Here and There by Syanne Sweetliztania

This is Syanne, a Year 7 student of Sekolah Cikal Surabaya and her final project in Photography, "Here and There". This project is taken from one of the assessment of Photography 2nd semester, especially the final one. The project is about how students are possible for applying the elements of art that they have learned in photography such as theory of photography. The students are allowed to choose their preferences and references to transform them into their photo project. For this Playground, Syanne chose her final photo project to be presented. She is able to explain the technique of theory photography that are existing in her photo project very well.

You Have to Create Your Life, You Have to Crave it Like its a Sclupture.png
Just Another Busy Night in Surabaya.png
Compilation Photography Syanne Sweetliztania

Collages by Btari Padma

Hi, I'm Btari from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. In this unit, she focuses highly to express her thoughts and emotions in relation to the current pandemic situation.

Btari Padma Zamzani - Collage 1.jpeg
Btari Padma Zamzani - Collage 2.jpeg

Still Life Drawing by Chayara Vania Farras

Hi, I'm Chayara from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. Chayara will show her progress within still life drawing. She will shows her progress starting from sketch to 3-Dimensional representation through tonal value (shadow & highlight).

Chayara - Still Life Drawing.jpeg

Collages by Cheryl Felicia Setiawan

Hi, I'm Cheryl from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. Cheryl will show her progess within collages. In this unit, she focuses highly to express her thoughts and emotions in relation to the current pandemic situation.

Collages by Muhammad Arkan Satyatama

Hi, I'm Arkan from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. Arkan will show his progess within collages. In this unit, he focuses highly to express his thoughts and emotions in relation to the current pandemic situation.

Still Life Drawing by Nasya Aluna Kusumo

Hi, I'm Nasya, from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. Nasya will show her progress in Still Life Drawing within term 3. She will show her progress starting from sketch to 3-Dimensional representation though tonal value (Shadow & Highlight).

Nasya Aluna Kusumo_Visual Art Submission_Y7SY

Collages by Kinari Shakiradiva

Hi, I'm Kinari from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. Kinari will show her progress with her collage artwork. In this unit, she focuses highly to express her thoughts and emotion in relation to the current pandemic situation.

Kinari - Collages.jpg

Still Life Drawing by Bunga Adya Sakina Triana

Hi, I'm Bunga from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. Bunga Adya Sakina Triana will show her progress with her still life drawing. She will shows her development starting from sketch to tonal value to create 3-Dimensional representation.

Bunga Adya - Still Life Drawing.jpg

Still Life Drawing by Malikkah Hasya As-Safa

Hi, I'm Hasya from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. Hasya wil show her progress in visual art within the still life drawing. She will shows her progress starting from sketch to 3-Dimensional representation through tonal value (shadow & highlight).

Malikah Hasya - Still Life Drawing - VA Setu.jpg

Collage by Talitha Kamila Ditri

Hi, I'm Talitha from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. Talitha will show her collage artwork. She focuses in expressing her thoughts and emotions in relation to the current pandemic situation.

Still Life Drawing by Calya

Hi, I'm Calya from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. Calya will show her progress within Still Life Drawing. She will shows her progress starting from sketch to 3-Dimensional representation through tonal value (shadow & highlight).

Still Life Drawing by Calya.pdf

Collages by Audrey Primadevi Subiakto

Hi, I'm Audrey from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. Audrey will show her Collage artwork. She focuses in expressing her thoughts and emotions in relation to the current pandemic situation.

Audrey Primadevi Subiakto.jpeg

Collages by Priscilla Rochelle Sembiring

Hi, I'm Cilla from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. Cilla will show her Collage artwork. She focuses in expressing her thoughts and emotions in relation to the current pandemic situation.

Priscilla Rochelle Sembiring.jpg

Still Life Drawing by Khayarra Alima Laksamana

Hi, I'm Khayara from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. Khayara will show her progress within Still Life Drawing. She will shows his progress starting from sketch to 3-Dimensional representation through tonal value (shadow & highlight).

