Mengukur Tinggi Badan dengan satuan Non Standar (Jengkal dan Stik Es Krim) by Muhammad Jibril Arfakhsyad Mirza

This is Arfa, a Year 1 student of Sekolah Cikal Surabaya. For his Science Functional Program, Arfa shows his best in using non standard and standard measurement tools to gather the information. Here, Arfa decided to use his handprints and ice cream sticks as non-standard measurement tool to measure his height. He also use cord to show his length and measure the height by pasting the handprints from the top to the bottom of the cord and the ice cream sticks at the next side as the comparison. Arfa tried his best to present the information from this activity at the end of the presentation with support and guidance from the teachers and parents.

Mengukur Tinggi Badan by Arfa Y1B.mp4

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Aimee Vidhyadari Hadi

Aimee Vidhyadari Hadi.mp4

My Simple Machine by Rega Farzan Argani

listen to Rega's project description here:

Simple machine rega.mp4

Let's Reduce Reuse Recycle! by Salsabilla Rhaihanah Hadiatmoko

On this playground of learning journey, I chose Science as the subject and the project is about 3R campaign. 3R stands for reduce, reuse, and recycle. In the first semester I learned that we all need to save the Earth. There are many ways that we can do to save the Earth. Here are some examples of my daily activity to save the Earth. First, I try to reduce plastic waste by buying products that comes from other than plastic. Second, I also bring my own bag when shopping. Third, I try to make something out of waste, we usually call it recycle. Our Earth is so full of plastic waste, let's save the Earth. It is not easy but when do small things to save the Earth it will be impactful. For the product, I chose to make a doll house from the cardboard. I made it because I could find many unused cardboards around me. Then, I also could reduce the use of waste in my house. It’s fun to do. You should try it too. You can explore unused materials around you and make it into something new. If it is not us, who’s going to be responsible to save our earth?

Let's Reduce Reuse Recycle - Salsabilla .mp4

Inclined Plane Simple Machine Project by Kathan Akiel Baluel

For Science project, Kathan as a Junior Scientist made a product of simple machine. Kathan created diorama slides in the playground using inclined plane simple machine. It was made by origami, stick ice cream, and carton. When he put lego toys on the slides, it will going down. It helps him to understand that he could move things down easier and faster by using inclined plane.

Video Inclined Plane Kathan.mp4

Pulley Simple Machine Project by Denzel Bimasakti Harisbudion

For Science project, Denzel as a Junior Scientist made a product of simple machine. Denzel created diorama lift in the house using pulley simple machine. It was made by used shoebox for the house, toy for things to lift, wheel from bottle cap and rope. When he pull the rope, it will lift the toys up. It helps him to understand that he could lift things easier and faster by using pulley.

Video presentation Denzel.mp4


to listen the explanation please play the voice note below.

Tabina explain about subject showcase.m4a
Tabina science needle simple machine.mp4

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Senaru Andratama Harith Ahmad Pontoh

to listen the explanation please play the voice note below.

Senaru Reflection.ogg

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Nicholas Syailendra Sahusilawane

to listen the explanation please play the voice note below.

Nico, voice rec playground of learning-1.m4a

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Alyssa Zivara Jakiasta

Alyssa's Reflection
My Movie

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Nashua Imena Madrim

to listen the explanation please play the voice note below.

Madrim Reflection.mp3
Madrim's Simple Machine

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Arletta Adi Nugroho

Arletta's Reflection.pdf
Arletta's Simple Machine Presentation.MOV

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Aini Zafhira Putri

Hello my name is Aira. I'm year 1 from Sekolah Cikal Serpong. My project is Pulley. Pulley used to help lift loads. Thank you


MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Lunetta Alesha Callandra

to listen the explanation please play the voice note below.

Reflection Science.m4a
Lunetta Alesha

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Gandharva Adigarna Rusdi

Playground of learning - Garva.jpg
Garva-simple machine.mp4

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Beau Makkah Arie

This is my project explanation

Video Science.mp4

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Kenzie Jenthara Santano

Refleksi Kenzie
Kenzie - Simple Machine.mp4

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Gladys Kiranaratri Setiawan

Hi, my name is Gladys and I choose "Simple Machine" to be displayed in the Playground of Learning because I love Science and doing Art and Craft. For my final project, I made a Pulley out of used materials. I hope you like my project!

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Numma Kaura Darusman Prasetio

Hi, my name is Numma and I choose "Simple Machine" to be displayed in the Playground of Learning because I love Science and doing Art and Craft. For my final project, I made a Lever out of used materials. I hope you like my project!

