Collaborative Boardgame Reception RMC Bandung by all RJ RS students

My Musical Instrument by Gilinona Adi Khatulistiwa

Anekdote Gili Musik/CAA PECEL RJ

My Musical Instrument by Bilqis Kinasih Ahman

bilqis summative musik.MOV
Anekdote Musik/CAA Bilqis

My Musical Instrument by Adeeba Syira Rasyuka Pohan

adeeba music.MOV
Anekdote Musik/CAA PECEL RJ adeeba

My Musical Instrument by Banuteduh Byan Karim

This is my musical instrument reflection. Happy watching!

Banu's Project
Banuteduh Byan Karim.mp4

My Musical Instrument by Siti Ashila Winata

This is my musical instrument reflection. Happy reading!

Ashilla - VG - Description

My Musical Instrument by Gracia Adora Bagun

This is my musical instrument reflection. Happy reading!

Adora - VG - Description

My Musical Instrument by Muhammad Zayyan Arkaan Hafid

This is my musical instrument reflection. Happy reading!

Zayyan - VG - Description

My Musical Instrument by Raihanna Ayradewi

My Musical Instrument by Enzo Pradana

WhatsApp Video 2021-05-30 at 10.24.51 AM.mp4

My Musical Instrument by Syatheera Adhyastha Kurniawan

This is my musical instrument reflection. Happy watching!

Refleksi Atheer.mp4
Syatheera Adhyastha Kurniawan.mp4

reception senior

My E-collaboration Poster by Arfandra Kasetra

Creating E-Collaboration Poster is my project in the Program of Service Learning at Sekolah Cikal. This is a poster about what I do to save the environment collaboratively with my family members. I made this poster to encourage people to do the same and promote the understanding of the importance and the value of our environment and natural resources.

My E-collaboration Poster by Pravaldanatha Hadiwidjojo

Creating E-Collaboration Poster is my project in the Program of Service Learning at Sekolah Cikal. This is a poster about what I do to save the environment collaboratively with my family members. I made this poster to encourage people to do the same and promote the understanding of the importance and the value of our environment and natural resources.

My E-collaboration Poster by Dimitri Sevva Arifin

Creating E-Collaboration Poster is my project in the Program of Service Learning at Sekolah Cikal. This is a poster about what I do to save the environment collaboratively with my family members. I made this poster to encourage people to do the same and promote the understanding of the importance and the value of our environment and natural resources.

My E-collaboration Poster by Richie Gavrielo Haryosa

Creating E-Collaboration Poster is my project in the Program of Service Learning at Sekolah Cikal. This is a poster about what I do to save the environment collaboratively with my family members. I made this poster to encourage people to do the same and promote the understanding of the importance and the value of our environment and natural resources.

My E-collaboration Poster by Raida Hawa Azzahra

Creating E-Collaboration Poster is my project in the Program of Service Learning at Sekolah Cikal. This is a poster about what I do to save the environment collaboratively with my family members. I made this poster to encourage people to do the same and promote the understanding of the importance and the value of our environment and natural resources.

"Robot Pembersih Sampah" Project by Rasya Atilla Amirullah

Robot Pembersih Sampah is a CAA project which student learns how to identify positive ways to initiate, engage, joint and interrupt conversations with adults and peers and explain and collaborate with others during group activities. The student creates the superhero character to save the environment. He makes the comic strips to tell the story of how the superhero saves the environment.

Rasya Week 14.mp4

"Mack si Pahlawan Kebersihan Kota" Project by Arka Faheem Al Mursyid

Mack si Pahlawan Kebersihan Kota is a CAA project which student learns how to identify positive ways to initiate, engage, joint and interrupt conversations with adults and peers and explain and collaborate with others during group activities. The student creates the superhero character to save the environment. He makes the comic strips to tell the story of how the superhero saves the environment.

Arka Week 14.mp4

Cleanliness Hero by Alexandra Hamida Rasyid

"Cleanliness Hero" is a CAA project which student learns how to identify positive ways to initiate, engage, joint and interrupt conversations with adults and peers and explain and collaborate with others during group activities. The student creates the superhero character to save the environment. She makes the comic strips to tell the story of how the superhero saves the environment.

Hamida Week

GEMBIRA BERCERITA oleh Reception Senior Sekolah Cikal Serpong

"Gembira Bercerita" merupakan sebuah karya kolaborasi program Cikal Aksi-aksi dan Indonesian Acquisition. Karya berupa buku kumpulan cerita ini ditulis oleh teman-teman dari Reception Senior Sekolah Cikal Serpong.

Sepanjang prosesnya, anak-anak berupaya keras untuk memberikan hasil yang terbaik. Mulai dari membuat kerangka cerita hingga mewujudkannya dalam bentuk cerita gambar berseri. Setiap anak memiliki satu karya yang kemudian dikompilasikan menjadi sebuah karya bersama.

Tema-tema yang dipilih seputar keseharian anak-anak hingga siapapun yang membaca akan merasakan langsung kekhasan yang dimunculkan oleh masing-masing individu.

Penulis: Admadya Affanur, Sabeea Sai Malayeka, Nediva Althea Amilius, Mikayla Shifa Maulanegara, Hawacita Damara Matondang, Aaliyah Bella Rosiana, Arindrayya Daphnaira Pradityo, Athar Barran Altravi Anwar, Maria Bintang Alanna Panjaitan, Nicolette Lukitanig Martin, Muhammad Fayyaz Ahzafany, Naafi Arslan Achmadi, Arsakha Virendra Tasaufi, Keenaradhitia Gendhis Puti Dahayu, Muhammad Razka Arrayhan, Selma Meutia Anjani, Rayyan Athar Rahadiyanto, Raphael Jason Seputra, Adirajada Bima Suprayogi, Ishany Adiva Wijayanti, Mikayla Zhafira, Damar Bhadra Abyakta