Khayarra Alima Laksamana.pdf

Collages by Abilasha Maryam Sam Soedharto (Beebee)

Hello, my name is Beebee from Y7NZ and this is my Summative Assessment for Term 4 in Visual Arts. I chose this project because I think that surreal collage art works are quite fascinating. I also wanted to show how some people are feeling during lockdown which is basically what I tried to express in my collage. What’s a little interesting/challenging in this project was cutting all the pieces of paper that I wanted to put in my collage and how I only used 1 old magazine. I had to be precise in cutting and the magazine was actually very artistic. From this project, I learned that everything has a process.


Collages by Mikaela Natascha Hartono

Hi, I'm Mikaela from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. Mikaela will shows her experimental approach on her collages, where she express her thoughts and emotions in relation to the current pandemic situation.

Mikaela Natascha Hartono.pdf


Digital Illustration by Rafael Martin Sulistyo

Hi, I'm Rafael from Sekolah Cikal Setu. Rafael will shows his progress within the Digital Illustration class where he shows his hobby through his illustration

Error.404 - Rafael Martin Sulistyo_Digital Illustration Summativepng.png

Abrar Widyadana Chandrawulan - Digital Illustration

Hi, I'm Abrar from Year 8, this artwork was made for the 4th term summative assessment in Digital illustration. Where I illustrated my hobby, which is playing football.

Abrar - Digital Illustration.png

MARI KITA GOTONG ROYONG BERSIHKAN SUNGAI! (an environmental comic) by Hikaru Balint Madani

My comic is about two cat trying to drink water from the river. The trash and litter in the river are preventing them from drinking the river water. So they decided to clean the river themselves.

DWARF PLANET POSTER by Niara Fleurie Az-zahra Sarifaseha

I made a poster about a dwarf planet named ceres, ceres is a dwarf planet but it is also the largest asteroid in the main asteroid belt ceres was discovered on January 1, 1801 it is also the first asteroid to be discovered. I made the poster using canva but i made the drawing of the ceres on a piece of paper with a 2b pencil, for the drawing. I chose this project to be showcase because this is the project i'm very proud of. Some of the challenges that I face when doing this project is when chosing what solar system object to draw, I kept changing the object many times because its either that they are hard to draw or there is no full description about it but in the end I kept searching and chose ceres as the object to draw. In the process of making the project I learned that I should trust the process and not worry too much about the final result.

SOCIAL DISTANCING COMIC by Safaraz Abdurrahman Shafiy

The comic is about social distancing, it only has 1 page and 6 panels. the comic depicts the message which is to not sit next to each other in public. i drew and sketch using Autodesk sketchbook and decorate using Canva.


Hi, I am Jonathan and this product is a 2 paged poster which is filled with instructions on how to make the tote-bag. This project is done for 1 semester or 2 terms, from term 3 to term 4, on term 3 it was more on theory and how to make it (design planning, aesthetic, fabric used, developing the idea, etc.) and then on the 4th term we start making it. This is all hand sewn so it might look a bit messy, at first the planning was using a sewing machine but that did not work out, so I sewed by hand. Why did I choose this project to be showcased? I think this project is what I think is quite presentable to other people, and people can try to make it at home.

Omar V. Abidin_Y8AW__Design_ Anti-Plastic Bag Research.pdf


My Poster is about the planet Mars, which is the 4th planet in the solar system. the reason I choose this is because I think mars was interesting due to it's possibility that life may have once flourish in there and also so many interesting geological features such as deep canyons and tall mountains. in this project I have to draw a rough sketch of it and use it as a picture for the poster, not using pictures found on the internet. but we can use it as extra referance or just a side-by-side comparison of the real thing and the drawing.

one of the challenges during the subject is shading the planes, I didn't want my drawing looks so randomized on the shading while also trying to be more detailed so most of my references is usually the part where the darker areas on mars are more visible from space, giving me more ease in shading my planet drawing.