Numma’s Simple Machine Video.MOV

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Alyssa Athalia Hidayat

Alyssa Athalia Y1
Simple Machine Project - Alyssa Athalia Hidayat - Y1 Autumn.mp4

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Shandia Tsaqif Purbo

Hi, my name is Shandia and I choose "Simple Machine" to be displayed in the Playground of Learning because I like learning about Science. For my final project, I made a Pulley from my toys. I hope you like my project!


MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Hazelio Ozan Maritza Prihadi

Hi, my name is Ozan and I choose "Simple Machine" to be displayed in the Playground of Learning because I like learning about Science. For my final project, I made a Pulley from used materials. I hope you like my project!

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Aini Zakhira Putri

Hi, my name is Rara and I choose "Simple Machine" to be displayed in the Playground of Learning because I love Science and doing Art and Craft. For my final project, I made an Inclined Plane out of used materials. I hope you like my project!


MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Elora Timur Pattiwael

To listen to the explanation, please play this file:


MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Hadi Nikola Zamzami

refleksi Niko
Hadi Nikola Zamzami.mp4

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Rayden Aslan Wiryokusumo

Science program.pptx
Rayden Summative

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Nadhira Thafana

Nadhira Summative Science.mp4

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Koen Amaryllis Kara

To listen to the explanation, please play this file:

WhatsApp Audio 2021-05-25 at 18.47.17.ogg
Kara Summative Science.mp4

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Zefanya Kayla Bangun

Playground of Learning Zefanya.pptx
Zefanya POL.mp4

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Muhammad Alisabian

To listen to the explanation, please play this file:

Bian refleksi.m4a
Bian Summative Science.mp4

MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Nashmia Zalvasyareefa


MY SIMPLE MACHINE by Athaya Alkhalifi Kennard

Simple machines Kennard year 1

Aksha's Exploration: Living Things and Non-Living Things by Akshara Bumi Benzema

For Science project, Aksha as a little professor did some exploration in his surroundings. Aksha found some living things and non living things around him. Aksha observed the characteristics of each of thing and concluded the category they belong to. Then, Aksha presented his findings and explain about what category does each of thing belong to and also their characteristics. Aksha now understands what are the differences between living and non-living things and likes to share his knowledge to many friends.

Akshara's Presentation.mp4


Science Fair by all Y2 students

This is the final project of Y2 in science program. Students learn about ecosystem and how human action has an impact to ecosystem sustainability. They also learn how to observe and record finding about the environmental problems, collect and record data with scientific experiences. The students is also being challenged to choose their own solution about the ecosystem problems. Please give constructive feedback comment and like to each students' projects!

Diorama (Moon) by Muhammad Keandra Aryaguna Ananta


Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Oliver Mohammad Amal

This is a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program. The students made a campaign video about how to keep bones and muscles healthy using their Science knowledge.

Oliver Mohammad Amal

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Katrina Aurellia Josephine

This is a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program. The students made a campaign video about how to keep bones and muscles healthy using their Science knowledge.

Katrina Aurellia Josephine

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Alano Narathama Dewantoro

This is a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program. The students made a campaign video about how to keep bones and muscles healthy using their Science knowledge.

Alano Narathama Dewantoro

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Renata Kayleen Abielle Lingga

This is a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program. The students made a campaign video about how to keep bones and muscles healthy using their Science knowledge.

Renata Kayleen Abielle Lingga

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Dhia Adhyastha Pohan

This is a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program. The students made a campaign video about how to keep bones and muscles healthy using their Science knowledge.

Dhia Adhyastha Pohan

Let's Learn about Bones, Muscles, and How to Keep it Healthy by Keenan Syathir Rafisqy

This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. Keenan wants to tell his friends to keep their bones and muscles healthy and give the information about the name of bones and muscles to use for doing his favorite activity which is swimming.

Reflection Videos.mp4
Keenan - video

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Shafiyyah Sidqia Putri Indradewa

This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. This project also a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program

Shafiyyah Sidqia Putri Indradewa

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Eshan Naveed Achmadi

This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. This project also a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program

Eshan Naveed Achmadi

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Kimberly Davine Pesik

This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. This project also a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program

Kimberly Davine Pesik.mp4

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Altair Muhammad Nabil

.This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. This project also a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program

Altair Muhammad Nabil

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Azka Nesiaraya

This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. This project also a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program.

Azka Nesiaraya

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Aaqil Omar

This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. This project also a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program.

Aaqil Omar

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Alaric Rega Arefi

This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. This project also a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program.

Alaric Rega Arefi

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Aleksy Ahva Agate

This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. This project also a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program.

Aleksy Ahva Agate

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Althea Desmoariana

This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. This project also a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program.

Althea Desmoariana

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Anschellenno Vedaraja Pradityo

This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. This project also a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program.

