Achievement    |    Diversity   |    Respect

12 July 2024

Parent and Carer Weekly Mailing

Keep us posted  - It would be great if parents/carers could let the school know of any student achievements outside of school. We would like to find out what students are doing in their own time and celebrate their achievements. 

Email us: 

Week commencing Monday 15 July 2024 is Week A


Standing Items are located at the bottom of the mailing

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers

As we come to the end of another busy week, I hope you will find our weekly mailing useful and interesting!  Although there is no recorded message from me this week I look forward to sharing all the information next week.

With very best wishes for a relaxing weekend.

Kindest regards

Ms Jo Butler, Headteacher

Positive Feedback of the Week 👍

Email sent to school

"Last weekend, Matilda and Elspeth of Year 9 competed at the Artistic Swimming Combo Cup event in Sheffield and won a silver medal alongside their other 8 teammates from City of Bristol Aquatics.  Well done to them and their team!"

Parent of Year 9 Student

Thank you

Announcements and Reminders

Cotham Parents Network Meeting

We would like to invite you to our final Cotham Parents Network meeting for 2023/2024 on Monday 15 July 2024.  There will be 2 identical meetings to attend:

Coffee and Cake Morning session: 11.15am to 12.15pm


Tea and Cake Afternoon session: 4.00pm to 5.00pm

There was a fantastic turnout to our first meeting and it would be wonderful to see as many parents and carers at this meeting.  We will be discussing plans for the new academic year and the exciting events that we are hoping to facilitate.

Please save these dates in your diary!

We warmly invite prospective parents and carers to our Open Evenings.  Please keep an eye on our website for the timings to be published.

Please help - appreciate your support!

Something to consider - Shaq, a former Cotham student, is running an initiative to raise awareness over knife crime.

Here is the donation link.

Here to sign up for the tournament.

Lost Property

Please can all lost property be collected from Student Reception by the end of Friday 19 July 2024.

Spend Your Summer Reading!

The summer break is nearly here, which is a perfect opportunity to spend lots of time reading for pleasure.

I have made some book recommendations for all years.  It is just a tiny selection of the absolutely amazing books available. 

Encourage your child to come to the library before term ends and take out books for the summer.  Visit your local library, bookshop OR encourage them to go onto our free ePlatform online library on Google classroom.  Please click on the link for recommendations.

summer reading all years weekly mail - docx

Remember The Summer Reading Postcard Competition!

Please encourage your child to take part in the SUMMER READING POSTCARD COMPETITION.  Do they enjoy reading, writing and/or designing?  If so, they can pick up a blank postcard from the library or art room and get creative!  £10 amazon vouchers are available for the best entries.  Deadline is October 2024 so they have lots of time to enter.  For more information please click on the LINK.


Summer Stress Relief for Parents - Free Online Event

Please join in a free online event via Microsoft Teams:

Friday 2 August 2024 from 10.00am to 10.45am
Tuesday 6 August 2024 from 7.00pm to 7.45pm

To register your interest, please email or call Gina on 07721635376 or Helen on 07721311726

Summer Stress Relief.pdf
SIPCO Bristol Parents.pdf

Sports Day 2024

Can all parents/careers complete this form,  if they wish for their child to have the opportunity of face painting at our upcoming Sports Day.  An online letter has been shared with all parents/careers with details of the events. 

Year Group News

Year 7

Shout out 

From Ms Ingham: "Can I shout out 7LH for being such a pleasure to teach.  They get involved in discussion, express their opinions and demonstrate really strong active listening, where they give each other silence to speak and can summarise the ideas of the previous speaker."

Year 8

Year 8 Update

Today Year 8's had our annual summer awards with some big winners!

Well done to Manisha, Bushra and Sharaz for winning my LC award ⭐

🏆 Tutor award winners were 

Esther, Jaya, Arman, Evie, Caitlin, Aishah, Bobby, Charlie, George, Mattie, Fatima, Aidan, May, Thomas M, Mohamed H, Lauren, Kotha and Dishan.

🍀 The lucky raffle winner were :

Siham, Reuben, Leanna, Billy, Jana, Ezra, Xavier, Nila, Margie and Charlie

Our top three tutor groups were: MH, MI and JBA

Year 9

Year 9 - Bake Off

This week a number of Year 9 students took part in the summer bake off.  The challenge this time was a lemon drizzle cake! Congratulations to all students who took part and the winner...Harvey in 9LBR, "you did an amazing job! "

Awards Assembly 

Ahead of the end of term, Year 9 students enjoyed their Awards Assembly on Thursday.  Prizes and awards were given out to celebrate the fantastic commitment and effort students have displayed this year!

