Achievement    |    Diversity   |    Respect

7 June 2024

Parent and Carer Weekly Mailing

Keep us posted  - It would be great if parents/carers could let the school know of any student achievements outside of school. We would like to find out what students are doing in their own time and celebrate their achievements. 

Email us: 

Week commencing Monday 10 June 20234 is Week B


Standing Items are located at the bottom of the mailing

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find our weekly mailing which I hope you will find both useful and interesting!  

With very best wishes for a relaxing weekend.

Kindest regards,  

Ms Jo Butler, Headteacher

Positive Feedback of the Week 👍

Email sent to Heads PA

"Several members of Year 10 got to the finals of the Port of Bristol Youth Football Tournament last weekend.

Ned, Seth, Ronan, Marco, Patrick and Zach all played amazingly well against 5 other teams, one of them was a top division club (who they beat in the semi 1-0!!) They were undefeated all day and only missed out on winning by losing to penalties!

We are so proud of them.

Also, a big shout and and thank you to Zach's dad Rupert and Ronan's mum Esther for their amazing coaching skills and commitment over this past season."

Year 10 Parent

Thank you

Announcements and Reminders

Success for the Cotham School Climate Committee

On Monday, the Cotham Climate Committee (made up of students from years 8-11) presented to Bristol City Council, Team Modeshift and Mr Dunkley for their sustainability campaign.  They were brilliant, professional and polished in their campaign pitch for funding – so much so that they received £400 from the council, double what they asked for!  Their “movement matters” campaign targets Year 7s and will be launching in June.  Well done to all! 

School of Sanctuary Award

Miss Knight, Mr Farmer and Miss Andouard took 7 students to the School of Sanctuary celebration at the Mansion House on Thursday 23 May.

Cotham School stood out ant got so many mentions of good practise.  In a presentation, our students bravely shared their stories, talked about how Cotham school helped them feeling safe and the educational successes it led them to.  We are so proud to be officially a school of sanctuary and to support and welcome our students seeking sanctuary and their families.

Polite Reminder to all Parents and Carers

Please do not use the Bus Parking bays outside the school on Cotham Road.  Our PE transport provider, Euro coaches couldn't park on Thursday 6 June because parents and carers  sitting in cars at 8am onwards.  The Coach was waiting for cars to move for well over 5 minutes.

Sad Ghost Club Author is visiting Cotham SOON!

Did you read and enjoy the fantastic series of books called The Sad Ghost Club by Bristol Teen Book Award Winner 2023 Lize Meddings?  Would you like to meet her in the library in JUNE ?   If so, ask for a postcard in the library and enter the competition.  

Full details attached.

SAD GHOST CLUB weekly mailing - Della Payne.docx

Read with Pride

June 2024 is Pride Month, an annual celebration of the many contributions made by the LGBTQ+ community to history, society and cultures worldwide.  Here in the Library we’re joining in and championing our huge choice of fabulous and brilliant LGBTQ+ books.  Pop by the library and check one out today.  Read with PRIDE. 

Nominate Cotham School to Win Library Books!!

Please go to the National Book Token/schools website to nominate Cotham School for a chance to win £1000 worth of books.  You may also win £100 for yourself too!  Please see the attached information

Exhibition - Castle Fine Art

Ms Cydney Forbes is curating an exhibition for the GCSE and A level art students.  Please save the date in your diaries!

Year Group News

Year 7

Year 7 Shout Out! 

Miss Anthony would like to shout out 7A/MA1 for their amazing work creating this fantastic display! 

Enrichment Week

A reminder that there are still spaces available to attend the enrichment week trip to Adventure Bristol's Tree Tops High Ropes. 

Tickets to attend this trip are available via WisePay. 

To find out more about Tree Tops High Ropes please click here:

Year 7 Summer Disco

Year 10 SELT team have organised a Year 7 Summer Disco 

Wednesday 3 July 5 - 7pm

Tickets cost £2

Tuck shop - Cash only

Tickets go on sale Tuesday 11 June on wise pay and in the HUB at lunch time (cash only).

All money raised will go the Year 10 SELT charity St Peters Hospice.

Year 9

Year 9 Tutor vs Tutor Bake Sale - Year 9 Toy Drive 

This week Year 9 launch the tutor vs tutor bake sale each if the Year 9 tutors will be organizing a bake sale to see who can raise the most money for the Malala fund!  A charity which supports young women and girls from around the world to access education.  The tutors will each design slides and posters to advertise there bake sale around the school. 

Year 10

Welcome Back Year 10

Year 10 have returned after the half term refreshed and ready for the final term of Year 10.

We have lots to look forward to.  We will have a final bake off.  All winners will be invited back to bake off against each other to see who will be crowned the overall winner.

Our tutor football has its last few matches and we will see if 10SME will maintain the cup!

Year 10 SELT team

Year 10 SELT team have been busy organising the last few fundraising events of the year.  We have the Year7 Summer Disco, a preloved clothing sale and an Ice-lolly sale.  Dates tbc. 

If you would like to donate any cloths or accessories please drop them off to reception. 

Year 10 Euros tournament

Year 10 will follow the Euros, each tutor group will have 2 teams to follow and support.  We will do the draw to see who gets which teams and have prizes along the way. 

Year 10 Shoutouts

Shout out from Ms Power to: 

Year 11

Year 11 Update

Year 11 students have made a great start to the new term.  They have been arriving on time, in uniform and lanyards and with a good positive attitude towards exams.  Thank you for all your support with this.  Please continue to encourage your child to arrive on time with a lanyard for the remaining examination period.  We wish all of our students the best of luck!

