Music | Primary (Y1-Y6)
"Ku Teringat Sekolah" by Radithya Prawira Maulana
Music 3 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
This is a collaborative project under the Music and Bahasa Indonesia program. Hello my name is Radith, I'm from Y3A. My project is about Music. I made it using an app called Camera. I used the video option so I recorded the video there. I already created a video about my poetry. I decided to do music virtual performance because I enjoy singing. So I am going to sing my poetry because I can sing it. I also chose to sing because I can overcome my fear and keep performing so I could not have stage fright. I also chose this because there are no challenging parts.
"Aku Rindu Sekolah" by Andi Nur Rahman Azura Zunnun Halid
Music 3 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
This is a collaborative project under the Music and Bahasa Indonesia program. Hi my name is Azura and I am from Y3A. today im going to show you my musical poetry video. I was made it by myself with a patiently. My teacher help me giving an idea for my poetry and i am happy to perform my musical poetry in front of my classmate. The challenge I felt for the first time was that I wasn't confident in the singing performance, but I kept practicing until finally, I wasn't afraid to sing in public anymore.
"Papi yang Aku Sayang" Musical Poetry Song by Azfar Zavier Kholid
Music 3 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

This is a collaborative project under the Music and Bahasa Indonesia program.
Hello! my name is Azfar and my project is musical poetry , I use the app called camera, I also use piano so its gonna be cooler and i like singing.
I like to perform music, I can test confidence by performing because performing is confidence. The challenge is that when I pressed the wrong notes I pause, so I must record it again and again until I succesfully did it. I learned about confidence, performing is confidence, I learned of how to create confidence, and singing is also cheer myself up.
"Aku Suka Sekolah" by Marvel Dakoru
Music 3 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
This is a collaborative project under the Music and Bahasa Indonesia program. Hello my name is Marvel. My Project is about musical poetry. I choose it because its more easier and i like to singing the poetry. The challege is, when im doing the poetry, sometimes i can't control my voices so i'm doing a lot of practice to control my voice. I've learned about how to make a poetry and how to sing the poetry.
"Temanku" by Clara Batrisya Patty
Music 3 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
This is a collaborative project under the Music and Bahasa Indonesia program. My project is Musical poetry for Music and bahasa indonesia program. It's about making puisi but using kata- kata kiasan. I also need to make sure I already remember the words. And I have to memorize the words so when I need or have to make the video I already know what to say. What are the challenges and how did you overcome the challenges: For me it was kinda challenging because it's kind of hard to remember and memorize the words. Also it took me a long time to remember and memorize it. It tooks me maybe 1 week or more then that. But If I don't practice and memorize it, it's hard for me to remember the words. To overcome it, I Memorize it everyday so I can always remember it and it's easier to think because you already know what to do.
"Ibuku" by Btari Pramidita Anjani Putri
Music 3 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
This is a collaborative project under the Music and Bahasa Indonesia program. In indonesian class, i made a poem about my mom that is being used in music class as a lyrics for the song. I made it by, first, make the poems and, later on, matched the lyrics with the song.I choose this project to be showcased because i really enjoyed doing the project because i really love playing music and i feel confident doing the project.
Yamko Rambe Yamko - Percussion Cover by Kenzie Alhaqq Ardie
Music 3 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description

Selendro Song by Denzel Ghani Poernomo
Music 2 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
This is a collaborative project under the Music and Cikal Aksi-Aksi program. Ghani worked in groups composing a melody using Indonesian traditional notation. In the end, he performed the song by playing along to a backing track using melodica instrument. Ghani has encouraged to write the song notation. While working on this project, he learn about the story behind the traditional notation, how to write the appropriate notes and practice his melodica skills.
Pelog Song by Naura Syifa Syauqia
Music 2 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
This is a collaborative project under the Music and Cikal Aksi-Aksi program. Naura worked in groups composing a melody using Indonesian traditional notation. In the end, Naura performed the song by playing along to a backing track using melodica instrument. Naura has encouraged to write the song notation. While working on this project, Naura learn about the story behind the traditional notation, how to write the appropriate notes and practice her melodica skills.
Pelog Song by Kayla Levana N
Music 2 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
This is a collaborative project under the Music and Cikal Aksi-Aksi program. Kayla worked in groups composing a melody using Indonesian traditional notation. In the end, Kayla performed the song by playing along to a backing track using melodica instrument. Kayla has encouraged to write the song notation. While working on this project, Kayla learn about the story behind the traditional notation, how to write the appropriate notes and practice her melodica skills.
Aku dan Sekolahku by Naziha Fahira Alaydrus
Music 3 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
This is a collaborative project under the Music and Bahasa Indonesia program. Hello my name is Naziha. My project is about music and poetry, The title is "aku dan Sekolahku". I choose this project because i love to sing and read a poetry. The challenges is not to be shy, it’s because sometimes I can be shy if I need to make a video and show everyone, but I’m not shy anymore because I practice everyday and now I overcome my fear. I record the video and posted in sekolahmu.I’ve learn soo many things in this program I’ve learn to sing and read poetry better.
Pelog Song by Mikaela Anindya Jayadi
Music 2 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
This is a collaborative project under the Music and Cikal Aksi-Aksi program. Mika worked in groups composing a melody using Indonesian traditional notation. In the end, She performed the song by playing along to a backing track using melodica instrument. Mika has encouraged to write the song notation. While working on this project, Mika learn about the story behind the traditional notation, how to write the appropriate notes and practice her melodica skills.
Pelog Song by Emilie Falisha Arifianto
Music 2 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
This is a collaborative project under the Music and Cikal Aksi-Aksi program. Emilie worked in groups composing a melody using Indonesian traditional notation. In the end, She performed the song by playing along to a backing track using melodica instrument. Emilie has encouraged to write the song notation. While working on this project, Emilie learn about the story behind the traditional notation, how to write the appropriate notes and practice her melodica skills.
Sing my Song: Main Boneka by Anabella Demie Shera
Music 1 - Sekolah Cikal Surabaya

