Achievement    |    Diversity   |    Respect

9 June 2023

Parent and Carer Weekly Mailing

Keep us posted  - It would be great if parents/carers could let the school know of any student achievements outside of school. We would like to find out what students are doing in their own time and celebrate their achievements. Email us: 

Week commencing Monday 12 June  2023 is Week B


Standing Items are now located at the bottom of the mailing. 

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers

Please also find this week’s mailing with important information for parents/carers and students as well as updates on school events, activities and opportunities for your reference below.  

I wish you all a restful weekend.

Kindest regards,  

Ms Jo Butler, Headteacher

Positive feedback of the week 👍

Thank you

I am writing to thank you for your continued support of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award (DofE) and to recognise the hard work of the School DofE team, who are supporting your participants on their DofE journey. 

Over the last year we have seen 31,991 young people across the South West start their DofE Award and this is thanks to the hard work and commitment of adult volunteers, such as your DofE Manager and their team of volunteers.  

Thank you for supporting with this.

Duke of Edinburgh's Award Regional Director - South West

Thank you

Do you know our three school values?

Word of the Week


Evident: ‘Eh-vuh-dnt’ 


Catalyst: ‘ka-tuh-list’ 


New Announcements

Green Week

It has been Green Week in school this week - just to let you know that we recycle all soft plastics at the Co-op in Kingsdown. Since supplying ingredients for Food Lessons at KS3 we have reduced the number of parent/carer cars making additional trips to the supermarket, this also has reduced packaging waste in school.  All food waste is collected and recycled, along with glass and tin can recycling.  Miss Burt our Food Technician is pictured here with the manager of Co-op with our soft plastic recycling.


End of Term 6 Arrangements for Students

All students, including Post 16 students will finish school for the summer on Thursday 20 July at 12pm.  This will also be a non-uniform day. 

New Parent, Carer and Friends Group

We were delighted to see such a positive response to our invitation to attend the information evening about our new parent, carer and friends group. Thank you to all who came to listen about this new and exciting venture.  The follow up to this meeting will be on Thursday 15 June. Those who have signalled their interest in being part of the group will be receiving information about this meeting early next week and we look forward to seeing you all again then.

Mr Knight

Performing Arts

Matilda rehearsals are going well and tickets to the show are available on Wise Pay.  Grab your tickets as they are selling fast. The shows are Monday 12 July - Wednesday 14 July.  Our students are also rehearsing for our upcoming summer sharing concert including our KS3 choir.  The Summer Sharing is on Thursday 29 June and the steel pans bands are also working hard to polish their performances ready for the summer steel plans concert on Wednesday 5 July.

Modern Foreign Languages

Our MFL students have recently completed some incredible 'Surprise me' Homeworks. YEAR 9 and YEAR 8 created wonderful artwork, crochet and very yummy treats such as Crepes and Macarons.

Year 7 Art

This week KS3 have been cutting and layering cardboard to form 3D bugs! 

WOTW KS3 bugs.pdf

Lost Property

Please ensure that if your child has lost any uniform or any items to ensure they check the Lost Property cupboard.  Any items not claimed by Friday 14 July will be donated to charity.  Please ensure that you label all uniform to ensure that it can be returned easily.

Harris Uniform Supplier

Harris will be in School on Thursday 15  June between 2 – 3pm. Please enter the School via the Visitor Reception on Cotham Lawn Road.

Card and Cash Payments accepted.

Get new starters shopping early for school uniform - Monkhouse School Wear

Monkhouse are encouraging parents to shop between now and the end of July for the best shopping experience and we have a great range of free resources available to help you spread the word. Follow the link to find out more.

Second Hand Uniform Donations – Calling All Year 11 Parent/Carers

Visitor Reception will be very happy to accept second hand uniform donations from Year 11 students as they finish their exams. PE Kit, Jumpers and Polo Shirts and Trousers/Skirts. Please bring them to Visitor Reception on Cotham Lawn Road. 

Thank you in advance .

Bristol Educational Psychology

Join Bristol Educational Psychology Service for a session : See sessions, dates and times..

Bristol EP Sessions all events - 06-06-23.png

Pauline Quirke Academy - Bristol Summer Mix

Monday 31July – Friday 4 August 


10am – 4pm 


Students will get to enjoy lots of Performing Arts & Filmmaking activities such as:

Learn the choreography for your very own music video

Star as performers or become the film crew when we shoot our music video

Learn to sing the songs from a variety of musicals 

Take part in script work and learn 'a play in a day' 

Play themed games

Make your own costume

Music Video Screening afternoon (with popcorn of course!)

And lots more!


Students will require their own packed lunch, water and snacks.