Anschellenno Vedaraja Pradityo

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Ayunda Hilda Renjani

This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. This project also a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program.

Ayunda Hilda Renjani

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Cut Nadya Athaya Louella

This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. This project also a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program.

Cut Nadya Athaya Louella

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Ezra Christopher Emanuel

This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. This project also a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program.

Ezra Christopher Emanuel

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Fiorella Amaranta

This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. This project also a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program.

Fiorella Amaranta

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Rafif Anindya Darismanto

This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. This project also a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program.

Rafif Anindya Darismanto

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Shakila Gizel Aktakalila

This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. This project also a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program.

Shakila Gizel Aktakalila

Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Shanuma Janitra Putri Kurniady

This is a campaign video that tells the importance of bone and muscles in daily life, what bones and muscles that we used for a certain activity, and how to keep our bones and muscles healthy. This project also a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program.

Shanuma Janitra Putri Kurniady

My Skeletal system by Deidre Kinanthi Pratisthadewi

In this activity, Deidre made her own skeletal model and explain the function of each bones in the human body.

eb354798d5af46d6a6d3d927078f0d17 (2).mov

My Skeletal system by Shadyaksa Alevatha Bayusuta

In this activity, students create a skeletal system model and explain the function of each bones in their body.



Water Pollution Audiobook by Xiselita Khansa Gazali

My project is about water pollution which nowadays seems like a big and alarming problem in the world. The steps that i do to make a audiobook is to research for some relevant information, add text, add images, and maybe add some audio to the book so it can make it more fun and more informative. I made the audiobook using Book Creator application. I chose to explain and present this Book is because I want a lot of people to be realize that if all of us kept throwing trash to the water, all of the living thing in the water will die little by little.When the marine organisms die, it will impact the balance of marine ecosystem.

Digestive System by Jasmine Queen Spire

Our body contains some sophisticated systems, each of which carries out a certain process which is necessary for everyday living. In this video, Jasmine will expose how our body breaks down some food we eat to create energy. She shows all organs taking part in digestive system and explains every step of the process conducted in the system. Jasmine also informs some problems that may happen in digestive system with some possible solutions. She invites us to maintain the health of our incredible digestive system in order to have a good life.

Jasmine Queen Spire.mp4

Digestive System by M. Satrio Permadi

Our body contains some sophisticated systems, each of which carries out a certain process which is necessary for everyday living. In this video, Rio will expose how our body breaks down some food we eat to create energy. He shows all organs taking part in digestive system and explains every step of the process conducted in the system. Rio also informs some problems that may happen in digestive system with some possible solutions. He invites us to maintain the health of our incredible digestive system in order to have a good life.

Rio digestive

Digestive System by Aurelia Yuna Aisyah

Our body contains some sophisticated systems, each of which carries out a certain process which is necessary for everyday living. In this poster, Aurel invites us to maintain the health of our incredible digestive system in order to have a good life.


Digestive System by Senandung Cellomita

Our body contains some sophisticated systems, each of which carries out a certain process which is necessary for everyday living. In this video, Cello will expose how our body breaks down some food we eat to create energy. She shows all organs taking part in digestive system and explains every step of the process conducted in the system. Cello also informs some problems that may happen in digestive system with some possible solutions. She invites us to maintain the health of our incredible digestive system in order to have a good life.


Digestive System by Gavin Rasyid Narajati

Our body contains some sophisticated systems, each of which carries out a certain process which is necessary for everyday living. In this video, Gavin will expose how our body breaks down some food we eat to create energy. He shows all organs taking part in digestive system and explains every step of the process conducted in the system. Gavin also informs some problems that may happen in digestive system with some possible solutions. He invites us to maintain the health of our incredible digestive system in order to have a good life.


Air Pollution Poster by Syabillah Dyisa

This is collaborated project of Science and English Acquisition. The students makes a poster about how to Safe the Earth. Dyisa learns how to reduce air, water and soil pollution. She chooses to make a poster and mentions several ways to reduce air pollution. Furthermore, by understanding the information about the pollution will help the student to protect the environment.

WhatsApp Image 2021-05-25 at 08.53.40.jpeg

Heart Pump Model by Affan Dzaka Berwyn Pambudi

Learning human body system is amazing. In this video Dzaka is making heart model using transparent hose and used water bottle. By doing this experiment, student is encouraged to have better understanding about how human heart works. In the video, the student explains that the heart has two features that keep blood flowing in the right direction. These are chambers and valves. Chambers fill with blood, then squeeze to pump the blood out.

Dzaka Circulatory

Air Pollution Audiobook by Niko Prakasha Maizir

My project is a audio book about air pollution. I gathered all of the information I needed. Next, I wrote the information in my own words and made aa audio book using Book Creator. When I did my audio book about air pollution, my challenge was when I ran out of ideas then I solved this by doing more research on the internet. I learned the cause of air pollution and that air pollution can cause health problems. I also learn how we can decrease pollution.