Artwork description
Hello my name is Anabella. In this project, I am going to present my musical arrangement. I rearranged the lyrics of the song "Cicak Cicak Di Dinding" to the theme of the Dolls. I chose the song because I like the basic rhythm of the original song and I memorized this song since I was in Reception. The lyrics of the song inspired by my longing to play with friends at school. The lyrics of this song are about the dolls that is my favorite toy. I want to share playing dolls with my friends, because I miss them since this Pandemic existed.
"2020 Ada Corona" Song by Allegra Kalila Ishana
Music & Cikal Aksi-Aksi - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
In this project, Allegra are encouraged to write lyrics in a group that express her feelings during the Covid-19 pandemic by using Gundul-Gundul Pacul melody. After that, she sang the song based on her group lyrics. Allegra chooses this project to be her project showcase because she really like music and singing.
"Bosan Karena Corona" Song by Andi Anaura Makaila Zunnun Halid
Musik & Cikal Aksi-Aksi - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
In this project, Anaura and her friends wrote the lyrics to express their feelings during the Covid-19 pandemic by using Gundul-Gundul Pacul melody. After that, they sang the song based on their group lyrics. Anaura said, "This is fun. I like singing."
"Pergi-Pergi Corona" Song by Raisa Isabella Hasna
Musik & Cikal Aksi-Aksi - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
In this project, Raisa and her friends wrote the lyrics to express their feelings during the Covid-19 pandemic by using Gundul-Gundul Pacul melody. After that, they sang the song based on their group lyrics. She said, "I love music."
"Pergi-Pergi Corona" Song by Darendra Kusuma Budiprakasa
Musik & Cikal Aksi-Aksi - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
In this project, Daren and his friends wrote the lyrics to express their feelings during the Covid-19 pandemic by using Gundul-Gundul Pacul melody. After that, they sang the song based on their group lyrics. Daren chooses this project to be his showcase because he likes the result of Corona Song and he likes to sing it.
"Bosan Karena Corona" Song by Ismaeel Bawazier
Musik & Cikal Aksi-Aksi - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
In this project, Ismaeel and his friends wrote the lyrics in a group that express their feelings during the Covid-19 pandemic by using Gundul-Gundul Pacul melody. After that, they sang the song based on their group lyrics. Ismaeel choose this project for his showcase because he likes the process of making the lyric. He said, "It was fun when we make a lyric together with my friends."
"Pergilah Corona" Song by Raska Pranula Barakalla
Musik & Cikal Aksi-Aksi - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
In this project, Raska and his friends wrote the lyrics to express their feelings during the Covid-19 pandemic by using Gundul-Gundul Pacul melody. After that, they sang the song based on their group lyrics.
"Ayo, Kita Vaksin Corona!" Song by Milka Olivia Sitorus
Musik & Cikal Aksi-Aksi - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
In this project, Milka and her friends wrote the lyrics to express their feelings during the Covid-19 pandemic by using Gundul-Gundul Pacul melody. After that, they sang the song based on their group lyrics. Milka chose this project for her showcase because she loves to sing. She said, "This is so much fun. I like music, i like to sing. It's my hobby."
"Hati-Hati Dengan Covid" Song by Kaisara Fatih
Musik & Cikal Aksi-Aksi - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
In this project, Sasa and her friends wrote the lyrics that express their feelings during the Covid-19 pandemic by using Gundul-Gundul Pacul melody. After that, they sang the song based on their group lyrics. Sasa chose this project for her showcase because she likes music and singing. She said, "I like music and singing. For this project, I have to recorded in my computer, and sing repeatedly but still it was fun!"
"Awas Virus Corona, Ayo Hidup Sehat!" Song by Alleria Zafira Melody
Musik & Cikal Aksi-Aksi - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
In this project, Aira and her friends wrote the lyrics to express their feelings during the Covid-19 pandemic by using Gundul-Gundul Pacul melody. After that, they sang the song based on their group lyrics. Aira chose this project because she likes to sing. She said "Singing makes me happy."
"Awas Virus Corona, Ayo Hidup Sehat!" Song by Alexandria Ayra
Musik & Cikal Aksi-Aksi - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
In this project, Alexa and her friends wrote the lyrics to express their feelings during the Covid-19 pandemic by using Gundul-Gundul Pacul melody. After that, they sang the song based on their group lyrics. Alexa chose this project because she likes Music program. She said "I choose music and Cikal Aksi-Aksi because music makes me calm and happy. I like to make the lyrics with my group."
"Aku Rindu Sekolah" Song by Rania Mikaila Siddik
Musik & Cikal Aksi-Aksi - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
In this project, Rania and her friends wrote the lyrics to express their feelings during the Covid-19 pandemic by using Gundul-Gundul Pacul melody. After that, they sang the song based on their group lyrics. Rania chose this project because she likes Music program. She said "I really like to play music."
"Waspada Corona" Song by Yudhisthira Bama Ghazy
Musik & Cikal Aksi-Aksi - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Artwork description
In this project, Bama and his friends wrote the lyrics to express their feelings during the Covid-19 pandemic by using Gundul-Gundul Pacul melody. After that, they sang the song based on their group lyrics. Bama chose to showcase this project because he likes singing and said that it's fun. When being asked about the lyrics writing process, Bama said, "[I like] making the lyrics becasue I can be creative".
Keyboard Performances: Für Elise by Muhammad Nagib
Music Y3 - Sekolah Cikal Surabaya

