Video Mini Obstacle by Alarick Anka Dewanto

to listen the explanation please play the voice note below.

New Recording 15.m4a

Video Mini Obstacle by Arina Meara Syaza Kayana

to listen the explanation please play the voice note below.

Mesya PHE 1.mp4
Mesya PHE 3.mp4
Mesya PHE 2.mp4
Mesya PHE 4.mp4

Video Mini Obstacle by Rafael Enzo

To see the reflection see the image below

Rafael Reflection.jpeg
Rafael PHE 1.mp4
Rafael PHE 3.mp4
Rafael PHE 2.mp4
rafael PHE 4.mp4

Permainan Tradisional (Engklek) by Elonio Sathya Wiarsandi

Elon sharing tentang permainan tradisional (Engklek) yang bisa dilakukan dirumah selama masa pandemi covid-19. Ia menjelaskan peraturan permainan dan melakukan kegiatan tersebut sesuai dengan peraturan yang sudah dijelaskan. Elon memilih project ini karena Ia ingin memperlihatkan dirinya bermain engklek pada murid lain agar murid lain dapat mengetahui kegiatan di PHE bisa berupa permainan.

Elonio Sathya Wiarsandi.mp4

Permainan Tradisional (Engklek) by Kadhana Badrika Arsaja

Bara sharing tentang permainan tradisional (Engklek) yang bisa dilakukan dirumah selama masa pandemi covid-19. Ia menjelaskan peraturan permainan dan melakukan kegiatan tersebut sesuai dengan peraturan yang sudah dijelaskan. Bara memilih project ini karena Ia suka menjadi kuat dan olahraga membuatnya sehat. Ia ingin orang lain tahu bahwa ia suka bermain engklek.

Kadhana Badrika

Permainan Tradisional (Engklek) by Muhammad Rakeyan Akbar Poerwo

Keyan sharing tentang permainan tradisional (Engklek) yang bisa dilakukan dirumah selama masa pandemi covid-19. Ia menjelaskan peraturan permainan dan melakukan kegiatan tersebut sesuai dengan peraturan yang sudah dijelaskan. Keyan memilih project ini karena ia suka bermain engklek dan sangat menyenangkan.

Muhammad Rakeyan Akbar

Permainan Tradisional (Engklek) by Alcide Kamajaya Raesaka

Alcide sharing tentang permainan tradisional (Engklek) yang bisa dilakukan dirumah selama masa pandemi covid-19. Ia menjelaskan peraturan permainan dan melakukan kegiatan tersebut sesuai dengan peraturan yang sudah dijelaskan.

Alcide Kamajaya Raesaka .mp4


Playing table tennis by Kenzio Artha Adi

My project is about playing table tennis, Pimpong basic training, improving fitness, focus, and strength in the hands. train manipulative movements, locomotor and non-locomotor movements. I made this video by doing juggling exercises and forehand strokes.

Kenzio 1.mp4
Kemzio 2.mp4

Playing table tennis and rhythmic gymnastic by Renard Adhyastha Wibowo

My project is about practicing rhythmic gymnastics, basic exercises in rhythmic gymnastics by moving to the accompaniment of music, with basic swing movements in the hands and basic stepping movements in the legs. This exercise improves fitness, balance, and coordination of movements.


Bermain Engklek oleh Althayr Aptha Haryabi

Halo nama saya Althayr. Dalam video ini, saya akan mempresentasikan sebuah permainan tradisional yaitu permainan tradisional Engklek. Saya memilih Engklek karena permainan ini sangat menyenangkan dan dapat dimainkan dimana saja. Dimasa pandemi ini kita semua harus selalu menjaga kesehatan salah satunya dengan berolahraga. Saya ingin berbagi kegiatan saya ini dengan teman-teman semua. Semoga bermanfaat ya.

Althayr Y2 (Engklek).mp4

Bermain Tenis Meja oleh Akhsana Ameer Rindrayasa

Halo nama saya Ameer. Dalam video ini, saya akan mempresentasikan sebuah permainan bola kecil yaitu permainan Tenis meja. Permainan ini sangat seru dan dapat dimainkan dirumah bersama teman. Dimasa pandemi ini kita semua harus selalu menjaga kesehatan salah satunya dengan berolahraga. Saya sering berolahraga dengan bermain permainan tenis meja. Saya ingin berbagi kegiatan saya ini dengan teman-teman semua. Semoga bermanfaat ya.

