additional layers: base layers under kit for example.

The Performing Arts team greatly appreciate your support in this and we look forward to sharing more information about excellent student work in dance very soon.

Ms Phillips


School Uniform Suppliers

As a student at Cotham School you are expected to wear full school uniform, including your school lanyard. It is also important to wear the correct PE / Games and Dance kit. Our school uniform suppliers are Monkhouse and Harris Sports. Please visit their shops or websites to view the approved skirts, shorts and trousers.

The school rules will be enforced according to the Uniform Policy. Examples of suitable uniform can be found on the Cotham School website. May we remind you to always label your child’s uniform with their child’s name and Year/Tutor Group.

Nasal Flu Immunisations 

Children in Reception to Year 11 are being offered flu vaccinations this winter to help protect them from flu and serious complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Vaccinating your child will also help protect you, your family and friends. The flu vaccine is administered using a nasal spray, this vaccine is free and painless, please follow the link to ensure you complete your consent form.  If your child is unable to receive the nasal flu vaccine, community catch-up clinics will be available, please contact or 0300 1245515 for more information. 

Digital Literacy Corner

What Parents and Carers Need to Know About:


Unsuitable Games

Spending Sprees

Contact with Strangers

Potential Scams

Shady Traders

Sparse Age Ratings

Parents - STEAM.pdf

Our latest GCSE Pod Usage

Welcome! GCSEPod is the perfect resource to help your child learn, retain and recall all the information they need to achieve their GCSE goals. 

Learn more about GCSEPod Here

Pods watched this academic year


Number of Pods watched so far in Term 6


Most watched subject this week


Our latest Seneca Learning Usage

Seneca offers high-quality free online learning courses for students to study from a computer, tablet or phone. The courses are suitable for students aged 13 and above and cover KS3, KS4 GCSE and KS5 A Level subjects.

We are Premium subscribers to this service which unlocks further features of the platform.

Learn more about Seneca Learning Here

Seneca Learning sessions  completed this academic year


Total Seneca Learning study time for Term 6

2157 hours

Total Seneca Learning study time for this academic year

31,308 hours

Staff Vacancies

Cotham School are currently recruiting for the following positions:

For more information and to apply please click here

Standing Items