Marine Food Chain by Aditya Manggala Kautsar

Aditya - SCI description.mp4
Ocean Ecosystem - Adit.pdf

Land and Sea Environment by Adrian Bonaro Elfrino

This Sciences video explain about the differences between various physical environment. Bonaro chooses to explain about the differences of land and sea. Bonaro mentions various animals and plants in the land and sea.

Adrian Bonaro Elfrino - sciences.mp4

The Digestive System 101 by Chesta Riskya Hardo Supatyo

Chesta's explanation about the project

Chesta - SCI description.png
Movie on 5-27-21 at 11.27

Wetland Diorama by Bianca Kirana Rembulan

My project is about Ecosystem. I made a wetland diorama. I used toys, a box, and paint. I also used clay to make the alligator, the rocks and the water lillies. I then paint them. I made the reed using cotton bud and stick on top of a wet clay. I ordered the trees the grass and the blue water sand online. I painted the base brown for the soil put glue to stick the water and grass the blue glitter on water is like sunlight on the water. the gold glitter on trees and water lillys are fireflies. I made the grassy part thicker for the tortoise to play. I choose this because I had so much fun making it and i'm very proud of what I did.

wetland 5.mp4

The Digestive System by Messi


My Dream House for Better Future by Pedro Atharizz Ardyastha

pedro's reflection.pdf
Y4 SERPONG - Pedro

My Dream House for Better Future by Adlinka Vox

Adlinka's Reflection.jpeg

My Dream House for Better Future by Jazeera Agra Andrian

Agra Reflection Y4-Summative Science Term 4

My Dream House for Better Future by Mikail Rasyefki

Mikail of Reflection Y4-Summative Science Term 4

My Dream House for Better Future by Varick Rola Makki
Reflection Y4-Summative Science Term 4

My Dream House for Better Future by Dante Parisya Aryoseno

Dante - Video Summative Science
Dante - Reflection Y4-Summative Science Term 4

My Dream House for Better Future by Bambu Anakin Pattisahusiwa

Y4 SERPONG - Bambu Anakin P- Science energy.mp4
bambu's reflection.pdf

My Dream House for Better Future by Keanu Rakaditya Putra


My Dream House for Better Future by Raechyla Elora Minjee Sitinjak

Chila reflection Y4-Summative Science Term 4
Chila home future science.MOV

My Dream House for Better Future by Safina Ameera Nurhikmat
Safina Reflection Y4-Summative Science Term 4

My Dream House for Better Future by Kareem Khalifa Rasyid

_Kareem-Reflection Y4-Summative Science Term 4.pdf

My Dream House for Better Future by Athar Kavian Ardiansyah

athar's reflection.pdf
Y4 Serpong - Athar

My Dream House for Better Future by Abiseka Kiano Harahap

Kiano Reflection Y4-Summative Science Term 4

My Dream House for Better Future by Indera Arfitra Pohan

Y4 SERPONG - Indera Arfi Pohan.mp4
Arfi's reflection.pdf

Sustainable City Design - Solar Power by Chelsea Selena

This is my science project. I learned about renewable energy. I'm interested with solar energy, so I did a research about it. I also designed and made a sustainable city which uses solar energy to supply the electricity to the buildings.

Chelsea Y4A_Science_Virtual Gallery.heic

Science Experiment: The Effect of Full Moon towards Seas by Ghaniyyu Arkan Wanara

In this activity, Arkan uses his research skills to investigate his inquiry on the effect of The Moon's motion towards tides. Arkan does a mini experiment to prove how Full Moon affects rising population of fish in the seas.

WhatsApp Video 2021-05-27 at 13.14.26 (3).mp4

My Dream House for a Better Future by Farah Maemee Sarofa

This is a Science project in which the students apply their understanding of renewable energy by making the diorama of their own future house. They made the planning, the design, the diorama of their own house, and the presentation video to explain the renewable energy resources used in their diorama and the impact of their houses to the environment and community.

Farah Y4C - Summative Project Journal

My Dream House for a Better Future by Kamila Daneen Subani

This is a Science project in which the students apply their understanding of renewable energy by making the diorama of their own future house. They made the planning, the design, the diorama of their own house, and the presentation video to explain the renewable energy resources used in their diorama and the impact of their houses to the environment and community.

Kamila Y4C - Summative Project Journal

My Dream House for a Better Future by Chindy Schatzi Queena

This is a Science project in which the students apply their understanding of renewable energy by making the diorama of their own future house. They made the planning, the design, the diorama of their own house, and the presentation video to explain the renewable energy resources used in their diorama and the impact of their houses to the environment and community.