Ameer Y2 (Tenis Meja).mp4

Bermain Tenis Meja oleh Muhammad Raja Al Fatih Nadyqal

Halo nama saya Raja. Dalam video ini, saya akan mempresentasikan tutorial beberapa teknik pegangan serta teknik pukulan tenis meja yaitu pegangan shakehand, penhold, pukulan push dan lob. Beberapa teknik tersebut sangat sering digunakan. Semoga dengan video tutorial ini dapat dijadikan bahan serta memberikan pengalaman belajar terhadap teman-teman semua.

Raja Y2 (Tenis Meja).mp4

Bermain Lompat Tali oleh Govino Deryl Putra

Halo nama saya Deryl. Dalam video ini, saya akan mempresentasikan sebuah permainan tradisional yaitu permainan tradisional lompat tali. Saya memilih lompat tali karena permainan ini sangat menyenangkan dan dapat dimainkan dimana saja. Dimasa pandemi ini kita semua harus selalu menjaga kesehatan salah satunya dengan berolahraga. Saya ingin berbagi kegiatan saya ini dengan teman-teman semua. Semoga bermanfaat ya.

Deryl Y2 Lompat Tali.mp4


ABC Circuit Games by Bima Oryzatha Adakita


Zumba Exercise by Kiandra Anaya Putri Yosodiningrat

Zumba Description by Kiandra.pdf

Tutorial of Playing Badminton by Arkadida Pradhitya

to listen the explanation please play the voice note below.

Arkadida PHE.m4a

Tutorial of Playing Dribbling and Three-Point Shot in Basketball by Arjuna Jabbar Praditama


Watch this video above for a description of the activity



My Agility Run by Adara Aptha Wiekanti

I made agility training videos because in my opinion this is an activity that makes me happy and healthy, and makes me more active in sports during this pandemic. I am proud of my video so I want to share it.


My Agility Run by Freya Alzena Putri Wira

I made agility training videos because in my opinion this is an activity that makes me happy and healthy, and makes me more active in sports during this pandemic. I am proud of my video so I want to share it.

ABC Circuit.MP4

Tutorial of Playing Dribbling and Three-Point Shot in Basketball by Joseph Kenzie Respati

to listen the explanation please play the voice note below.

kenzie PHE showcase.mpeg
Joseph Kenzie Respati (PHE Video).mp4
Joseph KEnzie Respati - PHE Video (HD).mp4

Senam Irama by Muhammad Attararya Adifansyah

Attar did rhythmic gymnastics individually, I followed the rhythm to create a movement. The rhythm can leads me to move in the form of clapping, tapping, singing music. It's a fun things to do at home.

Muhammad Attararya Adifansyah.MOV

Senam Irama by Jan Izel Ozma

Ozma does rhythmic gymnastics which is done for cooling down by following slow rhythm that can be useful to avoid injury after strenuous exercise. Cooling down is important things to do while excercising, and it's a part of rhythmic gymnastics.


Fun Activity at Home by Kyra Aaisha Setiadi

Kyra performs movements of agility, balance and coordination by utilizing objects around her as well as objects in the house. The challenges in agility, balance and coordination movement are such a fun thing to do to get rid of boredome while staying at home.



Tutorial 4 Teknik Badminton Oleh Abrisam Omar Ahzam

Halo nama saya Abrisam. Dalam video ini, saya akan mempresentasikan tutorial beberapa teknik badminton yaitu pukulan servis, forehand, backhand dan lob. Beberapa teknik tersebut sangat sering digunakan oleh para pemain badminton. Semoga dengan video tutorial ini dapat dijadikan bahan serta memberikan pengalaman belajar terhadap teman-teman semua.

Abrisam Y5 (Badminton).mp4

Latihan Keterampilan Dasar berlari dan Melompat yang Dikombinasikan dengan Teknik Dasar bermain Bulutangkis by Kenzie Rafa Nusantara

Halo, aku Kenzie R dari Y5 Sekolah Cikal Serpong. Aku akan membagikan pengalaman belajarku di program PHE melalui video berikut. Di Video ini aku akan menunjukkan latihan gerak dasar ketangkasan berlari dan melompat yang dikombinasikan dengan teknik dasar bermain bulutangkis yaitu pukulan forehand dan backhand dan juga juggling dengan menggunakan shuttlecock.

Kenzie Rafa Y5.mp4

Latihan Keterampilan Dasar berlari dan Melompat yang Dikombinasikan dengan Teknik Dasar bermain Bulutangkis by Maldino Nanindra Kanaka

Halo, aku Maldino dari Y5 Sekolah Cikal Serpong. Aku akan membagikan pengalaman belajarku di program PHE melalui video berikut. Di Video ini aku akan menunjukkan latihan gerak dasar ketangkasan berlari dan melompat yang dikombinasikan dengan teknik dasar bermain bulutangkis yaitu pukulan forehand dan backhand dan juga juggling dengan menggunakan shuttlecock.



