Educationally Rich Mathematical Games

"Mathematical games are widely used in the primary classroom; however, not all games are equally valuable. How might teachers decide which specific games to introduce? The authors present five principles of educationally-rich games to support teachers to address this issue." 

Explores a sixth principle for educationally-rich mathematical games—almost all mathematical games have the potential to be transformed into an investigation.  This article builds on the previous article 'Five principles of educationally rich mathematical games'.

SURF Maths (James Russo)

"Games played virtually in a remote learning environment work best when they are simple to explain, involve minimal materials and where the same information is available to all players. "

Russo & Russo (2021)

"Land Grab (also known by other names, such as Multiplication Toss and Multiplication Paddocks) is a widely played game for exploring the area model of multiplication and consolidating student understanding of arrays."