Chindy Y4C - Summative Project Journal

My Dream House for a Better Future by Athaillah Baginda Sapta Ervian

This is a Science project in which the students apply their understanding of renewable energy by making the diorama of their own future house. They made the planning, the design, the diorama of their own house, and the presentation video to explain the renewable energy resources used in their diorama and the impact of their houses to the environment and community.

Baginda Y4A - Summative Project Journal

My Sustainable Village by Prinzly Savero Sanleif Aqila Achni

For science project I design sustainable village by my own. In my village there are my own house, parking lot, school and backyard, mall and hotel. My house, school and hotel are cuboid. But parking lot and mall are cube. My house surrounded by gardens. Parking lot also surrounded by trees. School also have backyard. Behind the mall there is a fish pond. People can feed the fish there. I made a huge sports field and park in the middle of my village, also flower garden. I made nuclear power plant for the village. The function of nuclear power plant is to supply the needs of electrical energy. In my village, electricity support by nuclear power plant.

Here is how nuclear power plants work.

1. Nuclear reactor creates heat that is used to make steam

2. The steam turns a turbine connected to an electromagnet, called a generator

3. The generator produces electricity

In this semester I learnt about non renewable and renewable energy. Non renewable energy includes coal, gas and oil. Those are available to us in limited quantities. They are made by burning fossil fuels to create energy. Renewable energy are solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, air energy, and water energy. Those are available in unlimited quantities. For example, wind energy is made when the wind moves the wind turbine. This movement creates wind energy which is converted into electrical energy.

Prinzly play ground.MOV

My Dream House for a Better Future by Muhammad Arsyad Akhtar

This is a Science project in which the students apply their understanding of renewable energy by making the diorama of their own future house. They made the planning, the design, the diorama of their own house, and the presentation video to explain the renewable energy resources used in their diorama and the impact of their houses to the environment and community.

Arsyad Y4A - Summative Project Journal

My Dream House for a Better Future by Ethaniel Arkaan van Druten

This is a Science project in which the students apply their understanding of renewable energy by making the diorama of their own future house. They made the planning, the design, the diorama of their own house, and the presentation video to explain the renewable energy resources used in their diorama and the impact of their houses to the environment and community.

Ethan Y4B - Summative Project Journal

Pendingin Portable by Quena Azka Madenia

Quena Reflection Y4-Formative Science Term 4
WhatsApp Video 2021-05-24 at 4.21.28 PM.mp4

My Dream House for a Better Future by Kayden Josner

This is a Science project in which the students apply their understanding of renewable energy by making the diorama of their own future house. They made the planning, the design, the diorama of their own house, and the presentation video to explain the renewable energy resources used in their diorama and the impact of their houses to the environment and community.

Kayden Y4B - Summative Project Journal

My Dream House for a Better Future by Halla Umar Afshana

This is a Science project in which the students apply their understanding of renewable energy by making the diorama of their own future house. They made the planning, the design, the diorama of their own house, and the presentation video to explain the renewable energy resources used in their diorama and the impact of their houses to the environment and community.

Halla Y4B - Summative Project Journal


Save Vaquita Dolphin by Danendra Ramiro Pratama Sukri

Save Vaquita Dolphin by Danendra Ramiro Pratama Sukri

Project ini berisi presentasi mengenai bagimana punahnya lumba-lumba vaquita. Dalam poster ini, Ramiro juga mengajak kita semua untuk membantu menyelamatkan lumba-lumba vaquita.

Save the vanquitta!.pdf

Kampanye Save Sea Animal From Plastic by Rasikh Azka Gemasih

Video pendek dan poster ajakan menyelamatkan laut. Video menjelaskan bagaimana sampah plastik bisa membunuh kehidupan laut. Kolaborasi Sciences dan Indonesian Acquisition. Azka mempresentasikan isu lingkungan tentang kehidupan laut yang terancam akibat sampah plastik.