Artwork description
In this performance I played the repertoire of Beethoven, Für Elise through the keyboard. In music class, I learned to read a variety of musical notations, including Western musical notation. This video is an implementation of this learning which is also my musical expression in playing musical compositions.
Drums Performances: Price Tag by Rizky Gilang Febriyanto
Music Y3 - Sekolah Cikal Surabaya

Artwork description
Hello my name is Gilang. I am a drummer, so in this project, I am going to present my drum performance. The song I played was a song from Jessie J, namely Price Tag. I am really challenged to play this song, especially the part where the drums suddenly had to stop patterning as part of the rhythm variation. Luckily, this school year I got a music class material in the form of reading Western music notation for percussion. It really helped me in achieving my dream of becoming a drummer. Enjoy watching!
Guitar Performance (SMC) Rumah ke Rumah by Radya Anindra Putra Danardono
Music Y6 - Sekolah Cikal Surabaya
Artwork description
Hello, my name is Radya. In this project I will play the guitar for the song Rumah ke Rumah from Hindia. I learned guitar starting from the basics. This is my first time learning guitar and I feel challenged to perform guitar for the first time, even though it's still online. I chose songs from the Hindia because lately I've been listening to a lot of indie music. In this performance, I collaborated with Cikal Surabaya teachers, and I was happy to get new experiences and knowledge about music, especially guitar.
Ke Bayuwangi by Dzihny Sakina Azzahra
Music Y1 - Sekolah Cikal Surabaya

Artwork description
Hello my name is Sakina. In this project, I am going to present my musical arrangement. I rearranged the lyrics of the song "Naik Kereta Api" to the "Pergi ke Banyuwangi". I chose the song because I like the spirit of vacation. Since this pandemic, it's hard for us to go on vacation, so this song is my imagination about vacationing in Banyuwangi.
Saling Menolong by Stevia Karina Baktiar
Music Y1 - Sekolah Cikal Surabaya

Artwork description
Hello my name is Stevia. In this project, I am going to present my musical arrangement. I rearranged the lyrics of the song "Burung Kakak Tua" to the theme Helping Each Others. I like sports and music. But in this playground I chose music because I wanted to sing a song. The lyrics of the song I made were inspired by when I did a running exercise and saw a friend fall. Hope this song inspires.
Buang Sampah by Kinada Hakeem Leksono
Music Y1 - Sekolah Cikal Surabaya

Artwork description
Hello my name is Kinada. In this project, I am going to present my musical arrangement. I rearranged the lyrics of the song "Potong Bebek Angsa" to the theme Save the Earth. In Year 1's music class I learned about the rhythm pattern of the song. I was impressed by the rhythm of the song Potong Bebek Angsa. That's why I chose this song for the arrangement. The lyrics of this new song are about keeping the earth clean and healthy by disposing of garbage properly. Let's take care of the earth and let's sing with me.
Sing my Song: Jangan Sedih by Muhammad Ibad Abqari
Music 1 - Sekolah Cikal Surabaya