Our summer school is open to both PQA and Non PQA members!


Sibling discount is available.


To book, please email

PQA Bristol Summer Mix .png

Admissions Test for Medicine & Dentistry

Most UK universities require applicants to their medicine and dentistry courses to sit an admissions test in addition to their other entry requirements. The UCAT is required by the majority of UK universities and must be sat by Thursday 28 September 2023 by students intending to apply to relevant universities for entry in 2024.  Follow the link for UCAT.

Key Dates for 2023

Registration opened on Tuesday 16 May 2023 and candidates can book their test from Tuesday 20 June. Testing takes place between Monday 10 July - Thursday 28 September 2023 and we strongly encourage candidates to sit the test at their earliest convenience. Note - the UCAS deadline for these courses is Monday 16 October 2023.  (NBP16 internal deadline end of September 2023). Follow the link to find out more. 

Digital Platforms Awards (Term 5)

Every term we like to acknowledge the great work that our teachers and students do on our digital learning platforms.

We mainly focus on GCSEPod and Seneca Learning at the moment, but are currently looking into using other platforms to help out students with their independent learning.

These are the main categories we give awards too:



Congratulations to all the Term 5 winners! 🥳🥳🥳

Post 16 


We would like to ask for your support to encourage all P16 students to wear their lanyards at all times for the safety of all of our students. If students need a new lanyard, you can order one on Wisepay, If students get the bursary, they should see Ms Lugg Williams who will order them one at no cost. If they need a new string or plastic casing, they can drop into Charnwood reception and we will provide one. This is an especially timely reminder for Year 13 as they will not be able to get into their summer exams on time without one.

Core Programme

Next week, we will be using Core Programme to introduce our Futures Events.


Please see our NBP16 Summer exams FAQ page which should answer any questions you may have.

Futures conference

We are busy preparing for our annual Futures events that are taking place in July with different activities on Wednesday 5, Tuesday 6 and Wednesday14 July. Students will be off timetable to allow them to take part in these activities. A more detailed breakdown of these events will be sent out shortly.

University Open Day season is in full swing; time to book up your free place if you intend to apply in the Autumn.

Post 16 Futures Bulletin -  There are still quite a few Apprenticeships on offer to apply for but be quick the closer we get to the summer holidays the fewer there is likely to be.  

Coming Up Soon...

Y11 Prom/Leavers Party

You can still buy tickets up to Thursday 15 June, don't miss out!

Leavers Party/Prom is taking place at:

The Bristol Hotel,
Prince Street,

on Wednesday 28 June from 7:30pm – 11:30pm

Tickets £35  -This price covers the hire of the venue, food, DJ and unlimited visits to the photo booth. The organising committee have worked hard to keep the price reasonable. If anyone thinks they will struggle to pay the ticket price please contact at the school for help. 

This date has been chosen as it is the same day as the North Bristol Post 16 transition day.  There are 170 tickets which will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Please follow the link  regarding communication forwarded to Parents/Carers in April.  

Year 9 HPV  - Reminder

Sirona will be visiting Cotham School on Thursday 22 June 2023 to conduct Year 9 HPV vaccinations. Consent for these vaccinations was given in Year 8 and parents / carers do not need to reconsent for these vaccinations.

Thursday 22 June  World Dance Workshop Day  Bristol Grammar School

BGS are hosting a World Dance Workshop day on Thursday 22 June, starting at 11am with a Kathak workshop with an Akram Khan focus to feed into the A Level syllabus, and then following up with Flamenco and Dancehall. Students and staff at BEP schools and colleges are invited to join in to celebrate dance around the world. There will be a small cost. If you are interested in participating contact Emily Field at Bristol Grammar School:

Friday 23 June, 9.30 – 14.30  Unlock Cyber Taster Day  UWE School of Engineering, Frenchay Campus

The next Unlock Cyber Taster Day is taking place at UWE, Bristol on Friday 23 June. This event is for students in Year 8 and 9 and is aimed at inspiring those who are interested in discovering what cyber is all about and in taking Computer Science at GCSE.  The day consists of hands-on cyber activities and problem-solving team challenges, organised by leading regional employers from the cyber sector.  For further details or to register your interest email

Monday 10 July, 9.30 – 14.30  Bristol Future Talent Partnership Careers Fair  University of Bristol School of Chemistry

Bristol Future Talent Partnership is a collaboration of leading Bristol based organisations who share the vision of making Bristol the fairest and most racially equal place to study and work in the UK. They offer high quality work experience and mentoring opportunities to young people aged 14 to 21 from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds to raise aspirations, remove barriers, and provide talent with opportunity.