High Intensity Interval Training By Jett Zayan Ali

In my project in this PHE HIT Training I made a video about me doing the training which consisted of exercises such as squat jumps and jumping jacks the video was about 3-5 minutes of me doing the sets of exercises shown/ written down earlier. I choose this because I think PHE is one of the subject that I can do better than other subjects, and i think PHE is one of the easiest one to choose although you need to create a video working out. And the challenging part doing this work is just making the video and working out at the same time because the video needs some editing and some sweat.

High Intensity Interval Training By David Hidayatullah Ali

In this project I did for PHE I made a video of me doing the HIIT training which is squats and jumping jacks for 3-5 minutes. I chose PHE because I feel like I did well in it and it also makes me healthy. The challenging part is when recording the video. It was hard not because of the training, it was hard because I had to change spots multiple times because I have a loud background noise.

High Intensity Interval Training By Andi Java Ibnu Hajar Sinjaya

My project is PHE HIT Training, in this project i will do some excercise that can burn fat and also keep your heart rate up. by doing this we can be more healthy also improve cardiovascular, and metabolic rate. In the video i will do HIT Training which theres 5 movement that i will do, squats, mountain climber, jumping jacks , and more. This will take 15 sec each.

High Intensity Interval Training By Kareem Keanu Adriene

My project is about PHE HIT Training. A HIT Training is a type of exercise that keeps your heart rate up and burns fat in less of time. In the video of me doing the HIT Training I will do high knee, jumping jacks, squats, mountain climber and maybe more. Each exercise it will take 15 or 20 seconds

High Intensity Interval Training By Arka Abyan Rajendra

1. My Physical Health Education project is called HIIT Training. The HIIT Training has a video duration of 3-5 minutes consisting of multiple workouts such as : Mountain Climber, Squat Jump, and Jumping Jacks. How I made the video is I went to my cousin’s house and created the video. My cousins decided to hide away from the camera but wanted to view my training regiment. I needed a lot of takes until I got it correct, after that I tried to improve the video and put it on a Video Editing Software but failed to create an mp4 clip. So then I decided to just send the complete unedited video which is surprisingly an mp4 clip.

2. The most challenging part of creating the video is trying to focus on the task at hand and be serious about the training, I overcame it by trying to not laugh and continue recording the video, although there was an incident while I was doing the Squat Jumps, I accidentally stomp on my cousin’s hand, I tried to apologize, he already forgave me so I continued the training.

High Intensity Interval Training By Radja Mulya Gany

My project is about my PHE Hit exercise,Why we have to do hit exercise because when you are doing Hit exercise you can burn our fat,has a good body and make your heart rate up.You can do the Hit trining/exercise for 30 minute you dont have to do it like an hour but you can do it every day

High Intensity Interval Training By Alvin Oktario Pasaman

My project is making video recordings about HIIT Training. In HIIT Training, I do squat jumps, mountain climber and jumping jack in 3-5 minute. How I make it is by recording me doing it and to presentate my video by using video playback for PHE Virtual Gallery.

The challenges that I faced when doing this project is gotta be when I do squat jumps, mountain climbers and jumping jacks in 3 - 5 minute because it is so tiring like I do a marathon. I have to do it non - stop and so it’s quite challenging for me to do it. How I overcame this challenge is that I need to take a deep breath when doing the HIIT Training in 3 - 5 minute , do it slowly and relax and so I do it smoothly and without pain.

High Intensity Interval Training By Nathan Narabrata

In my project, I made a video of me doing HIIT training. The HIIT training consisted of a 3-5 minute video where I did mountain climbers, squat jumps, and jumping jacks. I had to do each exercise for 20 seconds and I would complete a set. In the end, I was able to do 3 sets. What I learned from this project is that now I know how to do HIIT training. Other than that, I also learned the effects of HIIT training. Some of the major effects from HIIT training is burning body fat, increasing metabolic rate, and more.

High Intensity Interval Training By Madina Rachma Alyaa

My project is about PHE HIIT Training, the PHE HIIT Training is both effective and efficient for a workout method for deloping/improving our physical abillities of ethlete. HIIT training is the most effective to burn fat,, improve cardiovascular, and mascular fitness, and also increased metabolic rate. I made the video with doing 3 excercise, such as mount climber, juming jacks, and squats. With around 10-20 each times, and i take 2 sets, and the video duration 3-5 minutes. input the artwork description here