Artwork description
Hello my name is Ibad. In this project, I am going to present my musical arrangement. I rearranged the lyrics of the song "Potong Bebek Angsa" to the theme of friendship. I chose the song because I like the beat. The lyrics of the song that I composed are about my empathy for a friend who is sad. In this song I asked him to play to make him happy again.
Over the Rainbow
by Tabina
Music Y1 - Sekolah Cikal Serpong

Artwork description
Hello, my name is Tabina from Year 1 Sekolah Cikal Serpong. I practice to sing “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” on Term 3 with Bu Ajeng. It’s not that easy to sing a song, even when you already hear it many times during my bedtimes. I learned to control when to take my breath, while keep singing the song beautifully.
Sing my Song: Aku dan Temanku by Shakeela Danisha Yufiputri
Music 1 - Sekolah Cikal Surabaya

Artwork description
Hello my name is Shakeela. In this project, I am going to present my musical arrangement. I rearranged the lyrics of the song "Potong Bebek Angsa" to the theme of me and my friends. I chose the song because I like the basic melody of the original song. The lyrics of the song inspired by my longing to play with friends at school.
Sing my Song: Bermain Bersama Teman by Aurel Qianna Rusgyanti
Music 1 - Sekolah Cikal Surabaya

Artwork description
Hello my name is Aurel. In this project, I am going to present my musical arrangement. I rearranged the lyrics of the song "Potong Bebek Angsa" to the theme of play with my friends. I chose the song because I was impressed with this song since I studied in RJ's music class. The original lyrics are very rhyming. Because of that, I feel challenged to arrange the lyrics, but with maintained the rhyme. I chose the theme of playing with friends because I really miss my friends in this online learning period.
Cikal Aksi-Aksi by Aurora
Music Y6 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak
Antartica by Fawwaz Altan Subaga Swasono
Music 5 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Aurora by Angan Senja
Music 5 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Ricch Trap by Raditya Aurland Manoppo
Music 5 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Chords Loop by Angelique Godiva Ramdhasari Ardiutama
Music 5 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

The Musical by Djenar Ayu Larasati
Music 5 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

Simply Music by Freiya Nada Sjadzali
Music 5 - Sekolah Cikal Cilandak

"ElectRock" by Raindra Adli Pramana
Music 5 - Sekolah Cikal CIlandak

Artwork description
Hi my name is Raindra, I’m a fifth grade student from Cikal Cilandak and my product that I choose is a music with chords from midi files that I combined with some beats and melodies. The reason of why I chooses this for the showcase because I like music and I want to show the others of how to make music. The challenges to make this music is how to arrange the chords into good music. In this music, I have learned about chords such as, C Major, A Minor, G Major and F Major. I also want to learn further because I like music.
"Country Trap" by Athalla Mahesa Dzaki
Music 5 - Sekolah Cikal CIlandak

"The Rise" by Imtiaz Altaf Basyuni
Music 5 - Sekolah Cikal CIlandak

Making Music by Shabrina Azzahra Indaswari
Music 5 - Sekolah Cikal Serpong

Artwork description
In this project, Caca decided to share her experience in making music through making a guide on Bandlab and also showing her music composition.
Go Away Corona (Musical Poetry) by Gendis Rayya Pratista
Music 3 - Sekolah Cikal Serpong

Artwork description
Hallo my name is Gendis, i'm year 3 Magenta at Sekolah Cikal Serpong. In music class, we have been learning how to make musical poetry and sing it, and learning how to make a lyrics and song. I hope you enjoy my performance, Thank you.
Rhythm Patterns (Yamko Rambe Yamko) by Rexizo Nararya Priazdi Rachman
Music 3 - Sekolah Cikal Serpong

Artwork description
Hallo my name is Rexizo, im year 3 Magenta at Sekolah Cikal Serpong. In music class, we have been learning to create our own rhythm patterns and we also learn how to read notation. Now, i am reading and playing my own rhythm patterns by following the song Yamko rambe yamko. I hope you enjoy my performance, Thank you.
Allegro, Long long ago & May song by Bertrand Nicholas Butarbutar
Music 3 - Sekolah Cikal Serpong

Artwork description
Halo nama saya Bertrand, saya kelas 3 turqoise di Sekolah Cikal Serpong. di kelas musik kita belajar membuat pola ritmik kita sendiri dan kita juga belajar membaca notasi. Sekarang saya akan membaca notasi dari 3 lagu yang berbeda yaitu Allegro, Long long ago dan May song. saya akan memainkannya menggunakan instrumen biola, Terima kasih.
Newy by Yazan Khaled Omar Badoqail
Music 5 - Sekolah Cikal Serpong

Artwork description
In this project, Yazan decided to share his experience in making music through making a music that is inspired by his experience while playing a game.