Year 10

Triple A award 

Congratulations to the 65 Year 10 students who were awarded the Triple A award this term.  Triple A award is for recognition of excellent school attendance, positive engagement with learning and a consistent high quality of work.

Year 10 SELT Ice-lolly Sale

Thank you to everyone who supported our charity ice-lolly sale.  It was a huge success and we sold out.  This was our final event for the year.  Look out in next weeks mailing for the overall total raised for our charity St Peters Hospice

Year 10 Champions Bake Off

On Friday 5 July, the winners of the Year10 bake offs were invited to  bake off against each other for the overall Bake Off champion.  They had 1hr 15mins to bake and present a jam and buttercream swiss roll.  They all met the brief and produced wonderful cakes.  The judges had a difficult job to select a winner.  Well done to all the bakers and a huge congratulations to Darcie who was crowned the Year 10 Champion Bake Off winner.  

North Bristol Post 16

Year 12

End of Year Quiz

This week for Core Program, our Year12s took part in an end of year quiz organised by the Student Leadership Team.  There were multiple rounds including music, celebrities and sports.  A huge well done to Team Cerberus came first and beat the staff team!  It was a fantastic afternoon, and students also raised money for Islamic Relief. 

Table Tennis

A huge congratulations to Louis for winning the P16 table tennis tournament, organised by the Student Leadership Team.  Louis beat over 10 different opponents to secure his win of the tournament.

Subject Announcements


Sparx Reading Homework

We have launched Sparx Reader for KS3.  Students are set a weekly homework to gain 300 Sparx Reader Points (roughly 30 mins of careful reading).  The platform tailors reading to each student to build crucial academic reading skills.  A range of interesting texts are available for students to select.  Reading can be completed on devices with internet access.  All are expected to complete this homework in line with the school's homework policy and to support their progress in reading.


Linguist of the Month - June

The MFL department award the Linguist of the Month certificates to students who have shown tremendous effort in their French, Spanish, or German lessons. They will receive a lolly and a certificate in their next MFL lesson.

Any questions please email Mr Dutton at

LOM Newsletter - June 2024


Work of the Week

Looking back over the work that our very talented Year 12 students have done this year, are these amazing oil paintings. For some, it was their first time using oils paints and the results are so impressive!

Star Bakers 2024

On Friday, 12 students were invited for a free pain au chocolat and fruit juice as a reward for being Miss Burts Star Bakers 2024.  These students were recognised for always being prepared to learn and working independently throughout Food Science lessons.  Well done to all our Star Bakers!

House Announcement

Thank you note from Sigma

A big thank you to everyone who participated in the Teacher vs. Student Badminton competition.  Altogether, we raised £63 for the British Red Cross!  Hopefully we will be able to organise more Teacher vs. Student sporting events in the future.

Have a good week. 

Best wishes

Mr Z Vohra  

Inter House Coin Trail!

We're excited to announce an Inter-House Coin Trail on Wednesday 17 July, at lunch in E116!  Please encourage students to bring in spare change/pennies to help their house create the longest line of coins.  All contributions will be donated to our four house charities.  Let’s teach our students the joy of giving while having fun!

Thank you for your support!



Word of the Week Quiz


Word of the Week Quiz

Digital Literacy Corner

Topic: Harmful Online Challenges

Lisa Kenevan and Hollie Dance both lost their sons to dangerous online challenges. They share their advice and tips with Internet Matters to help protect children from harmful online challenges. Internet Matters have also included links to further resources regarding online challenges at the below link: 

Our latest: Seneca Learning and GCSE Pod Usage

Seneca offers high-quality free online learning courses for students to study from a computer, tablet or phone. The courses are suitable for students aged 13 and above and cover KS3, KS4 GCSE and KS5 A Level subjects.

We are Premium subscribers to this service which unlocks further features of the platform.

Learn more about Seneca Learning Here

Total Seneca Learning Assignments Set for Term 6


Total Seneca Learning 

Study Time for Term 6

831 Hours

Total Seneca  Learning Study Time for this Academic Year

9763 Hours

Welcome! GCSEPod is the perfect resource to help your child learn, retain and recall all the information they need to achieve their GCSE goals. 

Learn more about GCSEPod Here

Pods Watched this Academic Year


Number of Pods Watched so far in Term 6


Most Watched Subject This Week


Standing Items