Azka-Presentation Science.mkv

Light Switcher by Kenrana Nafisha Poerwo

RG machine

Stationary 500 Tool by Revano Atmantha

POV:Revano does his science work sus.mp4

Cat Feeding Machine by Shakira Rania Kirana Winurdi

Shakira Rube Goldberg

Rube Goldberg Machine by Afnan Nayottama Putra Candrawulan

Nayo Y5C Science(Rasmi Anindyojati_Y5D_Science)

Cat Feeder by Muhammad Aidan Ar'rayyan

Rayyan voice-over playground
Rayyan rube goldberg

Feed a Turtle Machine by Hadhira Arifa Hatman

Hadhira science showcase voice over
Hadhira RG

Rube Goldberg Machine by Ararya Zuri Widyatama

videoplayback (13).mp4

Rube Goldberg Machine by Kamal Tirtasasmita

Kamal-Rube Goldberg machine

Can Opener by Kaia Nararya Adhitia

Kaia-Rube Goldberg .MOV

Rube Goldberg Machine by Muhammad Argi Imrantama

Argi - Rube Goldberg video

Alarm Clock Turner by Jan Miro Batara Pletscher

Jan Miro Batara Pletscher.mp4

Fadli's Machine to Pour Snacks by Muhamad Fadli Antoni

Fadli- Rube Goldberg

Soccer Machine by Arvatarra Hayfa Keandra Utomo

Keandra - Rube Goldberg Machine

The Teabag in a Cup by Gwen Sabira Amabelle

Gwen science

Mommy's Little Helper by Abisha Aramia Finandra Wibowo

Aram’s science video

The Dog Feeder by Defi Dewi Witoelar

Defi rube goldberg machine

Food Delivery Machine by Muhammad Resya Athaaha Nafil Lubis

Resya Rube Goldberg Machine

Auto Transportation Milking System by Shane Ravello Pane

Ravello Goldberg Machine.mp4

Auto Transportation Milking System by Ibrahim Akmal Abdullah

Akmal Rube Goldberg

Flower Planters by Axel Gibrani Savero

Axel rube goldeberg machine video

The Ball and Clock Alarm by Maheswara Luthfan Agidio Sastroredjo

Luthfan Y5d science
Luthfan RB

The Reminder Machine by Arkaan Raoul Indrawan


The Semi-Auto Storing System by Mika Pratistha Maizir

Mika Maizir-Y5D-Science.m4a

The Elevator for Stuffs by Quisha Kaleabia Sarra Losafin

Quisha’s Rube Goldberg

The Door Alarm by M. Arief Anarghia

Arief Rube Goldberg .mov

The Light Killer Machine (Sleep Edition) by Natandaru Ahmad Aldhiharto

Natandaru Ahmad Aldhiharto_Y5D_Science.m4a
Aldhi Y5D Rube Goldberg Machine_2021_05_03_13_26_19.mp4

The Door Closer by Gana Banyu Nazir

Gana Rube Goldberg Machine.mp4

Table Cleaner by Alina Lutfia Pramudita

Alina Pramudita_Y5D_Science.mp3
Alina RB Machine.mp4

The Easy Pouring Machine by Aurora Maica Madura

Maica’s Rube Goldberg machine.MOV

Rube Goldberg Machine - Automatic Page Turner by Nadhif Daffa Shafeeq

Daffa - RG Machine video

Drawing App (Aplikasi Menggambar) by Kiran Abdurrafi Rusydi

Coding Project_playground of learning 2021_Kiran Abdurrafi Rusydi

Catch the Monkey (Game) by Nathanael Aryasatya

My name is Nathanael Aryasatya, but you can call me Aryo. I am from Year 5 Sekolah Cikal Serpong. Today I want to share what I have learned in Coding program. Through this program I learned how to sharpen my creativity by creating a game. In this project, I made a game, titled "Catch the Monkey" by using blocks through an application named "Creater Mit edu". If you want to make a game like this, you can sign up with your google account and create your own game.

Play ground cikal 2021.mp4

Leaking Alarm Machine (Rube Goldberg Machine) by Sazkia Aqilarahma Indratno

Sazkia ★ Topik: Rube goldberg machine - Playground of Learning

Turtle Feeding Machine (Rube Goldberg Machine) by Dorothea Narsya Kim

Science_Virtual Gallery_Dorothea Narsya Kim
Narsya_Final Test Rube Goldberg Machine.mp4

My Cat Feeder 4000 (Rube Goldberg Machine) by Aslan Sumankalpa Adhypoetra

Halo, aku Aslan dari Y5 Sekolah Cikal Serpong. Aku mau membagikan pengalaman belajar science yang aku lakukan di kelas. Kami membuat project berupa Rube Goldberg machine.

Produk mesin aku ini adalah mesin untuk memberi makan kucing. Aku memanfaatkan beberapa jenis pesawat sederhana antara lain roda dan poros, tuas, katrol, baji, dan bidang miring pada mesinku. Mesin ini bisa otomatis, karena pengaktifnya adalah jam beker. Jam bekernya akan mendorong lakban, dan lakbannya akan jatuh tepat di atas gunting. Lakbannya jatuh, dan guntingnya memotong tali. Saat talinya terpotong, akan ada bola bekel yang menggelinding jatuh. Bola bekelnya akan jatuh di wadah plastik, membuat wadah plastiknya turun. Wadah plastiknya itu terhubung dengan katrol. Jadi, saat bagian wadah plastik turun, bagian sisi lainnya akan naik. Saat naik, dia akan memiringkan sendok makanan kucing yang terhubung dengannya dan tali yang tertempel di dinding, sehinggamengakibatkan makanan kucing didalamnya jatuh ke piring makanan kucing.