The 4th Planet.pdf


My Poster is about the planet Mars, which is the 4th planet in the solar system. the reason I choose this is because I think mars was interesting due to it's possibility that life may have once flourish in there and also so many interesting geological features such as deep canyons and tall mountains. in this project I have to draw a rough sketch of it and use it as a picture for the poster, not using pictures found on the internet. but we can use it as extra referance or just a side-by-side comparison of the real thing and the drawing.

one of the challenges during the subject is shading the planes, I didn't want my drawing looks so randomized on the shading while also trying to be more detailed so most of my references is usually the part where the darker areas on mars are more visible from space, giving me more ease in shading my planet drawing.

The 4th Planet.pdf


This poster is about earth's natural satellite, which is the moon. i chose the moon because it was the first thing i think of when i saw the assignment, the challenges i came across are when i didn't know how to draw the dark part of moon, i overcame this by searching some images of the moons on google. i learned that the moonis the fifth largest satellite on the solar system.

SOLAR SYSTEM POSTER by Nawal Patrisha Aksanisari Dimiko

This is my summative for visual art and science class, I made a poster about the moon with a shaded drawing of the moon that I drawn. The challenges that I faced throughout making this poster is probably the motivation to finish it.

poster science x va .png

THE COOL MOON POSTER by Sarah Aliya Rusydi

My project is a poster about the earth's moon. I chose it because it was the first thing to come to mind, and because other plants/moons are too complex. How I did it was by taking a reference picture, drew the moon with said reference, then made the poster on Canva.

swag moon poster.jpg

Still Life Drawing by Btari Kinar Dahayu

Hi, I'm Btari from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. Btari will shows her progress within Still Life drawing. She will shows her progress starting from sketch to 3-Dimensional representation through tonal value (shadow & highlight).

Btari - VA term 3 - Still Life.jpg

Still Life Drawing by Adheesha Satria Primaharsya

Hi, I'm Adheesha from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. Adheesha will shows her progress in Still Life drawing within term 3. She will shows her progress starting from sketch to 3-Dimensional representation through tonal value (shadow & highlight).

Adheesha Satria Primaharsya - Still Life Drawing.jpg

Collage by Jonathan Christian

Hi, I'm Jonathan from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. Jonathan will show his drawing concept of his collage artwork that he made in Term 4, where he learns how to express his thoughts and emotions in relation to the current pandemic situation.

Jonathan Christian - Collage.jpg

Collage by Audrey Grizelda Partakusuma

Hi, I'm Audrey from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. In this project Audrey learned how to express her thoughts and emotions in relation to the current pandemic situation. Through her artwork, she tries express the importance of the 'real life superheroes' such as doctors and nurses out there.

Audrey Grizelda Partakusuma.jpg

Still Life Drawing by Binar Aqlia Semesta

The product I chose to showcase in this exhibition is my final visual art still life drawing. I chose this project to be showcased mainly because I think I did pretty well and i like how it turned out. I love how we learned about tonal value because i think that tonal value is very important to an art piece and it looks amazing. I wasn't able to shade it to make it three-dimensional and I couldn't get the pencil tones correct. But I was able to overcome this obstacle by simply practicing and studying how shadows work. After some trials, I was able to shade it and finish my final product.

Binar - Still Life.png
Summative: Still Life Drawing

Collage by Admiral Caessario Reynaldo

My project is a collage that expresses my thought during this covid-19 pandemic. I make covid-19 pandemic collages because I always thinking how tired the doctor/nurse to help covid-19 patient during this pandemic.


Collage by Kayla Puan Maharani

Hi, I'm Kayla from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. And here is my collage artwork that I've mad in term 4, where I express my thoughts and emotions in relation to the current pandemic situation.