Bristol Future Talent Partnership are organising a Careers Fair on Monday 10 July for students in Year 10 from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds. It is taking place at East Foyer, Chemistry Building, School of Chemistry, Cantock's Close, Bristol, BS8 1TS.

For further information please contact:


SPARKS Centre in Broadmead

The new SPARKS Centre in Broadmead is now open and offering workshops for KS2 and KS3 on the following themes:

 Workshops are available Wednesday-Friday throughout term time. Cost is £7 per child for a 2 hour session, adults go free. Max 35 children per workshop, minimum 20. To book, please contact

Follow the link for more information


And don't forget from last time....

Year 11 Maths Equipment

A reminder that it is essential that Year 11 students bring the correct equipment to their Maths GCSE exams. As well as pen, pencil, and ruler they must make sure they have their own compass and protractor, and a scientific calculator. These can be purchased from most big supermarkets as well as stationery shops. The school does not have the capacity to provide these so students must ensure they bring their own and know how to use them. The next Maths exam is on Wednesday 14 June (calculator exam). Thank you for your support with this.

Year 11 Maths Revision topic shortlists

Unsure what to revise? Students might be interested in these lists of suggested revision topics for Paper 2 Maths GCSE. These account for what has already come up in Paper 1 (AQA) as well as common topics based on past paper trends.

The Higher list is here:

...and the Foundation list is here:

You can find revision materials for these topics on websites such as and as well as Hegarty Maths and MyMaths. Hope that's helpful.


Wednesday 12 July - Friday 14 July 2023

Tickets for Cotham’s Production of Matilda are now on sale via wisepay. We’d like everyone who wants to see Matilda to be able to. To help with this, we are pricing the school show slightly differently this year by introducing a flexible Pay What You Choose pricing for the event.

How does it work?

On Pay What You Choose events, when you checkout, you’ll be given a choice of 3 different prices:

£5 - Open Concession – If this is what you can afford; book this rate and let us welcome you with open arms.

£8 - Standard – If you can afford to, please book this rate; the extra money you give will support the continued existence of the variety of extra-curricular performances put on at Cotham School.

£15 - Pay It Forward – If you’re feeling generous and you have the means, please consider choosing this rate. Each Pay It Forward ticket subsidises two concession tickets, and helps more people experience the delight of watching live theatre.

All you have to do is select the price bracket that best suits your budget and continue to checkout.

Library Update

The library will now be open full time Monday to Friday from Monday 5 June. It is open at break-time, lunch-time, and before and after school. This is to allow students to exchange books, complete their homework, and to read quietly.

Also open to Year 11s for Silent Study Leave from 8.30 am until 3.30. Please sign in with Student Reception and at the Library desk before you commence study.

We need our books back please - please have a really good look at home for all outstanding library books and textbooks. Students receive weekly reminder emails to their school email account. Please return books directly to the library. To check which titles are on your account, please login to AccessIt.  


All textbooks and library books on loan to Year 11 and Year 13 must be returned after the exam period. We are aware that some GCSE books may be stored in classrooms and will be returned by the subject teacher.

Deadline for returns is Friday 23 June.

When the library is closed they can also be returned to:

The returns box outside the Main Library

The returns box at Student Reception

Post 16

The return box at Student Reception

The porch at Charnwood House (Post-16 Centre)

Please contact if you have any questions about this. Please do not return items to teaching staff, but return them directly to the library.

Homework club

All students are welcome to come to the homework club in the library every day after school until 15:45. They have access to all of the resources in the library and there are staff on hand to help anyone who may need it.

Digital Literacy Corner

Latest Parent Online Safety Cheat Sheet

Cross-Platform Sharing of Inappropriate Content

Unsuitable Videos and Images

Inappropriate Language

Copies of Line Streams

Accidental Exposure

Parents - Cross Platform Sharing.pdf

Our latest GCSE Pod Usage

Welcome! GCSEPod is the perfect resource to help your child learn, retain and recall all the information they need to achieve their GCSE goals. 

Learn more about GCSEPod Here

Pods watched this academic year


Number of Pods watched so far in Term 5


Most watched subject this week


Our latest Seneca Learning Usage

Seneca offers high-quality free online learning courses for students to study from a computer, tablet or phone. The courses are suitable for students aged 13 and above and cover KS3, KS4 GCSE and KS5 A Level subjects.

We are Premium subscribers to this service which unlocks further features of the platform.

Learn more about Seneca Learning Here

Seneca Learning sessions  completed this academic year


Total Seneca Learning study time for Term 5

264 hours

Total Seneca Learning study time for this academic year

29,393 hours

Staff Vacancies

Cotham School are currently recruiting for the following positions:

For more information and to apply please click here

Standing Items