Dari project ini, aku belajar untuk bisa menemukan solusi dari permasalahan yang ada disekitarku. Bagian yang menantang buatku adalah saat aku harus menentukan pesawat sederhana apa saja untuk mesinku ini, karena aku ingin membuat mesin yang prosesnya cukup panjang.

cat feeder 4000

Eksploitasi Sumber Daya Alam di Kampung Halamanku di NTT by Muhammad Ronald Thonak

Virtual Gallery_Ronald

Cat Feeding Machine (Rube Goldberg Machine) by Sholla Damario Purbo

Science_Virtual Gallery_Sholla Damario Purbo
My rube goldberg machine.mp4

My Rube Goldberg Machine by Zhafif Kai Ayman

Hai, Namaku Zhafif Kai Ayman, aku siswa Y5 dari Sekolah Cikal Serpong. Aku mau berbagi tentang apa yang aku pelajari di program science. kami telah belajar beberapa topik seperti Force and Motion (Gaya dan gerakan), The Newton's Law (Hukum Newton), and Simple Machine (Pesawat sederhana). Kali ini aku membuat sebuah Rube Goldberg machine dengan mengkombinasikan beberapa simple machine.

Pada projek ini aku membuat semacam pembawa barang terinspirasi dari "cargo crane". Proses pembuatannya menurutku lumayan susah karena barang yang diangkut bisa jatuh dan rusak, sehingga aku harus memikirkan kemungkinan ini.

Dari proyek ini sekarang aku tahu cara membuat simple machine dan aku bisa prediksi mesinnya berkerja atau tidak. Aku sekarang tahu bahwa tidak semua pemberat bisa menangani berat cargo yang ditarik dan aku tahu sekarang fungsi katrol dan manfaatnya.

trial success 1.mp4

Video I (menggunakan 1 pemberat)

trial success 2.mp4

Video II (menggunakan 2 pemberat)

trial success 3.mp4

Video III (menggunakan 3 pemberat)

Newton's Third Law by Aleano Sitanggang

2021-05-31 10-55-43.mp4

Mesin Penuang Minuman (Rube Goldberg Machine) by Rasya Azka Putra Kencana

Hai, namaku Rasya Azka Putra Kencana. Aku mau berbagi tentang apa yang aku pelajari diprogram science, yaitu tentang simple machine. Kali ini aku membuat sebuah mesin penuang minuman dengan menggabungkan dua buah simple machine.

Virtual Gallery_Science_Rasya Azka Putra Kencana

My Alarm Machine (Rube Goldberg Machine) by Muhammad Zaki Rusmansyah

Hi, my Name is Muhammad Zaki Rusmansyah. I am a Y5 student from Sekolah Cikal Serpong. I want to share what I have learned in science this semester. We learn about Force and Motion, The Newton's Law, and Simple Machine. I made a Rube Goldberg machine as my project, my machine is an alarm.

I made this machine to help me wake up especially during Ramadhan, so I would not late for sahoor. I used lego, hot wheel track, and other things to make this alarm. The types of simple machine that I used are wheel and axle, inclined plane, and lever.

I feel happy because it is exciting to make a rube goldberg machine.

After creating this project, I feel most excited when trying out the machine because I want to see when the machine works. I need more effort when setting up the machine because the machine is hard to set up properly.


Kebakaran Hutan di Kalimantan (Video kampanye) by Azkadhia Kenzie Maulana

Virtual Gallery_Kenzie M
Video kampanye kebakaran hutan di kalimantan_Kenzie

Bird Feeding Machine (Rube Goldberg machine) by Abimanyu Putra Lande

Virtual Gallery_Science_Abimanyu

Door Opener (Rube Goldberg Machine) by Xavier Ayman Fahruli

Virtual Gallery_Rube Goldberg Machine_Xavier
Rube Goldberg machine_Vier.mp4

Perbedaan Hewan dan Tumbuhan by Hans Flobert Herwan Putra

Pada proyek sciences ini, murid belajar untuk menjelaskan perbedaan hewan dan tumbuhan. Hans memilih anjing sebagai hewan dan tumbuhan bunga terompet, sebagai topik yang ia jelaskan. Hans melakukan pengamatan terhadap anjing dan bunga terompet serta menyebutkan bagian-bagiannya. Berdasarkan pengamatannya, Hans mengidentifikasi perbedaan serta persamaan hewan dan tumbuhan dalam bentuk diagram venn.