Kayla - Collage.jpeg

Still Life Drawing by Nasywa Gadiza Nathaniela

Hi, I'm Nasywa from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. In this project I learn about Tonal value and Still life Drawing technique. The most challenging part is the tonal value, however, I managed to overcome this through practice and research.

Nasywa Gadiza - Still Life Drawing - Term 3.jpeg

to read the explanation please open the file below

Nasywa Gadiza Nathaniela_Product description_Virtual Gallery.pdf

Surrealism Collage by Ayesha Putri Muhammad

Hi, I'm Ayesha from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. Ayesha will show her collage artwork. She focuses in expressing her thoughts and emotions in relation to the current pandemic situation.

Ayesha Putri Muhammad - Collage.png

Drawings/Sketches for Practicing Shading by Azzura Veda Arini Wibowo

Hi, I'm Azzura from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. This is a drawing of a crown with a knife leaning against it. I made it by drawing on paper with a pencil and shaded the drawing with a blending tool. The crown was inspired by the current version of the Empire State Crown which was created in 1937 and is now owned by Queen Elizabeth II. I chose this drawing to be showcased because I thought that I should share the meaning of it. I tried to represent "abuse of power" through this drawing. The crown represents the power someone can use, and the knife is something that could be used by someone for good or evil.

Azzura Veda Arini Wibowo.png

Collage by Aiesha Kehara Heather Ryan

Hi, I'm Aiesha from Visual Art class in Sekolah Cikal Setu. I made this product by cutting some papers and wrote some sentences. I chose those sentences because those are some sentences that I got from other people, sometimes saying how i'm too loud or I talk too much but even if people don't mean it, it still makes me sad how people think of me as loud especially in a negative way. I got the doodle from a marvel comics that I had for almost two years, I choose the girl in the middle because I really like her style and she also resembles me. I chose this collage to show because I am proud of this collage and I made this collage to help me let out the feelings I kept after people told me these.

Aiesha - Collage.jpeg


Film Trailer Remake - A Quite Place by Group 1 :

Nihlah Assegaf, Altaf Farzana, Damien Invictus Tashkara Tumbelaka, Lintang Sasihastha Aviyahumaira

In this Y9-10 Arts program which focused on Media studies, students has successfully completed a film trailer remake in Semester 1 with different role as director, editor, cinematographer, and writer then continued with a final collaboration with Arts - Music students as the music director/sound engineer. Students aim to re-produce the film trailer with their own interpretation of new genre and style with covid-19 protocols and distancing collaboration creatively in a 1-2 mins video length result.

A Quiet Place Remake - Group 1.mp4

Similar but Not Similar - Visual Approaches to Reality by Dyandra Aulia Daanisy

To communicate ideas and personal experience through Joseph Kosuth's three-way code of approach to reality. By combining visual interpretation and language involvement, simply to help the viewers perceive the artwork differently.


Film Trailer Remake - Split by Group 2:

Amartya Rahman Amri, Ayala Bonamy Schulz, Muhammad Rakamulya Alifansyah, Rafa Pradipta Ali Wisnutomo

In this Y9-10 Arts program which focused on Media studies, students has successfully completed a film trailer remake in Semester 1 with different role as director, editor, cinematographer, and writer then continued with a final collaboration with Arts - Music students as the music director/sound engineer. Students aim to re-produce the film trailer with their own interpretation of new genre and style with covid-19 protocols and distancing collaboration creatively in a 1-2 mins video length result.


Film Trailer Remake - Searching by Group 3 :

Bhakti Rama Prawira, Mareska Zairdra Tarigan, Muhammad Aryo Bimo Wicaksono, Renata Harleyna Putri Aryadiepa

In this Y9-10 Arts program which focused on Media studies, students has successfully completed a film trailer remake in Semester 1 with different role as director, editor, cinematographer, and writer then continued with a final collaboration with Arts - Music students as the music director/sound engineer. Students aim to re-produce the film trailer with their own interpretation of new genre and style with covid-19 protocols and distancing collaboration creatively in a 1-2 mins video length result.

