Writing of the Effectiveness on how Meditation Cures ADHD by Agastya Kainandra

My project is about the effectiveness of meditation to cure ADHD. It's about how simple non-medical treatments can be used to treat certain mental health issues. I made this writing using a lot of resources and articles to prove that meditation can cure ADHD.

I chose this project to be showcased because not a lot of people know about this topic, and that some people might have this issue or know someone that does have it and could be helped with a simple meditation more specifically mindfulness meditation.

Meditation to cure ADHD -Aga Y7A

Cerpen Galaxy Force: Kekuatan di bawah Bintang-Bintang oleh Fadhli Hafizh Prakoso


Cerpen CAHAYA TERSEMBUNYI oleh Lea Elena Keira Lande

Cahaya Tersembunyi

Cerpen Tangisan Naga di Ujung Pulau oleh Umar Rashid

Umar 7B - STORY

Cerpen RAHASIA SEJARAH oleh Darrel Keane Nurmaleandro


Cerpen "Manusia yang Berteman dengan Hewan" oleh Caesar Kafi Iddo Haqqa


Kerangka Cerpen "Hantu Temanku" oleh Pandji Bratadikaraputra

Pandji's B.indo Outlline

Pesan Kepada Bapak Presiden oleh Lucas Junior Kelwulan


The Differences of Herbs and The Vaccine for COVID-19 by Lenno Ferran Martatna

My product is a argumentative writing. I talk about the differences between medical herbs and vaccines for COVID-19 and it also is about which one is more effective. The writing also include about some opinions on how effective is medical herbs, the opinion is from people that tried the medical herbs.

Lenno's English The Differences Of Herbs And The Vaccine For Covid

Learning Italian by Atthala Raka

In term 3, Raka has the opportunity to learn a new language. He wants to showcase his experience in learning Italian through digital platform. He hopes that he will influence others in learning new language independently.

Attala Raka -Playground of

Learning Basque by Orion Reiss Wardhana

Celebrating the language diversity around the world, Orion will share his experience in learning Basque through digital platform. His learning process shows that learning a new language is much easier in this digital era, he wants to share that learning a new language can be done independently.

yuk-zyhh-gbs (2021-05-27 at 21:25 GMT-7)

Mental Health Awareness by Pauli Abigail Tamba

Abigail will deliver her argumentative speech about mental health. This topic matters to her since remote learning has given positive and negative impact to her mental health and she thinks that spreading mental health awareness will be great for teens.

Pauli Abigail Tamba_Argumentative Writing_Mental Health Awareness

Memoir by Haidar Gifari Irawan

Changing Western Culture’s Point of View about Non-medical Treatment by Kiana Aulia Gani

Kiana showcases her argumentative writing related to the western culture view on non-medical treatment.

Kiana Aulia Gani_Argumentative Writing

Andra's Perspective: Non-medical Treatment by Gabriel Asima Ramakandra Tambunan

Playground of Learning: Andra's Project.pdf
English Summative Assessment Term 4 - Andra Y7A




Pada kegiatan ini Siswa menganalisa isu sosial teraktual untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan teks berita dan mengemas analisanya dalam bentuk podcast.

Podcast Farrel Y8.m4a

Deeper meaning in Cat In The Rain - A Literary Analysis of Cat in the Rain by Feyza Bintang Zoyaisyah

[Description] Virtual Gallery by Feyza.pdf
Deeper Meaning in Cat in The Rain - A Literary Analysis of Cat in the Rain by Feyza Bintang Zoyaisyah.pdf


"Surrogacy Talk with Hika" by Hikaru Syafa Ibrahim

The Giver's Alternative Ending: A Revolution’s Possibilities - The Giver Analysis Video by Jenson Irvine Gunawan

Y9 - The Giver’s Alternative Ending: A Revolution’s Possibilities by Jenson Irvine Gunawan.mp4 - Google Drive.mp4

The Giver Literary Analysis Video by Leandra Mazel Nurhadityo

In this project, I was tasked with making an essay and video about the book “The Giver” by Lois Lowry. The main topic I chose was the extrinsic elements and background information behind the giver, which is split into multiple parts. I decided to go with this theme because I believe it is important to highlight the relevance of the book, and how the narrative places itself in history.

I discovered a lot of new features on video editing apps and utilized features on other apps. The editing app I used was slightly obsolete, so I had to get creative with adding effects and clips.

However, I had also encountered some difficulties, such as hand-animating some of the clips which took quite a bit of effort. I had to draw frame-by-frame pictures, which turned out not very good due to lack of practice. I also had trouble filming the speaking clips, as I filmed during fasting, which messed with my pronunciation a little.

Y9 - The Giver Literary Analysis Video by Leandra Mazel Nurhadityo.mp4


Notion in Motion by Mohammad Hadevy

This project is an essay I wrote a couple months back. It's a review about the book "I AM LEGEND" written by Richard Matheson which was released in July 1954. Other than a review I also compared the situation that is happening in the story and what is happening in 2020 (Covid). I deliberately chose this project because it was a fun experience, writing about it while also being able to compare things. Other than that, writing is one of many ways I like to express myself. The challenges I had to overcome while doing this project is the lack of motivation to do anything, so I usually just stay idle or when I'm doing it I get distracted easily by something. By doing this project and others alike I realize that I really like writing. I may not publicise the work but it's really relaxing to do!

English P.O.L Hadev.pdf

The Hope of The Survivor by Wan Nabiel

This in an essay which was my summative for term 3. It's an analysis about the book "I AM LEGEND" written by Richard Matheson, released in June of 1954. I chose this project because it was a new, challenging and fun experience for me - as while I have done similar projects before - this is the first time I had to do an in-depth analysis about a book.

I am Legend Analysis-Nabiel.pdf