North Bristol Post 16

JalaChamp Japanese Speech Context National Winners

Huge congratulations go to Elias  and Miyo  (Year13)  and Abby  (Year12), who enrolled in the 'JalaChamp', Japanese Speech Contest, organised by the Japan Foundation London back in February. 

Their group qualified as finalists and participated in the Finals Day at Japan House London on Saturday 11 May.  We are delighted to announce that their group 'ROKUNINJA' (six ninjas) won the first prize!

You can view their winning video on YouTube here

Post Mock Surgery

This week we hosted a 'Post Mock Surgery' for Year 12s and their parents and carers to discuss how students can maximise their progress following Year 12 mock results.  It was a very productive, well-attended morning and we would like to thank our parents and carers for their support.  If you were unable to attend your meeting or have any follow up questions.  Please contact our Lead Community Mentor Ms Mohamed who will be happy to help you.

UWE Taster Day

UWE are holding an Experience Day on Wednesday 19 June. There will be  hands-on workshops exploring Medicine and Allied Health professions, led by course academics and student ambassadors.  Please contact Ms Dutton if you are interested in attending. 

Thinking Ahead to Black History Month 2024

Mr Gayford delivered an assembly to Year 12 this week about how they can get involved in BHM 2024 in a creative way (slides are attached below).

The first production meeting will be on Wednesday 12 June at 3.00pm in G004.  Students should contact Mr Gayford with any questions.

BHM 2024 - Kate Skinner.pptx

Subject Announcements


Sparx Reading Homework

We have launched Sparx Reader for KS3.  Students are set a weekly homework to gain 300 Sparx Reader Points (roughly 30 mins of careful reading).  The platform tailors reading to each student to build crucial academic reading skills.  A range of interesting texts are available for students to select.  Reading can be completed on devices with internet access.  All are expected to complete this homework in line with the school's homework policy and to support their progress in reading.


Work of the Week

This week the Year 8 students have been painting their three dimensional hybrid cardboard bugs!

Performing Arts

Legally Blonde Tickets

Please save the dates in your diaries!  Doors open at 7.00pm. The show will be starting at 7.30pm and the duration of the show is 70 minutes.

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Thursday 11 July 2024

Friday 12 July 2024

Saturday 13 July 2024

Tickets are now on sale via wisepay for the Whole School Show- Legally Blonde. The pricing structure is explained below:

£5- Open Concession

£8- Standard 

£15 Pay It Forward.

All you have to do is select the price bracket that best suits your budget and continue to checkout. Further information about the pricing structure is here.

House Announcement

Omega Update

In OMEGA we have appointed four new brilliant prefects.  Everyone that interviewed were amazing, and it was a really hard choice.

Congratulations to the successful applicants, who are:

In the next few weeks my prefects will be helping me with two competitions:

Mr C Burfield

 Sigma Update

Congratulations to our four new Sigma house prefects!  The applications that were submitted were fantastic and students conducted themselves with utmost professionalism in their interviews. 

Well done to all!  We have a number of upcoming events, including some Teacher vs. Student sporting competitions. Details of these events will be announced soon.

Mr Z Vohra 

 Delta Update

I want to congratulate my four new Delta house prefects!  The applications and interviews that students took place in were all incredible and I was very impressed with every single student that applied.

We will be running KS3 and KS4 art clubs over terms 5 and 6 and will be running an art auction at the end of term 6 to raise money for charity! 

Miss C Forbes


 Gamma Update

My heartiest congratulations to the four new Gamma house prefects!  The applications and interviews that students took place in were all incredible and I was very impressed with every single student that applied.

Miss S Madge

Bristol Education Partnership

Bristol Education Partnership’s new home

We are delighted to announce that going forward, Bristol Education Partnership is to be based at Bristol Charities.  Bristol Charities is a local charitable group with a rich history, having supported the people of Bristol for over 600 years through Housing, Grants, Education, and Community Projects.  It is now entering into a new phase of development that will focus on impacting long term and sustainable transformation across the city, which includes the work of the BEP.  Exciting times ahead for BEP and for Bristol Charities.



Word of the Week




Being united - different things join together to become one (adjective or verb, depending on use).


We live in an integrated society.

Please welcome the new student so that they feel integrated in the school.


United, joined, combined....


Word of the Week




Point of view. What someone thinks or feels about something (noun).

Drawing something that apperas to be 3D on a 2D surface, which makes it seem realistic (noun).


They had different perspectives about the topic.

The art student worked on the depth and distance in their drawing to create a realistic perspective.


Viewpoint, attitude, aspect.....

Digital Literacy Corner

Our latest: Seneca Learning and GCSE Pod Usage

Seneca offers high-quality free online learning courses for students to study from a computer, tablet or phone. The courses are suitable for students aged 13 and above and cover KS3, KS4 GCSE and KS5 A Level subjects.

We are Premium subscribers to this service which unlocks further features of the platform.

Learn more about Seneca Learning Here

Total Seneca Learning Assignments Set for Term 6


Total Seneca Learning 

Study Time for Term 6

130 Hours

Total Seneca  Learning Study Time for this Academic Year

9062 Hours

Welcome! GCSEPod is the perfect resource to help your child learn, retain and recall all the information they need to achieve their GCSE goals. 

Learn more about GCSEPod Here

Pods Watched this Academic Year


Number of Pods Watched so far in Term 6


Most Watched Subject This Week


Standing Items