Searching (2018) Trailer REMAKE by film director Bhakti Y9 Media 2021_1080p.mp4

Indonesian Folktale Illustrated Compilation Book by Digital Illustration B students :

Aliya Nissa Nadya, Altaf Farzana, Caecilia Laura Putri Budiane, Callista Angel louistiawan, Genina Maira Putranti, Kimberly Fleischa Siasi, Mareska Zairdra Tarigan, Rayanda Sachi Sadira, Renata Harleyna Putri Aryadiepa, Respati Prasidya Bramono


Film Trailer Remake - Sprinter by Keitaro Abraham Pane

In this Y9-10 Arts program which focused on Media studies, students has successfully completed a film trailer remake in Semester 1 with different role as director, editor, cinematographer, and writer then continued with a final collaboration with Arts - Music students as the music director/sound engineer. Students aim to re-produce the film trailer with their own interpretation of new genre and style with covid-19 protocols and distancing collaboration creatively in a 1-2 mins video length result.


Film Trailer Remake - Sprinter by Altaf Rashan Hoesein

In this Y9-10 Arts program which focused on Media studies, students has successfully completed a film trailer remake in Semester 1 with different role as director, editor, cinematographer, and writer then continued with a final collaboration with Arts - Music students as the music director/sound engineer. Students aim to re-produce the film trailer with their own interpretation of new genre and style with covid-19 protocols and distancing collaboration creatively in a 1-2 mins video length result.

Film Trailer Remake - Sprinter by Muhammad Farrel Satyarana Irfandri

In this Y9-10 Arts program which focused on Media studies, students has successfully completed a film trailer remake in Semester 1 with different role as director, editor, cinematographer, and writer then continued with a final collaboration with Arts - Music students as the music director/sound engineer. Students aim to re-produce the film trailer with their own interpretation of new genre and style with covid-19 protocols and distancing collaboration creatively in a 1-2 mins video length result.

Film Trailer Remake - Sprinter by Ravkhandra Akbar Rachman

In this Y9-10 Arts program which focused on Media studies, students has successfully completed a film trailer remake in Semester 1 with different role as director, editor, cinematographer, and writer then continued with a final collaboration with Arts - Music students as the music director/sound engineer. Students aim to re-produce the film trailer with their own interpretation of new genre and style with covid-19 protocols and distancing collaboration creatively in a 1-2 mins video length result.

Film Trailer Remake - 12 Years of Slave by Daviano Evan Faro Hazeki Siahaan

In this Y9-10 Arts program which focused on Media studies, students has successfully completed a film trailer remake in Semester 1 with different role as director, editor, cinematographer, and writer then continued with a final collaboration with Arts - Music students as the music director/sound engineer. Students aim to re-produce the film trailer with their own interpretation of new genre and style with covid-19 protocols and distancing collaboration creatively in a 1-2 mins video length result.

Film Trailer Remake - Blackkklansman by Dzaky Rizqullah Gaswara

In this Y9-10 Arts program which focused on Media studies, students has successfully completed a film trailer remake in Semester 1 with different role as director, editor, cinematographer, and writer then continued with a final collaboration with Arts - Music students as the music director/sound engineer. Students aim to re-produce the film trailer with their own interpretation of new genre and style with covid-19 protocols and distancing collaboration creatively in a 1-2 mins video length result.

Film Trailer Remake - Blackkklansman by Zeldano Shan Oeffie

In this Y9-10 Arts program which focused on Media studies, students has successfully completed a film trailer remake in Semester 1 with different role as director, editor, cinematographer, and writer then continued with a final collaboration with Arts - Music students as the music director/sound engineer. Students aim to re-produce the film trailer with their own interpretation of new genre and style with covid-19 protocols and distancing collaboration creatively in a 1-2 mins video length result.