Hans Flobert Herwan Putra - tumbuhan dan hewan.mp4


The Endangered Mahakam Dolphin by Adzaraya Syakiera

This project is a collaborative work between Sciences and Visual Art program. The student chooses a certain species in Indonesia that is endangered. Adzaraya Syakiera chooses Mahakam Dolphin as her topic to be delivered in her project. She finds the reasons why Mahakam Dolphin is categorized as endangered one, its habitat, its adaptation toward the environment, the diet and the threat. She conducts the research and presents her finding in the form of file presentation. She visualizes her finding as well in the form of digital animation. Her objective of doing her project is for gaining people awareness toward environment especially for the existence Mahakam Dolphin.

POLJ 2.png
POLJ 1.jpeg
POLJ 3.jpeg

Saving Pangolin by Dharma Yanti Eka Wahyuni

This project is a collaborative work between Sciences and Visual Art program. The student chooses a certain species in Indonesia that is endangered. Dharma Yanti Eka Wahyuni chooses Pangolin as her topic to be delivered in her project. She finds the reasons why Pangolin is categorized as endangered one, its habitat, its adaptation toward the environment, the diet, the threat and the solution to save them. She conducts the research and concludes that the threats of Pangolin are poaching and illegal trading, in addition people need to take actions by maintaining and caring for the environment. She visualizes her finding as well in the form of digital comic as she finds that this way is interesting method to gain people attention. Her objective of doing her project is for gaining people awareness toward environment especially for saving the existence of Pangolin.

POLJ 1.jpeg
POLJ 3.png
POLJ 2.jpeg

The Magnificent Komodo Dragon by Junio Aryo Buwono

This project is a collaborative work between Sciences and Visual Art program. The student chooses a certain species in Indonesia that is endangered. Junio Aryo Buwono chooses Komodo Dragon as his topic to be delivered in his project. He finds the reasons why Komodo Dragon is categorized as endangered one, its habitat, its adaptation toward the environment, the diet, the threat and the solution to save them. He conducts the research and presents his finding in the form of file presentation. He visualizes his finding as well in the form of painting. His objective of doing the project is for gaining people awareness toward environment especially for saving the existence of Komodo Dragon.


The Majestic Sumatran Rhinos by Muhammad Rasyid Wibisono

This project is a collaborative work between Sciences and Visual Art program. The student chooses a certain species in Indonesia that is endangered. Muhammad Rasyid Wibisono chooses Sumatran Rhinos as his topic to be delivered in his project. She finds the reasons why Sumataran Rhinos is categorized as endangered one, its habitat, its adaptation toward the environment, the diet, the threat and the solution to save them. He conducts the research and presents his finding in the form of file presentation. He visualizes his finding as well in the form of 3D art printing on T shirt. His objective of doing the project is for gaining people awareness toward environment especially for preventing the extinction and saving the existence of Sumatran Rhinos. He concludes that threat of Sumatran Rhinos is prominently high because today there are no more than 80 of them due to palm oil clear cutting. So, people need to take actions by reducing the use of palm oil

POLJ 1.jpeg
POLJ 3.png
POLJ 2.png

The Survival of Sumatran Tiger by Samara Avanie Khadijah

This project is a collaborative work between Sciences and Visual Art program. The student chooses a certain species in Indonesia that is endangered. Samara Avanie Khadijah chooses Sumatran Tiger as her topic to be delivered in her project. She finds the reasons why Sumatran Tiger is categorized as endangered one, its habitat, its adaptation toward the environment, the diet, the threat and the solution to save them. She conducts the research and presents her finding in the form of file presentation. She visualizes her finding as well in the form of sculpture and painting. Her objective of doing her project is for gaining people awareness toward environment especially for saving the existence of Sumatran Tiger. She concludes that the threats of Sumatran Tiger are habitat loss due to the expansion of palm oil plantation and poaching.

POLJ 1.jpeg
POLJ 3.png
POLJ 2.jpeg

Kampanye memelihara lingkungan oleh Muhammad Salman Farisyi

Hai nama saya Salman kelas 6. Saya akan berbagi pengetahuan bagaimana cara memelihara lingkungan di sekitar kita lewat video. Materi ini saya pelajari ketika saya belajar pada program science. Saya memilih projek ini karena saya suka kebersihan, oleh karena itu saya ingin lingkungan saya bersih selalu.


Let's Keep Our Bones & Muscles Healthy by Katrina Aurellia Josephine

This is a collaborative project with PHE and Service Learning program. The students made a campaign video about how to keep bones and muscles healthy using their Science knowledge.

Arfi's reflection.pdf
Safina Reflection Y4-Summative Science Term 4