Film Trailer Remake - Blackkklansman by Muhammad Agraprana Mahendradatta

In this Y9-10 Arts program which focused on Media studies, students has successfully completed a film trailer remake in Semester 1 with different role as director, editor, cinematographer, and writer then continued with a final collaboration with Arts - Music students as the music director/sound engineer. Students aim to re-produce the film trailer with their own interpretation of new genre and style with covid-19 protocols and distancing collaboration creatively in a 1-2 mins video length result.

Film Trailer Remake - Blackkklansman by Zenith Kenzy Daffa Andi Casnoto

In this Y9-10 Arts program which focused on Media studies, students has successfully completed a film trailer remake in Semester 1 with different role as director, editor, cinematographer, and writer then continued with a final collaboration with Arts - Music students as the music director/sound engineer. Students aim to re-produce the film trailer with their own interpretation of new genre and style with covid-19 protocols and distancing collaboration creatively in a 1-2 mins video length result.

Film Trailer Remake - 12 Years of Slave by Gavin Philisiano Hanafiah

In this Y9-10 Arts program which focused on Media studies, students has successfully completed a film trailer remake in Semester 1 with different role as director, editor, cinematographer, and writer then continued with a final collaboration with Arts - Music students as the music director/sound engineer. Students aim to re-produce the film trailer with their own interpretation of new genre and style with covid-19 protocols and distancing collaboration creatively in a 1-2 mins video length result.

Film Trailer Remake - 12 Years of Slave by Jade Helena Halderman

In this Y9-10 Arts program which focused on Media studies, students has successfully completed a film trailer remake in Semester 1 with different role as director, editor, cinematographer, and writer then continued with a final collaboration with Arts - Music students as the music director/sound engineer. Students aim to re-produce the film trailer with their own interpretation of new genre and style with covid-19 protocols and distancing collaboration creatively in a 1-2 mins video length result.

Film Trailer Remake - 12 Years of Slave by Zaki Noufal Rahmadya

In this Y9-10 Arts program which focused on Media studies, students has successfully completed a film trailer remake in Semester 1 with different role as director, editor, cinematographer, and writer then continued with a final collaboration with Arts - Music students as the music director/sound engineer. Students aim to re-produce the film trailer with their own interpretation of new genre and style with covid-19 protocols and distancing collaboration creatively in a 1-2 mins video length result.

Compilation Work by Zeldano Shan Oeffie

I will show you the galleries of the projects I have worked on in the media program, along with behind the scenes or the process of making the summative projects that I have worked on.

behind the scene of my project.MP4
project 4How It Happened?.MP4

Contemporary Art by Salma Fatimah

in this semester Y10 students learned about Contemporary Arts in visual art, then they tried to make their own "every day" art based on their experience, thoughts, and feelings, towards current happenings in their daily lives.

VA Salma Virtual Gallery

Contemporary Art by Farrah Zabreena Belle Synarso

in this semester Y10 students learned about Contemporary Arts in visual art, then they tried to make their own "every day" art based on their experience, thoughts, and feelings, towards current happenings in their daily lives.

Visual Art


Hidden Personas by Laras Utami Tunggadewi

Virtual gallery- Laras
virtual gallery.heic


KAMANUNGSAN (Humanity) by DP Visual Arts Year 12 students

Kamanungsan or could easily be translated as Humanity is an exploration and self reflection on the values and history of being human, delivered through contemporary art forms.

Kamanungsan showcases both the bitter truth of human struggles throughout history while also highlighting and celebrates the ideas of peace. The exhibition aims to show ramifications of both internal and external conflicts dating back from 1950’s to the modern day, the complexities of human nature, and it’s toll to both individuals and communities of sizes. The use of the word Kamanungsan aims to reflect the changes and civilizations that occur in Indonesia through the topics and issues they raise as a generation of young artists in the new era.

Kamanungsan views on issues that are diverse and unbiased, focusing on showing both sides of the conflict rather than standing behind one.

Kamanungsan_DP VA 12 Virtual Exhibition